Searching For Love – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

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Searching For Love – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls) Page 40

by Melissa Foster

  “Honey,” Wynnie said warmly, “You once told me that you gave your heart to Zev when you were kids, and I asked you if you still had enough left to ever love that powerfully again.”

  Carly remembered that conversation. It had taken place early on in their therapy sessions. “I never answered you.”

  “I know you didn’t, and I think we both know why. Like I said, you have excellent judgment. You must have known then that you weren’t the only one who had left their heart behind.” Wynnie took Carly’s hand and said, “You would be fine without Zev, honey. You healed here. You became stronger and more independent. You went through school and took charge of a business you had to learn from the ground up. But fine isn’t enough for an extraordinary woman like you, Carly. Zev lights the fire that illuminates you, allowing you to shine brighter, to be stronger, and most importantly, he sees all of you.”

  “And he loves all of you,” Marie said.

  Carly got choked up. Even though she hadn’t needed their approval, it felt really good knowing they saw the same things in Zev she did. But the overthinker in her had to know one last thing. “How do you know what Zev sees in me?”

  “Because while you and the girls were dancing, Zev sought us out, and we had a nice long chat.” Wynnie nodded at Zev, heading their way with Treat.

  Zev was carrying Treat’s toddler, Bryce, who was busy petting Zev’s scruff with both hands. Treat’s other son, Dylan, grabbed Zev’s free hand, gazing up at him from beneath his mop of brown hair. Carly could practically feel her ovaries exploding.

  “That man came all this way and offered to give up what he’s been searching for his whole adult life just so you wouldn’t have to leave your life behind,” Wynnie said. “But he is your life, Carly, and you are his, which is why neither one of you will ever have to give up a darn thing again.”

  CARLY WAS LOOKING at Zev in that way that sent heat through his chest like flames. He winked, and she blew him a kiss. Many people had told him that no one could make someone else happy and that happiness had to come from within. But Zev had always known they were wrong. For the first time since he’d left Pleasant Hill, he felt truly, deeply happy, like he was exactly where he was supposed to be. He felt settled despite their very unsettled living arrangements, and that was because without Carly he wasn’t whole. She was as much a part of him as the blood that pumped through his veins.

  “Carly!” Dylan broke away from him and bolted toward Carly, barreling into her legs. He gazed up at her and said, “You’re getting married!”

  “I know. It’s crazy, isn’t it?” she said, crouching to look him in the eyes.

  Zev was hit with images of Carly with their children. Little stubborn blond girls and challenging long-haired boys with endless energy and Carly’s pretty eyes and gorgeous smile.

  “My daddy said he’d marry you,” Dylan said to her. “But I think that would make my mommy sad.”

  “Isn’t he precious?” Wynnie said.

  Treat mouthed, Sorry.

  Carly tapped the tip of Dylan’s nose and said, “Your daddy loves your mommy very much. He would never marry anyone other than her. I think he meant he would officiate the ceremony, which means he’d say a bunch of important words, and then he’d tell me and Zev that we were husband and wife.”

  “Oh!” Dylan spun around and said, “I’m not mad at you anymore, Daddy.”

  “That’s a relief, buddy.” Treat looked at Carly and said, “I was telling Zev about how you and I met. It feels like a lifetime ago. I had no idea Zev was the guy you were talking about when you said there was only one man who could claim your heart. Small world.”

  Carly glanced at Zev and said, “Very.”

  “I didn’t know Dylan was named after you, either,” Zev said, as Bryce stroked his cheeks. He kissed the little guy’s hand and said, “What other secrets are you keeping from me?”

  Carly stepped closer and said, “Play your cards right and maybe one day you’ll find out.”

  “Daddy! Let’s go dance with Mommy!” Dylan grabbed Treat’s hand, tugging him toward Max, who was standing about fifty feet away, dancing with her sisters-in-law.

  “One sec, buddy.” Treat reached for Bryce. “Better give me the little guy, Zev. He’ll pitch a fit the minute I walk away.”

  Zev kissed Bryce’s cheek and handed him over, enjoying the dreamy look in Carly’s eyes.

