Her Guardian Series Box Set

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Her Guardian Series Box Set Page 2

by G. Bailey

  "Hey, Drake," I say as I get in, and Alex pulls back from kissing Drake hello.

  "I thought Wyatt was coming with us?" Alex asks, noticing the empty seat by me. I smile widely, hoping he is ill or isn't coming.

  "He is meeting us there," Drake says bluntly before driving off.

  There goes my dream of taking off this dress and changing into my PJ’s, with a bottle of wine. I don't say anything, growing a little more nervous the nearer we get to Drake’s apartment.

  As we pull into the expensive apartment building, we can see the party has started. The music is loud, and there are cars everywhere. I mentally tell myself that going to a party at twenty years old is normal, and I should smile before getting out of the car. I walk next to Alex as Drake puts his arm around her shoulders. Just as we walk in and the loud music fills my ears, I see a blond man leaning against the wall next to the door of Drake’s apartment. I can't help but stare a little at his muscular frame and his strong-looking face that I have to admit is a little scary. He seems to notice me staring and looks right at me. I first notice his eyes are that nearly black in colour or maybe just a dark-brown like Drake’s. I look around, quickly noticing that nearly every girl nearby is watching the breath-taking guy like I am. My eyes draw back to his, noticing how powerful he looks. He can’t be more than twenty-five but looks like he owns the very street he is standing on. The guy’s eyes never leave mine as I look him over, and I shiver from the anger I feel in his eyes. How can someone look so serious and cold at our age? I continue walking with Alex until we stop in front of the guy, and I want to get to know him or hear him speak. My mind and body feel drawn to him, and I don’t like it.

  "Drake, this must be my date," the man says in a dark, underwear-dropping voice, nodding at Drake before looking back at me. I feel myself blush as his gaze takes in all of me slowly. I do the same, noticing for the first time that he is wearing a black jumper with black jeans, which look like they were custom-made for him; they possibly were.

  "Wyatt. It’s nice to meet you, Winter," he offers his hand. I take his cold hand, and he shocks me by bringing it up to his mouth and placing a kiss on the back. His lips feel cold on my hand, but I feel a strange shock when his lips meet my skin. It takes everything in me not to pull my hand away and run in the other direction like my body is screaming for me to do. For some reason, I don’t feel safe with him.

  "Nice to meet you, too," I mutter a slight lie, pulling back my hand.

  Wyatt just flashes me a knowing look before saying to Drake, "There was a problem tonight, they are getting braver," his deep voice gets stronger about whatever they are discussing. It’s almost like his voice draws you in and demands that you listen.

  "Just a few newbies chasing a pup, it's being dealt with," Drake smiles with a cold look in my direction.

  "Good. Now, can I get you a drink?" Wyatt asks looking back at me. It's strange to see how Wyatt spoke to Drake then. It was like a boss ordering around an employee, and worse, I had no idea what they were speaking about. What's a pup? Maybe it's a kind of business talk, I doubt they mean a puppy.

  "Sure," I say taking his open arm and letting him guide me through the house. I can feel how cold he is, even through his jacket. I look back to see Alex, who has disappeared with Drake. Knowing Alex, I bet they already left, thinking Wyatt seems nice, while I don’t feel that he is at all. He seems too haunted to be described as nice. Seeing how he just spoke to Drake makes me more distrusting of him.

  "Are you cold?" I ask, noticing that it's a hot summer day in May. I’m even warm in a little dress, and he is cold in a jumper.

  "Just cold-blooded," he winks at me. I can't help but blush a little, but who wouldn't when a very hot guy flirts with you. I know I need to act normal for a bit, before making an excuse and leaving. We weave through the hallways of the building and up two floors in the elevator which is filled with couples making out. I watch as they stop and stare at Wyatt like he is a god and ignore me completely. It’s all very odd.

  "So, tell me, what do you study?" he asks as we enter the kitchen. It’s a modern kitchen with many cabinets that don’t look used, and there’s even a bar on the one side next to an impressive window. There are a few people around, but it's quiet enough in here to not have to talk too loudly. Wherever the loud music is coming from, it’s not nearby.

