Collision Course

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Collision Course Page 12

by Julie Trettel

  “Okay, ready?”

  “Do I need to get dressed? Where are we going?”

  “Nope. Just to the back porch.”

  He growled. I tilted my head and watched him trying to discern what he was irritated about.

  “Sorry. Tarron’s watching the full perimeter. I know it shouldn’t be a big deal.”

  “You just don’t want anyone else to see these stretch marks,” I teased.

  He frowned and pulled me to him. “Those are Macie marks, right?”

  I quietly nodded wondering what he was thinking.

  “I’d have been there, O. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t. Baine you didn’t know. You couldn’t have known. It’s not like we’d planned her or anything. Maybe if I’d told you sooner it would have all ended differently, but I can’t live in the maybes. I can’t beat myself up rehashing what I could have done when I can’t control that now and neither can you. Eyes forward, okay?”

  He gave me a sad smile and nodded as he lowered his head to kiss me. I was shocked by how much I wanted him again. I groaned and pushed him back.

  “Run or back to bed?”

  “You’re giving me a choice?”

  I gave him the mom stare that always made Macie squirm and reconsider things.

  “Fine, run first, then I’m taking you back to bed.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  He grinned. “Definitely.”

  At the door he halted and looked around. I could sense his bear close to the surface and both of them were on edge.

  “I can shift in here if it will make you feel better.”

  The relief on his face told me it was the right thing to do. I made a show of removing my robe, but then shifted into my bear quickly. There was no sense in needlessly stressing him out.

  “Your bear is gorgeous,” he said. He ran his hand through my fur and it was the oddest sensation I’d ever experienced. No one had ever petted me before. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  As I walked outside, he stripped out of his boxers and tossed them inside, then shut the door. His shift was fast. One second he was standing there in all his naked glory and next the largest and most magnificent bear I’d ever seen was standing in his place.

  He walked over and sniffed around me and then rubbed up against me. The affection pleased my bear. I forced us to turn and walk towards the woods. There was a big open field a short walk from the house that we were safe to run in. It was a beautiful day so it was possible we wouldn’t be the only ones out there.

  I took my sweet time strolling through the woods. He seemed perfectly content to walk beside me. I appreciated that. I had a strong independent streak that came with being a single mom. I didn’t know how I would handle things if he tried to assert too much dominance over me.

  When we got to the edge of the woods, I swung my head towards the field and he nodded. I took off running into the field. My bear never tolerated running for long. She preferred to stretch her legs at a slower pace, but it felt wonderful to have the wind through my coat for even a short period.

  I could hear the thudding of Baine’s powerful paws across the ground just behind me. When I tried to look back at him, I tripped and tumbled over. He ran to my side to check on me, but I playfully swiped him with my paw. He looked momentarily stunned but recovered quickly as he dove towards me.

  We rolled across the ground batting at each other. From a distance it might have looked like we were fighting, but there was no malice behind it. Both of our bears had mischievous natures. It made for a fun adventure.

  Suddenly, Baine stilled and turned, rising to his full height on two legs and roared in warning.

  I scrambled to my feet and looked around. My bear was on full alert. Nearby two unmated males watched us curiously. I recognized them both and knew they were no threat, but Baine’s bear didn’t seem to feel that way.

  High aggression continued to rise as he zeroed in on our audience and started walking towards them. They weren’t stupid, I saw their eyes widen in surprise as they turned and scrambled off. Baine continued to grunt until they were out of the area.

  I approached him cautiously, even knowing there was no way he would ever purposefully hurt me. I rubbed against him and he dropped back to all fours before rubbing all over me. I knew he was scenting me.

  When he was done, I just shook my head and started walking back towards the house. When it came into view, Baine took off to the left and rubbed up against the closest tree. Then he moved to another and started scenting a circle around my house. I watched him, amused, for a bit then walked to my house and left him to finish his business. Kano was not going to be happy about it, but if it made Baine feel better somehow, I didn’t really see the harm.

  He had left the door cracked so I walked inside and kicked it closed with my back paw before shifting back to my human form. By the time my big grizzly mate came back, I was dressed and finalizing my schedule for the next day.

  I didn’t even flinch at the sight of a big brown bear in the middle of my living room. He shifted back and closed the door.

  “Feel better after that?” I teased.

  He scowled. “I couldn’t help it. He didn’t appreciate you being anywhere near other unmated males like that.”

  “Yeah, I noticed. You sort of went a little primal.”

  He groaned and sat down hard next to me on the couch.

  “You’re not going to let me live it down either, are you?”

  “Not anytime soon.”

  Before he could give me a comeback his phone rang. He walked back into the kitchen to retrieve it. I knew from the frown on his face that our perfect bubble had just been popped.


  Chapter 17

  I wasn’t ready to return to the real world, but I knew there would be hell to pay if I didn’t answer that phone.


  “I really am sorry to do this to you, but Ben’s guy is here and we need to fully brief him before he goes in. I need you here.”

  Silas truly sounded sorry too. It wasn’t like him at all.

