Her Guardian Series Box Set

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Her Guardian Series Box Set Page 60

by G. Bailey

  “Freedom!” Wyatt shouts as he moves next to me.

  “For Queen Winter,” Dabriel says as he steps forward.

  “For those we lost,” Jaxson says as he stands next to me, and his hand finds mine.

  “And for the future,” Atti finally says and steps forward. We all hold hands as the people cheer, and for the first time, we watch as they actually help each other. The first step in creating peace. Now, we need to win the war.

  * * *

  “Be safe,” I tell Dabriel, and he gently kisses my nose, making me giggle. Dabriel doesn’t need to say any words as we look at each other, all the love he feels for me is written in his eyes. Dabriel only nods before walking away and out the doors of the castle, to his angels to be at their side in the war. I wouldn’t expect him to be anywhere else, but worry still fills me when I watch him walk out.

  “Queen Winter?” a small, familiar voice says behind me, and I turn to see the half Fray child, Nathaniel.

  “Nathaniel, right?” I ask, looking down at him a little. Nathaniel pulls out a dagger from his cloak, the blade is glowing purple, and there’s silence around the room as several people stop to stare.

  “I can make weapons more powerful than Fray-touched, and I made this for you. I’m not that strong yet, and this took me days. I want you to win,” Nathaniel says, and I pick the dagger up from him as Soobeen walks over to us. The dagger feels powerful, I can tell. I slide it into a space on my dagger belt.

  “Thank you. I won’t forget this, and it will help me win,” I tell Nathaniel, who shyly nods.

  “Nathaniel, we must go,” Soobeen says as she wraps an arm around her son.

  “You have an amazing son, you must be proud,” I say, and Soobeen looks down at her son.

  “Very proud,” Soobeen says and walks off with her son as I watch.

  “Winter?” I hear Alex say, and I look behind me to see her with Drake and Atti. Drake is dressed for war, there is literally no other way to describe him. He has weapons on every single part of his body, and some of them I’m not sure I would even know how to use. They just look like sharp things. A small sob comes from Alex, who wipes her eyes with the men’s jumper she has on over her leather leggings.

  “You okay?” I ask her, and she nods quickly, putting on a brave smile. I know that smile because it’s all I’ve done all day when I’ve spoken to anyone. Act brave, or that’s what I kept telling myself.

  “I can’t lose you,” she says, and I hug her. I can’t give her words of encouragement, not when I know I have to die to close that portal. There isn’t another way. I hate that I won’t get to meet her little one, but at least I know her child will live. Since Atti saved me, I’ve tried to swallow the fear and guilt of leaving my mates behind, but I know it’s no use. It’s me or the rest of the world, and as I pull away and look at Alex, I know she has to survive this. Her baby needs to be born into a good world.

  “You go and kill him,” Drake says to me, and I nod. Alex kisses my cheek before walking off with Drake. I smile at Harris as he pulls Leigha into a deep kiss by the door. I know they will look after each other.

  “Be right back,” Atti says and walks a few steps away from me to talk to a couple of witches who seem to be arguing.

  “Winter!” I hear Freddy shout and turn to see him running over to me from the stairs. I hold him close as he nearly knocks me over when he gets to me. I pull back when I see his swords strapped to his back, and the reality that he is going to be protecting the women and children with Alex sets in. It’s strange that the kids of this war are needed to help, and what childhood Freddy could have had is lost in war. The poor boy has lost so much, and I don’t want him to lose anyone else. I don’t want to leave him.

  “You do as Dabriel and Atti ask, okay? I need you to be safe, Freddy,” I whisper to him and pull him closer one more time. I don’t want anyone else to hear my words.

  “I will,” he whispers back, and I pull back and look down at him.

  “Why do you have your swords on your back, then?” I ask, and he grins.

  “Just in case they come near the women and children. I might need to kick some demon–”

  “Don’t finish that sentence,” I say with a laugh, and he grins.

