Collision Course

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Collision Course Page 16

by Julie Trettel

  I shot Silas a worried look. It was clear he was still on edge.

  “What took you guys so long?” Grant asked.

  Silas flinched. I knew that self-deprecating look in his eyes all too well.

  “Had to make sure you slow-pokes were clear the whole way out,” I said giving them a smirk I didn’t feel.

  Painter snorted and shook his head, but he was grinning. “Nice clean run, boys. Good job. Now let’s double step it back to the rendezvous point before Tarron leaves our ass to hike the whole way back.

  “I will, too,” Tarron teased over coms.

  As the others picked up the pace, Silas held out an arm and stopped me.

  I sighed. “I know, I know. There will be hell to pay later.”

  Silas shook his head. “Thanks for…” his voice trailed off as he looked back towards the direction we’d come.

  I nodded, unable to formulate words. In that moment there was a silent pact made never to speak of it again. I could be an arrogant shit sometimes, but not over something this serious.

  Silas stayed by my side as we ran to catch up and before long, we saw the vehicle in sight and sped up even faster.

  Pike Murphy wasn’t exactly a small man. He took up a lot of space and I was the unfortunate one stuck next to him wedged into the back passenger door.

  We were almost to the hotel when he stirred. His eyes opened as he stared right into mine. At first, they looked glazed over and still out of it. His forehead wrinkled and his eyes appeared to clear.


  I gulped hard, overwhelmed by his recognition.

  “I always knew you would be my purgatory,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry.”

  I sighed. “You’re not dead Pike.”

  Tarron pulled into a parking spot closest to my room. Great. They hadn’t mentioned that part of the plan, but the intent became clear as he jumped out of the SUV and ran to open the door to our room.

  “He’s been through a lot, Baine. Let’s not add to it yet,” Silas said cautiously. It was the first time he’d spoken since our moment in the woods. It was clear my team leader had returned.

  I nodded as I got out of the vehicle and walked to my room. Of course he was laid out on my bed.

  Ben gave me an apologetic look. “He’ll come through better surrounded by a familiar scent.”

  I scoffed. “You have us mistaken for wolves. If anything, my scent will just agitate him more.”

  “Guess we’ll see.” He clapped a hand on my shoulder.

  I took the one chair in the room and watched as Grant checked him over.

  “No physical damage that I can tell.”

  “No tracking devices implanted that I can tell either,” Tarron confirmed.

  “Where am I?” Pike murmured as he started to come through again.

  “You’re free, sir,” Silas said. “I’d love to give you a day or two to recover, but just as a precaution, we’ll be checking out in ten and returning you to your Clan as quickly as possible.”

  “You’re taking me home?”


  “Why? Why now?”

  “Because that’s your home and where you need to be,” I said. I knew he was still out of it, but that was a stupid thing to say.

  Pike sobered. “My Clan.”

  “Kano was elevated to Alpha and is doing a great job,” I informed him.

  Grant shot me one of his death glares.

  “My son.”


  He closed his eyes and nodded.

  “I’ll go check us out,” Taylor offered.

  I pulled out my key and tossed it to her as she gathered up the others’ and then left.

  With eight of us in the SUV it was going to be a very uncomfortable ride back, but my heart felt lighter knowing I’d have my girls in my arms again soon.

  Painter and Grant helped Pike to the car. Grant, Taylor, and Tarron took the back seat. Painter volunteered to drive before I could. He winked at me as he slid into the front. Silas took the front passenger seat leaving me crammed into the middle with Pike and Ben.

  Pike’s clarity was increasing quickly as we hit the road. Finally, he turned and looked at me.

  “You’re not a ghost here to haunt me, are you?”

  There was snickering from behind me as I sighed. “No, sir. Just doing my job.”

  He nodded. “How are you Baine?”

  “I’m good, actually.” I started to hesitate wanting to unleash all my frustrations and anger of the past onto this man that had harnessed it all, but I couldn’t. When I thought of my life now, I couldn’t be happier and it dulled the pain I’d been carrying since the last time I’d seen this man.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” As he spoke it looked like a boulder had been lifted from his shoulders.

  I fell silent as he asked more questions but ones related to our mission. Silas jumped in and answered. As they settled into conversation, I was relieved to see my leader back to his normal, gruff, but authoritative self.

  I could no longer sense his gorilla on edge and knew that whatever he had gone through back at that building was now behind him.

  I stared quietly out the window as the miles passed by. My phone buzzed and I dug it out of my pocket to check it.

  OLIVIA – Miss you. Call me if you can.

  ME – Miss you more. Can’t talk now.

  OLIVIA – Hey Baine, don’t forget to bring me back something. That’s what the good dad’s do when they go away.

  OLIVIA – this is Macie.

  I chuckled while I responded.

  ME – Really? I only brought something back for your mom.

  OLIVIA – You’re back?

  ME – that didn’t go as I’d thought it would. And no, not yet.

  OLIVIA – But you’re coming back?

  ME – Of course I am, short stuff.

  OLIVIA – Like right now?

  ME – On my way

  OLIVIA – deleting this message now. Let’s surprise mom.

  ME – see you soon.

