Until Valerie: Happily Ever Alpha World

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Until Valerie: Happily Ever Alpha World Page 7

by Jessica Marin

  “I don’t give a rats ass, Val. You're my sister and if you love Rowan, then I love Rowan.”

  “I never said I loved Rowan!” I look at my sister as if she’s gone crazy because those words definitely did NOT come out of my mouth.

  “You don’t have to - your eyes are saying it all for you.”

  If Valerie can see it in my eyes, then Rowan will soon enough be able to tell as well.

  Yup, I’m totally screwed.

  Chapter Twelve


  Working out and going to dinner with Kyle helped pass the time since I only had to wait outside of Valerie’s condo for an hour until she arrived home. I stand up from the bench outside the main entrance, watching her walk slowly to her building. She’s not paying attention to anyone around her or even her surroundings. I need to teach her that when she’s not with me, she always needs to be aware of her surroundings.

  She stops short when she sees me and I immediately notice her puffy eyes from crying.

  I’m going to kill the person who made my Angel cry.

  “Who did this to you?” I growl, reaching her in three long strides and gently gripping her arms. My eyes quickly roam over her whole body, not seeing any physical harm done to her. She’s looking down at my chest, so I grasp her chin and tilt her head up, forcing her to look me in the eyes. Her sadness shreds my heart and rage courses through me, making me want to physically harm the perpetrator.

  “Angel, tell me what happened,” I softly command, needing to know details so I can analyze how to fix the situation and see my girl smile again.

  “It’s just my dad,” she smiles sadly, fresh tears forming in her eyes. I pull her tightly against me, making her wrap her arms around my torso. I don’t speak, just hold her, hoping to absorb some of the pain.

  “What did he do?” I softly ask, hoping she trusts me enough to tell me everything.

  She pulls back and releases her arms from around me so she can wipe her tears away. She takes a deep breath before speaking. “He just doesn’t believe in me. He doesn’t think I’m capable of taking over the family business. I honestly don’t know what else I have to do to prove myself to him. I went to his Alma Mater, majored in Finance like him. I’ve started my career the exact same way he did.” She sighs and looks up at me, hurt illuminating from her light eyes. The color of her eyes are so bright that I’m momentarily hypnotized by them.

  “Why doesn’t he love me, Rowan?” she whispers, her voice aching with longing. I’m lost for words as I ask myself the same question about my own father. All I can tell her is what I tell myself when I feel the same way she does.

  “It’s his loss, Angel, not yours. There’s nothing more you can do to make him see what a blessing you are. You either need to cut him out of your life or learn to not let him affect you.” She pulls her bottom lip through her teeth and I yearn to taste her lips so badly.

  “Did you cut your father out of your life?” Her eyes go wide, her voice skeptical as if the thought is unfathomable to her.

  “Yeah, I did. I had too. If I didn’t, I would be miserable, not living my best life for me, but for him. Life’s too short for that, Angel.“ I give her a squeeze, hoping my words are having some sort of effect on her. “At first, my family was upset with me, but now no one talks to him. My mother divorced him last year and my siblings are barely on speaking terms with him.”

  “Wow,” she whispers and looks away, her eyes getting a dreamy look to them. “My sister says once she’s married, she’s cutting him out. I worry about my mom. I just can’t understand how she puts up with him,” she says with a shake of her head and returns her gaze to me. “What’s crazy is that he’s setting up dates for me to my sister’s wedding, picking out men who he thinks would make suitable candidates to inherit his firm. He doesn’t even care if I like them or not.” She shivers and I squeeze her tighter, her words making me see red with anger.

  “So I told him I already had a date,” she says sheepishly and hope starts to fill me. “If we’re still together in six months, will you go with me?”

  Relief floods through me knowing she’s starting to think of me in her future. I place my forehead against hers and smile. “Baby, I’m your forever date.”

