Escape of the Fae

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Escape of the Fae Page 1

by Taylor Spratt




  Escape of the Fae

  All Rights Reserved © 2020 Tiffany Bent. First Printing 2020.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical review and certain other noncommercial uses by copyright law.

  Author’s Note: All characters in this story are 18 years of age and older and all sexual acts are consensual.






























  A fist came flying at me and whacked me hard in the face. I stumbled back, cupped my cheek and smiled at my attacker.

  “Is that the best you can do? I’m a bit disappointed. For a big bad prison guard like yourself… You hit like a bitch,” I mocked, swatting a drop of blood from my lip. “Keep walking sixty-six, the warden’s waiting,” the biggest of three brawny guards bellowed before they all cocked their thunder batons menacingly. Just imagine a long stick with a whole lot of electrical ouchy at the end.

  They all wore green jumpsuits and their faces were ugly in the kind of way that said they’d taken more than a few kicks to the face. Guess that’s what happens when you’re a guard in a supernatural prison. I didn’t bother to catch the guard’s names, so I just call them Dummy one, Dummy two and Dummy three in my head because from our limited interactions so far, I could tell these three magicals were a whole boat load of dumb.

  “Are you deaf or just stupid? Walk the line!” Dummy two said, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me down the long dreary hallway in front of me. The walls were a raw, choppy looking concrete, the kind you’d expect at a construction site, not a hundred-year-old supernatural prison.

  It smelt like a skunk died in here, came back to life as a zombie, and then threw up all over this place. The lights overhead buzzed in and out like Morse code, and screams from parts unknown danced along the air like a deadly warning that said, ‘get the fuck out of here and for god’s sakes, never come back.’

  “Can you believe it boys?” Dummy one grabbed me by the back of the neck to twist my head to face him as we continued walking. “This is the bitch that broke into the Vampire King’s castle. Ruler of the whole world and he gets robbed by this little thing?”

  He gave me a shake and I threw his hand off me. I leered at him and the three men gave out a chorus of laughter.

  “They say you beat the shit out of twenty-five guards before you made off with the Vampire King’s gold. Then you turned yourself in two days later. You got away with all that gold. How fucking stupid could you be to turn yourself in after that. You crazy or something?” he continued.

  I shot him a murderous glare.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you put that thunder baton away and I will show you.” He gave out a laugh as if he thought I was kidding. He then held the baton firm in his hand. Pity, I was just itching to show him just how crazy I could be. I’d rather enjoy kicking his face in.

  I folded my arms as my shoes clacked loudly over the tile.

  “Pretty bold statement for you to make, though.” I snorted. “King of our world? The vampire king? Oh please.”

  “Well, isn’t that what you call it when democracy falls and a king takes over to restore order?” Dummy three shrugged.

  Restore order? That was what he called it. The last fifty years have seen the greatest change planet earth has ever seen. Well at least that was what we used to call our planet. We called this green and blue marble of ours Dominion now. The name changed when the world did.

  President Dominion was the eighty-ninth president of the United States, and the last. For eons we magicals had lived amongst humans all the while shielding them from the knowledge of our powers and existence. We blended perfectly into their societies, masking ourselves as humans and only revealing our true identities to other magicals.

  It was a peaceful existence even if we had to hide our true selves. Everything changed when Dominion came into power. He was a lion shifter and a very powerful one at that, and in one speech, he outed the existence of all magical creatures from shifters to vampires to fae.

  He held on to the silly dream that the world of magicals and humanity could unite and we could all live openly together. Well that idea ended in complete fucking disaster! The humans declared war against magical kind the next damn day. It lasted seven long years.

  By the end of the whole shebang, humanity fell and instead of choosing to live amongst us, most of them left to live in human colony’s, tucked away in the various wildernesses across the globe. Now we magicals inhabit every major city on the planet and we were free to be ourselves.

  President Dominion died in the conflict and in honor of his vision the earth was renamed after him. And vampires, as the most powerful race of magicals, took to running the world with their selfish and brutal king at its helm.

  “King Julius is just a big bully,” I retorted, continuing my walk down the passage as the three guards sandwiched me between them. “He taxes the hell out of us! There are fae starving to death all over my city. I just took back what was theirs.”

  “Your nothing but a petty outlaw, Sixty-six. Don’t make yourself out to be such a hero.” With a firm hand to my back he pushed me forward.

  He was right. I was no hero. Yeah, I did rob the castle to help the poorer fae in my city. But I had a lot more cooking up than that.

  See, I wasn't like the other bozos and bitches they had locked up in here. I didn’t go do a drive-by shooting. I didn’t try to nab Black Beard’s booty. And I sure as hell didn’t slide my ass down a rainbow, guns blazing, trying to rob a leprechaun’s gold either. That heist is on my list though, but it’s for another day.