  There was an undeniable smile on my face as I put my phone away. I hadn’t realized Pike had stopped talking and was watching me closely.

  “You’re happy,” he said, as a statement, not a question.

  “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Kano already approved me to be in Clan territory. He also retracted my abolishment. You can’t change that now,” I told him momentarily panicking at the idea of him trying to keep me away from Olivia and Macie. I feared his reaction when he found out the truth and wished I had sealed our bond before rescuing him.

  He gave me a surprised look. “Really?”

  I nodded.

  “It’s true,” Silas confirmed. I wasn’t surprised to find him observing us closely, probably afraid I’d lose my cool or something.

  “Have you seen my daughter?”

  I sighed. There was no point in lying to him, but before I could answer, Silas interrupted.

  “I’ve spoken to Kano and he has accommodations arranged for your recovery. Your Clan physician will be onsite upon your arrival. I can give you today to recover, but then we’ll need to start your debrief. My team has been away longer than expected as it is.”

  He looked surprised and then looked around, finally landing on me. “What have you gotten yourself into, Baine?”

  I gulped, but Silas again answered in my place.

  “We’re part of an elite shifter team overseen by Kyle Westin’s wolf Pack.”

  I noted the recognition in his eyes. He knew exactly who Kyle was.

  “You’re with Westin Force?”

  “Bravo Company. He sent in only the best,” Silas assured him.

  “And you, you’re working with them or just here because of me?” Pike asked me.

  “Baine’s the best of the best. He rightly earned his place on the Force years ago,” Silas said proudly.

  I shot him an appreciative smile and nodded.

“I wasn’t exactly thrilled with this mission,” I admitted.

  “But you came anyway?”

  I looked Pike over, no longer intimidated by this magnanimous man.

  “I did what was necessary.” I couldn’t regret the decision since it brought me back to Olivia.

  “You didn’t answer my earlier question. Have you seen her?”

  I silently nodded.

  “And my boys.”


  “Well, you’re still alive and if Kano truly pardoned you, then I imagine that went okay.”

  “No permanent damage done,” I said with a cocky smirk as I remembered Killian’s black eye.

  “I’m glad,” he surprised me by saying.

  I didn’t tell him about mating Olivia. I didn’t confess to being Macie’s father. For the rest of the drive, there remained an awkward silence between us.

  The second we pulled up in front of the Alpha house that I had largely been raised in, I jumped out and took off for Olivia’s. Silas nodded his approval as I walked by him. They would take care of Pike and the debriefing. None of them could possibly expect me to be present or handle that part. It wasn’t exactly my area of expertise anyway unless some heat was required to get someone talking. None of us expected that to be the case. Pike had seemed grateful for our involvement in his rescue, even mine.


  Chapter 22

  I was enjoying some peace and quiet with a hot shower when I heard a scream followed by loud commotion coming from the living room. My heart nearly leapt from my chest. My heart raced and my bear roared in my head. I abandoned my shower with shampoo still in my hair and without even turning off the water. I skidded across the tile on my wet feet tripping and slamming my knee into the floor. A sharp pain shot through my leg, but my adrenaline was too high to slow me down. I jumped back up and ran out of the room, then out of my bedroom and came to a screeching halt in my living room.

  Two pairs of gray eyes stared back at me. One in humor at the sight I must have been, and the other filled with lust.

  My chest rose and fell hard as I tried to piece together what was happening. Warmth started in my toes and blushed my body all the way to my cheeks.

  “Are you two trying to give me a heart attack?” I finally asked.

  Macie clung to her father’s neck. The coat rack was knocked over behind them.

  “Sorry, Mom, but look, Baine’s back,” Macie said sweetly.

  My heart was still racing and my head was spinning. Without a word I turned and limped back towards the shower.

  “I’d say we definitely surprised her.”

  “She’s hurt,” I heard Baine growl.

  Within seconds, he was behind me swooping me up into his arms. “What happened?”

  I sighed. “It’s nothing. I just heard her scream and then a crash and I ran from the shower and fell. It’ll be fine.”

  “Your knee?”

  I bit my lip and nodded.

  “Hey kiddo, come here.”

  Macie peeked her head into my room. “Sorry Mom. I didn’t mean to scare you. We just wanted to surprise you.”

  “Mission accomplished,” I told her with a smile.

  Baine jostled me around and then tossed his phone to Macie. “Call Grant and tell him to get his ass over here. I’m going to rinse off your mom and help her dress, but I need him to take a look at her knee, okay?”

  She grinned and nodded, then closed the door behind her as she left.

  “I don’t care what you’re doing, my mom’s hurt and Baine said to get your ass over here.”

  I glared at Baine who cringed under my scrutiny.

  “Language. I’ll talk to her,” he promised.

  Then he lifted me up and walked me into the bathroom.

  “Baine I’m fine.”

  “You were limping.”

  “I just busted my knee. It’ll be fine.”

  He wasn’t going to listen and my mind was still whirling over seeing him. I let him take care of me however he saw fit. Unfortunately, that didn’t include him stripping down and joining me in the shower.

  He gave me a smirk and I didn’t even realize I was pouting about it.

