Her Guardian Series Box Set

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Her Guardian Series Box Set Page 18

by G. Bailey

  "Then you came back, with a heartbeat and normal eyes. You do smell like a vampire but slightly different," Atti finishes.

  "The pack, did many of them die? Are they okay?" I ask quickly. My heart feels in pieces at the thought that any of them are dead. Jaxson is my primary thought, and I hold back the urge to be sick at the idea he isn't okay.

  "I don't know, none of us have left this apartment for more than an hour since I brought you back," Wyatt says.

  "I have to go back to my apartment and then to the pack," I stand up, and Atti’s hand stops me.

  "There is more we need to tell you, and then we will all take you back to see them," Atti says, and I sit down.

  "What now?" I ask.

  "My father knows I turned you because some of the vampires saw me feed you, and they escaped. You’re expected at court to be introduced as my new mate in a week. We will have to travel to France and go to my old home. Atti will spell you so your eyes and heartbeat can't be detected. My court won't accept Atti or Dabriel to come with us, but they can visit if need be."

  “But, Alex’s eyes haven’t changed, so why do mine have to?” I ask.

  “Alex isn’t meant to be a full vampire. She shares blood with Drake regularly, and that’s how she mated with him. She never died, but you did, in front of a lot of vampires who told my father. If Alex died, then Drake would entirely turn her, but there are risks. Most don’t survive, I never expected you to,” Wyatt’s sentences drift off, and I feel a slight pain in my chest. I’m pretty sure it’s his emotion and not mine. I will have to ask him about that, alone maybe.

  “So, Alex could be human again if she stopped feeding with Drake?” I ask, not because I want her to, but I’m curious how this all works.

  “No, she would die, she is a half-mate. That’s what we call them, humans like Alex. She already is marked and needs vampire blood but not a lot of it. Most people don’t survive losing their mates anyway,” Wyatt answers.

  “So, your father expects me to be a full vampire?” I ask him.

  “Yes, the fact you were human will annoy him, but he will get over it,” he says, his voice sounding tired.

  "Do I have a choice? Is it safe?" I ask Wyatt.

  His grim look is the answer I need, but he responds anyway, "No, you don't have a choice, but I promised I would keep you safe. I will protect you."

  "Fine, but I want to see the pack first," I say, crossing my arms. I need to see Jaxson. I watch as Wyatt and Atti have a silent conversation.

  "Winter, we need to tell you something–" Wyatt starts.

  Alex comes into the room shouting, "I found chocolate that was hidden, that should stop your need to snack on us."

  "Thanks." I smile, accepting the food. I devour it all quickly as everyone watches, it’s a little weird. I'm so happy Alex found chocolate, it turned out to be Malteasers. Oh, how I love her.

  "Can I have one?" Atti reaches his hand over the chair for a Malteaser.

  "Not that I don't like you, but I will bite you if you try to take this chocolate from me. Fair warning." I grin up at him, and his hand moves away.

  "You can bite me whenever you like, Love," he winks.

  I can't stop staring at Atti, I've always known how attractive he is, but I don't know why he seems more now. Atti’s light-blond hair shapes his face as it falls on his shoulders and is parted at the top. The slight beard he is growing suits him. It’s like a glimpse into what an older Atti will look like. His grey eyes meet mine, as he gently strokes my cheek.

  "You will need to feed soon, Winter, I can feel you fading," Dabriel says, breaking up our moment, and I blink seeing that he is standing next to my chair.

  "I’ll sort it out," Wyatt says. I want to know how he plans to make me eat anything. If his mind power didn’t work on me as a human, it sure won’t now.

  "Fine," Dabriel says tensely to Wyatt but pats his shoulder.

  “I’m hungry, are there any Oreos in the cupboard, Alex?” Atti asks her.

  “Yes, but–” she answers, and is cut off by Wyatt.

  “Don’t be a little shit,” Wyatt says tensely as he stands.

  Atti laughs as he jumps up from his seat and walks out of the room. Wyatt moves quickly to catch up with him, and the two of them crash into the door. Atti disappears altogether into thin air.

