Christmas On Main Street

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Christmas On Main Street Page 20

by Leeanna Morgan

  “I guess that’s better than nothing.”

  “And it’s not as if they eat lollipops each week.”

  “True.” Emma glanced at a text message on her cell phone. John was having trouble starting the vintage fire truck that would follow Santa down Main Street.

  “Bad news?”

  “I hope not. John can’t get the fire truck to start.”

  “Does he need a hand? I’m freakishly good at spotting engine issues.”

  Emma had always assumed that, apart from fishing, Jack was a city boy at heart. “I thought the nearest you came to engine oil is when your car goes into the garage for a service.”

  Jack held his hand over his heart. “I’m wounded. I’ll have you know that I single-handedly fixed Noah’s old truck before his first ever date. I deserved a gold medal for that save.”

  “Let me guess. You’ve never let Noah forget what a miracle worker you are.”

  “That’s true. You must know me better than I thought.”

  Emma’s phone vibrated again. “Disaster averted. The engine is working.” The low hum of motorcycle engines rumbled along the street. “Santa is on his way.”

  “I hope Granddad doesn’t stand up inside the sleigh.”

  Emma bit her bottom lip. “So do I. Kathleen assured me she wouldn’t let him do anything foolish.”

  As the first motorcycles slowly drove along Main Street, Emma held Molly and Dylan’s hands. Attached to the last bikes by thick rope, was Santa’s sleigh. Emma sighed. Now that it was in the parade, the sleigh was every bit as spectacular as she’d imagined. With its shiny, bright red exterior and plush velvet seats, it was the perfect setting for Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

  Molly jumped up and down. “I can’t see.”

  Jack knelt down. “Do you want to sit on my shoulders?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Before Santa got much closer, Jack scooped Molly up and onto his shoulders.

  “I can see everything,” she yelled.

  Noah whispered something in Dylan’s ear and moments later, he was sitting on top of Noah’s shoulders, looking proudly above the heads of the crowd.

  “Look at me, Mom,” Dylan said. “I’m taller than Jack.”

  Emma held out her hand. “I’ll hold your lollipop before it gets tangled in Noah’s hair.”

  Jack reached up and took Molly’s. “Here’s another one.”

  “Can we stay here forever?” Molly asked.

  Emma almost felt sorry for Jack. Molly’s hands were wrapped so tightly around his neck that it looked as though he was being strangled. “Only for the parade. Otherwise, you’ll bang your head on all the doorframes.”

  Molly pointed at something down the street. “Look at the reindeer!” she squealed. “They look amazing.”

  Emma agreed. When the riders had shown her the antlers and flashing red noses they’d brought for the motorcycles, she’d thought they were cute. But, with the last rays of sunlight dipping below the horizon, the red noses shone like miniature lighthouses from between each set of handlebars.

  “Here comes Santa.” Dylan pointed down the street.

  People all around them eagerly waited for the arrival of the merry man in red.

  “Mrs. Claus looks beautiful,” Molly said with a sigh.

  Emma kept checking her cell phone. There were no texts, no emergency phone calls, nothing to make her think the parade was anything other than perfect.

  “Relax,” Jack croaked. “Everything will be all right.” He unlatched Molly’s hands from around his neck and took a deep breath. “That’s better.”

  Emma’s phone vibrated and she read the text. Her shoulders sagged in relief. “The fire truck is moving and the marching band has made it to the end of the street.”

  Molly frantically waved at the sleigh. “Santa Claus saw me and Mrs. Claus blew me a kiss.”

  Emma looked up at her daughter. “You’re awfully lucky.”

  Whistles and applause broke out around them.

  Emma’s gaze shot back to the parade.

  “What happened?”

  Jack groaned. “Santa just kissed Mrs. Claus.”

  “On the mouth!” Molly added.

  Emma didn’t know who was more surprised—Jack, Noah, or Molly. But either way, Mr. and Mrs. Claus looked as though they’d enjoyed it.

  After the parade, Jack stomped through the artificial snow beside his grandfather. “I can’t believe you kissed her.”

  “It was a spontaneous gesture of affection.”

  “You kissed Kathleen. In the middle of Main Street. With almost everyone in Sapphire Bay watching.”

  Patrick’s eyebrows rose. “And your point is?”

  “The parade is a family event. Mr. and Mrs. Claus aren’t supposed to kiss each other. They’re supposed to wave to the crowd and look happy.”

  “We are happy.”

  Jack walked around a family looking at a Christmas craft stall. The night market was another huge success. With Main Street open only to the five thousand ticket holders, people had been good-natured about waiting in line to buy the Christmas-themed arts and crafts, or sample the delicious food.

  He waited for his granddad to wish someone a merry Christmas before continuing down the street. “When Kathleen agreed to be Mrs. Claus, you were worried what people would think.”

  Patrick cleared his throat. “I’m not worried anymore. Kathleen and I had dinner last night. We’ve decided to spend more time together.”

  Jack froze. “You had a date? And you didn’t tell me?”

  The people waiting in another line looked at them and smiled. It probably had something to do with his granddad still wearing the Santa costume.

