What If

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What If Page 3

by Dani Wyatt

  Two things that are beautiful…the girl that just walked through the door of the bar and gave me the hard-on of a lifetime.

  The second is something only a few people in my life know about and I have the uncontrollable urge to make sure these two beautiful things come together.

  I lead Jessie behind the bar to the stairway. This building is bigger than it looks on the outside and the upper two floors I’ve converted into both my living space and my sanctuary.

  As we get to the stairs, I look down to see her cocking a single eyebrow up as she looks around. “This is a little spooky. If this were a movie, the audience would be screaming for me to not follow you, ya know.”

  A smile hitches on my lips hearing the lightness in her voice. “And yet, you still follow. My devious plan is working.”

  The walls that border the stairs are worn brick and the lighting isn’t the best. Something I keep meaning to redesign but haven’t made it a priority.

  “Do you live here?” she asks.

  “I do. It’s quiet, there’s no neighbors to get in my business. I bought the place with a friend of mine, the guy I was with downstairs.”

  “You own the bar?”

  I rock my head back and forth before answering. “Sort of. He and I own the building. The bar leases the space from us—Sandra, the gal behind the bar, runs the place, owns the actual business. She worked with Lou who owned it before for thirty-six years. He died last year from a sudden heart attack and we worked out a deal to keep the place alive, letting Sandra buy the business for next to nothing. Cops have been coming here since it opened, was a shame to see it close.”

  “That’s great. I think old buildings like this have a heart. It’s too bad the city is in such disarray.”

  “I agree. But you never know. Things can always turn around. Life can surprise you sometimes. There’s always the ‘what if’s’ in life, you know?” I look over my shoulder with a smile to see her smiling back and my heart swells, even if there’s a little twinkle there of something I only half recognize…like fate has just thrown her a curve ball.

  Gerald and I came up with a plan and put together the funds to buy this place. I sold my house and began working on the upstairs. I’m not a big spender, have saved almost everything I’ve ever earned, made some wise investments, but from outward appearances you wouldn’t know I’m as flush with cash as I am. But what other people think has never been of much interest to me.

  By the time we reach the top of the stairs, my throat is tight. I don’t even know this girl, but I know there’s something about her that tells me to keep her close.

  To find a way to weave her into my life.

  “Right here.” I hold my hand out to her and she puts her tiny fingers into my palm as I open the door to the top floor. “Close your eyes.”

  “Okay, but just so you know, the audience is screaming… ‘Don’t do it! Don’t close your eyes! Don’t follow him!’” She raises her eyebrows and does as I ask.

  I step inside, leading her by the hand and bringing her to a good spot before I stop. The lights are already on and I turn because I need to see her face when she takes in the scene.

  “Okay. Open.” With some reluctance, I let go of her hand and watch.

  Her blue eyes snap open as far as they can, and her mouth drops wide.

  “Oh my God.” She spins in a slow circle, as she does, her fingers glide upward to cover her nose and mouth and I notice they are painted each a different shade of pink. She’s the perfect mixture of tomboy and princess and I want to get to know all of those and everything in between.

  I close the door behind us and take her in. She moves slowly forward, her head swiveling back and forth as she spins on the toe of her black boot.

  She drops her hands and turns to look back at me. My cock is pounding, my balls tight and ready to deliver part of me into her. My fingertips twitch, thinking of all the places I want to touch her. Feel her wetness drench my palm, my face, my balls. I imagine what she smells like. How sweet she must taste.

  “The smell.” She closes her eyes and draws a deep breath through her nose, letting her head fall back slightly on her neck. “It’s unreal.”

  “It’s something, for sure.” I reply, taking a deep breath knowing the magical scent of nearly a thousand blooming orchids could not compete with what I know the scent of her cunt must be.

  “This is amazing. You do this? You grow all these or is this someone else’s business?”

  The wide-open loft space has glass skylights, and an array of old industrial tables, carts, crates, and a few old pieces of machinery, which I’ve converted into display stands for all my orchids.

  “Nope. It’s mine. A hobby that’s grown out of control.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it. You are an interesting guy. What did you say you do?”

  “I’m a detective.” My voice is thick, thinking of the darkness of my job compared to the lightness that graces my eyes right now.

  Watching her here, surrounded by the color and scent of the flowers is the most stunning sight of my life. Her hair shimmers and the way her cheeks glow with pink reminds me of the very flowers that fill the space.

  “A Detroit city detective who also grows orchids and sits in a dive bar reading Fitzgerald. You have to admit, it’s a juxtaposition.”

  I chuckle as she tugs her lips to the side, giving me a suspicious look.

  “That it is.” I agree doing my best to keep my voice steady and my hands to myself when all I want to do is kiss her. “When I was a kid, my dad brought potted orchids home to my mom because they were her favorite flower. Only, she wasn’t very good at keeping them alive and she would be so sad when they would die. They were crazy expensive, and my dad was a beat cop, so money wasn’t in abundance.” I run a hand through my hair as the story I’ve never told anyone pours out of me. “He would buy them for her and, try as she would, she couldn’t keep them alive. So, one day I came home from school and she was crying, throwing another yellow, dried out orchid in the trash. I rode my bike to the library, took out every book I could find on growing orchids and from there, not one of hers ever died again. It’s sort of became my obsession. Only, I don’t have anyone to give them to anymore. Mom passed a few years ago and my dad before her. But I’ve never been able to shake the itch for them. So, here we are.”

