Her Guardian Series Box Set

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Her Guardian Series Box Set Page 45

by G. Bailey

  "Hey, Winter," his little face lights up.

  "I got you something, can I come in?" she asks, and he opens the door. It's not too bad, but I still have to pick some clothes off the floor and bed. I chuck them in the basket by the door and close it. Wyatt leans on the wall by the dresser, and Freddy glares at him.

  Winter sits on the end of his bed, and Milo flies over to her shoulder as Freddy sits next to her and opens the bag.

  "Wow, it's a wand," Freddy holds it up.

  "It's made from a witch stone. It's a spirit wand, I thought it looked Harry Potter-like," Winter says, and he nods. The wand starts glowing and Winter tries to pull it out of his hand as Freddy’s eyes roll back, going fully white.

  "Freddy!" Winter shouts. I rush in front of him and hold his head in my hands, but he doesn’t respond. Wyatt pulls the wand with Winter, but it's stuck in his grip, and I shake his head a little.

  "Freddy!" I shout, holding his chin up, and he finally snaps out of it. The wand stops glowing, and Freddy lets it fall to the ground. Standing, Freddy pulls away from me.

  "You’re my father," Freddy says with a glare at Wyatt. Wyatt backs up a little, but doesn’t take his eyes off Freddy. Fucking hell, what did the light-up stick tell him? How the hell did it tell him that?

  "Yes," Wyatt answers simply.

  "You didn't tell me?" Freddy looks at me with anger and a slight bit of fear. I can’t tell him being a half wolf and half vampire is safe—I have no idea what he will become when he gets older. When wolves are around sixteen, they go through a change. Their wolves change size, some are smaller, but most become bigger. This is also the time they get extra abilities. Freddy already has a few: fast healing, immunity to silver, and he is so fast for his age.

  "I was sworn not to tell you by your mother, she didn’t want you to know until she could tell you, but that didn’t happen. After that, it was safer for you not to know. I wanted you to have the most normal upbringing I could give you,” I tell him. His brown eyes, so much like Demi’s, watch me. The boy has already been through so much at such a young age. I really didn’t give him that much of a fucking normal upbringing like I wanted to.

  “How did you know?" I ask him, and Freddy stands up.

  "That wand showed me my mother. She was standing right next to me, and she told me who he is to me. She said she loved me and loved you," Freddy points at Wyatt. Winter looks down, and Wyatt’s jaw is ticking as he watches Freddy.

  "You saw Demi's ghost?" Wyatt asks, a hint of the love in his voice he had for my sister. I glance at Winter, but she doesn't seem to be upset about it. If anything, she just looks worried as she glances between Freddy and Wyatt.

  Freddy starts shaking, his whole body getting close to shifting in anger.

  "Freddy, listen to me," I say, adding a little alpha power, and I draw his gaze away from Wyatt.

  "This changes nothing. I'm still here for you, and so is Winter. Wyatt is your father and a good man; one of the best men I know, and I would trust him with my life. I grew up with Wyatt; he might be a stubborn little git, but he is my brother. Give him a chance. I’m not telling as your alpha or commanding you. I’m asking as your uncle and your friend," I say. Freddy looks at Wyatt for a long time, the stubbornness in his jaw reminds me of his dad.

  "Tell me about my mother and you," Freddy says as the shaking stops, and he looks calm. I see Wyatt nod from the corner of my eye. Winter gives me a relieved look, and I smile. Fucking hell, that could have gone badly.

  "Let’s go for a walk, Freddy," Wyatt says, and he opens the door. He doesn’t wait as he walks out, but he glances at Winter. I see her nod at him before he turns.

  Freddy follows but stops in front of me and asks, “Wyatt brought my mum to you, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, and he stayed to protect her. Even after she died, he stayed around and protected the pack. Even you.”

  “Okay,” Freddy says, and he hugs me. I wrap my arms around him, remembering the late nights where he would wake up crying from his fear of lightning as a baby, and the first time we played basketball together. I knew he was never mine, but I treated him like he was. He has always been more than my nephew to me; he is a son to me. Freddy lets go and walks out.

