Shattered Trust : DreamCatcher MC

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Shattered Trust : DreamCatcher MC Page 13

by Liberty Parker

  “Such as?” he asks me.

  “That I was lying because we’d never been together as far as you remembered. That I was trying to trap you into something that you didn’t want. That I used you, was trying to get back at you… trust me, my imagination stretched far and wide when I’d think of what you’d say if I was to reach out.”

  “And all those possibilities could’ve happened, because in all honesty, I didn’t remember… still don’t, other than a flashback here and there.”

  “I didn’t trust you, me, us… all of it. I was protecting myself, or so I thought.”

  “And I can’t blame you for that, Stella. It’s ingrained in us to put ourselves above all others when it comes to the matters of the heart.”

  “I was selfish, though,” I choke out, trying not to sob.

  “I forgive you; can you forgive me?” he asks me.

  “Yes,” I honestly answer. Because I actually forgave him a long time ago. He came for me, took care of me and Jaggar when he didn’t have to. We weren’t his responsibility then, but he never treated me like a leper. He respected me and still gave me as much of him as he could, and I appreciate him for that.

  “Tell me about Matthew?” His words make my heart momentarily stop. Poor Matthew, I still have a hard time believing that he’s gone.

  “Matthew, he was a wonderful person. Don’t hate him, Kruger. He helped me when I needed it the most. He was a good man, from the moment he met me, he was devoted to me. He wanted me with a fierceness that I’d never experienced or felt before. He treated Jaggar as a man would with his own child. He knew I wasn’t in love with him, he’d tell me love would come with time. All he asked was that I tried, that I let him take care of us. I finally gave in and agreed to see where things went. I knew he wasn’t my soul mate, but he was so good to me that even without that spark, I was willing to be with him. I already loved him as a friend, I knew it wouldn’t be a hardship to be with him. We were going out to celebrate our future that night. A future that he wanted and desired so much, that it was an honor to be part of it. I knew my life wouldn’t be filled with undying love, but I was content and happy with what we were doing. I cared for him so deeply that I was willing to overlook the lack of lust.”

  “I’m sorry you lost him,” Kruger informs me. I can hear the honesty leaking from his tone.

  “Thank you,” I respond in kind.

  “Do you miss him?” he inquisitively asks me.

  “I do, but not in the way you’re thinking.”

  “Care to explain that one, Stella?”

  “I miss his friendship.” I sigh, how can I explain this to where he doesn’t think or believe that it’s more than what it is? “He was the least judgmental person I’ve ever met. He knew all about you and the decision I made to not share Jaggar’s existence with you. He gave me hell for that one. He told me he’d stand by me, but wanted me to reconsider letting you know. He told me once that just because you and I weren’t a couple, didn’t mean you wouldn’t be a great father to Jaggar. He begged me to reconsider before we moved further into our relationship. He said he’d be right by my side when I told you about Jaggar. Even offered to drive me to Texas so you could meet him and we, the three of us could come up with some type of resolution. He told me over and over again that Jaggar had enough light and love in his heart to have two good men in his life.”

  “I would’ve never let you and Jaggar leave with him. I’m a selfish sonofabitch like that. He was a better man than I’ll ever be.”

  His eyes take on a haunted look which makes me say what I do next. “Not a better man, Kruger. Just different. I think he knew that if he brought me to you that he’d be leaving without me. He accepted that and was willing to take the risk. All he wanted was for me to be happy, and deep down, he knew that was with you. He wasn’t a saint or anything, Kruger, he had his faults. But he believed in soulmates and often referred to you as mine. He lost his, a long time ago in a car wreck. I think he was settling for just a touch of happiness.”

  “He died the same way the woman who long ago captured his heart. That’s sad and poetic,” Kruger reminisces.

  “It is, and that’s what helps me keep going without feeling guilty at Matthew’s loss. I know that he’s in heaven holding the woman he lost so long ago in his arms. He’s finally at peace and happy.”

  “What about you? Are you happy, Stella?”

  “I’m getting there,” I admit.

