Two Different Worlds Box Set

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Two Different Worlds Box Set Page 20

by Donna Raider

  The week of Christmas was a flurry of last-minute shopping, good cheer, and continuous conversation about the Nativity Program.

  “It is important to me that you come to Christmas Eve Mass,” Mika said as she and Leah finished wrapping Richie’s presents.

  “I will think about it,” Leah promised.

  “You don’t have to set foot inside the church,” Mika continued. “Just stand outside the door and listen.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Leah said more empathetically.

  Mika knew she had pushed her hard enough, so she began to talk about something else.


  Both Mika and Richie were anxious as they loaded the car with last-minute items to take to the church. It was Christmas Eve, and the Nativity Program would begin in two hours.

  Leah watched her loves as they double-checked to make certain they had everything they needed. She had never seen them as nervous.

  “Isaac’s mother will be there to help him get dressed,” Richie told Mika. “She said she will help me, too.”

  A wave of guilt swept over Leah. She knew she should be there to help Richie with his costume. “Isn’t Emily going to be there?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” Richie shrugged. “She wouldn’t say.”

  Richie kissed his mother on the cheek then ran for the car.

  Mika kissed her on the lips lightly then turned to leave. Leah caught her by the arm and pulled Mika back to her. “That is the worst kiss I have ever received from you,” she teased.

  Mika kissed her again, but her lips still lacked their usual warmth and energy. “See you after the program.” Mika’s smile was halfhearted.

  After Mika and Richie had left, Leah paced the floor. She knew how badly they both wanted her to be there for the first Christmas Mass in their town. Exhaling loudly, she waved her hand and dressed in her Sunday best. Nodding her head, she transported herself to the foyer of the church. The organ music was beautiful. There was reverent silence in the church as the Nativity Program started. She quietly opened the door and slipped inside just as a young angel began to sing “O Holy Night.”

  Leah was mesmerized as she listened to the pure sound of a boy soprano, singing the beautiful song. The entire congregation was captivated by the music and the beauty of the boy’s voice. Moving as if her feet had a mind of their own, Leah slowly walked down the aisle, drawn by the ethereal sound coming from the angel’s mouth.

  The song ended. The congregation gave the young singer a standing ovation. As they finally stopped applauding and took their seats, she slid into the seat on the front row. Tears ran down her cheeks. She had no idea her son could sing like that.

  The entire program was spellbinding. Leah even found herself empathizing with the young Mary trying to find a place to birth her baby. She felt the anguish of Joseph as he sought shelter for his wife and soon-to-be-born child.

  The program ended, and the church lights slowly came up. She was astounded to find herself sitting in the front row of the church looking up into the peaceful blue eyes of the priest. Mika’s smile conveyed the joy Leah had given her by attending her first Christmas Mass. The performers lined up across the front of the church, clasped hands, and bowed to the thunderous applause from their audience. No one clapped louder than Mayor Leah Anthal.

  CHAPTER 15 - Secrets Revealed

  Time couldn’t pass fast enough for Mika. She berated herself for not having sense enough to set January first as their wedding date. Instead, I set myself up for six more months of unbelievable agony, she thought.

  Mika had been surprised to find out Leah was a witch. She had searched the world for her. Not her exactly, but for a woman Mika knew existed. She had known Leah was the one the moment she had looked into her eyes. Her eyes were the windows to her soul. Mika had seen insanity, loss, betrayal, agony, and an overwhelming desire to love and be loved. At that moment, Mika had chosen to love her. She had never regretted it.

  “I am sorry I am late.” Richie climbed onboard the boat. “Emily was being...just Emily.”

  “No problem.” The priest smiled. “I just finished checking all the sails. I believe we’re ready to make the yacht available for your mother’s inspection.”

  “Tomorrow is Mother’s Day.” Richie beamed. “This will be the best present ever.”

  Mika removed the ropes, mooring the boat, pitched them to Richie, and then jumped onboard.

  “You ready to take her for a test run?” Mika grinned as the boy climbed to the helm.

