by Tom Kuhn
On the birth of his son, 869
On the critical attitude, 927
On the death of a criminal, 261
On the death of a fighter for peace, 697
On the death of the poet Thomas Otway, 747
On the decline of love, 640
On the drinking of schnapps, 187
On the fickleness of women, 610
On the heels of the regime’s rallies, 591
On the Jews, 543
On the label emigrant, 730
On the meaning of the ten-line poem in issue 888 of The Torch (October 1933), 483
On the often heard sentence, barbarism comes from barbarism, 545
On the poor man’s early labour . . . , 441
On the proper enjoyment of spirituous liquors, 142
On the rebuilding of the Frankfurt Schauspielhaus, 1003
On the Ruhr there’s a house in ruins . . . , 970
On the seduction of angels, 945
On the suicide of the refugee W.B., 835
On the swift fall from grace of the worthy know-nothing, 485
On the wall in chalk were the words:, 656
On the way from Augsburg to Timbuktu . . . , 121
On violence, 602
On vitality, 85
On watering the garden, 879
Once, 918
Once there was a mother . . . , 966
One day when victory . . . , 642
One thing not like another, 965
One time among many times . . . , 884
The one-armed man among the trees, 1017
The opium smoker, 259
Orge’s reply on being sent a soaped rope, 199
Orge’s song, 186
Our earth, undoing . . . , 103
Our peoples were still tearing one another to pieces . . . , 931
Our unceasing conversation . . . , 609
Out of the libraries . . . , see (1940) 2
Over a bottle of wine . . . , 771
Over the sound the rain clouds hang, but the garden . . . , see (Spring 1938) 2
The pace of socialist reconstruction, 691
A painter, 33
The painter’s (presumptive) answer, 645
Parade of the benefactors, 901
Parade of the old New, 797
The parting, 626
The party is in danger, 411
The passenger, 563
Passion, 8
The people live on . . . , 952
The people say . . . , 814
The people who stole the book that was yours . . . , 565
The play is over . . . , 895
Pleasures, 1044
The plum song, 944
The plum tree, 666
Poem for adults, 1056
Poem in thanks to Mari Hold, on 5 October 1934, 490
Poem of the Unknown Soldier under the triumphal arch, 344
Poems in exile, 566
Political observations, 117
The politician, 867
Poor B.B., 250
The poor man’s pound, 470
The poor man’s song, 933
The poorer pupils from the suburbs, 629
Postcard from a socialist city, 1066
The power of the workers, 524
Praise of doubt, 765
Praise of the revolutionary, see Cantata on the anniversary of Lenin’s death
A prediction, 621
Pride, 917
The prisoner’s dreams, 632
The procession in Capri, 151
The prodigal son, 97
Professor Sil Maria, 12
A prohibition on theatre criticism, 728
A proletarian mother’s speech to her sons at the outbreak of war, 756
Prometheus, 100
A protest in the sixth year of Ch’ien Fu, 869
Prototype of a bad man, 178
Provisions for a purpose, 1018
Psalm 2, 44
Psalm in spring, 71
Psalms, 53
Purging the theatre of illusions, 923
A question, 764
Questions, 582
Questions and answers, 765
Questions of a worker who reads, 675
The rag-and-bone-man, 364
Rain among the pines, 1008
The rain falls down from up above . . . , 877
The Reader for City Dwellers, see From the Reader for City Dwellers
Reading the newspaper while making tea, 863
Reading without innocence, 904
A realization, 955
Reason, 101
Recently I heard tell . . . , 535
Reconstruction in the time of the housepainter, 627
Red carnival, 841
Refuge, 732
Remarkable how even the greatest pass . . . , 159
Remember, these are the years . . . , 375
Remembering a certain M.N., 269
Remembering Marie A., 220
Remembering my little teacher . . . , 822
Report from Germany, 538
Report from Herrnburg, 993
Report of one who failed, 756
Report on a hundred-year war, 905
Report on an unsuccessful expedition, 113
Report to somewhere else, 339
A report, 475
The representation of past and present in one, 616
Resignation, 871
Resolution, 672
The revolutionary soldier’s luck, 588
The riddle, 370
Riding the swing-boats. 4th Psalm, 55
The roll call of the vices and the virtues, 799
Roll of honour for twelve world champions, 354
The Roman Emperor Nero . . . , 513
Romanticism, 25
Rosa, 364
Rowing, conversation, 1018
The rulers, 954
Rules for associating with those who concern themselves with the big issues, 601
Ruuskanen’s horse, 794
Sauna and sex, 945
The scripture says . . . , 807
The second beat, 615
Second calendar song, 1026
Second poem of the dead brickie, 642
Second poem of the Unknown Soldier under the triumphal arch, 346
Second song of the Soldier of the Revolution, 588
The 2nd Psalm, 68. See also Psalm 2