  She does that cute little swallow of hers anytime I say something that renders her speechless. My gaze falls to her lips and I watch them part. Her breath smells sweet like chocolate frosting that I’m ready to lick up. Our breaths start to get heavy, anticipation in the air about whether or not we’re going to kiss. She squeezes my sides and draws me closer. I lift up her head to stare into her eyes. She’s still staring at my lips and I know I don’t need permission to make my move. I slowly make my way to her lips, ready to stake claim.

  “Excuse me, can you move out of the way? You’re blocking the door!”

  The stranger makes Valerie jump and she releases her hold on me. The moment is gone and I can’t help the snarl I give to the stranger as he scurries into the building once we move aside. Valerie’s giggle brings my gaze back to hers and I smile at the sweet sound. Her cheeks are rosy from embarrassment, but her eyes look tired. As much as I want to continue where we left off, I think she needs a good night sleep from her emotional night.

  “Back to the subject of family, my brother will be in town tomorrow night and I would like for you to meet him. Is that okay with you?” Her eyes light up and she nods enthusiastically, surprising me with her reaction. I thought she would be hesitant, but this reaction is better than I expected.

  “Where are we meeting him? Will it be right after work?”

  “We are going to watch him work.” I laugh at the weird expression that crosses her face. “He plays hockey for the Canucks. He got called up from their farm team last week and has been on the road with them. Luckily for me, he’s still with the team as they come into town to play the Predators.”

  “I’ve never been to a hockey game before. This will be a first.”

  “Angel, we’re going to have a whole lotta firsts.” I pull her in for a hug and kiss her head. “I’m going to let you go inside so you can get some rest.”

  I love the look of disappointment that crosses her face after I release her from my hug. I should just invite myself up and not even give her the option. But against my better judgement, I will wait for the formal invitation from her. My girl is stubborn and I feel if I push her too far, that invitation won’t come sooner, but rather later.

  She stares at me for a moment before walking to her door. She turns around and gives me one last look. A look filled with longing and desire. If she keeps looking at me like that, fuck chivalry and waiting for that formal invite upstairs.

  “Good night, Rowan. Sweet dreams.” She gives me a sexy smile, blows me a kiss, and walks inside.

  “Oh, you don’t know how sweet they’re going to be, Angel,” I mutter, knowing that I have a date with my hand and dreams of her as soon as I get home.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was nervous all day about the fact that I was going to meet Rowan’s brother tonight. Not able to keep my curiosity at bay, I went to the Canucks website to try to find him. Nicholas Pryor is as every bit as good-looking as his older brother, but with some slight differences. Nicholas’ hair is lighter and not as long as Rowan’s. His eye shape is different, but they both have those soul piercing, aquamarine eyes. He was drafted by the Canucks four years ago after he graduated from Boston College. He has moved his way up and has spent the last two years playing for their minor league team, the Kelowna Lynxes. A couple of news articles I read said that this was his year to shine and hopefully permanently stay with the Canucks. Other than that, there was zero gossip about him. Nothing about his dating life and like his brother, he doesn’t have any official social media pages. Any pages I found were fan created.

  “Have you guys met Rowan’s brother?” I ask Wes and Kyle during our lunch break, which isn’t much of a break since we decided to work and eat at the same ti
me. Rowan drove downtown to meet his brother for lunch so he can have some alone time with him because the team flies home after the game.

  “I’ve met him a couple of times. Looks just like Rowan, except taller. Not as outgoing I feel, but just as nice and polite,” Wes says in between bites of his sandwich.

  I look over at Kyle, who’s staring at me strangely. I’m still not comfortable around him. There’s just something about him that gives me the heebie-jeebies. Fortunately, I haven’t had to spend any alone time with him yet. Wes has been with me every time Kyle was needed to help answer a question or explain a report he pulled for me.

  “I’ve met him once. Why?” Kyle’s answer is curt and his tone of voice even draws attention from Wes. Kyle notices Wes looking at him and smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Now I wish I never asked about Rowan’s brother in front of him.

  “I’m meeting him tonight and was just wondering what to expect.”