  “What would get you there faster, baby?” he gently probes me.

  “You claiming me as your woman,” I tell him, letting the honesty of my words sink in.



  “Then that’s what I’ll do,” I state as my hands roam up and down her torso. She lifts her chest as she tries to bury herself further into my roaming hands. Her moan elicits one from me, I’m so turned on and she hasn’t even touched me yet.

  “Touch me, Kruger,” she all but begs of me.

  “I am touching you, Stella,” I respond, even though I know that’s not what she is meaning.

  “Ugh,” she cries out, “that’s not what I meant and you know it.” Her huffing causes a smirk to form on my face.

  “Where do you want me to touch you, Stella?” I ask, wanting her to direct me to the places that she’s needing me the most.

  “My breasts, my nipples, my pussy,” she whimpers out those words. “Please, Kruger, it’s been so long since I’ve felt you.” The hitch in her throat is my ultimate undoing. My woman has been suffering all of these weeks the same way I have. Now that all the dirty laundry has been aired and sorted through, I’m ready to own her in every conceivable way a man can a woman.

  “We need to get this atrocious nightgown off of you,” I tell her, my voice husky to even my own ears. The want and need that is portrayed in those few words is undeniable and unmistakable.

  “Ha,” she barks out in laughter, “these are the gowns of Ma’s that Charlee brought to me that first night. She told me it was your demand that I not wear anything form fitting.”

  “It’s because I knew that I was gonna have a hard enough time keeping my hands off of you. You are a temptation that’s hard to stay away from,” I whisper in her ear causing a shiver to race up and down her body.

  “I should’ve stuck to my underwear and tank top,” she mutters. “We would’ve gotten to this place a lot sooner than now.”

  “But nothing between us would’ve been resolved. It would’ve been nothing more than raw, unadulterated fucking, Stella. And you, you deserve so much more than that. Waiting was the right thing to do, but I’m done with being a gentleman. Tonight, that pussy is all mine.”

  “It’s been yours since the first time I laid eyes on you.” When she says this, I’m tempted to ask her if Matthew and she were ever together in that way, then decide against it. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, I’m here and he’s not; no other man will ever touch her again from this day forward.

  Instead, I say those words I’ve dreaded for years. “I love you, Stella.”

  “Oh God, I love you too, Kruger. So damn much.” When I see her eyes grow misty, I lean over and plant my lips on hers. Seeing as I don’t remember every detail from the first time we were together, the night that Jaggar was conceived, I decide tonight’s going to be special… I’m gonna love her, gently I’m gonna show her what she means to me.

  Scooting back on her heels, she takes the hem of the nightgown in her hands and slowly lifts it up and over her body. Her tits are full, my hands ache to grab the luscious globes into my hands, but I’m enjoying the show she’s performing for me. So much so, that I will my hands to stay glued to their current position, gripping the sheets tightly beneath me. “Lose the panties,” I demand as she shyly looks up at me. “What’s with the shy act, Stella?”

  “My body, it’s so different since giving birth to Jaggar. Things jiggle that used to be firm and tight. I have stretch marks where my stomach grew as Jaggar did.” Not being able
to help myself, I reach my hand up and run my fingers up and down the silvery, indented lines that formed on her skin.

  “Fucking perfect,” I quietly state as I continue to think about the amazing way a woman’s body forms and shapes while preparing to bring forth life. “Don’t ever shy away or be scared to show me all of you. What you see as imperfections, I see as a map to life. You are beautiful inside and out, Stella. You’ve given me a gift that I never thought I’d receive, so I’ll treasure you for the rest of our natural life and beyond.” As soon as the last word leaves my mouth, she places her fingers in the side bands of her panties. She lifts up her body then slides them down her legs. A small patch of hair is evident as my eyes travel to her pussy. Even with this small peek, I can tell she trims and maintains her bush. My tongue leaves the cavern of my mouth and swipes at my bottom lip, the desire to taste her essence is growing stronger by the second. “Get up here, place your head on the pillow and spread your legs. I wanna see all that pretty pink flesh.”