  I chose to rob the Vampire King’s castle for a reason. For a crime like that there was only one punishment. Being thrown ass first into the worst supernatural prison in all of Dominion. Pembroke Penitentiary. This place may have been a shit hole, but this is exactly where I wanted to be.

  These jagoffs have got my brother locked up in here, and unlike me, Michael wouldn’t hurt a fly. Only the gods knew what trumped up charges they’d hauled him in here with.

  Didn’t matter though, because big sis was here to get him out. And I didn’t care who wanted to stop me. Whether it was a vamp, harpy or even fucking swamp monster, I was not backing down because when I said jump, men went flying.

  “Number sixty-six! Hello? You still with us?” Dummy three said, outstretching his dirt encrusted fingers to snap in front of my face.

  “Yes, Mr. Dumb- I mean Mr. Prison Guard. I’m listening,” I said, dawning my most charming smile and fluttering my lashes.

  He scowled in my direction, his dirty blond hair glued to his forehead by a coating of glistening sweat. We reached the end of the hall and he jabbed a finger at the la
rge white door looming ahead of us. I hadn’t noticed it before, but the walls down here were no longer raw or putrid. They were painted the purest lily white, the air now crisp and fresh, almost honey sweet, and shiny beige tiles covered the floor.

  Was that the warden’s office? Good. The sooner I met her was the sooner they’d let me out into the prison. The sooner I joined the prisoners was the sooner I could go looking for Michael and break him the hell out of this shit shack.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see Blackwater handle this one,” Dummy one said, trailing beside me waiving his thunder baton about playfully, his eyes hard on me. “She’s going to chew you up and spit you out.”

  “Whatever this warden does I doubt it could be as bad as looking at your ugly mug for another minute,” I mocked, throwing my head back.

  His teeth clenched in rage and he squeezed the baton tight. He waved it about as if deciding whether or not to use it. I wasn’t afraid of him; I ate men like him for breakfast. But I would prefer to get through the day without being electrocuted out of my wits.

  “Easy, Rocky.” Dummy two raised his arms to calm the man. Then Dummy two laid a firm hand to my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. He then trailed around in front of me to face me. He gave me a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “See, I know what your problem is, Sixty-six. You think that because you’re an ‘A’ class that means you’re better than us. Is that it?”

  “I never said that but if that’s what you think, who am I to change your mind? I shrugged, looking away from him.

  Great, another jealous magical with a chip on his shoulder. Was it my fault I was an ‘A’ class?

  Though all magical races were different, there was one thing used to categorize us all, the power level system. Your power level said everything about you. What schools you could get into, what level job you were qualified for, you name it.

  The most powerful magicals were called ‘A’ classes, next came the ‘B’ classes and ‘C’ classes after that, going all the way to the bottom of the barrel ‘D’ classes who were the weakest and most powerless among us.

  Imagine you’re in grade school, but instead of being graded on how smart you were, you were graded solely on how big a flame you could conjure, or how fast you could trace, how far you could throw a man across a room or worse, how easily you could manipulate another to do your bidding with the mere utterance of a word. It all depended on what your race’s abilities were and by the look of these three, they were at the bottom of the class from day one. No wonder they were so rough on me. Jealousy was such an ugly thing.

  The three guards now glowered at me. Clearly, they weren’t too happy by my response. They were no better than ‘C’ classes, their power signatures barely at sensible levels. I could practically see the resentment boil up in their eyes as they looked at me.

  “Relax, boys.” I raised my palms. “It’s not like I called you losers or anything, right?”

  They looked at one another for a moment before their eyes landed back on me. Okay so maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say right now.

  “No reason we can’t rough her up a little more before we take her to Blackwater, right, boys?” Dummy one cocked his head to the side considering me, an eerie smile widening on his face. “I mean she doesn’t need all of those teeth, does she?”

  They all seemed to agree because the next thing I knew several tough callous hands grabbed me by the neck, arm and back yanking me about.

  Two of them drew their fists back ready to take a punch. I closed my eyes bracing for the impact when a voice called out from behind the closed door.

  “Come in.”

  They immediately released me as if stirred back to their senses by the sound of the warden’s voice. Cocking his head to the side, in a rough, scruffy voice Dummy one barked, “This is the warden’s office. I’m about to lay down some pretty complicated instructions for you, fae. So, listen up. Get in there, follow the warden’s instructions, get out and go rot in your jail cell for eternity. Simple enough for you to grasp, eh, fairy girl?”

  My eyebrow twitched at that, and I balled my fists tight.

  Fairy girl?!?!

  Did this mother fucker just call me what I think he did?

  My eyes trailed up to his, and he fell silent the moment our eyes met. The light drained from the blue of his eyes and his skin went as white as the walls around us. He could feel my power then, no doubt about it, and by the tremble of his eyes he was intimidated.

  Fairy was a slur used to insinuate we were dainty and weak. But we fae were anything but weak and we sure as hell weren’t dainty. My race casted aside that frilly little name, ‘fairy’ decades ago. Now we go by ‘fae.’

