Seduced by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 10)

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Seduced by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 10) Page 2

by Makenna Jameison

  He swiped a few things on the screen, and a moment later he tucked his phone back into his pocket.

  “Just like that?”

  Colton shrugged. “Better safe than sorry. There’s supposed to be thunderstorms all afternoon and evening. My guess is that we’re here until morning.”

  “Wonderful,” she muttered. “I knew I should’ve taken an earlier flight. I probably wouldn’t have been stopped by security either.”

  He smirked as she started walking toward the bar across the concourse, her hips swaying back and forth as she moved. In a few long strides he was beside her again. Colton guided her to a small bar-height table, leaving her suitcase and their bags at his feet. Without asking, he reached over and wrapped his large hands around her hips, helping her up onto the barstool.

  She bristled slightly at his touch, but he didn’t miss the intake of her breath as he got close to her. Or the exotic floral scent she was wearing.


  The woman was gorgeous. And as she crossed her long legs, he noticed she wasn’t wearing a dress like he first thought, but some type of shorts outfit.

  “Something wrong?” she asked, looking at his confused expression.

  “I thought you had on a dress,” he said, his eyes sliding back up over her body until he met her amused gaze.

  “It’s a romper,” she said, pressing her lips together as she tried not to laugh.

  “A what?”

  “It’s the latest fashion.”

  Colton blew out a breath, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t keep up with women sometimes.”

  “You don’t like it?” she asked, crossing her legs and then smiling as his gaze landed on her bare thighs.

  Hell. She was gorgeous. “I like it too much,” he said. “It hugs your curves perfectly.”

  She threw her head back and laughed, that long brown hair tousling around her shoulders. “That’s the idea. It’s meant to flaunt a women’s best assets. It got your attention, no?”

  Colton settled onto his own barstool, his gaze meeting hers. “It works for me. But hell, with a gorgeous body like yours, I’d imagine you’d look good in anything. Or even nothing at all,” he added suggestively.

  “If I’m going to allow you to buy me a drink, don’t you think you should tell me your name?”

  “Colton Ferguson,” he said, holding out a hand. Her soft, feminine hand slid into his, and he resisted the urge to tug her even closer as his fingers wrapped around hers.

  “Camila,” she said.

  Colton raised his eyebrows.

  “Just Camila for now,” she said in her Colombian accent.

  “All right, Just Camila,” he said, lightly running his thumb over her knuckles before letting her go.

  “A woman can’t be too careful,” she said with a shrug. His gaze dropped to her full breasts as they rose and then fell again with her movement.

  “You won’t get any complaints from me,” he assured her. “Tell me your name, don’t tell me your name. It’s all good. What can I get you?”

  “I’d love a shot of Aguardiente. I doubt they have it though,” she added with a husky laugh.

  “What’s that?”

  “A Colombian liquor. Perfect to have a couple of shots of before you go out dancing.”

  “No, I don’t think they serve that here,” he said in amusement, crossing his arms. Her red lips pursed in a hint of a smile. His cock hardened as her appreciative gaze slid over his biceps.

  “Ah. Figures.” Her gaze flickered around the bar area. Tables were filling up, much as Colton predicted. A woman the next table over was speaking loudly on her cell phone trying to find a hotel room.

  Camila caught his eye, raising her eyebrows.

  “I told you so. Give it an hour or so and every hotel room around here will be booked.” He glanced down at his watch. “If you prefer, we could have drinks back in my hotel room where it’s a little quieter.”

  “And what makes you think I’d want to accompany a man I just met to his hotel room?”

  “You tell me, kitten. You’ve been eying me with interest for the past ten minutes.”

  “Kitten? More like a tiger,” she said with a scowl.

  Colton chuckled, his deep laughter filling the room. “More like a tiger cub,” he said, his eyes heating. “One I’d very much like to tame.”