  "I'm studying to become a vet. What about you?" I look over the view of the nearby forest and mountains as he hands me an opened beer. I don't like beer, but I'm not telling him that, so I pretend to drink it.

  "The family business," he says, still looking at me. He moves closer, so I have to lift my head up to look at him.

  Being so short can be really annoying at times, I think to myself. This guy has at least a foot on me, and I feel small around him. Now that he is closer, I can see that his eyes are definitely black with little silver sparks in them. I’ve never seen eyes like his, and they are really stunning. I clear my throat before asking, "Have you known Drake long?"

  "Yes, it feels like I've known Drake forever, sometimes," he grins at me like I'm missing a joke.

  "I feel like that with Alex, sometimes," I say, looking away because his eyes are so stunning that they draw you in. The other door in the room opens as a drunken man stumbles in; he quickly leaves again when he sees Wyatt but leaves the door open. Now I can see the living room, well it’s more a dance room. The dancing bodies are pushed so closely together that you can’t see their faces. The music is beating hard and fast compared to the slow-moving young people swaying around. I turn back to see Wyatt watching me closely.

  "Dance with me? You seem like you need to relax,” he asks. I lift my head to stare into his eyes, and I feel the need to dance with him, to do anything he wants. I stare at his eyes as he smirks, moving closer to me. I could have sworn his eyes had silver sparks, nothing like the empty, black pits I’m staring into now.

  I shake my head, stepping back. "No thanks, I don't dance," I say to Wyatt’s cold gaze. This time, his face converts into confusion, and he steps closer to me than before. We are almost touching with how close he is.

  "Dance with me, Winter," he says looking into my eyes again, his eyes glowing far brighter than they should. I yelp when he grabs my arm roughly. I take a step away. His grip is strong, but I realise he isn’t trying to hurt me. I don’t dare look away from him as the black, glowing eyes stare into me, like he is looking into my soul.

  "No, let go, Wyatt," I say firmly, challenging his grip by struggling away. I don’t know what changes, but he lets me go with an utterly confused and shocked look marking his handsome face.

  "How is that possible?" he mutters to himself, running his hands through his hair, and stepping away from me. I take the chance he gives me to run out the door, not caring who is looking. I have a feeling challenging a scary man like that is not a good idea. I don’t think running from him is a good idea either, but, hey, it’s all I have right now. I couldn’t have seen glowing eyes, right? I mean, that doesn’t even make sense to me, it must have been a trick of the light or something. I eventually make my way outside. I can’t believe my luck when I spot the guy from class, Harris, opening his car door for a young girl to get in. I’m glad I remembered his name now.

  "Wait, Harris!" I shout from the door, and he turns to me, looking a little shocked, but more worried than anything else.

  "Are you alright?" he asks, none too gently as he grabs my shoulders, pulling me closer, and looking me up and down.

  "Yes, but I could use a lift home," I say gently as I pull away from him a little, enough that he drops his warm hands.

  "Sure, I was just taking my sister home. My parents are going to kill her for sneaking out tonight. So, I'm sure she needs some extra time to come up with a decent excuse," he laughs, opening the back door for me.

  As I get in, I look behind me to see Wyatt watching me from the door. I swear I'll never forget the look he has on his face as he watches me get into the car. He is looking at me like
he is a starving man, and I am his meal. I gasp before slamming the door shut and closing my eyes for a second, resting my head against the cold leather.

  "So, what's your name?" the girl in the front asks the minute I get in. I smile as I hear her draw out the question. I open my eyes to see a pair of light-blue ones sparkling at me.

  "I’m Winter, and you are?" I put on my seat belt as Harris gets in.

  "I'm Katy. How do you know my brother?" she smiles, but it looks cheeky.

  "You should be thinking of excuses to help yourself, and not asking questions," Harris answers her question as he looks at me in the rear-view mirror. I smirk at him when I see he is trying not to laugh, and he winks at me.