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” Richie saluted as Mika started the engine.

  The priest skillfully maneuvered the sailboat out of the bay and into open waters, using only the inboard motor.

  Richie laughed aloud as the wind blew through his hair and water sprayed up from the wake of the yacht. “When can we unfurl the sails?” he asked.

  “As soon as we are clear of all the other boats,” Mika answered. “I don’t want to call attention to us. Someone might tell your mother.”

  Richie nodded his understanding.

  “Want to steer?” The priest motioned to the boat’s wheel.

  Once they had reached the open water with no one close to them, Mika turned the steering over to Richie and began unfurling the sails. As the wind caught the sails, the ship seemed to lift from the water and skim along the surface.

  Richie gasped as he realized how fast they were moving. Everything on the expensive boat was automatic. Mika trimmed the sails to take advantage of the sea breeze then turned to enjoy the look of pure joy on Richie’s face.

  Mika took a photo of Richie standing at the helm, the sails in the background. The boy’s happiness was evident in his wide smile.

  “Consider this your first sailing lesson.” Mika smiled at the boy who was soon to be her son.

  The look of admiration from the boy humbled the priest.


  On Mother’s Day, Richie and Mika were up before the sun. They met at the rectory, where Richie helped the priest load boxes into the car. They took their bounty to the sailboat and carried it below deck.

  “Mom will be surprised.” Richie danced around the galley, helping the priest pre-stage their planned Mother’s Day lunch. “She’ll be happy. She has always had to cook her own Mother’s Day lunch, or we ate at the diner.

  “The first year Emily was here, I spent Mother’s Day with her.” Richie hung his head as he recalled how heartbroken his mother had been when he had chosen to spend her special day with Emily. “I plan to spend the rest of my life making that up to her.”

  Leah had told Mika about the incident, and how much it had hurt her. Mika also knew she had already forgiven the boy and loved him dearly.

  “Is Emily okay with you spending Mother’s Day with us?” Mika frowned.

  “Not really,” Richie shrugged, “but last year she took me to Brighton for lunch with her girlfriend. They both got drunk. That wasn’t very special for either of us. I couldn’t wait to get back home to Mom and you. I told her I wanted to spend Mother’s Day with my Mom from now on.”

  Mika put the main entrée they had prepared the night before into the oven and set the timer. “We’d better get you back home, before she awakens.” Mika locked the galley door. They jumped to the dock and sprinted to the car.

  It feels good to run with Mika. Richie grinned to himself.


  Leah watched from her balcony as the priest and her son arrived in front of her home. They sat in the car talking for a long time, then Richie got out and ran into the house.

  She listened as her son softly crept up the stairs and closed the door to his room. She waited a few minutes and stepped into the shower.

  When she arrived downstairs, her breakfast and a beautiful bouquet of red roses were waiting on the breakfast table.

  “Happy Mother’s Day.” Richie hugged her in a long, lingering hug.

  “Oh, my goodness,” she exclaimed joyously, “for me?”

  “Of course.” His l
aughter filled the mansion. “You are my mother.”

  “There are three place settings,” she noted. Her heart sank as she thought she might be sharing Mother’s Day with Emily.

  Almost as if on cue, the front doorbell rang, and her heart stopped. Richie ran to the door and returned quickly with Mika in tow.

  “Happy Mother’s Day.” The priest bent to kiss her lips. “Your son graciously invited me to join you for breakfast.”

  Her joy was evident as they dined. “But I thought the two of you were taking me to lunch today.”

  “We’re going to do that, too.” Richie grinned. “The entire day is dedicated to you: the most wonderful mother in the world.”


  Once she had attended the Christmas Eve Mass, Leah had become a devoted attendee at all of Mika’s church functions. As always, she sat on the front row and admired Richie and Mika. Richie sang a solo with the choir and Mika delivered a moving sermon about how God had blessed everyone with a mother.

  She briefly thought of her mother. Jezebel had been everything a mother shouldn’t be: cruel, selfish, manipulating, and cold.