  “You’re such a fucker, using your powers,” Wyatt swears before stomping out of the room.

  “Should I even ask?” I ask Dabriel, who just leans against the wall by the fireplace.

  “No,” he says with a small smile.

  "Right…when are we leaving?" I ask instead.



  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Wyatt asks me again. We’re travelling to my apartment after a long discussion with my mother over the phone. She is furious that Alex and I dropped out of university to go travelling. She was even madder that I didn’t have time or signal to call her. I’m so glad my mum doesn’t understand technology, or she would have seen straight through that massive lie. Eventually, I managed to get her to let me go after I said I just needed to explore before settling down. I still don’t think she believes me but isn’t pressuring me further. Despite mum’s anger, I believe she was glad to speak to me. Alex said she told mum that I had a bad break up with someone and needed some time away. My university course is on hold, for the considerable future. I’m not sure when I can go back, and it makes me sad. I worked so bloody hard to get into that university, and it’s all useless. I guess it’s nothing with respect to what Jaxson and his pack must be going through. If he survived.

  I’m sure he must be alpha now, and I wonder if he mated with Esta. Did he look for me at all? My heart breaks at the idea, and I know why. I love him, and it’s hard not to burst into tears every time I think of him. I’m so mad at him for letting Esta kiss him, and I’m mad at him for not loving me back. Jaxson had never been a coward before, but he was when he walked away from me.

  "Yes, I need to see him. I need to know he is alive. I met someone called Jaxson, and I have to know." I tell Wyatt who nods at me with a tense look. Atti and Dabriel are in the car behind us because Wyatt’s convertible won’t fit more than two, and Wyatt refused to drive anything else. I wouldn’t let Atti use his power because if Jaxson is here, popping in with a witch wouldn’t get a great reaction from him. It just wasn’t worth the possible argument. I cover Wyatt’s hand on the steering wheel as we pull up outside my apartment. Alex told me that Atti got clothes for me but didn't stay long and that no one had gone back. I cringe, thinking of Atti going through my underwear. I’m glad that he only packed the sweet things. Not my granny panties I use for my period. I think I would die of embarrassment if he saw those.

  "Are you coming?" I ask a tense Wyatt, who nods at me.

  We both get out of his car as Atti pulls up in his, and they both get out. They walk with me in the middle to my apartment until I push them out of the way.

  "I'm walking in first," I mutter.

  "I have the keys, Love." Atti holds the keys up in the air, and I hold my hand out. After he makes me jump a little, he gives them to me, and I let myself in.

  I stare in shock as I see Harris sleeping on my sofa. He’s wearing just jeans, and his hair is all messed up. He must have heard us move into the room, and I walk over, dropping to my knees in front of him.

  "You're alive," Harris says in a whisper as he opens his eyes to face me. I laugh as he pulls me to his naked chest, and I hear three very thunderous-like noises behind me before someone pulls me away from Harris.

  "Get a shirt on, wolf, and call your alpha," Atti says, his mouth close to my ear, and his arm sliding around my waist. I hear the threat laced into his words, and it pisses me off. I'm not used to Atti acting all alpha male on me.

  "Who the fuck are you?" Harris stands up off the sofa.

  "The fucking prince of the witches. In fact, you’re with all the princes, and we need Jaxson."

  Harris’s mouth dro
ps open, and I turn to glare at all three of them.

  "You know Jaxson? Is he alive? Does he know I am?" I ask all these questions quickly, and none of them answer me because they are staring at the door.

  "I didn't know you were alive, but I never gave up. Not for one second," Jaxson says from the open door. I push my guys out of the way and run to Jaxson. I throw myself into his open arms, and he squeezes me tightly to him.

  "Jaxson, I–" I start, but he stops me with a kiss. I didn't expect the kiss, but I don't stop it as he pulls my head closer and takes control of the kiss as his tongue slips inside my mouth.

  I’m pulled away from Jaxson by strong arms, and I know it's Dabriel by his smell.