  “What is happening?” Birdie hollered, causing them to look over.

  “Oh my gosh!” Carly exclaimed. “Who is that?”

  Marie was dipped over a man’s arm, kissing him with one of her legs up in the air. The man’s back was facing them, but Marie certainly didn’t appear to be struggling.

  Dare and Cowboy barreled into the group, shoulder to shoulder, teeth gritted. Cutter was right behind them.

  “Who the hell is that?” Dare growled.

  “I don’t know!” Birdie said. “He just appeared out of nowhere, swept her into his arms, and kissed her.”

  Cowboy and Dare stepped toward Marie, but Wynnie grabbed their arms. “Settle down, boys. If she didn’t want him kissing her, the guy would have a black eye by now.”

  They glowered at their mother.

  “I must be drinking the wrong water, because everyone else is getting kissed,” Quinn said.

  The man released Marie from the kiss, rising slowly to his full height, holding her as she found her footing. His back was still facing them, but over his shoulder Zev saw Marie’s face was flushed, her eyes a little dazed. Her smile told him that whoever that mystery kisser was, he was important to her.

  “I have missed you, mi amor,” the man said.

  The familiar gruff voice struck Zev. “Luis?”

  “Luis?” Carly, Cowboy, and Dare said in unison.

  “Who is Luis?” Birdie threw her hands up and said, “I’m so confused!”

  The man turned around, and Zev instantly recognized Luis’s wise eyes and affable smile, but the rest of him didn’t make sense. His long, wild hair was cropped short and slicked back, curling at the edge of his collar. His beard was short and manicured. Gone were the tennis shoes and T-shirts he’d worn for a decade, replaced with soft leather moccasins and a white linen button-down.

  “Mijo!” Luis opened his arms, hauling Zev into a manly embrace.

  “Who the hell are you?” Dare said accusatorily.

  “Dare, this is my old buddy and mentor, Luis Rojas,” Zev said.

  “And why is he kissing our aunt?” Cowboy asked.

  “Because I want him to,” Marie said proudly. “Yes, Aunt Marie is allowed to have a social life once every twenty-five years or so.”

  “Marie, Tiger is Luis?” Carly’s gaze moved between her aunt and Luis. “Did you know that he knew Zev?”

  “Not until you called the other day when Luis and I were together,” Marie explained.

  “I’m afraid I am to blame.” Luis reached for Marie’s hand, his accent as thick as ever. “When I came into my fortune, there were a lot of women who wanted my money and not my heart. I finally got smart and took the advice of your boyfriend—”

  “Fiancé,” Zev corrected, drawing Carly into his arms.

  “Really?” Luis’s eyes sparked with joy, and he laughed heartily. “Congratulations to you both. I’d like to explain why Marie didn’t know about my relationship with Zev. As I said, I took Zev’s advice, and I have kept a low profile these last few years. Until the other morning when you called, Marie thought I was just a retired archaeologist. She didn’t even know my last name. It wasn’t until she hung up with you, when I asked about the pit stop, and she mentioned Zev, which is an uncommon name, that we started putting two and two together. That’s when I put Marie’s niece Carly together with my Zev and realized that my boy had reunited with his lady love.” He put his hand over his heart and said, “My mijo has found his Carls, and I could not be happier.”

  “When Luis told me about his travels with Zev and their close relationship, it became clear jus
t how much Zev loves you and how unhappy he was without you,” Marie explained. “But I didn’t say anything because you can tell me he’s wonderful and Luis can put in all the good words he wants, but this stubborn auntie needed to see your fine young gentleman firsthand to make her own assessment.”

  Carly looked up at Zev and said, “Don’t worry. She approves of you.”

  Zev kissed her, and then he looked at Luis and said, “So tell me, Tiger, what are you doing here besides kissing Marie?”

  “Treasure hunting,” Luis said with a wink.

  “Aw,” Carly said, and Zev hugged her against his side.

  “In all the years I spent listening to you talk about Carly as if she were the very heart of you, I never knew what it felt like to love someone that much.” Luis gazed into Marie’s eyes and said, “You told me you were done with your adventures and going home to settle down. When you left, I finally understood Zev’s pain. My life is empty without you, mi amor. I’m an old man, and surely you could do much better, but if you want me, I’m yours.”