  “Let us pray.” The priest’s words pulled her from her dark thoughts and brought her back to her world filled with Mika, her son, and happiness.

  The three of them stood at the church doors, thanked the parishioners for coming, and wished them a Happy Mother’s Day.

  “Will we see you at the diner?” Delilah asked as she and Samson stopped to shake hands.

  “No,” Richie said quickly. “Mika and I are taking my mother to lunch somewhere else.”

  Delilah raised her eyebrows. “What about Emily?” she huffed.

  “She can get drunk without me,” Richie mumbled, bowing his head.

  “I know you will have a wonderful Mother’s Day.” The priest smiled as she touched Samson and Delilah’s new baby. “God bless you all.”


  Mika pulled into the mansion’s drive. Before she could get out of the car, Richie and his beautiful mother were almost to the car. Leah wore jeans, a casual pullover, and sneakers.

  She slid into the passenger seat, and Richie closed the door for her before climbing into the back seat. Mika leaned over and kissed her soundly, as if marking her territory. Both of their eyes glistened when they broke the kiss.

  “Ew,” Richie huffed. “You aren’t going to do that all day, are you?”

  “We might,” the priest laughed. She caught Leah’s hand and pulled it to rest on her thigh.

  “Do we have a new restaurant?” Leah inquired as they parked at the docks.

  “It’s a surprise,” Richie reminded her as he opened the car door for her. He was almost beside himself with happiness.

  Mika joined them as Leah stood, looking around. She noticed an impressive sailboat moored at the dock. “Someone has good taste in boats,” she commented.

  Richie caught her hand, and Mika took the other. Together, they led her toward the boat. Richie jumped onto the deck and turned to give her a hand.

  “Mika, I-I…” she stammered. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s ours,” Richie squealed. He jumped up and down as he extended his hand to his mother. “It’s practically ours. It belongs to Mika.”

  “I told you I sailed into your little town.” Mika smiled as she offered Leah her hand.

  Leah allowed them to help her aboard the boat. It was gorgeous. “It’s splendid.” Her eyes danced as a broad smile lit her beautiful face.

  Richie ran ahead to open the galley.

  “I thought we might honeymoon on it,” the priest said shyly. “If that is agreeable to you.”

  A look of profound joy filled Leah’s face. “It’s perfect,” she said, her voice low and husky. “No one will hear you begging.”

  The priest fought to suppress the desire that was stirring in her lower abdomen. She overcame the urge to dive into the cool ocean water to extinguish the fire burning in her body.

  “What is that wonderful smell?” Leah sashayed away from her.

  How can anyone make a pair of jeans look so sexy? the priest thought as she tamped down the impulse to run after her. Mika stood on the deck, letting the cool wind blow through her hair, pushing the unholy thoughts of Leah from her mind.

  “And look at this, Mom,” Richie was giving his mother the grand tour of the boat. “Isn’t it ginormous?”

  “Is that even a word?” She laughed as she followed her son through the galley.

  “Wait until you see the bathroom,” her son called over his shoulder, “and the bedroom. They’re huge.”


  “This is perfect.” Her eyes glistened as Leah searched Mika’s face for her reaction. She shivered as she thought about a month on the boat with her new wife.

  Mika smiled her shy little-girl smile.

  Leah wanted to kiss her dimples, her eyes, and her lips. She exhaled softly, regaining control of her rampant desires.

  “You take us out to sea, Mika,” Richie gave commands. “I will begin to get lunch ready.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” Mika gave him a salute like the one the boy had used the day before.

  “Go with Mika,” Richie continued, in captain mode. “You’ll love the sights and sounds of the harbor. The best is when you are out on the open sea.”

  Mika started the boat engine and glided the boat out of the harbor. Leah slid her arms around Mika’s waist, pressing her breasts into her muscular back. “Oh, God,” she whispered.

  The priest tried to swallow but found no moisture in her mouth. She stood very still, not wanting to move against her. Leah, on the other hand, was gently moving her body against Mika’s back.