  "You don't fucking deserve her! You nearly got her killed, and I won't watch you hurt her like this," Wyatt says and punches Jaxson. I'm surprised that Jaxson doesn't stop the punch as his head swings to the side. Jaxson just nods his head at Wyatt. They both stare each other down.

  “Leave, Harris,” he tells Harris who nods before walking out the door and shutting it behind him.

  "One you get because I should have protected her. Try it again, and you’ll start something you can’t fucking finish, Wyatt," Jaxson warns.

  Wyatt just laughs darkly before tackling Jaxson, and they both fly through the wall of my apartment and into the living room.

  Hell, there goes my deposit on this place. I run around the massive hole in the wall to see Jaxson throw a punch at Wyatt.

  “Stop!” I shout and feel a pressure inside my head. I hold my head and close my eyes as the feeling leaves me. When I open my eyes, all four of the guys are on the floor. The furniture is all over the place, and four pairs of worried eyes are staring at me.

  "Stop it, both of you! You all have a lot of explaining to do!" I shout at them, and they are still silent. All of them are on the ground near the walls, and it just hits me that I don’t know how they got here.

  “J, did you see her glow blue?” Atti asks Jaxson, who nods.

  “She is definitely not human,” Dabriel says as he stands up. The familiar look he gives Jaxson makes me confused.

  "First off, I need to talk to Jaxson, alone,” I say when Dabriel goes to say something, but I interrupt him.

  “Then you guys are going to explain how the fuck you all know each other," I say, and they all look at each other like they’re seeing who is brave enough to tell me.

  "What the fuck did you do to her?" Jaxson asks Wyatt, and he never takes his eyes off me.

  "No fucking idea, the glowing silver eyes are clearly from me, but mine only turn when I'm feeding, as you know," he replies.

  "They are pretty," Dabriel says.

  "Winter is hot when she’s mad," Atti agrees, nodding his head at Dabriel.

  "What the hell are you guys muttering about?" I ask with my hands on my hips.

  "Your eyes are silver, lass," Jaxson says with an amused look.

  "Oh, again?" I say and walk away from them all and into my bedroom. The second I see myself in the mirror, I hold in the urge to jump backward. I don’t think I will ever get used to seeing myself like this.

  "It must be a side effect of Wyatt turning you, he hasn’t turned anyone before," Jaxson says from the door to my bedroom, and he comes in, shutting the door behind him.

  "It's weird," I move away from my mirror and sit on the end of my bed. I don’t mean just my eyes or being alone with Jaxson. Everything has changed, and the secret world I’ve just been introduced to, I have somehow become part of. I remember the last day of university and how happy I was to go home. Just the thought of my mother sitting alone, worrying about Alex and me is enough to make me want to break down. I glance up at Jaxson, his arms crossed as he stands to watch me. Jaxson looks impressive as always, but something is different. I can see it in his eyes as he looks at me, I feel like something massive has changed between us. Jaxson is wearing worn jeans and a tight, white shirt that leaves his muscular arms for all to see. The green eyes that make his face seem more attractive than he already is, watch me with the same interest. There has always been this attraction between us, even when he was breaking my heart.

  "Is everyone okay? Freddy and Katy? Anna?" I ask him as he sits on the bed next to me.

  "Yes, Katy was touch-and-go for a little while, but she made it and is back to herself now. Fergus is," he stops, clearing his throat, and I cover his hand with mine.

  "I am so sorry for your loss. Fergus was a good man and a real alpha." I say, and he nods, looking at the ground.

  “He was. I found his body, someone in the pack killed him,” he tells me, and I lean back a little shocked. From what I saw and heard, they loved their alpha. I don’t understand why anyone would kill him and let vampires in. It must have been pre-planned because of how it happened. There is no way it was a coincidence.

  "That night, I know you saw Esta kiss me." He starts, and I try to move off the bed, but his large arm stops me. Jaxson turns me to face him, so I have to look into his eyes as he talks. I hold back my emotions because I don’t want him to see how I feel. All I want to do is run from this conversation. Hearing him talk of Esta, who could be his mate by now, will destroy the little grip I have on the sanity that I have left.

