Reclaiming the Prince's Heart

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Reclaiming the Prince's Heart Page 11

by Rebecca Winters

  Luna translated before following the man through a corridor to doors leading out to the patio. Couples were dancing to the music of the terrific band. Trees decorated with twinkling white lights gave the individual tables privacy. The host led them to the other end of the patio. Their table overlooked the water.

  Once seated, he gave them menus, and a waiter took over. He poured them wine.

  She looked at Rini across the small, candlelit table. Her eyes shimmered like green diamonds. “Do you trust me to order for you?”

  “Why don’t we eat the same meal we had when I brought you here before.”

  Luna gave the waiter the order before he left them alone.

  “What are we having besides ham?” He drank some of the wine and liked it very much.

  “You knew that word! As for the pappardelle funghi, it’s a pasta with mushrooms.”

  He said the words, committing them to memory. Then he looked at her, needing to get her in his arms. “Signora Baldasseri, ballerai con me?” Rini had been practicing that phrase.

  “Mi piacerebbe.” She got out of her chair before he came around. That action told him what she’d said. Another word to put to memory. He caught her curvaceous body to his. She melted against him. “I can’t believe I’m dancing with you again.” Her voice caught. “It’s a miracle that you’re alive.”

  His lips roved over her soft cheek. “You’re the miracle.”

  She nestled closer, clinging to him. “I’m in heaven, Signor Baldasseri.”

  He couldn’t help running his hands up and down her back. “Luna—I want to make love to you when we get home. Is that asking too much of you? Don’t be afraid to tell me the truth. If it’s too soon...”

  “Too soon?” She hugged him harder. “I’d hoped it would happen the first day I got you home from the hospital. But you held back because you thought I pitied you.”

  “I know that’s not true now, but I need an answer to one more question. How badly do you want a baby knowing I’ve got amnesia? Does that change the idea for you?”

  “Not at all. We’re married and have decided to move forward. I want your child. Nothing would ever change that.”

  “So if I get you pregnant—”

  “I’ll shout from the rafters!” She stopped dancing and cupped his face in her hands. “Besides marrying you, Rini darling, I’ve wanted your baby more than anything else in this world. We’ve said we want to begin again, so the answer to both your questions is yes! I want to sleep with you in every sense of the word, and I can’t wait for children. Whatever the future holds, we’ll deal with it.”

  Rini let out the breath he’d been holding. “You’ve made me the happiest man on earth. I don’t know if I can eat dinner.”

  “You have to, remember?” she teased. “Come on. Let’s sit down so the waiter will serve us.”

  The next half hour passed in a blur. The food was sensational, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Luna. “Do you want dessert?”

  “I couldn’t. What about you?”

  Rini reached for her hand across the table. “I think you know the answer to that.”

  “I do.” She put money from her purse on the table. “Let’s go home.” The pleading in her eyes was almost his undoing. He rushed around to help her, and they left the castle with indecent speed. On the drive back to the palazzo, he managed to elude a police car and his bodyguards.

  She laughed as they pulled around the back. “All you have to do is present yourself as a race car driver and you can make your fortune in a whole new, exciting way.”

  “Well, there is this about it. At least if I crash during another earthquake, it will be above ground. Maybe I won’t be able to speak Romansh anymore.”

  “Rini—you mustn’t kid about things like that!”

  He put a hand on her arm. “I agree that wasn’t funny. Forgive me.”

  They got out of the car and went inside. She disappeared into the bathroom of their suite. He got ready for bed and threw on a robe while he waited for her. She emerged a few minutes later wearing a cream-colored nightgown.

  “Rini? I should never have gotten so upset. The horror of believing I had lost you still lives inside me.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t relate to your pain. What I do know is that if I lost you now, I wouldn’t want to live.”

  The throb of Rini’s deep voice resonated through Luna’s body. She sucked in her breath. “You haven’t lost me, and you never will.” She flew into his arms.

  “Adorata.” Rini buried his face in her hair, then picked her up and carried her over to the bed. His eyes burned with desire as he lowered her to the mattress. “Ti amo. Do you hear me?”

  Yes, she heard his avowal of love, but he didn’t give her a chance to answer because his mouth had covered hers. This was the Rini she’d married over seven months ago, devouring her with the kind of hunger that aroused her deepest passion. He was alive and whole. She couldn’t get enough of this beloved man who was her husband and had been returned to her.

  With the robe and nightgown discarded, they lay there entangled while they tried over and over again throughout the night to assuage their need for each other. No man could be a better lover than Rini. She never wanted this rapture to end.

  Toward morning she got her wish when he rolled her on top of him and made love to her all over again. Several hours later she cried, “I love you.” She kissed every masculine feature of his handsome face. “I love you so much you can’t possibly imagine. You’ve been so brave and courageous through all of this. I want to take away your every fear.”

  “You already do that by loving me.”

  “I want to do more. How can I help you?”

  He propped some pillows and turned her in his arms. “I did a lot of thinking while we were at the mine. Obviously, it has been one of the mainstays of the family for three hundred years. Though I don’t remember it, I believe it’s still my responsibility.