  “All right,” she said, preparing to slide off the high barstool. Colton instantly moved closer, his hands wrapping around her hips as he easily lifted her down. Her breasts brushed against his hard chest, and he resisted the urge to groan in appreciation. Unable to miss the chance to hold her close, he let his hands span her narrow waist, his fingertips just skimming over the top of her curvy ass.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, finally releasing her.

  She laughed. “I already agreed to go with you to your hotel room.”

  “Ah, but the night is still young.”

  “Are you going to be a gentleman and carry my bags?” she asked, her gaze landing at the pile of luggage on the ground.

  “Absolutely,” he said, his voice gruff. His eyes locked with hers.

  “Let’s have champagne sent to the room,” she said, wrapping her arm around his forearm and cozying up next to him.

  “Champagne instead of Aguardiente. I can do that,” he said with a low chuckle.

  “It’s more romantic,” she said, her dark eyes darting toward his. “Drinking in a bar is different than a hotel room, no?”

  Colton grabbed their bags, letting his arm wrap around her waist to pull her closer. “It certainly is. This way, kitten,” he said, guiding her toward the door. “I’d love to have a bottle of champagne with you.”

  Chapter 2

  Camila’s gaze flicked around the busy airport as they walked out, Colton’s large frame an imposing figure at her side. He towered over her, well past six feet. Even with her wedge espadrilles on, she only came up to his shoulder. He had muscles upon muscles and looked as if he trained hard every day. With his short, dark hair and gaze that didn’t miss a thing, she wondered what exactly he did. He was alert and aware of their surroundings—a man used to commanding a room. Garnering attention wherever he went.

  Blinking lights on the arrivals and departures board caught her eye. There was nothing but a list of flights followed by the word “Delayed.”


  Even if they did reopen the airport, it could be hours before her own flight was rescheduled. Another crack of thunder boomed, and the rain was coming down so hard she could hear it pounding outside as they approached the front of the airport. A separate set of doors led to an attached hotel, and she was grateful she wouldn’t need to run out in the pouring rain.

  Her father would have a fit that she wasn’t arriving home from Miami today as scheduled, but what was she supposed to do?

  Air traffic control grounding flights in and out of the airport was one of the few things out of his control.

  The head of the notorious Rodriguez Cartel in Bogota, Miguel Rodriguez certainly had the means and connections to hire a private jet and get his daughter back to Colombia. But that would mean she’d let him know of her change in plans—which she certainly wasn’t about to do.

  Miguel always had to be one hundred percent in command and control. And maybe his goons were more than happy to acquiesce, to practically fall at his feet when he snapped his fingers, but Camila?

  She’d never been one to let him control her life.

  Not now and not ever.

  She shuddered, thinking of the poor women that had been drawn into the kidnapping ring that funded his massive drug operation. The women were snatched from the streets. Held in small cells. Sold to the highest bidder. Cocaine production was back on the rise in Colombia thanks to her father. No doubt it was making its way north to the U.S.

  And the women whose lives were stolen from them?

  There wasn’t a damn thing she could do to help.

  “Are you okay?” Concern
was etched in his gaze as she looked up at him.

  Her eyes ran over his strong features—broad forehead, warm brown eyes, full lips, and a strong jaw covered in a few days’ worth of stubble. She may not know the man, but she felt that she could trust him. Be safe with him. Colton didn’t give her the leering looks that some of her father’s henchman did. They’d never touch her because of who he was, of course.

  But if something ever shifted the dynamic in power?

  She’d be thrown to the wolves. Tossed around from man to man until there was nothing left of her.

  Colton’s strong presence gave her a different feeling of security. His warm, hard body beside her, holding her close, left her mind reeling. She was going to go spend the night with the man, not live with him happily ever after.

  That fact that he made her comfortable in a way she never had been was irrelevant.

  “I’m perfect,” she assured Colton. “Just thinking of my father.” He raised his eyebrows as she laughed. “Nothing worth discussing, I assure you. He’ll probably be wondering where my flight is since I was scheduled to arrive home this afternoon.” She gave a careless shrug as his gaze dropped to the movement of her breasts. “It doesn’t concern me, so there’s no need for it to concern you.”