  “I’m not a kid, anymore. I haven’t been just a kid for a long time,” he tells me, and I know he is right, but it doesn’t make the situation any better. I hope after all this is done, he can have some part of a childhood again, but I doubt it. He is on the vampire council, and he will be the heir to all of the thrones when I finish this war.

  “Just think, this all started with me finding you in that parking lot, another time where you didn’t do as you were told,” I murmur, and he smiles at me.

  “I’m glad you saved me, Winter,” he says.

  “Me too, Freddy, me too,” I say and hug him once more before letting go and having to wipe my eyes a little.

  “You can do this, I know it,” Freddy tells me, and his bright blue eyes stare up at me.

  “I will try,” I tell him, and he nods. I look away for a second as I feel Milo come and sit on my shoulder, and I can’t help the chuckle that slips out of my lips when I see Milo’s war outfit.

  “Dude, we need to work on your fashion sense, I don’t even have words for that,” Freddy says, and I agree with him as I take in the strange, pink, glittery jumpsuit he has on. There is no way to miss Milo with that outfit and the pink headband in his hair to match.

  “You know what?” Freddy tells me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You’re an awesome stepmum,” he says with a cheeky grin and runs off as I laugh. My laugh is cut off when a scream, followed by a loud bang comes from outside. I feel Milo hold onto my neck as I step backwards as the castle shakes a little. There’s more sounds of screams, and all the people in here run outside. I look over as Wyatt and Jaxson run down the stairs, both of them have their swords strapped on their backs and are wearing tight clothes in black. Jaxson’s crown makes him seem like he is lightly glowing, and Wyatt is oozing power as they run over to me.

  “It’s time to go,” Atti says walking to my side, and he links his fingers with mine as Wyatt and Jaxson run over to us. I duck as a demon comes flying through the door, and lands in the entrance hall. I pull a dagger out of my belt and throw it at his head, watching as it hits, and the demon disappears into blue dust. I hear a scream and turn to see Leigha fighting three demons who must have snuck in somehow, with Alex behind her. I go to step forward when Harris runs past me.

  “Wait, we need the hundred people we are meant to be taking with us,” I say to Atti, and he shakes his head.

  “They came too early, we need to go now. We can’t afford to wait, Winter,” he says, and I look back at Alex, Leigha, and Freddy, wanting to help them.

  “Go, I will sort them,” Harris shouts at us as he runs towards Alex, and Leigha follows him, with a small nod at me as she passes. I feel Atti’s magic pulling us away only a second later.



  “We’re here,” Wyatt says as I open my eyes to the vampire castle. It’s snowing, and the large flakes of snow land on my face as the cold wind blows it around us. It’s almost fitting that it’s winter, and there is so much snow. Like my namesake being Winter, I’ve always loved the cold and the snow. I wonder if that’s why there is always snow in my dreams with my family, because I subconsciously chose it. We walk in silence towards the castle, listening for any sounds, but there is nothing. It’s eerily quiet here.

  “Come, vampire,” Milo says, and I look up as the blue ward surrounding the vampire castle comes into view. No one says anything about the fact the demon has moved it beyond the wall, and I hope it’s not because he has demons just waiting for us behind it. Milo flies off my shoulder and lands on Wyatt’s shoulder. I look up at Atti, who leans down and kisses me.

  “Go and kill him,” he tells me firmly.

  “Save our people and know I love you so much,” I
tell him, trying to keep my voice stronger, and he pulls me into a deep kiss before breaking away. I watch as he disappears. I love that he believes in me, there wasn’t a bit of doubt in his voice, and that kiss was what I want to remember as I walk into this castle. As I literally try to send a demon back to hell.

  “Lass?” Jaxson says gently, and I wipe some of the snow out my eyes as I look up at him.

  “Let’s go,” I say and link my hands with Jaxson’s as we walk up to the ward. The ward is as deep as I remember it being, but there’s something strange about it, like it’s weaker. I walk straight through it and pull Jaxson with me. It’s easier to travel through the second time than it was the first, even pulling Jaxson with me. My spare hand goes to one of my daggers as I take in the imposing wall and wipe more of the snow out of my eyes with the back of my hand. There are no demons around, and Jaxson nods down at me, he can’t sense any either. I wait as Milo leads Wyatt through after us only moments later, and Wyatt looks around.

