The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding Page 19

by Crist, J. D.

  “I wanted to let you know that I talked to Jessica,” Shawn spoke as they walked inside. “She is going to be taking pictures, so you just need to enjoy the show.”

  “It’s weird that I get to be worried about stuff like this with the dead walking just outside the walls.”

  “You have built something amazing,” Shawn smiled. “You should be proud and just enjoy these moments.”

  “I’ll try,” Emily breathed. “Why don’t you get us a seat, and I’ll drop these two off?”

  “I’ll make sure you get front row,” Shawn grinned.

  Emily made her way upstairs and found Father Nathan doing a costume check on the other children.

  “Everything going, okay?” Emily asked.

  “I’m managing,” Father Nathan grinned.

  “We should be ready in just a few minutes. You can place Hope in the playpen and go get your seat.”

  Emily nodded and placed Hope in the playpen while Marley went around the room greeting all the children.

  “Good luck,” Emily smiled at Hope.

  “Mommy will be watching.”

  Hope grinned and seemed drawn into the excitement in the room. Emily forced herself to leave the room and make her way back downstairs. Emily quickly found Shawn in the front center pew. Emily sat down next to him and felt her nerves welling up inside of her. Emily felt Shawn reach over and grab her trembling hand.

  “It’s going to be fine,” he assured her. “It’s a simple pageant. She’s not trying to take down her first zombie.”

  “I can’t even think about that,” Emily shuttered at the thought of Hope fighting a zombie.

  Emily squeezed Shawn’s hand as Father Nathan walked out and welcomed everyone. Emily held Shawn’s hand throughout the entire production as she watched both Hope and Marley. When the children lined up for their final bow, Emily stood with Shawn and clapped with tears in her eyes.

  Once everything was done, Terra, who played Mary, brought Hope to Emily. Emily slowly made her way out of the church with Marley, Hope, and Shawn.

  The cool air caused them all to stand closer together once they stepped outside. Emily forgot about the troubles outside the walls as they all made their way back to Emily’s house. Once inside, Emily took off Marley and Hope’s costumes and placed Hope in the playpen. While it was Hope’s bedtime, there was no way she was going to lay down just yet with all of the excitement of the pageant. Emily walked over to Shawn, who was standing in front of the Christmas tree Emily had decorated.

  “I take it the little one has some presents stashed somewhere,” Shawn remarked.

  “Yeah,” Emily grinned. “I wanted to keep the magic of Santa for her.”

  “I slid one under here for her,” Shawn said, motioning to a box. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not,” Emily smiled. “I got you a little something.”

  “I got you something too, but I may have hidden it.”

  “Are you afraid I’ll peak?” Emily teased.

  “Maybe a little,” Shawn smiled back.

  Emily looked back at Hope to see that her energy was draining, and Hope was now lying down in the playpen.

  “I better get her to bed before she falls asleep.”

  “I’ll wait,” Shawn smiled at her.

  Emily picked up Hope and quickly made her way upstairs. Emily got Hope dressed and into bed, grabbed Shawn’s present, and headed back downstairs.

  “I decided to give you yours early,” Emily smiled as she handed Shawn the small box.

  “Well, then you can have yours too,” Shawn said as he took a box from behind the tree. Shawn handed the box to Emily and then turned his attention back to the one she had given him.

  Emily grinned and watched while Shawn opened the box she had given him. Shawn smiled as he pulled out a handmade patch from the box that read “SANCTUARY.”

  “I thought you could add it to your vest. You said it was a symbol of your family.”

  “Did you make this yourself?” Shawn asked, holding it in his hands.

  “I did,” Emily grinned.

  “I love it,” Shawn said. “I will be putting it on as soon as I get home. Now, you open yours.”

  “Okay,” Emily replied as she opened the box Shawn had given her.

  Emily carefully pulled out a picture frame and turned it over. Emily felt tears in her eyes as she looked down at the picture.

  “I had taken the pictures with a disposable camera I found. I made the frame, and Jessica helped me to develop the pictures.”

  Emily looked at pictures of her holding Hope, and they had to have been taken the few days after Hope was born.

  “I love it,” Emily smiled as she set the picture down and wrapped Shawn in a hug.

  Emily slowly pulled back but felt Shawn hold on to her. Emily looked up at him and watched as he slowly leaned down. Emily closed her eyes and felt his lips meet hers. Emily wanted to allow herself to fall into the moment but immediately heard a voice in her head.

  “Until death does us part,” Chad’s voice rang out.

  Emily forced herself to pull out of Shawn’s embrace and take a few steps back.

  “I’m sorry,” Shawn said, looking ashamed.

  “No, I’m sorry,” Emily replied.

  “I should go,” Shawn said while heading for the door.