  "I ended the mating before the party, she surprised me by that kiss, and she has never tried to kiss me before. I didn't kiss her back, Winter. I told her how I only see her as a friend,” he tells me. I can’t hide my shock as Jaxson smiles a little and moves closer to me on the bed. His face is inches away from mine as he speaks.

  “I knew from the moment I met you, it was you for me. But I didn't, and still don't, know how to keep you safe in my world," he tells me, and I watch as he slides off my bed and kneels in front of me. Jaxson stares up at me, eyes full of emotion that is squeezing my heart. I wipe my tears away as I look down at him on his knees. I remember a time when he said he would never kneel for anyone, yet here he is.

  "I know there is a lot we have to face before there's even a chance of a happy ending for us, but I need you to know I love you, and I will do anything to keep you safe. I never thought I’d fall in love with a human, a human who can make me laugh and be the sexiest women I’ve ever seen without even realising it. My world is full of danger, and not everyone will accept you, but I will be there. I will be at your side," he says.

  My heart beats fast, and I blurt out, "I want you at my side, when I met you I thought you were a jackass."

  He chuckles, “I think I’m the more romantic one if that’s all you’ve got to say, lass.”

  I laugh, “Despite how much you tried to keep me at a distance, I fell for you. I fell for the playfulness, the sarcastic remarks, the loving nature you gave Freddy and most of all, how you looked at me sometimes.”

  “How did I look at you?” he asks.

  “Like you wanted to kill me and kiss me at the same time. I love you, Jaxson,” I tell him.

  His face lights up in a grin, and he stands up, pulling me with him and presses a gentle kiss on my lips. We hold each other for what feels like a lifetime before he lets me go.

  "We have a lot to tell you; come on, lass," he says, pulling me out of the room.

  I stop to shut my door and ask him, "Like how you guys know each other?"

  "Yes, and I know you’re not going to like it," he mutters with a little grimace at me. I raise my eyebrows, but I don’t reply, and instead, I walk in front of him.



  When I come into my lounge, it's to the sight of three incredibly hot guys sitting on my couches looking equally worried and looking like they could be selling the sofa with how attractive they are. All their faces light up when they see me.

  Atti shouts, "Come sit next to me, Love." I let go of Jaxson’s hand and take the seat on the sofa, next to him. Wyatt and Dabriel are on the other sofa, and Jaxson leans against the wall. All their eyes are on me.

  "Start talking," I say firmly.

  Wyatt looks around before groanin
g, "I guess I'm telling her?"

  "Yes." Dabriel answers, and I jump a little as Atti moves closer to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I swallow the urge to lay my head on his shoulder. It’s unfair that I’m so attracted to them all. Jaxson is the stern one. Wyatt is more passionate, as much as Atti is playful. Dabriel comes across as protective and sweet at times. All of them are the perfect guys.

  "We have known Jax our whole lives. You know I said we were all friends growing up. Jax was with us until we fell out." Wyatt says, and Jaxson growls loudly.

  "Winter, we always knew that we would find a human. A unique person that could be our mate to share. Most of us didn’t believe we would find you alive or find you at all,” Wyatt says, and I have to force myself to answer him and not focus on the shared part.

  "The prophecy?" I ask, and Wyatt nods, looking impressed that I figured that out.

  “We don’t know if it’s true, but our births were the first proof in hundreds of years,” Dabriel says, and I nod remembering Atti telling me that they were all born on the same day. I wonder if Jax was too.

  "Someone best tell me the damn thing then," I reply, and Atti snorts in laughter.

  "You could say please, lass," Jaxson says, and I smirk at him.

  "Nope," I draw out the word.

  He laughs at me while everyone else looks a little confused.

  "I will tell you," Dabriel says and starts the prophecy.

  The blue-sided human will choose a side.

  When four princes are born, on the same day, they will rule true.

  Her saviour will die when the choice is made.

  If she chooses wrong, she will fall.

  If she chooses right, then she will rule.

  Only her mates can stop her from the destruction of all.


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