  “We need to jump,” I say, wondering how Jaxson will make that jump. I know Atti used his air power to help boost him, and Wyatt won’t have an issue because of him being a vampire.

  “No, we don’t. I know a way in,” Wyatt tells us. “Come on, we’d better get inside, in case there is a patrol.”

  We follow Wyatt as he walks next to the wall for about ten minutes before he stops and holds his hand up. Wyatt pushes against what looks like the rest of the castle wall, but it moves inwards at his push. The wall slides to the left, and Wyatt walks into the dark room. That’s a cool secret door. When I step forward, I notice it’s not a room at all, it’s a corridor. The dark corridor is impossible to see down, and the strong smell of damp fills my senses. Wyatt gets his phone out, using the light, so we can see down the now creepy, cobweb-filled corridor.

  “I won’t shift unless we need to fight, I can use my sword if there are only a few,” Jaxson whispers gently.

  “You should try not to use your power inside, the castle is old and won’t last through an earthquake,” Wyatt warns Jaxson, who nods. He has a point; the castle is ancient and made out of stone.

  “Okay, but can you smell any coming near us in your human from?” I ask Jaxson.

  “Yes, they smell like death. It’s not hard to miss,” Jaxson says.

  “Milo, you need to stay here. You can’t come with us here.”

  “Live, you family,” Milo tells me, making me want to cry, but I put on a brave face as he kisses my cheek and then flies to sit on a ledge just inside the corridor. I know any demons won’t hurt him if they find him, he is part demon after all. Wyatt looks back at us for a second before he keeps walking down the long corridor. I remember what they smell like, and how the dead bodies they inhabit seem to be dying anyway. I wonder how long it would take for the bodies they have to die? Do they just find a new body until all the people on earth are dead or demons?

  “This opens up just outside the throne room, where the ball was held, and the portal is open. That’s why I chose this one,” Wyatt tells us as we keep walking, and the corridor takes a left.

  “Hopefully he is there.”

  “The portal is weak today, just like the castle ward. All ward and portal magic is weak today,” Jaxson tells me, and I don’t question how he knows. Everyone has been researching and finding out all they could to help us. I’m sure someone found this out for him. It seems like forever that we walk in silence, with the dripping water and our breaths being the only sounds.

  “I can smell some close,” Jaxson tells us, and Wyatt stops at the same time I do. I don’t think they are close, but there is a faint smell of death.

  “The door is right there,” Wyatt says and points up with his light. There’s a small hole and a long ladder to climb up. Wyatt pulls the creaky old ladder down quietly with the long handle, and then we wait for a second to see if anyone heard us. When nothing happens, we all take a deep breath. This whole plan banks on the demon king not being ready for us. If he caught us down here, we would have a disadvantage.

  “Hold the light,” Wyatt says, and hands me his phone. He pulls his sword out from its holder and starts climbing the ladder. Jaxson follows after him, and I hold the light until Wyatt opens the door. The light from the door fills the tunnel, and I quickly drop Wyatt’s phone into one of my pockets and start climbing. I hear Jaxson’s growl, and then the castle shakes slightly, making me nearly fall off the ladder, but I manage to hold on. When I finally get to the top, Wyatt and Jaxson are fighting dozens of demons. Wyatt is using both his swords to fight and behead demon after demon. Jaxson is doing the same with his large sword, both of them glancing over at me. I don’t have time to look again as three demons run at me with silver swords. I pull my power and send them flying, both of them disappearing into dust, and I pull a dagger out of my belt, throwing it at a demon at Jaxson’s back. The whole corridor is full of demons, there are far too many for us. I pull another dagger out and throw it at a demon running at me, and the moment it hits its head, it disappears into dust. The demon king was waiting for us.