  She looks up at me from beneath her eyelashes and the picture she makes causes my dick to grow in length. My cock is being strangled in its confinement, but unless I want to blow like a teenager getting his first taste of pussy, I need it to stay there until it’s time for him to come out and play.


  The way his eyes eat me up in hunger has a gush of liquid leaking profusely from my center. My pussy is aching and throbbing in desired need to be touched. I’ve dreamed of this happening for a long time now, and I hope that he puts me out of my misery sometime soon. He’s sat there for what feels like hours staring at my displayed pussy. “Kruger,” I moan out in anticipation. “Please.” I beg him, even though I’m unsure of what it is exactly I want him to do. I need him to act on his impulses instead of staring at me like a man who’s just been issued his last meal.

  “I’m gonna eat you up,” he informs me before laying his muscled body between my legs, obsessively moving them further out to accommodate his large, wide shoulders. My legs begin to quiver as his heated breath hits my core. The first swipe of his tongue has my hips arching, seeking more. He wraps his arms around my legs and holds my torso down. My lower half is immobilized by this action, which makes my tummy flutter, I’m at his mercy. He digs his face further into my heated flesh and a whimper leaves my mouth. This feels so good, that I wish I could bottle it up, so I can relive this feeling anytime I wish.

  “Kruger,” I cry out as he takes my clit and sucks it deeply into the confines of his mouth. His tongue plays mercilessly with it while he continues to suck it. A feeling of euphoria sweeps over me and I scream out something unintelligible. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I chant as I grip firmly onto the pillow underneath my head. He growls as he lets my clit pop from his mouth and begins to devour me with swipes of his tongue. When he sticks it into my opening, my hands fly down, grabbing his hair with a fierceness I didn’t know I possessed. I pull his face closer, as an orgasm begins to work its way through my system. My release wraps around me as I scream out his name, pull his hair while pushing my hips into his face. He suckles me until my release is complete, I’m sensitive down there which he finds entertaining. He slowly glides his tongue up and down, through my slit, as I involuntarily shudder.

  “I could eat your sweet pussy for days and never grow tired of your essence leaking into my mouth,” he states as he uses the inside of my leg to wipe his mouth. I watch in awe as he leans back and pulls his shirt up and over his head. It lands somewhere on the ground, but I pay it no mind as he stands up and unbuttons his jeans. When his cock pops out, I see precum sliding down his shaft. “Not this time, sweet Stella,” he says as he watches the longing for his cock in my mouth reach my face.

  “But you got to,” I pout, upset that I don’t get to taste his flavor explode on my tongue.

  “Next time, love. This time, when I come, it’s gonna be in your tight as fuck pussy,” he protests. As the rest of his articles of clothing leave his frame, I devour him with my eyes. The things I want to do to this man’s body, the avenues I want to explore with my tongue are playing havoc in my mind. My breasts grow heavy and my nipples proudly stand on end as I think about the way he’s gonna feel inside of me, stretching me far and wide as his member intrudes my internal walls. I can’t wait to feel him embedded inside of me, touching all those places that are meant for a lover to breach and conquer.


  The look in Stella’s eyes has me crawling over her like a predator would his prey. And I suppose that’s the correct terminology to be used in this instance, because I’m fixing to devour her completely. My balls are drawn high and are full of cum as I touch the head of my cock to her pussy’s opening. Bumps raise on my skin as it prickles from that one simple touch. “Stella,” I quietly whisper her name as I push my dick completely inside of her tight, wet channel. “You are mine,” I declare as I pull my hips back until only the head of my cock is inside of her.

  “All yours,” she breathlessly replies as her eyes go down to watch where we are connected. I push my hips forward and my eyes cross at the pleasant feeling that overwhelms me and surrounds me in a loving caress. Never before have I felt this intense pleasure when it comes to copulating with another. No woman has ever inspired these feelings that are tightening in my chest. This is different than the average fuck I’ve experienced in the past, this is full of love, loyalty and devotion. It’s rewarding and I want to experience this each and every day until I draw my last breath.