The second sonnet, 574
The seduced girls, 238
See with what wonderful movement . . . , 926
Seeing how inadequate . . . , 292
Self-laceration of the proletariat, 843
Send me a leaf . . . , 1047
Sending her son off fishing . . . , 617
Sentimental memories before an inscription, 147
Serenade, 22
The Service Train, 710
Set on the bench the glittering grenades . . . , 636
700 intellectuals worship an oil tank, 330
The seven lives of literature, 1022
Seven roses the rose bush has . . . , 987
The seventh psalm, 57
The seventh sonnet, 577
She went into the hills, 1070
The ship, 171
The shipwrecked sailor’s report, 131
Shopping, 488
A short epistle alluding to some disagreements, 152
Showing must be shown, 921
The siblings-tree, 37
The sick Communist’s answer to the comrades, 702
Silk brightly glowing round it like an orange . . . , 137
Since the spray hissed over . . . , 100
Singing Steyr motor cars, 361
The sinners in hell, 249
Sit down . . . , 341
Sit down to eat, 961
The sixth sonnet, 577
The sky this summer, 1020
Slave, who will set you free, see None or all
Smoke, 1017
Smoke signal, 858
The snowstorm, see Spring 1938
sp; So friendliness . . . , 424
So lads, before they lay down with their lasses . . . , 1046
So the happy end has happened . . . , 397
So you could sit here . . . , 1045
A soldier’s grave, 19
Soldiers’ song, 81
Solidarity Song, 405
Soliloquy of an actress putting on her mask, 647
Solomon song, 808
The solution, 1013
Song, 413
Song about happiness, 1003
Song against war, 670
Song for Herr Münsterer, 43
Song for peace, 1001
Song for the foundation of the National Deposit Bank, 397
A song for the gentlemen on Ward D, 51
Song from the aquarium. 5th Psalm, 56
Song from The True Story of Jacob Trotalong, 604
Song number 2, 433
Song of a family from the Prairies, 266
Song of a German mother, 861
Song of chaos, 496
The song of fraternization, 816
Song of lost innocence folding the linen, 132
Song of love, 51
Song of my mother. 8th Psalm, 58
Song of myself. 16th Psalm, 65
A song of praise (after ‘Commit thou all thy griefs . . . ’), 84
The song of St Neverever Day, 809
The song of Surabaya-Johnny, 282
Song of the catacombs. 13th Psalm, 63
Song of the class enemy, 455
Song of the cloud in the night, 35
Song of the coat and the patch, 414
Song of the courts, 401
Song of the defencelessness of the gods and the good, 811
Song of the Fort Donald railroad gang, 210
Song of the future, 949
Song of the gallows-tree birds, 49
Song of the god of good fortune, 757
Song of the gut-washer, 972
Song of the Hours (from the 17th century), 928
Song of the machines, 353
The song of the Moldau, 884
Song of the Mother on the heroic death of the coward Vessovchikov, 416
Song of the particularity of the Limesian Tuis, 1033
Song of the playwright, 556
Song of the Polish Jews in the Soviet Union, 848
Song of the Red Army soldier, 173
Song of the rivers, 1035
The song of the roses of the Shipka Pass, 145
The song of the SA man, 421
The song of the Saar, 492
Song of the saved, 31
Song of the shoe, 452
The song of the sickle, 501
Song of the sisters, 90
Song of the smoke, 812
Song of the soldier’s widow, 441
Song of the starling flocks, 663
Song of the stimulating effect of cash, 506
Song of the summer. 14th Psalm, 64
Song of the tank crew, 852
Song of the three soldiers, 217
Song of the tired rebels, 48
Song of the tree of vultures, 23
Song of the United Front, 671
Song of the widow in love, 595
The song of the woman and the soldier, see Ballad of the soldier
Song of the workers and peasants, 536
The song of your pound and our pound, 625
Song on Black Saturday in the eleventh hour of the night before Easter, 202
Song: Nothing will come of nothing, 385
Songs for the Guitar by Bert Brecht and His Friends, 47
Songs of the proletariat, 334
Sonnet (And now it’s war . . .), 819
Sonnet (What I still knew . . .), 258
Sonnet for drinkers, 305
Sonnet No. 1, 301
Sonnet No. 1. On the shortage of wickedness, 295
Sonnet No. 2. Models, 301
Sonnet Number 3, 306
Sonnet No. 5. Cow eating, 295
Sonnet No. 6. A man gets himself to bed, 296
Sonnet No. 7. An old whore, 297
Sonnet No. 10. On modesty in a woman, 302
Sonnet No. 10. On the need for make-up, 297
Sonnet No. 11. Concerning the enjoyment of married men, 298
Sonnet No. 12. The lover, 299
Sonnet No. 14. Inner emptiness, 299
Sonnet No. 15. On the use of vulgar words, 300
Sonnet No. 19, 820
Sonnet Number 3, 306
Sonnet of an emigrant, 839
Sonnet on a fair-to-middling copulation, 307
Sonnet on living badly, 303
Sonnet on the legacy, 747