  "They are going to ground me for life anyway,” she says to Harris with a huff and looks back at me. “So, do you have a boyfriend?" she asks, clearly not concerned about her parents, and I look her over now. She has the same light-brown hair as Harris and matching blue eyes, that are lighter than most. I would guess she is around sixteen, making her way too young to be here. She is wearing a purple dress that is as short as mine but makes her look a hell of a lot older than she is. I can see why Harris’s parents are going to be mad. I’m guessing the amount of makeup she has on isn’t going to help her case. She doesn’t need it, though; I can see under it all that she is very pretty.

  "No. I'm escaping a bad date, actually," I mutter as she laughs.

  "Harris should ask you out, he wouldn't be a bad date," she winks, and I see Harris blush.

  "I'm not dating anymore, but if I were, Harris would be a good choice," I say gently, letting them both down easily.

  "You should change your mind. You’re really pretty." She sighs, finally turning around. Harris asks for the address, so I give it to him before opening my phone. I'm surprised not to see any messages from Alex, and I send her a quick one:

  Date was awful, shame the hot ones are always crazy. I got a lift home. I will see you tomorrow. Love you xx

  I missed out on the start of the argument as I was texting, but from Harris’s angry face, he isn’t happy.

  “There are loads of them around right now, Katy. I don’t want to find you sneaking out again,” he shouts, leaving me to wonder what he is talking about. Katy is looking tense in her seat at whatever it is.

  “I know. But I never get to leave the pack,” she says, looking out the window with a long sigh. I’m sure that I see tears in her eyes as she picks her nails, looking worried.

  “It won’t always be like this, but please, for me, don’t leave again without one of us.” He stares at her for a moment, and I see her lower her gaze quickly.

  “I promise,” Katy says with a frown, and Harris nods, looking back at the empty road. I watch as he turns to look at me, and a grin lights up his face when he sees what I’m wearing. Typical guy, but at least he has the common sense to look back at the road after a second, not voicing his opinion.

  “What’s a pack?” I ask, clearing my throat and hopefully my red cheeks from Harris’s stare. I remember reading about packs of wolves in class, but I don’t think they are talking about that. Maybe it’s some kind of gang or a name of a house; I don’t want to guess because I’m sure I’m going to come up with something worse than what it actually is. I glance at Harris who isn’t answering my question, so I repeat myself.

  “Oh, it’s nothing important,” Harris says quickly, all the while he is glaring at Katy like a parent whose kid just told someone a big secret of theirs. I glance back at Katy, who looks very guilty, as she shrugs at me, and avoids looking at Harris at all. This night is proving to be all kinds of confusing, and I’m pretty sure forgetting it is the easier way. No one says anything else while we drive home, and a tense silence descends on the car.

  "Are you going to be okay to walk in? I don't think I can get in the car park with the gate down.” Harris looks at me, as he stops on the road outside my building. The whole building is close to the university, so it has to be on lock down after a certain time, and you can only walk in, past a locked gate. I’m lucky the gate’s broken, so you don’t need a key to get in. Well, unlucky in certain ways because it means anyone can get in.

  "Yeah, I'll walk in. The gate is open,” I say to Harris, and he nods, watching me closely like he wants to say something, but I get out of the car before he can.

  "Bye, Katy, and good luck with your parents," I say through the open window, and I laugh, hearing her grumble before I move away from the car. I wave them both off before opening the broken gate to the locked car park, the door is slightly open anyway from our neighbours.

  The car park is almost as big as the building in length, and you have to walk across the whole thing to get to my building. My building has three flats, on three levels, and we have the bottom one. The car park is empty besides my car and one other. I walk slowly; only the dim lights of the street lamps near the building are lighting my path, showing me where I’m going. In the distance, I notice a big, dark shape lying next to my car, near the door to my building. I run over quickly, my footsteps being the only noise in the dark night. I’m hoping the person is okay and pull my phone out of my bag as I run, ready to call an ambulance, but as I get closer, I see it’s a wolf.

  Could my night get any weirder?