  “It’s fae, dumbass. Not ‘fairy’ and certainly not ‘fairy girl’… ‘fae’. Now live it, learn it, and even eat it if you have to, not that that should be too much of a problem for you.” I patted the back of my hand over his belly. It jiggled slightly from the jabs and his face went from white to lobster red in a blink.

  “Why I oughta…” He lunged at me, palm poised to strike.

  “Get in here, Sixty-six. Get in here now!” a harsh feminine voice demanded from the other side of the door and all three of the guards jumped.

  “Get- get in there, Sixty-six,” Dummy one stammered. His eyes were glued to the door as if he were afraid it would soon swing open and the warden would chew him out for making her wait.

  “Well, boys, it’s been a treat,” I retorted, shooting the scowling men a cheerful smile and a wink before opening the door and strolling inside.

  Time to meet the warden, what a fun first day this was turning out to be. Hopefully she wouldn’t make me wait too long. I was just itching to get out among the prisoners and see Michael.

  An attractive woman with a tight smile and an even tighter blouse sat behind a desk at the other end of the room. Her boobs were almost spilling out of her red deep cut blouse, and she had what looked to be over a dozen green snakes hanging from her head, slithering about like hellish hair. Her eyes were icy cold, and they pierced me through the chest like a dagger.

  Medusa herself. A Gorgon for a warden? Interesting. There was only one rule when dealing with her kind. Don’t look one directly in the eye or you’ll be turned to stone. But I never was one to follow the rules.

  The room had a bunch of grey file cabinets covering half the walls. Colorful mats decorated most of the floor and behind the desk was a gigantic window that seemed to lead to somewhere within the prison. No wonder the air freshener in here was strong enough to kill weeds. Guess she wasn’t a fresh air sort of lady.

  “Hmmm, so you’re Jessica Gilcrest, are you?” She raised a curious brow, the smile falling from her face as she cupped her hands under her chin with her elbows resting on the table.

  “That’s right. I’m your girl,” I responded, cocking my head to the side with an innocent grin.

  “Must have fucked up pretty badly to get tossed in here, huh, Miss Gilcrest? I’ll have you know that here at Pembroke Penitentiary we don’t take crap, so you better not give us any. Got that?” She had a rude edge to her tone, which I replied to with a polite, “Yes ma’am.”

  This gorgon was something else. I’d only just walked in here and she hated me already. I could see it in the way she looked at me. All she felt was pure contempt.

  “Good,” she murmured behind knitted brows as she rose to her feet. Her eyes scanned my body as if looking for faults or just about anything she could criticize.

  With her hands cupped behind her back she began to pace the floor, never taking her eyes off me.

  “You’re not in handcuffs. I trust you’ve noticed?” she asked me, shaking her head slightly, her eyes drooping as if she’d prefer to be anywhere else in Dominion right now. “That’s because here your powers are gone.”

  She wasn’t kidding. I’d barely felt my flames in hours, let alone my fae light. I’d been wondering why that was but Dummy one through three seemed less than willing to fill me in.

  “You’ve got the poison to thank for that. A sweet little concoction brewed up special to keep you dirtbags in line.” She jabbed a finger to the ceiling. There were small metal vents trailed along the ceiling with what looked like a milky gas slowly spilling out of it.

  I eyed the gas, studying it and trying to comprehend what this meant. It smelled funny. Almost like pesticide.

  “Wait. So, you’re slowly killing the prisoners with poison just to keep our magic at bay?” I rested a hand at my waist, my mouth falling open. “You’ve heard of the term ‘bad for repeat business’ I assume?”

  “Don’t be so melodramatic, Sixty-six.” She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips together. “It’s only poisonous to magic and all effects are temporary, so you and your fellow miscreants will be free to curse the world with your miserable existences for generations to come.”

  Yeesh. What a downer. If my beta were here right now, she’d say this woman was in dire need of a good dicking, then maybe she wouldn’t be so grumpy.

  “So, you’re poisoning yourself as well?” I continued, and she scowled, seeming to have not liked my tone.

  “No, the guards and I get the antidote every day, that way we can keep you filth in line. Now stay there while I check your file.”

  Oh wonderful, so now she’s got the advantage in manpower and magical power too. I’d plan my arrest and break out weeks ago. I knew there must have been something in here keeping the prisoners from escaping. It was good to know just what. I needed all the intel I could get for my big escape.

  She gingerly strolled from her seat in her saran wrap tight skirt, swinging her hips like Malibu Barbie as she walked over to the cabinets on the opposite side of the room. She opened the cabinet, searched for my name and with a tug pulled out the file.

  “Ah, yes, Jessica Gilcrest.” She read the label, opened the file and started reading. “Physical age 23. Actual age 234. Seems you’ve gotten yourself into quite a bit of trouble for a fae so young.”

  With a raised brow she flickered through the pages, her face twisting in horror the deeper she delved through them.


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