  “Nick’s in town?” Kyle asks, looking at Wes for confirmation.

  “Yeah, he got called up by the Canucks last week and they’re in town to play the Predators tonight.”

  “He told you that, Wes? Rowan never said a word to me.” Kyle looks visibly upset and I silently vow to never say anything personal in front of him again. “He invited you to the game?” His eyes are laser beams on me and the hair on the back of my neck starts to rise. He’s acting like he’s the only one Rowan confides in. His possessive and jealous vibe is evident in his cold eyes.

  “Yes, he invited me to go with him.” I keep my answer short and pretend to focus on my laptop. I need to talk to Rowan about my feelings regarding Kyle. After this audit is over, I never want to be around him again. I worry about how Rowan is going to take this. He’s known Kyle for a long time and considers him like a brother. He’s only known me for a couple of days. This might be a dealbreaker for our relationship.

  “What’s the big deal, Kyle? You know Rowan’s a private man. It isn’t like he told everyone but you. Stop sounding like a jealous girlfriend.” Wes throws his balled up napkin at Kyle to try to lighten up the mood. Kyle smiles and throws it back at him. I immediately start talking business to divert the tension in the air.

  Kyle and Wes eventually go back to work and I welcome the silence of being alone. With my focus in place, the rest of the day flies by and I was surprised it was quitting time when my phone alarm went off. Rowan and I agreed that it would be best if I get ready here and he’ll follow me home to drop off my car so we can go to the game together. Giddy for my date with him, I quickly put things away, grab my belongings, and race to the restroom to get ready.

  “Oh my gosh, I can’t watch!” I shield my eyes from the fight that is occurring on the ice. The crowd is on their feet, the noise level in the arena at an insane decibel level as one of the Predator players pounds his fist into the face of a Canuck player. Thank goodness it’s not Rowan’s brother, but needless to say, I’m not a fan of any violence. Rowan wraps his arm around me and pulls me close, laughing at my reaction as he plants a kiss on my forehead. This game has been a nail biter, with both Rowan and I on the edge of our seats the whole time. I never knew hockey games could be so much fun, not to mention, so intense. I’m completely hooked, which seems to please Rowan.

  Even though I’m not knowledgeable in hockey, I can tell Rowan’s brother is good. He’s almost scored twice with the Predators’ defensemen doing a great job at thwarting his attempts. I hope it happens for Rowan as it would be a bittersweet moment for him since he doesn’t get to see him play all the time.

  “When was the last time you watched your brother play?” I ask, seeing the pride shining brightly from Rowan’s beautiful eyes as he follows his brother’s movements back to the Canucks’ bench.

  “At least a couple times a year. When he’s with Kelowna, the closest he comes to us is in Chicago, so I always try to make those games. Sometimes we get lucky and they play back-to-back games with the same team, unlike in the NHL. This is a better situation though since I don’t have to travel to Chicago to see him and he gets paid more being called up to the big leagues. I really hope he gets to stay. He’s living his dream right now.” Rowan shakes his head in awe and I love seeing how much he loves his brother. “I’m so fucking proud of him.”

  Rowan stares down at me and I can’t help but look at his lips as he smiles. He has the perfect smile, with lush pink lips and beautiful, straight white teeth. I clench my thighs tighter, the need to feel those lips on me becoming almost unbearable. Every time he kisses me on the forehead, the heat from the kiss goes straight to my core, making me wonder when he’s finally going to give me a proper kiss. I don’t know how much longer I can stand the torture and the idea of me having to make the first move makes me uneasy. I know he’s attracted to me as he always tells me how beautiful I am, especially tonight when I decided to wear my contacts instead of glasses for our date. I know he’s trying to be a gentleman, but his good looks and intoxicating scent is sending me into overdrive. I catch the way he looks at me and know he wants to ravish me.

  And I’m ready and willing.

  The sound of the whistle startles me out of my thoughts and I realize I missed some of the game while I was daydreaming in Rowan la la land. I look up at the jumbotron as one of my favorite songs comes on, Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer. The screen is showing an adorable elderly couple kissing for the “kiss cam”.