  “Richie,” Mika gasped, reminding her the boy was on board. Her sound was more of a croak than a word. She hoped she would survive this outing with her dignity intact.

  Mika opened the engine to full throttle. Once they were out of the shipping lanes, they dropped anchor and went below deck to help Richie.

  “Great, Mika,” Richie smiled, “you’re just in time to take lunch from the oven. Mom, you sit here.”

  Richie had set the table, complete with a red tablecloth and white napkins. Wine was already in their glasses and water in his.

  Leah was pleased to see they had prepared vegetables for lunch: broccoli, carrots, and new potatoes. Mika lifted the pan from the oven and placed it on the galley cabinet. In a few minutes, she placed the platter of baked chicken with dressing on the table.

  The aroma of the food was mouthwatering. Leah couldn’t recall when she had seen such a delicious meal placed in front of her.

  They held each other’s hands and the priest said the blessing.

  As they ate, they laughed and talked about how surprised Leah had been. “Honestly,” Mika smiled, “you have never had any idea we had a boat?”

  “Honestly,” she laughed. “I thought you and Richie were working at the church on the Saturdays when you disappeared. It never crossed my mind something as wonderful as this was happening. Look how that burled wood shines.” She looked at her reflection in the wood’s beautiful design.

  “We have an ulterior motive for taking you out on the boat,” Mika said shyly.

  “What is that?”

  “We would like you to redecorate the boat,” Richie blurted out.

  Leah raised her eyebrows at Mika. “It needs your touch,” Mika nodded. “You’re welcome to use magic.”

  “Oh, no,” she said, “what you have done with it is wonderful. Although a little color would help, and maybe a different upholstery on the sofas and chairs. In the bedroom…”

  As they watched, Leah changed everything on the inside of the boat. A lighter color wood on the cabinets, a splash of red on a throw pillow. When she finished, the boat looked like a decorator’s dream.

  “This is simply mind boggling,” Mika whispered in deep appreciation of the beauty the woman had moved from her mind into the real world. “You’re incredible.” She looked around. Leah had even
cleaned up the dining table and kitchen.

  “I told you she would make it beautiful.” Richie laughed. “Let’s go swimming in the ocean.” He ran up on deck.

  Being married to a witch will definitely have its advantages, Mika thought.

  “Three more weeks,” Mika whispered as she kissed her soft lips. “If I can just live three more weeks.”

  CHAPTER 16 - The Wedding

  Kathryn and Ruth had almost become permanent fixtures at the mansion, laughing and planning the wedding. Dresses, flowers, food, color schemes, invitations, decorations, minute endless details to consider making Leah and Mika’s big day perfect.

  Richie and Mika always seemed to have things to do, so they never got in the way of the ladies’ planning sessions.

  Mika oversaw all arrangements involving the clergy, and Richie was tasked with providing ideas for entertainment for the youngsters after the wedding.


  Naomi had insisted on hosting the rehearsal dinner. It ended up being more like a party for the entire town. Naomi and Ruth had invited everyone. “It’s not every day our mayor and priest get married!” Naomi exclaimed as people filled the diner.

  Naomi and Ruth had decorated everything in ivory and burgundy, the wedding colors. A long table was laid out for the wedding-party members. Since Samson was the best man, Leah agreed to let Delilah sit at the table.

  Leah fleetingly recalled the times Emily had invited her to the diner for a celebration only to ignore her presence. She remembered her discomfort and embarrassment as everyone made it obvious she was not welcome. Mika made certain everyone knew how much she loved her. Leah was the center of everything. Everyone was vying for her attention.

  Speeches were made, praising the mayor and the priest. Enough toasts were made to get everyone intoxicated, and the wine flowed freely. As the celebration began to die down, Samson led the priest to her room in the rectory as Ruth led Leah in the opposite direction. “It’s my job to make certain you don’t see Leah until Richie walks her down the aisle to you tomorrow.” Samson laughed as he closed the door to the priest’s bedroom and took a stand outside her door.


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