Ruins of Majesta: Vol. 2.1 Creatures and Cupcakes

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Ruins of Majesta: Vol. 2.1 Creatures and Cupcakes Page 57

by Taj McCoy El


  You have completed the quest

  Maker of Men

  Rewards: 1,000XP, +5 to presence and a modifier of +10% in any presence-based skills or transactions. Your reputation with Drahtspule will rise from unknown to neutral.


  Mo saw Mephi and Ziggs glow as well and read their notifications. They stopped when they saw Bonkers approach.

  “You three have done us better than we ever could’ve dreamed. Oi’ve talked to the boys, and we would like to offer you another quest if you’d have us.”

  “Well, we don’t want to leave you in the lurch, but we need levels. So, if we can do both, I’m sure we’d sign on. Right, guys?”

  “As long as we’re getting levels, I’m all in,” Mephi agreed

  “Same here, Captain quick legs.” Ziggs grinned widely.

  Mo smiled at the term of endearment.

  “Well, that sounds like we’d be game if we can level a bit while we do it.”

  “Not a problem. The boys would love to take you out into the deep woods and pull out their knives,” Bonkers said.

  When he said it, instead of flinching in fear, Mo actually got the joke and laughed.

  “Now you all are getting moy humor. It’s been a long toime since that happened.” Bonkers said with a smile that elicited no fear or drama.

  “So, what’s this quest?”

  “Me and the boys were figuring that if you could finish the first quest then we should ask you to help us form a more solid unit. We need your help getting ourselves together to be a part of Driskel’s business and figuring out what we should be doing with ourselves. You three have oideas we can’t quite grasp.”

  “So, what do you say?”


  You have been offered the quest

  Leader of Men

  The Knockers trust you enough to help raise them and form themselves into a more cohesive unit. Being the only people who have helped them in these many long years they trust your judgement for some reason.

  Time limit: 30 days MJT

  Success: the knockers become a more cohesive unit and are recognized by Driskel and the city of Drahtspule

  Failure: Breaking the trust of the knockers

  Rewards: 2,000XP and Variable. Depending on the outcome you may acquire a Knockers companion and receive a reputation with the knockers of loved.

  Penalties: variable. depending on the outcome, you will lower your reputation score with the knockers. Failed quest reputation will fall anywhere between distrust and hatred.

  Do you accept?


  Booms: Anybody going on vacation?

  Ziggs: I’ll cancel if I can get an NPC companion.

  Mephi: You know I’m not going anywhere. LOL

  “Well, let’s hit yes!” Mo said with a smile


  The quest Leader of Men has been accepted

  By accepting this quest your reputation with the knockers is set at Ally/Trusted

  The knockers gathered around them and shook their hands and offered thanks. Mo apologized to Johnson, finally, and they laughed about it. After that Driskel cleared his throat loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “So, now with all the congratulations out of the way and the chickens secured, why don’t we get some rest. Today was long enough and tomorrow might be a bit longer. Engele has decided to make everyone breakfast tomorrow so I hope you work up an appetite in your sleep.”

  The crowd cheered and Bonkers stood nervously before Driskel and Engele. He took off his red rag and nervously fumbled with it in his hands.

  “Driskel, Engele on behalf of the knockers oi would like to thank you and offer moy services in the kitchen. It’s been a long toime since oi helped me mam cook a good meal and oi’ve got a lot of recipes oi could share.”

  His eyes were downcast, and he twisted his foot in the dirt.

  Engele gave the man a smile, “That would be lovely and welcome.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. Means a lot to me.” Bonkers face turned a lovely shade of red as he blushed.

  The knockers cheered once again giving congratulations all around, and they headed out to find some place to sleep except the few who were taking their turn as guards. Mo walked off with his team. And they wound up in the hay barn where Mo had dreamt of his grandfather.

  “So, today was a good day,” Mo sighed.

  “Yeah it was.” Mephi sat on a bale of hay

  “Now sleep?” Ziggs yawned.

  Mephi and Mo looked over to see Ziggs’ pilot chair had transformed into a bed big enough to hold four of her. They shared a jealous glance between themselves.

  Mo lay down and laced his fingers behind his head. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring.”

  “Me too,” Mephi said with a yawn.

  “You guys called me leader.” Mo chuckled

  Ziggs groaned, and Mephi threw a handful of straw in his face. Mo still couldn’t help but laugh, and he rolled over.

  As he drifted off, he thought, I wonder what’s Mayah up to.


  Mayah lay in her swaddle of fabric, mouth open and tiny snores flowing out into the quiet night. She was surrounded by the warmth of sleeping rötten, and her eyeballs moved rapidly under her eyelids.

  She was peaceful, tranquil even. No signs of the stresses she had suffered registered on her face. In this moment, she was safe as our sweet little cupcake could be.

  End of book 2.1

  Author’s notes

  When I wrote the first book, I always intended for Mo to join Mayah, but I never really figured out the how or when of that. So, in writing book two I had to ask. Should I write a separate book for him to be introduced or should I just make book 2 two books long. And here we have the answer.

  since I have to deal with internal and external time flows and stories it just made more sense to add him into the story as it happened. Having him react to the story elements on Mayah’s side of the story was a nice little touch. If I do say so myself.

  Now some of you may be thinking that Mo was the hero of this book instead of Mayah and I don’t think I can argue with that. There may be some who think that the conclusion of Mayah’s arc in this book was anticlimactic. Again, I’m going to have to agree with you there. But the main reason for that being the case, is that Mayah’s dungeon arc isn’t finished. Please see my two-book argument from above.

  This book took longer than the first book because, and here’s the truth, book twos are hard. They have the tendency to fall flat and can either make or break the story/series. There were other mitigating factors involved as well.

  I had to move three times in 2018, and then I wound up on a couch for a couple of months. Not the best headspace to try and write a book. But now I’m in a stable situation (love you mom and dad) and have the space to write. I also feel like I’ve hit my stride and will be able to produce works more rapidly.

  So, the good news is I hope to have book 2.2 out before Christmas. So, stay on the lookout for more Mayah, Mo, Grax, Margaret and Ruins of Majesta.

  Reviews: Reviews can make or break a book. Reviews tell amazon how to treat your book. Does it sit on the case at the register or does it sit on the shelf in the back? Believe it or not. A 3-star rating will sit a book in the back of the store where only people familiar with the series will find it. A 1-star rating means it should be in the dumpster out back doused in gasoline and set ablaze. A 5-star rating, well let’s say a 5-star rating will make my book the Game of thrones/Stranger things/One-Punch man of the book world. If I get enough of those 5 stars, people will talk about my book around the water cooler/on the playground/or share with complete strangers.

  Well any way, thank you for taking the time to read my labor of love. Please take a moment to check out the recommended books on and groups on the next pages.


  PS Jensen will be back. Not sure when but very, very soon.

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  Wanna see what other projects I’m going to be up to in the near future? Because I definitely have a need to write other stories. Like my author page.

  Resource Guide

  In the following pages, you will find resources to help you find a LitRPG or Gamelit community or find another good story to read.

  Facebook Gamelit and LitRPG Groups

  I have found many great stories and made many good friends in these communities. These are not forums that are age restricted so there may be things may be inappropriate for my younger readers. To avoid favoritism, I have listed them in the order I found them. I hope you find fast and lasting friends. And maybe someone to game with.


  This is another awesome page where a bunch of other writers and I hang out.

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