  “If you say so,” he said, pushing open the door to the luxury hotel attached to the airport, his lips quirking up on one side.

  She smiled as she stepped through the doors. “Were you here in Miami on vacation?”

  “Yep, just for a few days. I was catching a flight back home, hoping to beat the storm.”

  She playfully pouted at him. “And were you still hoping for a quick departure after you spotted me?”

  He chuckled, and the deep sound of his laughter made her stomach do a funny little flip. She didn’t date men—and not only because of her father. It was too much fun to play with them. To enjoy the company of a man for a night or two and then move on to someone else.

  Leaving the man she’d been with wanting more.

  Something about Colton got under her skin though. Odd, seeing as though they’d just met. Maybe it was the rumble of his laughter or the smoldering way he looked at her. The easy confidence in his stride. He looked like he wasn’t used to taking no for an answer, but she also had the feeling that if she bowed out now, he’d let her go.

  Regretfully, perhaps.

  But he wasn’t the type of man to force a woman into something she didn’t want to do.

  He was as opposite from her father and his men as one could be.

  “Wait here, kitten,” he said, setting her suitcase down and easing their bags off his shoulder and onto the ground near the seating area. “I need to go check in.” His hand slid over her sleek suitcase, and he patted it once. “This looks expensive.”

  “I have expensive tastes. But not to worry, my taste in men has never been wrong.”

  Colton’s eyes heated as he looked at her. “My taste in women has always been impeccable as well.” He ducked lower, his lips brushing against her ear, sending shivers racing through her body. She stilled as his hand wrapped around her upper arm, the slow movement of his thumb caressing her skin making her wish he’d touch her everywhere. “And I plan on tasting every part of you, kitten,” he said, his voice thick with promise. “Be right back.”

  He released her, leaving her momentarily stunned as he crossed the lobby to the front desk.

  Maybe a man like him was more dangerous than she thought.

  Camila watched him walk toward the desk, his jeans hanging just so from his narrow hips. Her eyes ran up his body, over his strong back and broad shoulders. Two women standing off to the side whispered about him, and she smirked as they glanced back at her.

  Sitting down on one of the plush chairs in the lobby, she reached into her tote bag and pulled out her small mirror and red lipstick. Carefully reapplying it, she smacked her lips together as a shadow suddenly fell over her.

  Her gaze swept up to Colton. “All set, kitten,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “I even arranged to have room service arrive in ten minutes.”

  “Perfecto,” she said, allowing Colton to take her hand as she stood. “Adoro champan.”

  His eyebrows raised.

  “I adore champagne,” she said with a laugh.

  He chuckled, his large, warm hand wrapping around hers as he tugged her closer. Shivers raced down her spine at his touch, and she gazed up at him, her eyes falling on his full lips. People milled around about them, but Colton ducked down, his mouth softly landing on hers.

  She moved closer, pulling her hand free from his to run her fingers up his muscular chest. He groaned as he kissed her again, more deeply, and then stepped back.

  She reached up and lightly brushed her lipstick off his mouth, enjoying the feel of his warm lips beneath his fingers. The scruff of his jaw against her hand. Reluctantly, she pulled away.

  “Let’s get to our room, kitten. We’ve got all night,” he said, his voice husky.

  “That we do,” she agreed, her body alight at his touch. Even with that one simple kiss, arousal had coiled low in her belly, snaking down lower still until she throbbed for his touch. Her nipples pebbled against her lace bra, and her thoughts whirled.

  Colton grabbed their bags, and she imagined those large, muscular hands dragging all over her entire body. Those thick arms caging her in as he prowled over her on the bed, ready to thrust deep inside her welcoming body.

  Holy hell.

  The man had barely even touched her.

  She smiled coyly at him in the elevator, her gaze trailing down his body until it landed at the bulge in his pants.