  "Smart boy," Winter comments, watching the doorway. She sits on the end of Freddy’s bed and picks the wand up.

  “Atti put some magic into it. He said it would just shoot white sparks,” Winter admits.

  “I'll have a word about giving real magic toys to a kid later,” I say with a groan. I should have known Atti would have something to do with this.

  “Sorry, Wolfman, I should have–” she starts.

  I wave a hand to cut her off. “I know. Don’t worry. No harm was really done, but Atti is a strong enough witch to know what magic he is fucking with,” I say and sit by her on the bed.

  "Family good," Milo says making Winter jump. Even I forgot the little shit was here.

  "Do you have family, Milo?" Winter asks him as he flies into her hand in her lap.

  "Yes, but like drink," he says sadly. Winter and Alex have been working on his speech. It isn’t great, but I doubt he had much time to learn when he was with the others. Massive parties where they wreck shit aren’t good for learning. I didn’t know they could speak more than two words before I met Milo.

  "Why don't you drink and party like them?" I ask him, and he turns to look at me. I don’t know how he managed to get the weird, pink, tutu dress thing he is wearing, but fuck, he looks weird. I thought he was a guy?

  "We used to be different," he says, and I nod.

  "You know you’re family to me now, Milo," Winter says, and Milo flies to her cheek, he presses a little kiss to her.

  "Same," he says, and Winter’s whole face lights up. The little thing may be annoying, but if he can make Winter happy then, fuck it, we’re keeping him.

  "If you stay away from my fucking chocolate brownies and don't make a bed out of them, I’ll keep you around," I say, and Winter snorts in laughter.

  "They nice, and I eat bed," Milo shrugs.

  That little fucker.

  "Can't be as bad as the bowl he filled with Atti's chocolate milkshake and lay in it naked. Atti said he would never get the image out of his head," Winter tells me.

  "Yummy," Milo says, and I laugh.

  "I've changed my mind, I like him," I say, and Winter grins.



  “How long did you know my mother for?” Freddy asks me. My son is looking at me like he’s seeing me for the first time. In a way, he is. This is fucked up, and yet, I’m glad he knows. I felt like a weird stalker following him around the castle. I did learn that he is strong and good with a sword but fights like Jaxson. I can fix that. I know he’s smart, smarter than others seem to realise.

  “I knew Demi my whole life. I remember her always being around. Her human foster mother was my maid, and she brought Demi with her to learn how to clean,” I tell Freddy. We stop talking when he sees a bench and sits down. I sit next to him and just look at him. He looks like me a little, but so much like Demi.

  “So, she was your slave,” Freddy deduces.

  “For a time, but, honestly, she was the worst one and just told me point-blank to get over myself. Demi was real when the rest of my people were not. Most people were scared of me or wanted to get close because I would be king. Demi just wanted a friend, and that’s what we were at the start,” I tell him. When he doesn’t respond, I keep talking.

  “Then things changed one night. After that, we kept our relationship a secret. We didn’t have a choice, and I wanted to get her out.”

  “Why didn’t you just run away with her?” Freddy asks me.

  “Part of me–back then–loved my father, and I didn’t want to run away. I loved Demi, but she wouldn’t ask me to do that,” I say. It’s true, I used to look up to him. I’m not sure why I did, but when he had Demi killed, that ended any good feelings I had for him.

  “Two months la
ter, my father bragged about how he had the half-sister to the werewolf prince. I knew he meant Demi because she was the only wolf in the castle. I took her to Jaxson the next day. She wanted me to stay, but I knew we could never work. It was better for her to have Jaxson look after her and find a wolf to have a life with,” I say.

  “So you walked away?” Freddy growls out.

  “No. I stayed in town. I stayed close, because I couldn’t walk away,” I tell him, and he doesn’t look at me.

  “Where were you when she died?” he asks and looks over at the castle.

  “My father planned it all. He called me back to the castle, said it was urgent, and I was needed. I shouldn’t have gone,” I admit to him, it was a stupid move.