  I slowly move forward to get a closer look, slipping my phone back in my bag. I’m a little relieved to see it’s not a big wolf. The wolf is the size of a small child and has light-brown fur, or it could be black, but I can’t tell in the dim light. The light catches against the large dagger stuck in its back leg. I hear him whine as he looks up at me with dark eyes, I don’t feel like he could attack me if he tried, so I carefully move closer. I know how dangerous it is, and Alex would kill me for this, but there’s a reason I wanted to be a vet. I love helping animals, I’ve been helping injured animals since I was a little girl, and I brought home a cat that had been run over. So, there’s no way I can leave this wolf now, no matter how foolish it might seem.

  "Hey you, look, I’m a vet,” I say in a calm, soothing voice, and then think to myself that I should leave out the in-training part.

  “I can help you, but you can't hurt me, or I will have to leave you alone, alright?" I say gently, hoping my calming tone of my voice soothes him enough that he will trust me. The wolf must be smart because I swear he is listening to every word and hasn’t growled at me once yet. He might be someone’s pet, as he doesn’t seem to be scared of me like most wild animals are of humans. I don’t know why I’m suddenly calling this wolf he, it might be a girl for all I know.

  The wolf whines at me, so I take that as a yes. I know I can't take him to a vet or they might put him down. Even if he is tame, most vets won’t help him. The wolf is a wild animal that is usually hunted in other countries, but I can't just do nothing. My mum would be going mad right now; like the time I brought home another injured cat that was a local stray, and it chased me around the house when it woke up, trying to bite me. That cat was not thankful for my help.

  I crouch down on my knees, carefully turning my phone light on to look more closely. The wolf is nearly all black, as I run a hand over his fur and pull it back because he is mostly covered in blood. I know I need to pull this dagger out and then get him inside to stitch it up. I’m lucky I have some stuff in my emergency medical box that I can use.

  "Alright, handsome wolf, I'm going to pull this out and then get you inside to my apartment. I can stitch this up for you,” I say to him. I swear that he actually blinks at me as an answer.

  “Please don't hurt me for this," I mutter and quickly pull it out with a shaky hand, and he yelps loudly. I’m surprised when he doesn’t growl at me, and I could swear little tears are coming out of his eyes as he collapses to the ground.

  "Shush, I'm so sorry, little wolf," I say gently as I stroke his neck. He passes out after a few seconds, which is likely from all the blood loss. I’m hoping he is strong enough to make it through this, because I
have no idea how much blood he could have lost just getting here. I stand up, looking down at the wolf, and think through my options quickly. I know, with him unconscious, I can get him back to my flat without making too much noise or distressing the poor creature.

  I look at the knife in my hand; it’s heavy, and I think it’s real silver as it shines in the moonlight, the blood dripping off it looking unnatural and scary. It has unusual drawings all over it that I don’t recognise, but they look very much like crowns. I put it in my handbag with my phone, shutting off the light. I'm lucky I’m kind of strong because carrying the large wolf the short walk to my ground floor apartment is almost killing me. I eventually get to my door, opening it before carrying the wolf into my lounge and placing him on the floor. I lean against the wall, getting my breath back, and look down at my red dress now covered in blood and stuck to me with sweat. I put the lights on and walk out to grab the first aid box out in the kitchen. When I come back in, I scream.

  I must be going crazy because where I left the wolf, there is now a young boy around eight or so, curled up in a ball, with a mop of black hair with blond tips covering his face, and he’s naked. I rush over to him, seeing how pale he is and looking around for the wolf in my small lounge. The front door is shut, so I know he didn’t get out, but as soon as I'm close to the boy, his body shakes before he shifts back into the black wolf.

  I scream again, dropping the box on the floor, and just stare at the passed-out little wolf.

  What the hell? I know I’m having a really bad night, but I really didn’t think I had gone completely mad. I slide to the floor, staring at the wolf, and I remember some weird things. Like all the books I read as a teenager about werewolves, and now there is a real one in my living room. Who knew they were actually real? Should I be running out of the room, screaming? The image of the small boy appears in my mind as I look at the wolf, and I realise that I don’t care what he is, he needs my help.


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