  The very large bulge.

  He was all brawn and muscle and had the goods to go with it. Yum.

  The number twelve lit up after a few moments, and they stepped off the elevator together. Colton gestured for her to go ahead, and she confidently strode down the hallway, unable to resist slightly swaying her hips as she walked.

  She felt his heated gaze on her almost as if it were a caress. A smile played at her lips.

  “Last door on the right, kitten. We’re room 1200.”

  She glanced back over her shoulder, tousling her hair and pouting her lips as she did. Not that she needed to get Colton’s attention. His heated eyes were already on her as he practically swaggered down the hallway after her.

  The ornate decorations of the luxury hotel—gorgeous wallpaper, crystal light fixtures, and immaculately framed mirrors—stood in stark contrast to his rugged masculinity. Colton’s broad shoulders and muscular arms almost looked as if they wouldn’t even fit through a doorway. It was hard to believe any room could contain a man with as much leashed strength as him.

  Even moving down the hallway after her, an energy sizzled around him. He was too big, his personality too strong to be contained by these walls. And all that energy and focus was about to be unleashed on her.

  A beat later, and he was behind her at the door to their room, caging her in. His thick erection ground against her backside as he pressed against her, the heat and strength of his body causing a thrill to shoot straight though her. He ducked lower and whispered into her ear as he slid the keycard into the door. His hand lightly caressed her hip, and then the door was finally opening, Colton hot on her heels.

  Their bags landed in a jumbled heap on the floor, and Colton’s hands gripped her waist as she turned toward him, his mouth hot on hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Holy mother of God. The man was large everywhere. Her breasts rubbed against his solid chest, her flat stomach against his rock-hard erection. He lifted her easily into his arms, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, letting her espadrille sandals fall to the floor.

  His palms came to her ass, and then he was rubbing her up and down his hard length. She whimpered against him—actually whimpered for this man. Even through their layers of clothing she could feel him nudging against her exactly where she needed it.

  Exactly where she wanted

  “Camila,” he breathed.

  “Take me to bed,” she commanded.

  Colton’s eyes heated, and he walked over to the massive king-sized bed as he held her, every step jostling her against him even more. He didn’t bother with any pretenses, just lay her down on the plush bedspread, his hands landing on either side of her head as his body hovered above hers.

  She didn’t dare to move in that moment—taking in his heat, his powerful body above hers, his scent. Colton smelled of something slightly spicy and pure male. He stood, towering above her for a beat, his gaze roaming appreciatively over every inch of her body, like she was a feast he couldn’t wait to devour. She enjoyed his eyes on her, the bulge in his pants. Most men were unable to resist her feminine curves. Her full breasts and rounded hips may have given her grief when she was younger, but as a woman?

  She could have men practically eating out of her hands.

  He stepped between her legs, and she trembled in anticipation. By now most men would be ripping her clothes off in eagerness.

  Biting, pawing, pulling their erection free.

  But Colton?

  His fingers lightly ran up her bare legs, the soft touch teasing her more than any roughness would. He watched his hands moving over her skin, seeming entranced at the differences between them. The bulges of the tendons on his hands stood out in harsh contrast to her smooth skin. He was big and rough and strong and somehow also impossibly gentle with her.

  She whimpered as his hands skimmed across her inner thighs, her panties damp with arousal. He hadn’t even undressed her yet, and her clit throbbed for his touch, her nipples taut against the top of her outfit.

  Colton paused only as he reached the shorts of her trendy romper, his fingers lightly sliding under the material. “Hell. I forgot this wasn’t a dress,” he said, his eyes narrowing.

  Camila laughed, momentarily regaining control. He’d barely been touching her, but she’d been completely entranced by him. Held in place on the bed by only his look. By the chemistry surging between them—some invisible string that had seemed to tether them together. “No problem, lover,” she said, sitting up as Colton stepped back. “Help me undress?”


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