  “Um, yeah, sure. Are you at the Inn?”

  “We are. Hopefully, it won’t take long. Heard Olivia’s playing hooky today so I’ll try not to keep you long.”

  “I appreciate that. Thanks. Give me twenty?”


  He hung up and I was so confused. Silas had been a complete asshole the last few months. It had worsened after Painter found his mate. We all suspected it was because gorilla shifters were so rare and Emma’s presence was a constant reminder of what he might never have. Before coming home and reuniting with Olivia I’d thought he was better off for it, now I felt sorry for the guy.

  “Everything okay?” she asked wrapping her arms around my waist.

  “Yeah. That was Silas. I have a meeting in twenty minutes at the Inn. It shouldn’t take too long. He was apologetic.”

  She laughed. “You sound skeptical of that.”

  “It’s certainly not usual behavior for him.”

  “I did feed him well last night.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure that was it.”

  Olivia beamed, but I didn’t think she really believed it. Sure, we were always grateful anytime we got a free homecooked meal, but that wasn’t enough for this drastic personality swing. I think I preferred him being gruff and to the point.

  “I better get dressed and get over there.”

  She pouted. “I can’t even remember the last time I truly had a few hours to myself.”

  I kissed her. “Well, you can always go soak in a nice hot bath and rest your muscles before I get back.” I wagged my eyebrows at her.

  She groaned. “That’s probably not a bad idea. I’m sore today.”

  “I’m sorry you’re hurting, I hate that, but I’m not sorry it happened. And you’re distracting me. I need to get dressed and get out of here.”

  I unwrapped her arms from around me and walked into the bedroom to hunt up my clothe
s. I would proudly do the walk of shame all the way through town in the wrinkled pile of clothes on the floor.

  Olivia groaned once I was fully dressed. “Well, if we weren’t already the talk of the town, we sure would be now. Even I can smell me on you.”

  I grinned and leaned in to kiss her. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “You really are incorrigible.” She yawned.

  “Take a bath and then a nap if there’s time. You’re going to need your energy for when I get back.”

  Leaving her was not an easy task. I hadn’t marked her yet and that left my bear on edge. I felt the stares and heard the whispers as I strolled through town, but I didn’t care and couldn’t shake the grin from my face.

  “Please stop. I think I’m going to be sick.”

  I startled and turned around to see Killian walking up behind me.

  “The entire Clan is talking about you, you know.”

  I laughed and shrugged. “Don’t care.”

  He eyed me cautiously. “When you left it practically destroyed her. I hated myself every day since for doing that to her, and you, too. I was just so angry and betrayed. I should have talked to you about how I was feeling. I shouldn’t have acted so rashly. I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

  “What was that?”


  “Could you repeat those words again. Please.” I gave him my signature smirk. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew Killian better than almost anyone. His betrayal towards me had nearly killed me, but I also knew that Killian made no apologies for how he lived his life. Never had. For him to say those two little words and then add on an admittance of mistake was something I never in a million years dreamed would happen.

  He huffed. “I’m sorry, Baine. I can’t possibly put into words how sorry I am. You were my best friend, I can’t imagine anyone better than that for my baby sister.”

  I stopped and bent over, grabbing my knees. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “Come on, don’t make a scene. I can’t make up for the past but I can try to move on and be supportive or whatever. It’s so freaking weird. I’m still struggling with all of this, but I am going to try. Now stop being dramatic, you drama queen.”

  “I’m not being dramatic. I think I’m genuinely in shock here.”

  He snorted and shook his head. “I knew you’d be an ass about this.”

  I stood up and shrugged. “You had it coming.”

  “I see the lip’s all better. You go for a run?”

  “Oh, yeah. Olivia and I went for one earlier. All healed.”

  I could see he was still struggling with the thought of his sister with me, but he’d stepped up and even apologized. I knew how important he was to Olivia and Macie and I had to be the better man, the kind of man they both deserved.

  “Looks like you need some time in your fur too.” I grinned as I nodded toward his black eye.

  Killian groaned. “Yeah, probably a good idea. Want to join me?”

  I frowned. “Honestly, I wish I could. There were some unmated males out when we were and let’s say my bear didn’t take too kindly to that. Now having to leave her, he’s driving me nuts.”

  He gave me a funny look. “You didn’t mark her last night?”

  “What? No. I mean, don’t get me wrong, of course I wanted to, but I feel like we’re both a little in shock. Honestly if it wasn’t for Macie, I’d have already sealed our bond and gotten Olivia as far away from this place as possible.”

  He cringed at my candidness.

  “Macie’s your kid, Baine.”

  “I know. Trust me I know, when I thought she was yours I asked who in their right mind thought you’d be a dad, but honestly, who the hell actually believes I can be a decent father. I mean I had such great role models. One prioritized everything ahead of me and the other literally turned his back on me and kicked me out of the Clan. I don’t know shit about being a dad and we both know it.”

  I didn’t know what possessed me to unload on Killian. I was supposed to hate him, wasn’t I? Something about seeing him humbled made me remember the man was once like a brother to me. I hadn’t meant to get all nostalgic and start pouring out my feelings. I didn’t do that shit, ever.