  “Why did you fall in love with my mother, when you knew Winter would come into your life?” Freddy asks, seeming older than he is.

  “Falling in love is never a choice. It’s something that takes over you and knocks you on your ass when you least expect it. It happened to me, both with Demi and Winter. Just because I’m with Winter, I haven’t forgotten your mum,” I tell him and place my hand on his shoulder. It’s the first time he has let me touch him, and I know it’s a big step when he doesn’t move.

  “I wish I remembered her,” he says sadly.

  “I always wish the same with my mother, too. I never had anyone around to tell what she was really like, only rumours. You have that with me; I will tell you anything you want about Demi,” I say, and he looks over at me. One nod, and then he stands up, and I move my hand away.

  “Jaxson is a dad to me. Don’t expect me to start calling you dad, I don’t even call him that,” Freddy warns, making me smirk.

  “No problem, son,” I lean back on the bench.

  “You can’t call me that,” Freddy says, and he crosses his arms and looks at me like he wants to kill me. There’s my son.

  “I’ll do whatever I want, and you are my son. If you don’t want to call me dad, that’s fine, but I am going to be a dad to you,” I tell him honestly. I’m not hiding him anymore; people are going to know that half-breeds exist, and that Freddy is my heir. That makes him a prince, whether he likes it or not.

  “I don’t want that,” he says angrily, his whole body shaking with anger.

  “I know,” I reply, and I watch as he storms off.

  Drake and Alex walk over to me, coming out of the trees near the edge of the castle. Alex still has twigs in her hair, and Drake has a big grin as he kisses her. Both of them are dressed for training, the camp we have set up is on the other side of the castle. It’s good for the werewolves and vampires to train together. Not that they do, but it’s progress that they aren’t trying to kill each other.

  “I figured out what’s in Paris,” Drake says as he stops in front of me, his voice going stern and losing whatever happiness he had with Alex mere seconds ago. She clings onto his arm, and I have a feeling it’s not going to be a good answer.

  “Well?” I ask.

  “Silver weapons. The biggest collection in the world is on display in a museum in Paris. He wants the people and the weapons,” Alex says, her voice high and panicked.

  “That’s fucking perfect,” I grit out. I stand up and run my fingers through my hair as I pace. How can we tell our people and Winter about this?

  “There’s another thing we need to tell you about,” Alex adds in, and I turn to meet her eyes, but it’s Drake that replies.

  “Humans are posting online about groups of demons walking around. They are always in groups of ten. Some are recognising them as the missing people that are in Paris. The government is struggling to keep this a secret.”

  “Most of the humans just think they are strange people wearing odd makeup, but I looked at the videos on YouTube. They are demons, and the groups are everywhere. Not attacking, just walking from town to town. They don’t respond when people talk to them, they just keep walking–” Alex says.

  “He’s sending out patrols to find us,” I cut her off. It’s smart.

  “Why? Winter said he has been at this castle. He killed Elissa here, so he knows where we are,” Alex says, reminding me of Winter’s dream.

  “Maybe it’s hidden from him, I’m not sure,” I say.

  “We need to be sure. We have so many young here,” Alex says.

  I nod at her. “I am well aware of our issues, but don’t tell Winter about this. Not until she wins these fights. She doesn’t need any more worry,” I say, and they both nod in agreement. “Go and have the day off. I will train the men and women today,” I say.

  They both look happy at the idea. Drake picks Alex up and throws her over his shoulder as she squeals. “Thank you, prince,” Drake chuckles when Alex tries to wriggle free.

  I want that peace with Winter one day. Hopefully, one day soon.



  "Wow," Atti says, and then clears his throat as he looks at me. I should be the one saying “wow” when Atti is dressed like a hot pirate. He has a loose white shirt on that dips to show off his impressive chest. He has a white cloak on, stretched around his large shoulders and tight black trousers. Honestly, I expect him to throw me over his shoulder and take me to his ship.