  Her eyes light on mine and I walk forward, unable to keep the space between us any longer. I need to touch her, it’s a compulsion. I’m fully obsessed with this girl I barely know, but one thing I’ve learned in my job is my gut never lies.

  “That’s incredibly sweet.” She brings a shoulder to her ear as her arms wrap around her waist, pushing her full swell of tits together and making my cock leak as I wonder what her nipples look like. What they taste like.

  And my gut is telling me to get her, keep her, have her, own her, take her—and I intend to do all those things, hopefully without scaring the shit out of her.

  “God, it’s warm in here.” She blows upward out of the corner of her mouth toward a strand of hair hanging over her eye.

  “Eighty degrees and seventy-five percent humidity. Take your jacket off…” I command, then reach over to help her unbutton the single button and strip it down off her shoulders, setting in on the nearest table.

  The white tank top underneath clutches every swell and curve, sending my poor cock into a near panic.

  I draw her hands upward as I press her back against the brick, leaving barely a brush of space between us. I grip her wrists, pulling upward, and watch her eyes sparkle and latch on mine.

  “I don’t even know you,” she whispers and the scent of her warm breath fans the flames of whatever this is that is building inside of me.

  “Really?” I answer, leaning my head down and to the side a bit. “Because I know you. I’m not sure how, but Jessie, I do know you.”

  I feel her body quiver and watch her chest rise and fall. I let my eyes roll downward, her curves call to me and thought
s of sliding my dick between her epic tits have me nearly in tears.

  “This is so strange.” She shakes her head. “You’re not some sociopath or man whore or—”

  I interrupt her with a kiss, silencing her protest.

  I keep it soft, letting her lose the fear of the moment and swipe my tongue over her bottom lip listening to the hitch in her breath when I do.

  When I pull away, I see lust in her eyes. She tastes like beauty and love and all the things I want in my life but didn’t know until she walked through that door.

  There’s a beast inside of me that this sweet girl is feeding and it’s not something I’ve ever felt before.

  A compulsion to devour her in every way.

  “Wow,” she mutters. “I’m not so sure this is a good idea. The audience doesn’t either.”

  “Fuck the audience. I’ll be sure enough for both of us until you catch up.” My voice is nearly a growl as something inside of me claws its way to the surface. “If it will make you feel any better, I’ve never let anyone in here before. No one knows about this.” I look up and around before setting my eyes back on her.

  I see the shock change her features, but I want her to know this is real for me. How it’s so real, I don’t fucking know, but it doesn’t change the fact that my gut tells me I’ve been waiting for her my entire life.

  “In fact, I know I shouldn’t tell you this, but I want you to know this isn’t just a game for me. I haven’t kissed anyone in years. So many, I’m not even sure when the last time was. So not only did I bring you up here.” I look around the room then back down at her wide eyes. “I’m kissing you here. This is my church. My sanctuary. And there is something about you, Jessie…I needed you to be in here with me. Call me stupid. Crazy. Whatever, but my instincts never lie.”

  I watch her swallow, and I close the rest of the space between us, letting her feel the effect she’s having on me.

  “It’s just,” she stammers as I nearly let go in my pants from the way her softness melts against me. “I mean, look at you. You’re magnificent. And, you know cops have a bit of a reputation. I’m sure you would have no problem getting anyone you wanted. Gotta be honest, the audience is telling me be careful. He’s a smoothy…”

  The pink blush on her cheeks and neck deeps and I cock an eyebrow upward, unsure why she doesn’t see that I’m the lucky one here. How a girl like her would want someone like me.

  “From the moment you walked in the door downstairs, my dick’s been hard. That hasn’t happened to me. Not ever. So, trust me when I say, you are the magnificent one.”

  I meet her lips again, in the back of my mind knowing this is the last girl I’m ever going to kiss.

  Chapter 5


  What is happening here?

  First, I’m punching some guy for groping me.

  Now, I’m letting Torin grind what has to be a cock proportionate to his monster size against my hip as he holds my hands over my head and presses me against a wall.

  It’s been quite a night.

  As he kisses me again my resistance drains away. I’m floating on some fluffy cloud and the edges of everything around me seem fuzzy.

  When he withdraws, his lips brush mine, and it’s as though a low current of electricity flows between us.

  “Tell me this doesn’t feel right.” His husky voice connects directly to all my lady bits and I squeeze my thighs together, willing the growing tension there to stop before I start moaning and make an idiot of myself.

  “It feels confusing,” I answer honestly.

  “If confusing is another word for perfect, then we are on the same page. But you can tell me to stop, baby. Do you want me to stop?”

  The incredible scent of the thousands of blooms in the room mix with his man-scent, and I’m intoxicated by the swirl of sensations that are flooding my nervous system.

  I shake my head, and his mouth is on mine.