  My hips begin to pump in and out of her as her fingers claw mercilessly at my back. The pain and pleasure mixed together has my pace picking up in speed. Fire ignites inside of me; my balls are burning from holding back the spurts of cum that want to retreat into her confines. As Stella screams out my name in release, her walls clamp down on me holding my dick hostage. I still my body as she finds completion… there’s no way in hell I’m done with her. When the flutters around my cock subside, I pull out of her. “Hands and knees, darlin’,” I state. She looks up at me, then takes my outstretched hand as I help her get up and roll over. As soon as her ass is sticking up in the air at me, my hands tingle in need to knead and smack her delectable, apple-shaped ass. Giving into my mind's desire, I smack first her right cheek then her left, to my surprise, she wiggles her ass at me and moans out in response.

  Shocking the ever-loving shit out of me.

  “You like that, sweetness?” Damn, I hope she says ‘yes’, because my hands are itching to smack that sweet ass again.

  “Yes,” she hisses out as she glances at me over her shoulder. Her eyes are dilated, heated with a sultry look.

  My right hand slaps her cheek as my dick infiltrates her slick slit. “Fuck,” I hiss as her walls tighten around me. Her internal fluttering and spasms spur me on. My hands take turns hitting her flesh as my dick enters and retracts from her enticing body. My hands grab purchase around her cushioned hips as I grip them tightly in my grasp and pound away in and out of her. As my spine tingles and my balls draw up further with my impending release, I slump over her body and sink my teeth into her flesh at her neck. I roar out as spurts of roped cum shoot out of me and coat her insides.

  “Love you so much, Stella,” I tell her as I pull my teeth from the juncture of her neck.

  “Love you too, Kruger.”



  “Where the fuck is he hiding?” Gunner roars out in church the next morning.

  “You got no information from the residents?” I question Gun.

  “Nothing, their lips are sealed like a tight vault,” he angrily hisses out like a pissed off cat.

  “Did you burn their shit to the ground?” I interrogate him, because he said he would if he didn’t get the answers he was searching for.

  “It’s all ash,” he responds and a chuckle reverberates, bouncing off the walls inside the room where church is held.

  “Any body counts?” I ask, needing to know what we’re facing if retaliation is blown back on t
he club.

  “Other than that fucker you took out with your hatchet, no, brother. But we did bring you back a surprise,” Gunner says with mischievous eyes.

  “Oh yeah? Do tell, brother. I love surprises,” I respond to him, excitement lacing my being.

  “We thought you’d personally like to deal with Janella,” Gunner informs me.

  “Fuck yeah, I do,” I growl out, ready to teach that cunt a lesson she’ll never soon forget. No one fucks with my family, especially where it pertains to my woman and child. It’s unforgivable and blood will be shed from her betrayal. I don’t give a fuck that she has tits and a pussy, these women come into our club knowing that anyone who stabs us in the back pays the same way. Man or woman, doesn’t matter one fuck to me. You hit us like a man, you pay as if you are one… end of motherfucking story.

  I give no shits at this point.

  “You can deal with her as soon as we're through here. Curly and Shamus are sitting on her as we speak. She’s at the icehouse in the back of the property. She can scream and bellow all she wants, but no one’s gonna save or rescue her,” Gun advises me. We both look at each other and a smile forms on both of our faces.

  We have a plan to draw Jamie from his hidey hole, but it’s gonna take some time to get it organized. We just need to keep the old ladies and kids protected until it’s time to execute it. No man is allowed to leave the compound on his own, we ride out in pairs if we need to take care of any business outside of our protected land. The mobile homes have started coming in, and we’ve got the prospects trailing after every stranger who’s here to deliver them.

  We completely forgot about today being delivery day when we spoke of punishing Janella as soon as our meeting was conducted. She’s been gagged and tousled up until the club’s property once again is secure from all outsiders. We don’t want anyone hearing her screams that shouldn’t be in the know of the club’s internal business dealings. Instead, we spend some much valuable time with the members and our family. The women make a spread of delicious meats and sides while we enjoy the day.


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