  “Shawn!” Emily called as she ran towards him and grabbed his arm. “I’m sorry,” Emily began. “I have some pre-flash issues that I’m working through. I just have to finish before I can….” Emily couldn’t finish her sentence.

  Shawn turned towards her, and his face told her that he understood.

  “I’m a patient man,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll be ready when you are.”

  Emily allowed Shawn to pull her into another hug and stood there for a long time. Shawn eventually pulled away and smiled down at her.

  “I will see you in the morning,” Shawn said as he headed towards the door.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” Emily smiled back.

  Once Shawn had left, Emily went and picked up the picture of Hope he had given her. Emily looked down at the tiny baby in the photo and realized how much she had grown for the first time. Emily walked into the kitchen and grabbed the hammer and a nail. Once back in the living room, Emily hung the picture with the others on the wall.

  Hope woke at her usual time on Christmas morning and made her way around the living room when Shawn arrived.

  “Did you start without me?” Shawn asked as he entered.

  “Nope,” Emily smiled. “You got here just in time.”

  Shawn picked up Hope, who had walked over to him, and headed towards the Christmas tree. Marley laid by the tree, and Shawn set Hope, so she was leaning against him. Emily and Shawn sat and helped Hope to open her presents from “Santa.” Hope had a new teddy bear, hairbows, a few small toys, and a new dress when everything was done. Emily laughed as Hope opened her present from Shawn, and it was a small jean vest. Marley was not forgotten as he received a new chew toy and collar.

  Once all the presents were finished, Shawn stood on the floor and walked over to the front door. After looking out the window for a moment, he walked back to the center of the living room.

  “If you say it’s snowing, I’m going to have to call you a liar,” Emily laughed. She could not remember the last time that there had been snow on Christmas.

  “No, there’s no snow out there,” Shawn laughed.

  “Keeping an eye out for stray reindeer?” Emily joked.

  “Not exactly,” Shawn laughed back.

  “Okay, I give up,” Emily mused. “What the heck are you looking out the window for?”

  “Let’s get Hope’s coat on, and I’ll show you,” Shawn grinned.

  Emily eyed him carefully and slowly stood from the floor, picking up Hope as she went.

  “I don’t know if I should be scared or excited,” Emily said cautiously.

  “Proud,” Shawn replied as he he
lped Hope into her coat and handed Emily hers.

  “Yup,” Emily smiled. “Now I’m scared.”

  “Just follow me,” Shawn laughed as he headed for the door.

  Emily held Hope in her arms as she and Marley followed Shawn outside. Emily’s confusion grew as she saw that everyone in Sanctuary was gathered on the street in front of her house. Emily looked up at Shawn, who was still smiling from ear to ear.

  “What’s going on?” Emily asked as Shawn shut the front door behind her.

  “It’s officially been one year,” Bobby said as he stepped forward. “One year since you found Sanctuary and made it your home.”

  Emily looked at everyone, still feeling very confused. While this was a special day for her, she figured the day she started letting people in would be a day for celebration for everyone else.

  “If you hadn’t found this place, then none of us would be here,” Sam stepped forward beside Bobby. “We all just wanted to find a way to say thank you for giving us a home.”

  Emily looked at Hope, who seemed to be enjoying what was going on even though she didn’t understand it.

  “We all celebrate different things and give different gifts on this day,” Julia spoke. “But we as a community wanted to give you something together.”

  Emily looked up at Shawn, who continued to smile as he walked down the front steps and joined the crowd. Shawn and a few of the other men disappeared, and those who remained made sure to block Emily’s view of what they were doing.

  “I don’t understand,” Emily smiled.

  Just as she finished, Shawn and the others walked back through the crowd carrying something. Emily watched as they stood it up and turned it around for her to see. It was a large wooden sign with an inscription on it.

  Welcome to Sanctuary

  Designed by Robert

  Built by Many

  Made a Home by Emily

  Emily looked at everyone and felt pride, just as Shawn said she should.

  “We are going to put it outside the gate for everyone to see,” Bobby said with excitement.

  “Thank you all so much,” Emily managed to say without crying.

  Everyone began to clap as she walked towards them and took a closer look at the sign. Emily noticed that there were initials carved around the edge of the sign.

  “Is this…?” Emily began.

  “It’s everyone who lives here,” Terra chimed. “Derick says he can add the initials as people come to join us.”

  Emily looked and found Derick, who was nodding. She couldn’t help but be surprised that he was part of this and agreed to future work.

  “Do you like it?” Bobby asked.

  “I love it,” Emily grinned down at him.

  “Why don’t you all come inside, and I’ll make us something warm to drink?”

  “We don’t want to trouble you,” Isabelle said beside her. “Today is a day for the family.”

  “I know,” Emily smiled. “That’s why I want you all to come inside.”