  “All fun, isn’t it?” the demon king’s laugh comes from behind me, and I turn to see him leaning against the entrance to the throne room. He has a long cloak on as well as the vampire crown that belongs to Wyatt, and his red eyes meet mine. In so many ways I hate that I’m related to him, that I share his blood, and that I have to be the one to fight him. I hate that he tricked the vampire king into bringing him back, I hate everything about this man.

  “Why?” he asks, tilting his head to the side as I walk over to him. I keep my eyes on him as I call my power and kill two demons with a wave as they run at me.

  “Family treasures. Seems you don’t know everything, demon,” I respond drily.

  “Well, well . . . my princess isn’t stupid after all,” he says, looking at my crown, and then he turns and walks back into the throne room. I run after him, surprised that no demons try to attack me as they seem to let me pass. The demon king is standing in the middle of the throne room when I run in, the portal is still open and takes up the entire side wall now. It’s getting bigger, and it’s hard to take my eyes off it. It almost calls to me, as I can feel its power from here.

  “Let me guess, you came to put me back in the demon realm forever?” he laughs as he speaks. “Your dead great-aunt tricked me once, but I am done being tricked.”

  “Yes, but it will be no trick. You will die in that realm, in hell, where you belong,” I respond. I don’t need to look down as I feel my crown’s power stretch though my body.

  “You’re not strong enough.” He laughs, and the castle shakes hard, knocking us both to the floor with a bang. I look up as I roll across the floor, seeing the large cracks going up the ceiling, and the ground keeps shaking. I call my power, using the crown’s power to make it stronger and stand up on the shaky ground. The demon king is just standing up, an annoyed look on his face.

  “Stupid wolf,” he says with anger, walking away from me and towards the door to my mates. I won’t let that happen.

  “Then fight me and see who wins. See who deserves to rule and who truly has the blood of a goddess,” I shout, knowing from my dreams that he believes he is truly one when he is not. He turns to face me with a slow smirk.

  “Don’t cry when I kill you, at least die like a real demon princess,” he says, and I don’t waste time listening to him as I shoot a wave of my blue power at him as the ground shakes harder, and the room seems to almost tilt to the side. I look up to see him walking over to me as he avoids pieces of stone that fall from the cracked ceiling He sends his own wave of red power towards my wave as he walks, and when the waves meet, it sends a shock wave that sends me flying across the room. I manage to land on my side and quickly get up, calling my power again, and he does the same, shooting a long stream of power at me. I copy what he does, trying to hold my power against his, but it doesn’t work for long. Another shockwave fills the room, and I scream as pieces of stone fall from the ceiling and one h
its my shoulder. This time, I fly into the wall and my head bangs against it. I pick the Fray-touched dagger out of my belt, but the demon king leans down, taking it out of my hand before I can throw it. He looks at the dagger and laughs, before sliding it into his pocket as I try to get up, and everything goes blurry.

  “Silly princess to think you could kill me. You know, I never wanted to kill you, I wanted you to rule at my side. My only family left, and you betray me. I’m four times more powerful than you are, and all I have to do is get that silly crown off you and then order you to go and kill your mates,” he says and leans down to touch the crown.

  “Winter!” I hear Wyatt shout.



  “Watch out!” I shout as three demons run at an angel who is picking a woman up off the floor. I call my fire, but I’m too late to stop one of the demons running a silver sword through the back of the angel. He screams out in pain, the scream mixing with everyone else’s on the battlefield outside the castle, and I kill the demons with my fire. The angel I recognise as Chesca flies down from the sky and stands in front of the woman on the floor, and nods at me. She is going to protect the woman. I turn and look around the battlefield outside the castle, which is littered with supernaturals bodies, demons running around with silver weapons, and angels are flying in the skies overhead.

  “No!” I scream as a demon rips the head off a wolf with his bare hands, and another, smaller, female wolf runs towards the demon. I pull my air power and hold the demon in place as the female wolf jumps and rips the head off the demon and lands on the ground. I don’t have long to see if she is okay as a ball of fire flies past me, and I jump out of the way.


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