  “Since I have to do something with my life, I could choose anything. But it will mean I have to learn whatever it is from the bottom up and keep working on my Italian. So why not get involved in the administration aspect of the mine?”

  She sat straight up. “That’s a brilliant idea, darling.”

  “I could take a business class at the college along with a beginning Italian class. I’ll discuss it with Doctor Tullia.”

  “Good. I have another idea.”

  “Of course, because you’re my amazing wife.” He gave her another kiss that swept her away.

  “You could intern at the Baldasseri Gold Mining office several afternoons a week to get on top of the accounting. I could help you there, too. In no time you’ll be in charge of the whole business you ran so beautifully for the country. I have no doubt of it.”

  The moment she said the words, Rini covered her mouth with his and once again he swept her away with unbridled passion. Her husband might have lost his memory, but he knew how to make her feel immortal.

  Two hours later he lay on his side, drinking in her beauty. Because he didn’t know she was pregnant and didn’t remember what she’d looked like before, he didn’t realize her body had changed. But in another month, he’d figure it out.

  * * *

  Right now she didn’t want to worry about it and would have stayed here with him all day if her cell phone hadn’t kept ringing until they couldn’t ignore it.

  Rini handed it to her from the bedside table. She answered, but because she was lying against him, she was in no state for a conversation with anyone. Dr. Tullia’s secretary was calling to remind Rini of his appointment at eleven.

  “He’ll be there,” she promised and hung up before kissing Rini. “You’re due at the hospital at eleven for a session with Doctor Tullia. You’re going to have to hurry to make it on time. Why don’t you shower first while I ask Viola to get our breakfast

  A sigh escaped his throat before he reluctantly moved away from her and reached for his robe. “Being in your arms has made me forget everything, cara.”

  He wasn’t the only one with that problem. While he hurried to get ready, she called downstairs before phoning Antonia. “I know you’re dying to see Rini again. I promise he’ll talk to you before the day is out. I love you.”

  She passed Rini on her way to take a shower. He looped his arm around her shoulders to give her another kiss before releasing her.

  Within a half hour they’d eaten and had hurried out to the car. Rini drove them to the hospital. Being independent made him more like the husband he’d been before the quake. She encouraged him to do as much as he could by himself.

  After he turned off the engine, she put a hand on his arm. “I’m sure Chispar will be there, so I’ll wait for you here.”

  “One day soon I won’t need a translator. After I’m through, let’s go to lunch and then stop by the office. You can orient me.” Another quick kiss and he got out of the car. He’d worn a tan summer suit and white shirt with no tie. No man on earth looked as handsome as he did. Already she could tell he was putting on weight even though it hadn’t been that long since his rescue.

  She phoned Fabio and told him she was bringing Rini into the office later so he could familiarize himself with the accounts. Luna didn’t have to get permission. Rini was in charge of everything and always had been. But she didn’t want to surprise Fabio.

  “How will he do that when he can’t understand?”

  “He’s working on his Italian constantly. You’d be surprised how well he’s progressing. See you later.”

  A half hour later Rini returned to the car, looking relieved. She flashed him a smile. “I can tell that session went well.”

  He started the engine. “I had a short conversation with him in Italian. It surprised him. When I told him of my plans, he said taking an English class online was fine, but no college yet. He says I need more time to work on my marriage to you. A trip to the business office might not hurt, but don’t get overwhelmed.”

  “That’s excellent advice. I’m sure he can’t believe you’re in such good spirits.”

  Rini drove out to the street. “I gave you all the credit for my rehabilitation. But my guess is he already figured that out the first time he met you. Besides being a stunning beauty, there’s no woman to measure up to you.”

  “You spoil me with compliments like that.” After a night of being loved by him, there was nothing wrong in her world. Until she remembered this was a new relationship to him. Maybe he was falling for her. But how long would that infatuation last? Could it survive while he tried to rebuild his life?

  Luna was getting ahead of herself and needed to slow down. Take one step at a time and be thankful.

  “That’s quite a conversation you’re having with yourself, sposa mia.”

  Warmth crept up her neck into her cheeks. “I’ve been thinking about the great strides you’ve made since a week ago. You’re so courageous, I’m in awe.”

  “There you go again. Building me up so I feel I could accomplish anything.”

  She studied his chiseled profile. “You already have by staying alive until you were found. A lesser man would never have made it. You walked to the highway after crawling out of the mine. I don’t know how you did it.”

  * * *

  Luna’s words found their way deep into his soul. Last night she’d taught him what it was like to be married to the most wonderful, giving, passionate woman on earth. Rini didn’t deserve her. Not yet. But he’d do whatever it took to win her love again.

  After leaving the hospital, they drove to the office. He parked in a reserved space near the entrance. Luna had told him there were eighty staff members who filled the two-story building. They dealt with the various departments. The accounting department contained three offices including hers on the main floor. Fabio had his own private office nearby.