  “Oh, Tiger,” Marie said softly. “I definitely want you.”

  As Luis lowered his lips to Marie’s, Birdie exclaimed, “That’s it! Forget the chocolate shop. I’m going treasure hunting. I need a boat and someone to drive it. Quinny, you in?”

  Quinn shouted, “Yes!”

  “The hell you are, tater tot.” Cutter grabbed Quinn’s arm, hauling her away. Quinn hollered for Birdie, causing everyone to crack up.

  As their friends broke out more champagne, the Whiskeys began interrogating Luis, and Zev took advantage of the chaos. He laced his fingers with Carly’s and whispered, “Let’s go,” leading her away from the others. Her melodic laughter was music to his ears as they ran under the cover of the night to a quiet spot beneath a tree, where he gathered her in his arms and devoured her with kisses, as he’d been dying to do all evening.

  Zev kept her close, swaying to the music as he said, “That was pretty wild, wasn’t it?”

  “I can’t believe Marie and Luis are together. It’s like the stars are aligning for everyone.”

  “Except Birdie,” he said, and they both chuckled.

  “She’ll have to find her own treasure hunter, because I’m not sharing mine.” Carly wound her arms around his neck, and excitement sparked in her eyes. “When do we go back to Silver Island?”

  “Whenever you want to. I left it open ended. I didn’t expect to find you coming after me when I got here.”

  “I didn’t, either,” she said with a soft laugh. “You blew into my life like a hurricane, upending everything I thought I knew about myself and reminding me of who I was and who we were together. I love us, Zev, and I cannot wait to color outside the lines with you. Let’s go back Sunday night and get on the water on Monday. Marie said we could take a few weeks to decide what we want, but for me there’s no decision to be made. I want you—here, there, everywhere, always and forever.”

  He kissed the spray of freckles on her nose, threading his fingers through her hair, gazing into her entrancing eyes. He was so lost in her, feeling so blessed to have this second chance, he was speechless.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Carly asked.

  “Because every time I look into your eyes, I see more of you, more of us. I see a future I thought I’d lost. I see Journey, Scout, and Chance, with freckles across the bridge of their noses and mischief dancing in their eyes. I see us flying to far-off lands with lists and agendas made by you. Lists that you know I’ll lose, or we’ll simply forget we’re supposed to follow, as we explore places with names we can’t pronounce and make love under the stars on exotic beaches. I envision afternoons here in Colorado with you working in the chocolate shop and me hosting exhibits at the Real DEAL, and evenings snowboarding, hanging out with my cousins and your friends, or curled up in front of a fire.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek and whispered, “Naked beneath the blanket, of course.”

  “Of course,” she agreed.

  He kissed her lips, her forehead, and the tip of her exquisitely adorable nose and said, “I look forward to growing old and gray with my favorite girl by my side, spending lazy days on our boat daring each other to do things we’re way too old to consider—and doing them.” That earned him a cute giggle. “I see our grandkids following us around listening to stories of our adventures, and I see you in my arms every night and waking up with me wrapped around you like an octopus every morning.”

  “You are pretty handsy,” she teased. “I guess that means you don’t regret putting your biggest discovery yet on hold to come here and sweep me off my feet?”

  “Not even a little. The cannon’s been under water for hundreds of years. A little longer isn’t going to make a difference. You made me realize that nothing is more important than spending time with the people I love, and, Carly Dylan, I am utterly and completely in love with everything about you. I can’t wait to start our greatest adventure yet as husband and wife.”

  As he lowered his lips to hers, Birdie’s voice cut through the air. “Found the lovebirds! They’re not naked!”

  Carly and Zev exchanged a heated glance and hollered, “Yet!”