  “Oh, how cute!” I exclaim when the camera scans to two children jumping up and down, excited to see themselves on television. The crowd cheers them on and they actually start to kiss. The scene is so hilarious with their parents trying to break them apart that I start laughing hysterically. My laughter turns to horror as my face suddenly appears on the massive screen.

  “NO!” I shout and look at Rowan incredulously as he mouths “second date” with a thumbs up and wicked smile on his face in the direction of the camera that is pointed on us. This just seems to rev up the crowd more, who starts chanting “kiss her, kiss her” over and over again.

  Why is the camera man not going to another couple?

  My first kiss with Rowan can’t be in front of 20,000 people!

  This can’t be happening to me!

  “I think we should give the crowd what they want, Angel,” Rowan whispers in my ear and before I can say no, he places his hand on my cheek, moves my face toward his and plants his lips on mine. His lips are warm, smooth and so soft. He pulls back only slightly before turning my head and kissing me again, this time with his lips slightly parted. The crowd is going wild but once I feel the tip of Rowan’s tongue touch my upper lip, I can’t hear them anymore because I’m a goner. I grab onto his face, open my mouth and clash my tongue with his. Our tongues duel until we find the perfect rhythm together. I know I should stop this, but I can’t. He tastes delicious from the beer and peppermints he was sucking on. The touch of his tongue stokes the flames of my desire, making me crave him more like an addict needing their fix.

  His kiss, his touch, is total perfection.

  “Alright already, the game has started!” someone yells and our mouths slowly break away from each other. Our foreheads are touching, our breathing ragged, and our gazes are locked onto each other. Watching the rest of the game is now the last thing I want to do and if we weren’t supposed to meet his brother afterward, I would demand that we go to my place right this instant. But we can’t and unfortunately, we can’t spend the last remaining five minutes of the game kissing either. As my breathing calms down and my hands release his face, I realize that this man has completely ruined me for anyone else as I’ve never experienced a kiss like that before.

  This kiss solidifies that I want to be kissing Rowan Pryor every day for the rest of my life.

  The thought is quite eye opening as my eyes actually widen while I look at Rowan in a different light. He notices my change in expression and gives me a questioning look.

  “What is it, Angel?” he asks, his fingers grazing my cheek in
a soft caress. I smile and shake my head at him, not ready to reveal my thoughts. He studies me some more and then moves to take my hand in his. “I see you’re just as affected as I am by our kiss. Just imagine how it’s going to be when we’re alone,“ he growls into my ear and I almost moan out loud from the warm sensation rolling through me. I shift in my seat, my jeans suddenly feeling very confining and uncomfortable.

  The rest of the game seems to go by in a daze, with the Canucks finally beating the Predators in a shootout. Nick was one of the players who scored during the shootout and Rowan was jumping up and down, yelling to everyone who can hear him that his brother just scored. Surprisingly, people congratulated him instead of telling him to shut up and sit down.

  When the shootout ended, we made our way downstairs to wait for Nick by the locker rooms. He gave us special passes that permitted us to be down there and it was like seeing a whole different world. Beautiful women were everywhere, having special lanyards around their necks. I’m assuming these are the girlfriends and wives of the Predator players and it makes me wonder how they handle the life of being married to an athlete who isn’t home for most of the year. I don’t know if I could handle it and it makes me grateful that Rowan didn’t pursue his hockey career. But then again, I probably wouldn’t have met him if he was a hockey player.

  Funny how fate puts people in your path.

  We only have to wait fifteen minutes before Nick appears, scanning the crowd for us. I can’t help but appreciate how handsome he looks in his suit and notice that all of the hockey players come out of the locker room wearing suits. I swear this could be an ad campaign for Hugo Boss or some other men’s fashion designer. Most of these guys look like models, not hockey players. I make a mental note to tell Emma she needs to start going to hockey games or at least find out what bars the single hockey players hang out at in Chicago.


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