  Rini helped Luna out of the car and kept his arm around her waist as they entered the building. They passed a glassed-in office where an attractive young woman waved to them.

  Luna waved back. “That’s Suzanne. She and I have become good friends.”

  Within seconds they were ensconced in Luna’s office. She put another chair next to hers in front of her desk so they could sit together. He looked around, noticing she had a wedding picture of the two of them on one wall. They’d just come out of the cathedral where she’d said they’d been married.

  “That was the happiest day of my life,” she murmured after noticing where his gaze had settled. “The only happier day was when I walked into that hospital room and saw you lying on the gurney.”

  He gave her a piercing glance. “As I told you before, I heard an angel’s voice speaking to me. I couldn’t believe it and opened my eyes to see this exquisite woman at my side. She’d just told me she loved me in a language I understood. I’ll never forget that moment. I thought I was hallucinating when you said you were my wife. It didn’t seem possible I could be married to you.”


  Unable to suppress his desire for her, he reached over to cup her face. Hungry for his wife, he started kissing her.

  “Mi scusi.”

  A male voice broke in on them. Rini slowly relinquished her lips and turned. The manager stood in the doorway.

  Rini got to his feet. “No c’e problema. Ciao, Fabio. Come va?”

  His expression registered utter disbelief that Rini was speaking Italian. “Bene, Rini. E tu?”

  “Molto, molto bene.” He darted Luna a smile. “Sto lavorando con mi bella moglie.” Rini said the words to make it clear to Fabio that he was back from the dead. Not only was he working with his wife, he was also more in love with her than ever.

  Fabio’s eyes swerved to Luna, staring at her. After a minute he left and shut the door behind him. Rini sat down again and hugged his wife. “How did I do?”

  She leaned into him. “You already know the answer to that. Your transformation surprised the daylights out of Fabio.”

  “Did you tell him I would be coming to the office with you?”

  “Yes. I phoned him while you were in session with Doctor Tullia. You’ll always be in charge of this office and the mine, but I wanted to give him the courtesy of a heads-up this one time.”

  There was nothing about Luna he didn’t admire. “You’re a wonder.”

  “I hope you feel the same way after we’ve spent a few hours together on the books.”

  “I love being with you no matter what we do.”

  Her eyes gave off green sparks. “That sounds perfect. Are you ready to plunge in?”

  “Ready and eager. Let’s see what kind of a teacher you make.”

  “Oh, dear. I wish you hadn’t said that.”

  He chuckled as she pulled up a file and they got started. Since numbers didn’t have to be translated, Rini was able to grasp quite a bit for a first round. He hadn’t lost his math capabilities. Luna made it easy by compiling a list of headings in Romansh. In another day or two he’d have the terms memorized into Italian.

  An hour later they left the building to eat lunch. “What are you in the mood for, Rini?”

  “I think fish.”

  “Then I know a perfect spot.” They got into the car and she showed him where to drive to a port on the lake. “It’s the place we love after we’ve been out swimming and fishing.”

  “On what?”

  “You have a cabin cruiser.”

  “I do?”

  “We’ve spent many a night on it.”

  Soon, they reached the port and she pointed out his sleek blue-and-white cruiser moored at the pier alongside half a dozen others.

  “I’ve got an idea, Luna. We could move to the cruiser.”

  She laughed. “You us
ed to say that to me whenever we’d been out on it. You loved being on the water.”

  “I’d like to see it. Why don’t we pick up some lunch and eat it on board?”

  “Let’s do it, but I don’t have the key for us to take a drive.”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  It didn’t take long for them to buy crab and pasta to go. The delightful news that they had a cruiser had excited him. She waved to the security guard at the dock, who recognized them. Rini helped her get on board and they went below deck out of the hot sun to eat. They sat together on the couch while they ate.

  “Let’s come out here tonight.”

  “I’d love it, but maybe we should wait until tomorrow.”


  “First of all, we need to go shopping so you’ll feel like you’ve joined the world. You need a watch and wallet. And I think a few new casual shirts, too. And then this evening your grandparents are hoping to hear from you. We could run by the palace.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Then we’ll set up a video conversation with them at the palazzo.”

  “I’m not ready to spend time with my grandparents yet.”

  “Why is that?”

  He let out a sigh. “I had a long conversation with Vincenzo and ran it by Doctor Tullia. Vincenzo is being groomed to take over the monarchy when the time comes. I refuse to interfere with that. The earthquake changed everything. I have no desire to take on former duties I know nothing about. I don’t want to do them, but I hate disappointing my grandparents.

  “I realize they have expectations of me I can’t fulfill. That’s why it’s hard to be around them. Can you understand that when it’s clear my amnesia is here to stay?”

  “Yes. I can understand. But you need to tell your grandparents the truth of your feelings.”

  “Doctor Tullia said the same thing. So tonight we’ll call them and I’ll explain what’s going on with me. That’s the best I can do.”

  “That’s all anyone could ask.”

  “While we’re on the subject, I’ve been thinking I could video call with the general manager at the mine.”


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