  Chapter Thirty

  CARLY SWAM TOWARD the sunlight glittering like diamonds on the surface of the ocean. It was almost as bright as the engagement ring Zev had given her five weeks ago, when she’d woken up before dawn and found him setting up blankets and breakfast on the deck of the boat. They’d snuggled beneath the blankets and watched the sunrise, and when they’d poured their cereal for breakfast, a tiny gold treasure chest had tumbled out of the Lucky Charms box into Carly’s bowl. One look at the love in Zev’s eyes had brought tears to hers before she’d even opened the chest and found the gorgeous ring he’d had made to resemble the plastic one he’d given her. A round aquamarine gemstone was set in the center of an eight-point rose-gold star. Between each of the points was a diamond, forming shorter points between the longer ones. It was the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen, and soon she was going to marry the most beautiful man she’d ever known. She’d never forget the way he’d looked at her as he’d slid the ring on her finger and said, I loved you then, I love you now, and I’ll love you long after we leave this earth, because Carly Dylan soon-to-be Braden, our adventures have only just begun.

  Zev reached for her hand, drawing her from her thoughts a few yards from the surface. Ending their dives holding hands had become just one of their many things since they returned to the island eight magical weeks ago. As their fingers interlaced, Zev pulled her closer. Just beyond him Carly saw Ford reaching for Randi’s hand. Randi swatted it and swam away. Of course Ford went after her.

  Zev and Carly continued ascending, and when they breached the surface, the bright summer sun beamed down on them. Randi and Ford popped up a few yards away, and they all made their way to the boat. As they took off their equipment, Carly listened to their friends chatting, surrounded by the scents of the sea, freedom, and love. She could hardly believe this was their life. Well, this and everything else she and Zev had chosen to take on. Within a couple of weeks of being on the water, they knew exactly what they wanted, and it all began with Carly becoming Zev’s partner in his—their—company, Two Treasure Hunters, One Ship.

  “That was such a fun dive,” Carly said as she unzipped her wet suit. “I swear this never gets old.”

  “Neither does this.” Zev drew her into his arms and kissed her, as he always did the second she was free from all the diving accessories. He’d had a new shimmer in his eyes since earlier that morning when they’d received the news that a sword grip with Garrick One-Leg Clegg’s initials inscribed in it had been extracted from one of the concretions.

  “Where’s my kiss?” Ford teased.

  Zev gave Carly a chaste kiss and reached for Ford. Ford laughed as he dodged Zev’s grasp and hid behind Randi, who rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, I see how it is,” Zev said. “My body was good enough for you to spoon, but you’re offended
by my lips?”

  “You’re not as pretty as Randi is.” Ford draped an arm over Randi’s shoulder.

  Randi sighed. “Are you delirious or something?”

  “Or something,” Ford said with a waggle of his brows.

  Carly chuckled at their bickering. She’d come to love them as much as she loved her friends in Colorado, who she missed every day and kept up with via FaceTime. But her life had never been more fun or more fulfilling. She and Zev wanted to have it all—the adventure-filled days they’d always dreamed of, a foot in the door of Divine Intervention, time with their families in Pleasant Hill and their friends, who had become family to both of them, in Colorado. Carly had proposed a partnership to Marie and Birdie that enabled her to work in the shop during the winters, and for a few weeks throughout the year, while allowing her schedule to remain flexible so she and Zev could travel and dive. Both Birdie and Marie were thrilled with the suggestion. Last week they’d hired Quinn full time and signed a partnership agreement, making it legal. It was no surprise that Cutter was now an even more regular customer. As for Zev, he agreed to run winter exhibits at the Real DEAL for his cousins and Jack, and the treasure-hunting division was now under development.

  “Look at that guy with his scruffy beard. You think I want to kiss that?” Ford said.

  “Better him than me,” Randi said, ducking free from Ford’s arm.

  “Zev happens to have the best lips on the planet.” Carly crossed the deck toward her very handsome man, put her arms around his neck, and said, “I’ll gladly let you offend me with them, over”—she kissed him—“and over”—kiss, kiss—“again.”

  Randi said, “Hey, smoochers, don’t forget that I have to be inland by six.” The endearment Ford had coined for them had stuck.

  “Oh, that’s right. You have a date tonight,” Carly said as she stripped off her wet suit, acutely aware of Zev visually devouring her. That never got old, either.

  Ford was unzipping his wet suit and he stopped midzip, brow furrowed. “You have a date?”


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