  “You don’t need to yell,” Patrick grumbled. “I might be in my eighties, but I’m not deaf.”

  “I wasn’t yelling. I was surprised.”

  Patrick pulled Jack under the awning of a jewelry store. “I don’t know how many years I’ve got ahead of me, but life is too short for regrets. I loved your grandma beyond measure. After she died, I was devastated. I never thought I’d find someone I’d enjoy spending my time with. When I met Kathleen, I knew she was special. We talk and laugh and share parts of our lives that mean a great deal to us. I care about her and she feels the same about me.”

  A lump formed in Jack’s throat. “Do you love her?”

  When Patrick looked at him, there were tears in his eyes. “I do. Despite our age difference, despite the things that brought us to Sapphire Bay, I love her so much that it scares me.”

  Jack hugged his granddad. As he held him close, he felt his grandma’s presence, wrapping them in her love. “I’m happy for you, Granddad.”

  Patrick wiped his eyes. “I’ve had more than a few sleepless nights worrying about what your grandma would have said.”

  Through his own tears, Jack smiled. “Grandma would tell you to make each day of your life count. She’d be happy that you’re happy.”

  “I hope so.” Patrick took a deep breath. “But we’re not here to talk about my life. Did you check the snowmen?”

  Jack nodded. “They’re still there. I was worried they might have melted, but whatever’s in the artificial snow is almost indestructible.”

  “That’s modern technology for you. Where’s Emma?”

  “She’s in Sweet Treats with everyone else. When we’re ready, Noah will bring her outside.”

  “You’re about to take a big step. Are you sure you’re ready?”

  Jack nodded. “I’ve been waiting for her my entire life. I’m more than ready.”

  Patrick wiped more tears from his eyes. “In that case, we’d better move fast. I don’t know how much longer the snowmen will last.”

  As they walked into the parking lot behind Sweet Treats, Jack sighed. Decorating the empty lot had been easy.

  Now all he had to do was ask Emma to spend the rest of her life with him.

  Emma handed Molly a container of white chocolate buttons. For most of the evening, the
fundraising committee had been coming and going from the kitchen at Sweet Treats, the designated meeting point for tonight’s events.

  When they weren’t on duty, it was great to have somewhere they could go to get away from the people lining the sidewalk. With the night market closing in half an hour, all Emma had to do was wait here, then help secure everything until the morning.

  Brooke had provided cakes and cookies for everyone to enjoy. And, when Molly and Dylan arrived, she created a cookie decorating table to keep them amused.

  Emma added chocolate frosting to the cookie she was decorating. “What do you think, Dylan? Does he need a mouth?”

  Dylan studied the round cookie. “If you want him to look like an elf, I think you should.”

  Molly picked up her cookie. “Does this look like Snowflake?”

  Using lots of white frosting and adding pale gray whiskers and white chocolate eyes, Molly had done a good job of decorating her cookie. “It looks lovely,” Emma said with a smile. “I can almost hear Snowflake purring.”

  “That’s because Snowflake likes eating cookies,” Molly said proudly.

  Emma raised her eyebrows.

  “But she only gets little crumbs,” Molly added.

  “That’s good.”

  With a happy smile, Molly started decorating another cookie.

  Emma handed her friend, Brooke, a piping bag full of frosting. “Thank you for letting us stay here.”

  “I’m glad John called. It’s not often a candy shop becomes the headquarters for a Christmas fundraising committee.”

  Noah’s cell phone beeped. He checked the screen before looking at Emma. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Sure. What is it?”

  “I ordered a special Christmas present for Jack. The stallholder has left it outside. Can you give me a hand to put it inside my truck before he arrives?”

  Emma wiped her hands on her apron. “Of course I can. But don’t tell me what you bought. If Jack asks, I can plead ignorance.”

  Noah took his keys out of his pocket. “It won’t take long.”

  Emma made sure Molly and Dylan were okay before she followed Noah outside. “We were lucky with the weather. I was worried it might rain and melt the snow.”

  “You should be proud of what you’ve achieved. After tonight, people will be rushing to get tickets for the rest of the events.”

  Emma started to say something, then stopped. The parking lot wasn’t the same drab gray area she’d seen earlier in the day. Someone had transformed it into a snow-covered Christmas wonderland. Jack stood in front of four snowmen who were dressed in colorful hats and scarves. Fairy lights decorated a huge tree and Christmas carols played from a nearby speaker.

  “This is amazing.” She turned to Noah. “Do you think Jack found the box?” she whispered.

  “There isn’t one,” he whispered back.

  “But you…” she looked at Jack and frowned. “Why are you standing in front of four snowmen?”

  He stepped forward and Emma’s frown deepened. She’d never seen him look so serious. “Is everything all right?”

  “It’s more than all right. I wanted to ask you something.”

  “You did?” Emma was even more confused.

  Jack held her hands. “I love you, Emma. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you by my side.”

  Her heart pounded as Jack got down on one knee.

  “Emma Lewis. Will you marry me?”