  “Save it for after our kid’s asleep for the night, babe.”

  My cheeks reddened to an even darker color. I knew he couldn’t read my mind, but he might as well have just then.

  He helped me rinse off trying not to soak his clothes anymore than carrying me already had. Finally, he gave up and stripped them off. I sighed happily at the sight of his naked body.

  “This is staying PG right now,” he swore under his breath.

  I giggled but relished in the feeling of being back in his arms.

  The shower was far too short and soon I was shivering from the loss of the hot water warming my skin.

  He stepped out then returned to wrap me up in a big fluffy towel.

  “Are you always going to spoil me this much?” I asked dreamily.

  He hugged me and his mouth descended towards mine, stopping to hover just above my lips. “Always.” His lips crushed mine. I sighed and he swept inside, swirling his tongue with mine.

  Macie knocked on my bedroom door. “Grant’s here.”

  Baine pulled back and then gave me one more chaste kiss. “Be right out.”

  He insisted on carrying me to the bed and pulled out clothes. I expected him to try and dress me too, but he left me to find some clothes for himself. I was glad he’d left his things there. I didn’t want to admit I’d been sleeping with one of his shirts while he was gone, needing his scent surrounding me.

  Fully clothed, I stood to walk out to meet our guest. I hated that the sharp pain was still there. Baine zipped up his pants and then lifted me back into his arms. Mine wrapped easily around his neck like it was the most natural thing in the world. I felt equally absurd and cherished having him carry me around the house.

  “I can walk,” I stubbornly insisted.

  “Maybe.” He shrugged, letting me know we weren’t going to test my theory any further.

  “Hi,” I said to Grant and Taylor not surprised to see her with him.

  “Macie said there was an accident or something?”

  “I just fell on the tile getting out of the shower,” I confessed.

  “Set her on the couch. We can prop her foot up on the coffee table,” Grant instructed.

  “This is ridiculous and really isn’t necessary,” I protested.

  “You haven’t made an honest man out of him yet,” Taylor teased. “Mating males are always the worst and most over-protective. Just let Grant take a look at it and help calm your mate.”

  I huffed. “Fine.”

  “So what happened exactly?”

  I sighed. “I was in the shower and heard Macie scream followed by some commotion and then a loud bang.”

  “Sorry, Mom. I knew Baine was coming home, but I didn’t think it would be that soon. I squealed when he walked in and jumped from the couch to the table and into his arms. He stumbled back and knocked us into the coat rack that fell to the floor. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

  Taylor laughed. “Well, that would be enough to scare the daylights out of anyone.”

  “Well, I jumped out of the shower and was running to check on Macie and slipped and fell on the tile. I landed on my knee and there’s been a sharp pain ever since.”

  He poked and prodded often causing me to nearly leap off of the couch.

  “Honestly, I can’t be certain without an x-ray machine, but I think you may have broken your knee cap.”

  I groaned. “That sounds like the dumbest thing ever.”

  “I can talk to your Clan doctor and see if he has the equipment I need. The plane already returned home so mine isn’t here. I’m going to ask that you not shift for a few days at the least, and you’re going to have to stay off that leg for a while to let it heal.”

  I groaned. “Fine. I can already tell this guy isn’t going to give me any other option anywa

  Baine just grinned down at me.

  “I have a test next week that I’d like to get out of. Any chance we’ll be moved by then?”


  “What? I’m serious. We’re packed and ready to go. How long until the move?”

  Baine laughed. “Well, we’ll still be here at least a few more days. Silas is giving your grandpa a day or two to recoup before interrogations and debriefing begins. We’ll be heading home sometime after that.”

  Macie gasped and I was stunned silent.

  “You found grandpa?”

  Baine grinned. “We did.”

  “Wait, Dad’s home?”

  “He is.” My eyes welled up with tears. Baine pulled me into his arms and kissed my temple. “And he’s alive and well. He’s weak, but his mind is far clearer than we expected.”

  “Can we see him?” Macie asked.

  “Yes,” Taylor assured her. “We can take you to him as soon as Grant’s finished up with your mom.”

  “Overall, it was a smooth and easy extraction,” Grant told us.

  “I still hate that we left the place operational. I may have been running point, but that was not my call.”

  “Honestly thought Silas was going to retract that order. He was struggling on our exit,” Baine admitted.

  “Is that what took you so long?” Taylor inquired. “I thought for sure I was going to have to send someone back in for the two of you.”

  He shrugged. “I got him out okay.”

  “It’s never easy knowingly leaving shifters in those places. It weighs heavily on all of us,” Grant confessed.

  “Why didn’t you get the others then?” Macie innocently asked.

  Baine and his friends shared a look like they didn’t know how to answer that.

  “We’re monitoring them, short stuff. If we want to take them down for good, we have to be patient and that unfortunately means leaving some of them in there longer than we’d like. Do you understand?”

  She nodded at her dad. “So why did you rescue grandpa then?”

  “Because it was the right thing to do for the Clan. That’s why we came here, remember? Mission complete.”

  “So we can move before my test then?”

  I groaned.

  Baine laughed.

  “Smart kid,” Taylor complimented.


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