  There’s no holding back on those moans anymore. One falls from my lips into the kiss. When he hears it, Torin releases one hand, bringing his down and slipping it under my hair to the back of my neck in an act of such possession I nearly lose my footing.

  My mind tells me to stop, but my body has already given in, and my heart is leading the charge forward.

  I’ve been on a lot of dates and never, ever have I kissed someone this quickly. And Torin and I aren’t even on a date.

  In fact, he saved me from my date. So, we are actually on an anti-date if that’s a thing.

  His fingers cover the back of my neck entirely, and his thumb caresses the front of my throat, applying a hint of pressure there which sends a rush of moisture into the cotton fabric between my legs.

  As though he senses what’s happening down below, I’m suddenly pulled upward. His hands move under my arms and he pulls me up onto the front of him like a doll, my back still pressed against the brick wall.

  I wrap my legs instinctively behind his back as he pushes against me and his hands drop, fingers sinking into my rear end, hitching me up a bit higher and at the same time widening my legs. My skirt opens and I feel his hands on the fabric of my panties.

  When he starts to press and pulse his midsection into me, I think I’m going to come undone.

  He pulls away, looking at me with a wildness in his eyes that half scares me and half pushes me toward an orgasm.

  “Unbutton my shirt, Jessie.” There is not a hint of doubt in his words that suggest he thinks I will do anything but comply. And the calm confidence that rolls off him has my fingers immediately on the first button, working it undone.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m breaking my number one rule never to sleep with anyone on the first date.

  This isn’t a date.

  And, wait a second, am I going to sleep with him? Is that what is happening here?

  Hearing him say he’s never had anyone in here before helped release something that felt locked inside me. I believe him, even if that is silly and stupid at face value, my gut is telling me he’s being truthful.

  I finish with the last button and look down to see the broad expanse of his chest, decorated with just the perfect amount of hair matching what tops his head and accents his jaw.

  There’s a rumble that rises from his chest. “Take your hands and put them on me,” he orders and once again I’m shocked at how quickly I do as he says.

  Both my hands are flat against his pectoral muscles, and I feel the thump, thump, thump of his heart underneath them.

  “You feel that? My heart hasn’t done that ever. Never have I felt like it was about to hammer its way through my ribs and explode out of my chest. Get my shirt off me, baby.”

  I help him out of his shirt and feel sparks fly all over my skin. He presses himself forward, holding me solid against the wall with his body as he shakes the remainder of the shirt from his hands.

  His gorgeous chest feels solid and safe when I instinctively replace my hands there, and I wonder if I have the strength to stop this runaway train before it derails.

  Even in the heat of the room, I’m shivering as Torin returns his hands beneath my ass cheeks and starts to rub me up and down his body.

  Another moan drips from my lips. I can’t keep my eyes open and the back of my head meets the hard brick behind.

  “God, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” His gritty voice echoes around the tall ceiling, and he shifts so I can feel the full length of him grinding up and down against the thin swath of fabric between my legs. “You are a million times more stunning than any of these flowers. You are the absolute perfect blossom among all of these orchids.”

  He pulls me from the wall, spins us around and marches toward the center of the massive space carrying me effortlessly, to where I see an oasis in the middle of the orchid displays. There is a worn leather sofa and two oversized green velvet armchairs, set around a thick white rug.

  His arms are locked under my ass as he turns, drops down and centers me on his lap,
facing him. As quickly as we are sitting, his hands come to the hem of my tank top and his eyes search my face.

  “Arms up,” he growls, and I hesitate. “Trust me, Jessie. I’m not completely sure what is happening here either, but I know I’ll never hurt you. I know I’ll keep you safe, make you happy, never put you in danger. Do I feel right to you? Because you feel like home to me. As crazy as that sounds. It’s the truth.”

  Fighting to keep my breathing steady, I nod and lift my arms, and in the next moment he’s stripped my tank top and his hands are on the clasp of my bra. His fingers move with swift accuracy and in a breath, he’s freed me from the bra. We’re both naked above the waist and when my breasts sway, I see something flash in Torin’s eyes that sends a shockwave of desire through me.

  “Jesus, Jessie. You get more beautiful every fucking second.”

  The light in the giant room is bright but soft and I look down to see his gigantic hands envelop my breasts. I swallow hard on a gasp as he kneads, and squeezes them, leaning his head down to cover one nipple with his mouth.

  His tongue works around the sensitive flesh, then on a grunt, he moves to the other, doing the same while bucking his hips upward as I ride the enormous shaft under the fabric of his jeans.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I whisper unsure if I’m talking to him or myself.

  I can’t believe any of it. I can’t believe I’m here in this room with a thousand orchids, I can’t believe I punched a guy tonight, I can’t believe I haven’t fled for home. And I can’t believe it when I reach down, and my hands are on the button of his jeans.

  I’ve never wanted someone so much. Never had this sort of sensation swimming through me. A deep need claws at me and before I know it, I’ve got his pants undone and his zipper down.

  While my hands move, he moans and sucks deeper on each nipple until it feels like they are connected directly to my clit.

  When I look down, I see he’s commando. There’s nothing between me and the sight of a cock so large I don’t know whether to cry with joy or scream in terror.


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