  Tears filled her eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to think rationally, to weigh up everything she knew and didn’t know about Jack. Agreeing to marry someone was a big commitment. It would change her life, change Molly and Dylan’s lives, too.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You could say, yes.”

  The gentleness in Jack’s voice calmed her nerves. “I love you Jack, but I need to talk to Molly and Dylan. Whatever we decide will—”

  “Say yes!” Molly yelled from somewhere behind Emma.

  She turned around and stared at the empty doorway.

  “We’re up here, Mommy.”

  Emma looked above the candy store to Brooke’s apartment. Molly and Dylan were standing in front of an open window. Brooke waved from behind them.

  “Jack asked us if he could marry you. We said yes, but only if you want him to be our daddy.”

  Emma’s gaze shifted to Dylan.

  “I want Jack to be my dad, too,” he said shyly. “He knows about the stars, and frogs, and he likes fishing. We made a snowman family. It’s me, Molly, you, and Jack.”

  Emma wiped the tears from her eyes. When she turned around, she got the fright of her life. Jack’s granddad, still dressed as Santa, stood beside the Christmas tree.

  “I’m sorry. The snow muffled my footsteps. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s okay,” Emma said quickly. “I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed.”

  Patrick gave her a hug. “If it makes any difference, it would be wonderful if you and the twins joined our family. I’d have two of the loveliest granddaughters in Montana.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ve also got something my grandson asked me to look after.” Patrick took a little black box from one of his pockets and handed it to Jack. “Good luck.”

  Jack opened the lid and stood close to Emma.

  Her mouth dropped open when she saw the sparkling sapphire and diamond engagement ring. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I asked Cassie to make it for you.”

  “She knew?”

  “She’s known how I feel about you for weeks. Will you marry me?”

  Emma looked into Jack’s eyes and sighed. “I never thought I’d fall in love again, but I have. I love you and I’d like to be your wife.”

  Jack’s eyes filled with tears. With trembling hands, he slid the ring onto her finger, then wrapped her in a hug. “I love you so much. Thank you for saying yes.”

  “Does that mean Jack is going to be our daddy?” Molly asked.

  Emma laughed before looking up at her daughter. “Yes, Molly. Jack is going to be your daddy.”

  The smile on her children’s faces touched something deep inside Emma. “We’re getting married,” she whispered to Jack.

  “I hope so. Is next Saturday too early?”

  Emma smiled. “Maybe a little.”

  “Okay. How does a month from today sound?”

  “It sounds perfect.” And before Dylan and Molly ran outside, she wrapped her arms around Jack and kissed him until they were both breathless.

  Today was the beginning of their new life together and she couldn’t have been happier.

  * * *


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  Keep reading for a preview of Mistletoe Madness, Kylie and Ben’s story, the second book in Santa’s Secret Helpers!

  Mistletoe Madness

  Santa’s Secret Helpers, Book 2

  * * *

  This Christmas, something magical is happening in Sapphire Bay.

  Kylie loves everything about Christmas. The lights, the carols, the snow-covered streets and, most of all, the smiles on the faces of everyone she meets. Well, almost everyone. When her friends ask her to organize the biggest fundraising Christmas party Sapphire Bay has ever seen, the florist inside of her is itching to get started. But that means talking to Ben Thompson, the closest thing to the Christmas Grinch she’s ever met.

  * * *

  Ben owns the only Christmas tree farm in Sapphire Bay, but that doesn't mean he's full of the Christmas spirit. He came to Montana searching for peace
and quiet, but pesky Kylie Bryant, with her addiction to all things Christmasy, is driving him insane. If getting lost on his property in the middle of a storm isn't enough to annoy him, wanting him to donate fifty of his best trees and one hundred sprigs of mistletoe for a party is plain crazy.

  * * *

  When an accident forces them together, everything about Kylie begins to make sense. She's getting under Ben's skin and making him feel alive. But when a baby arrives on his doorstep, his life changes. And it will never be the same again.

  * * *

  MISTLETOE MADNESS is the second book is the Santa's Secret Helper's series and can easily be read as a standalone. Each of Leeanna's series are linked so you can find out what happens to your favorite characters in other books.

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  If you would like to know when Leeanna's next book is released, please visit Happy reading! For news of my latest releases, please visit and sign up for my newsletter. Happy reading!

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  Pre-Order Your Copy of

  Mistletoe Madness

  Santa’s Secret Helpers, Book 2

  Enjoy More Books By Leeanna Morgan

  Montana Brides:

  Book 1: Forever Dreams (Gracie and Trent)

  Book 2: Forever in Love (Amy and Nathan)

  Book 3: Forever After (Nicky and Sam)

  Book 4: Forever Wishes (Erin and Jake)

  Book 5: Forever Santa (A Montana Brides Christmas Novella)

  Book 6: Forever Cowboy (Emily and Alex)

  Book 7: Forever Together (Kate and Dan)

  Book 8: Forever and a Day (Sarah and Jordan)

  Montana Brides Boxed Set: Books 1-3

  Montana Brides Boxed Set: Books 4-6

  * * *

  The Bridesmaids Club:


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