  Everyone nodded as they understood what Emily was saying and began to make their way in.

  “You guys can lean that against the house for now,” Emily said to Shawn. “No one is getting out of this family celebration.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Shawn laughed.

  Emily watched as they leaned the sign against the house and then headed inside. Emily got Hope out of her coat and handed her to Margaret, who insisted on holding her. Emily made her way to the kitchen but found that it was already full.

  “We are making cocoa for everyone,” Terra smiled. “You go find a seat before they are all gone.”

  “Are you telling me I’m not allowed in my kitchen?” Emily looked at Terra sternly.

  “I am,” Terra said sternly back at her. “Are we going to have a problem?”

  “I’ll let you win this time,” Emily laughed.

  Terra nodded her head and seemed proud of her victory. Emily turned and headed back into the living. The room was filled with people, and there it was hard even to walk through. However, Emily found it surprisingly comfortable. The entire room was filled with laughter and love. Emily made her way slowly through the room, talking to everyone she passed. Emily was even able to have a pleasant conversation with Derick.

  Emily was surprised when a cup of cocoa was handed to her and saw that the cups were being passed throughout the room. Emily slowly drank her cocoa and enjoyed the atmosphere in the room.

  “You have grown a lot from the woman who found this place a year ago.”

  Emily turned to see Father Nathan standing beside her.

  “I’ve grown a lot from the woman I was before the flash,” Emily smiled back at him.

  “It’s hard for me to see you as you described from before the flash,” Father Nathan grinned back.

  “I’ll never be her again.” Emily felt confidence in herself as she spoke.

  “Well, that settles it,” Father Nathan nodded. “Congratulations.”

  “I don’t understand,” Emily said.

  “You are not the person you were. You are not the person who married Chad. I now pronounce you divorced.”

  Emily opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out. Emily instead felt herself smile. Father Nathan was right, and Emily felt free.

  “Thank you,” Emily smiled.

  “You’ve been free for a while,” Father Nathan explained. “You just had to realize it for yourself.”

  Emily nodded and knew that what he said was correct. Father Nathan slowly made his way back into the crowd, leaving Emily with her newfound freedom. Emily continued to watch everyone enjoy themselves, none of them minding how crowded the room was.

  “You look to be having a good time,” Shawn spoke beside her.

  “I am,” Emily replied. “It’s nice having a house full of family and love.”

  “Just remember that when they all leave and it’s time to clean up,” Shawn laughed.

  “It will be worth it,” Emily smiled.

  “I expected to see Hope with you,” Shawn remarked, noticing that Emily was standing alone.

  “She got kidnapped as soon as we came in,” Emily laughed. “I expect she will find her way back to me in time for a diaper change.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Shawn laughed.

  “Everyone loves that girl, and not even her dirty diaper could get them to send her away.”

  “You’re probably right,” Emily laughed. “I will just have to guard the door when they head home for dinner to make sure they don’t take her.”

  “That sounds like the best plan to me,” Shawn grinned.

  “Are you planning on sticking around for dinner?” Emily asked.

  “I thought it was a requirement.”

  “It is,” Emily laughed. “I was just testing you.”

  “You are not going to get me with your tricks,” Shawn laughed.

  A few more hours passed, and Emily watched as people began to leave. They were heading home for their Christmas dinners and a little quiet time. Emily was thrilled when Isabelle brought Hope to her before leaving. Emily was even more excited to see that Hope was in a fresh diaper and happy. Once everyone was gone, Emily allowed Hope to play while she and Shawn made dinner and cleaned up the cocoa glasses.

  Emily and Shawn sat down at the table with Hope for their Christmas dinner. They even made sure to give Marley a plate of food. Once they all had eaten their fill, Shawn helped Emily clean up the dishes. The process went faster than expected, and soon they were all sitting on the couch while Marley laid on the floor. Emily grabbed the remote and watched as the television came to life. They all watched as “It’s a Wonderful Life” played.

  Emily had promised that she would keep up this tradition her first Christmas here and was thrilled she could do it. Hope was showing signs of being ready for bed just as the credits began to play.

  “I should be heading home,” Shawn said as he stood. “I have the four am shift tomorrow.”

I should be getting her into bed,” Emily replied as she stood and followed him to the door.

  “Merry Christmas,” Shawn said as he pulled Emily and Hope into a hug.

  “Merry Christmas,” Emily said back as she hugged him with her one free arm.

  Emily shut the door behind Shawn as he left. Emily headed upstairs and got Hope ready for bed. Marley curled up under the crib as usual as Emily headed out. Emily made her way back downstairs, finished picking up the few things still out of place, and wrote in her journal. Emily found that the entry was longer than she planned, but she didn’t want to miss a detail of the day. Once Emily was finished and the journal returned to the shelf, she headed upstairs and got herself ready for bed.


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