  "This looks okay?" I ask, glancing down at the white, lacy dress I'm wearing. Tonight is the summer solstice, and witches all go to the trees to dance and celebrate. Atti wants to take me; Leigha is watching the house, and Dabriel had to visit the pack to heal a few people after a fight broke out. The wolves and vampires are still having trouble mixing. I was left to Alex and her fashion do over.

  "You look amazing, no hot, no wait, I can think of a good word," he mumbles out, making me chuckle.

  "So, what happens tonight?" I ask him.

  "A big party and...” Atti stops and shakes his head. He takes my hand and pulls me close, "I'd rather just show you," he says, and we float away with his power.

  When we reappear, we are in the middle of a crowd. A few people stare at us and bow their heads. Other witches look on in worry or just walk away from us. It takes me a second to recognise them as witches because they all have their hoods down. Most of them have black or dark-blonde hair like Atti. There are a few with silver hair, which makes me wonder which side they are from. They have a mix of skin tones as well, but most have a gold complexion like Atti’s. Sun-kissed skin. I glance up at the stars in the sky; they are so bright here.

  There's a long table full of different food spread down the middle of the trees. Children and parents spin in circles as music plays fast, merry tunes.

  The trees have yellow bunting hanging between them, and I can hear the trees singing to the music. They’re happy.

  I smile up at Atti who takes my hand and leads me through the crowd to the dancers. He spins us around, and we hold hands as we dance around in circles like the others. I laugh as he pulls me close and spins me out. We dance close, my big smile matching his. Our hips sway to the music, and my head is tucked into his chest.

  The song ends, and I clap with everyone else for the small band–just a few witches playing a variety of different instruments with one singer. People are still staring, but it isn't too bad. I kind of got used to it at the vampire castle.

  "Will you dance with me?" a little girl asks Atti. She looks around five with her white hair in two plaits, and is wearing a little yellow dress. It reminds me of the yellow dress I saw myself wearing as a toddler with my mother. It’s hard not to feel the pain with the memory–the tears running down my mother’s face.

  Her mother, I guess, comes running over and lowers into a bow.

  "I am so sorry for my daughter, she doesn't realise who you are," the blonde woman says. She stands up; she has on a simple, white corset dress that falls to the ground.

  "I'm just a witch like her. I would love to have this dance with you, my lady," Atti says and does a bow to the girl, who giggles.

  Atti holds a hand out, and she takes it. I move back next to the woman and watch as Atti picks the gir
l up and dances around with her.

  "He will make a good father, my lady," the woman says, and I nod watching him. I can’t imagine a life where I would feel safe enough to have a baby. The world we live in isn’t safe, and yet, I could see a little girl with my hair and maybe Atti’s eyes. I could imagine having a child with any of my guys.

  "Agreed. I'm Winter," I hold out my hand to her, and she accepts it.

  "I sincerely hope you win the last fight. I have always believed in the goddess," she tells me. Her light grey eyes are large on her bold-looking face. There’s a slight scar by her eye that stands out in her perfect face.

  "Thank you," I nod, and she smiles.

  "I’m going to try the food; could you tell Atti where I am?" I ask.

  "Of course, my lady," she bows again, and I move away towards the food.

  "This is a message from the queen," a woman I recognise steps in front of me. The woman is one of the two I usually see with the queen. She is the pretty one, with the long blonde hair, and is a light witch. I wonder why she is on Taliana’s side and not Atti’s.

  "What is it?" I ask, and she smirks before answering.

  "The next fight is the last, and you are allowed two women to fight with you. This fight will be the end, the queen is done with the games as we have a war to fight," she says, her voice echoing, and everyone stops to stare at us. The music cuts off a second before I feel Atti appear next to me and slip his hand around my waist.

  "Fine," I reply. The woman disappears. The witches all go back to whatever they were doing, but a lot of them are still watching us.

  "Who are you choosing?" Atti immediately asks me.

  "Leigha and Alex. I don't know any others to help me," I say.

  "Two vampires are not a good idea. Leigha, yes, but Alex is still so untrained," he says. I guess he is right; Alex wouldn’t be a good choice. Also, I would be way too distracted trying to protect her.

  "Who would you suggest?" I ask.


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