  Instead of gloating over admission, he gave me a sympathetic look and then smiled. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you’re already prioritizing Macie above everything else, even a carnal need to bond with your mate. I guess maybe there’s hope for you after all, because that’s the sign of a great father.”

  He clapped me on my back and walked away as I turned to walk into the Inn. My head was swimming from the interaction.

  When I got inside, I realized everyone was waiting on me, but I felt no hostility or urgency. The guys smiles fell from their faces.

  “You didn’t seal it?” Tarron blurted out.

  “Uh, not yet,” I admitted.

  Painter rolled his eyes.

  Ben laughed.

  Grant shook his head. “What are you waiting on?”

  “I don’t know. Last night was more just us catching up.” There was no doubt in my mind they knew what I was talking about but hell if I was going to go into details.

  “What are you waiting on?” Taylor asked.

  I gave her a deadpan look. “Like any of you did any better while mating. I’m fine.”

  “Uh oh. Baine’s never actually fine when he says that,” Tarron told the guy next to him. I was certain I’d never seen him before.

  I lifted my chin to him. “I’m Baine. Who the hell are you?”

  He offered me his hand. “Jake.”

  “Should I know who he is?” I asked Silas.

  He just frowned and shook his head. “Jake is Ben’s guy. We’re briefing him before we send him in.

  “Oh. Yeah, well, welcome. Thanks for doing this, man.”

  “Looking forward to it. Ben’s brought me up to speed enough to know I’m going to look forward to taking these assholes down.”

  I liked the kid already.

  “We like to joke Jake’s real animal spirit is the chameleon. Kid can blend in anywhere. No offense, T, but he’s the best I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m feeling challenged. Perhaps we’ll get a chance to work undercover together sometime.”

  “I’d love that. Whatever you guys need. I’m in,” Jake said.

  Silas groaned. “He had a lot of questions so we’ve already been filtering them while you took your sweet time getting here.”

  “Sorry about that. Ran into Killian on the way over.”

  Silas stiffened and grunted. That was never a good sign.

  “It’s cool. Really.” I was quick to reassure him. “He even apologized for everything that happened and not just yesterday.”

  “That’s great, Baine. I’m glad to hear it,” Tarron said. He looked a little anxious, fidgety, which was out of character for him.

  “What’s the bet?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t give me that shit. I can tell you’re nervous. That means you’re about to lose a big one. What’s the call and what are we up to?”

  Jake laughed and I turned my glare on him. “Bet’s over whether you’re staying or going home with the team when the time comes.”

  I had an uneasy feeling. Would I stay? I couldn’t imagine leaving the Force. They were every bit as much family to me as Olivia and Macie. But if my girls refused to leave, then what? As the male, my bear was more dominate and could force the issue. No one would begrudge me that. It was commonplace for the male to take his female back to his Clan, but I knew that would upset Olivia. Plus, we had to think about Macie.

  Olivia had been a single mother the last seven years. If I were being honest, I didn’t feel like I deserved a say in the matter. I knew what I wanted, but that self-deprecating side of me kept reminding me I didn’t deserve to be happy. I didn’t deserve them.

  “No comeback?” Tarron asked. His face blanched and I think he knew it was
a possibility, though I appreciated him voting in my favor.

  “Enough games, boys. Let’s get this briefing over so we can get out of here for a while,” Silas said calling the team back to order and taking the pressure off of me.

  “Wait, we’re going somewhere?”

  “Yeah, just back down to drop off Jake. We’ll be running surveillance for a few days, and with any luck we’ll get our chance to break Pike out and get him home too,” Tarron filled me in.

  “All of us?” I asked Silas.

  He nodded. “Afraid so. Hoped you’d have sealed that thing by now to make it a little easier at least.” He gave me a sympathetic look, as if he had any clue what I was going through.

  “When?” I asked dryly.

  “We need to be on the road by five. I’ve already pushed it back as far as I can for you. We need you on this just in case things go south.”

  I clenched my jaw and nodded. “How long is this going to take?”

  “We’ve got this. I just wanted to tell you in person. Get back to your girl, but five sharp we leave with or without you.”

  I knew what that meant. He didn’t even have to say it. If I wasn’t in that car at five, he was going to make the decision to stay or return home with the team for me. I looked down at my watch.

  “Thanks. Appreciate it.”

  “Five,” Tarron said.

  I could tell that my reluctance to reassure them that my mating wasn’t going to affect my place on the team was unsettling for him. I felt bad for my friend, but I couldn’t give him false pretense when I didn’t know what was going to happen. I couldn’t predict the future or what I would agree to in order to keep my family. I’d never had anyone but these guys counting on me before but I couldn’t let Olivia and Macie down.

  Knowing I only had a short time, I turned to leave. My hand stilled on the door as I looked back at my unit. It pained me to say it, but I knew I had to. It wasn’t safe for any of us to have them worrying about me. “I’ll be there.”


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