Sonnet on the new edition of François Villon, 398
Sonnet to Mr Albert Frehse, 307
Sonnet: The winner, 305
The sons of Jacob go forth to get food in Egypt, 1031
Sounds, 1020
Spring (A withered bough . . .), 1025
Spring (Long before . . .), 368
Spring (Spring is coming . . .), 410
Spring 1938, 788
(Spring 1938) 2, 788
(Spring 1938) 3, 789
Spring is coming. The gentle winds . . . , see (1940) 1
Stand there, spear of the ash-tree’s wood., 773
Standing orders for the soldier GGGGGGG, 586
Steffin Collection, 787
Step forward! Why are you so late?, 338
The stone fisher, 798
Storm bird, 1038
Strike song, 417
Studies, 741
Suggestion to merge architecture with lyric poetry, 559
Summer 1942, 854
The summer in Sörnäs, 782
Sun, 99
The Sunday Song of the Free Youth Movement, see Solidarity Song
Svendborg Poems, 649
The swamp, 934
Swedish landscape, 759
Tahiti, 136
Tailor of Ulm, see Ulm 1592
Tamburlaine, so I hear . . . , 291
Tank squadron, I’m glad . . . , 1047
Taunting the soldier of the revolution. His answer, 703
The teach-me-better, 803
Teddy’s song, 34
Tell the man drawing the cart, 1032
The tenth sonnet (The name I most like . . .), 578
The tenth sonnet (The world loves me or not . . .), 362
Tercets on love, 371
The terrifying doctrine and opinions of the Master Court Physicist Galileo Galilei or A foretaste of the future, 814
That is his lot, the man you loved . . . , 274
That was Citizen Galgei . . . , 91
The actress in exile, 614
The age of my prosperity, 541
The angels of Los Angeles . . . , 875
The answer, see (1940) 6
The apocalyptic horsemen, 522
The army cook’s song, 1001
The theatre communist, 260
Theatre of emotions, 633
The theatre of the new epoch . . . , 973
The theatre, place of dreams, 920
The ballad of Hannah Cash, 218
The ballad of knowledge, 630
The ballad of the Reichstag Fire, 464
The ballad of the waterwheel, 504
The bandit and his knave, 550
The beam, 834
The beggar, 7
The beginning of war, 590
The big blanket, 866
The bird of death, see (Spring 1938) 3
The birth in the tree . . . , 94
The black woods go upwards . . . , 105
The book burnings, 709
The bosses say: peace and war, 654
The brass, 655
The bread and the little children, 165
The bread of the hungry has been eaten, 652
The bread of the people, 1028
The breaking up of the ship, the Oskawa, by her crew, 687
The broken rope . . . , 776
Buddha’s parable of the burning house, 682
The bull is strong . . . , 107
The burning tree, 9
The Caledonian Market, 494
The cares of the Chancellor, 723
The carpet weavers of Kujan-Bulak honour Lenin, 683
The cattle march, 497
The chalk cross, 509
The Chancellor’s economics, 631
The Chancellor’s gravel drive, 873
The cherry thief, 789
The child that wouldn’t wash, 665
The cities, 288
The cities are built for you . . . , 332
The cities, the black-pox cities . . . , 279
The city, 953
The condemnation of classical ideals, 884
The conquest of Austria, 638
The consequences of playing safe, 759
The crooked bow . . . , 772
The crushing impact of the cities, 268
The cultivation of millet, see Tschaganak Bersijew, or The cultivation of millet
The dam, 519
The days of all your bitternesses . . . , 74
The dead colonial soldier, 262
The Department of Literature, 1027
The difficulty of governing, 711
The discontents who acted . . . , 888
The dispatched, 620
The dispute Anno Domini 1938, 801
The doctor, 510
The dog, 1023
The door, see (1940) 8
The doubter, 627
The dragon of the muddy black pond, 867
The draughtsmen hunker . . . , see (1940) 3
The drowned girl, 239
The duration of the Third Reich, 727
The eighth sonnet, 581
The eleventh psalm, 61
The eleventh sonnet, 579
The emigrant’s lament, 757
The emigration of the poets, 523
The Emperor Napoleon and my friend the carpenter, 514
The farmer looks after his fields, 474
The farmer ploughs the field, 591
The farmer’s address to his ox, 699
The FDJ’s Song of rebuilding, 947
The fears of the regime, 716
The fifth sonnet, 576
The fight against diabetes, 425
The fine fork, 918
The 1st psalm, 67
The first sonnet, 573
The fisherman’s tool, 886
The flower garden, 1013
The flower market, 866
The fool, 10
The forgotten, 11
The 4th Psalm, 69
The fourth sonnet, 575
The friend, 7
The friendliness of the world, 194
The friends (I, the playwright . . .), 944
The friends (If you came riding . . .), 865
The Führer tells us . . . , 444
The Führer will tell you . . . , 951
The girl with the wooden leg, 262
The girls under the village trees, 592
The God is maggoty . . . , 1055
The god of war, 799
The good comrade M.S., 585
The good times, 157
The Gordian Knot, 287