and Steele dossier, 96
Crowell, James, IV, 223, 271
Cruz, Ted, 51, 139
Cummings, Elijah, 277, 329
Daily Caller, 112
Daily Mail, 104–5
Davis, Lanny, 301
“deep state” conspiracy theory, 13, 279–80, 294, 299, 323–27
Defense Intelligence Agency, 139
Demirjian, Karoun, 270
Democratic National Committee (DNC)
and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 88, 90
and Clinton email investigation, 55
and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 92, 109
and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 66, 86
and Jill McCabe’s campaign, 48
and source of email hacks, 140
and Steele dossier, 95, 104
and Trump’s attacks on Comey, 296
and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 256–57
Democratic Party, 41, 47–48. See also Democratic National Committee (DNC)
Department of Homeland Security, 9, 108, 145, 154, 172, 223, 225
Department of Justice. See U.S. Department of Justice
Deripaska, Oleg, 94
Dershowitz, Alan, 271
Deutsch, John, 53
diGenova, Joseph, 112–13
domestic eavesdropping. See Stellar Wind surveillance program
Dowd, John, 265, 267–68, 282, 288–89, 291–92
Downer, Alexander, 87, 88n, 92, 322
drone warfare, 30
Durham, John, 330
Earhardt, Ainsley, 302
Eisenhower, Dwight, 323
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 86n
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 279
Espionage Act, 42, 52–55, 65, 321
Face the Nation, 151
FBI Academy, 46, 275
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
and anti-Clinton sentiment, 85
and appointment of special counsel, 215–16, 230, 231, 232, 248
and assembly of Mueller’s team, 234–35
and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 88, 90
and beginning of Mueller investigation, 237
and Benghazi consulate bombing, 33–34
and Clinton email investigation, 40–56, 57–66, 67, 74, 76, 78–81, 83–84, 125–27, 129–30, 265
and Clinton Foundation investigation, 97–99
and Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting, 73
and Cohen investigation, 289
and Comey briefings on Russian interference, 143–44, 181–85, 241–44, 246
Comey’s appointment as director, 28–31
and Comey’s book release, 294, 296–97
and Comey’s firing, 5–12, 192–201, 281
and Comey’s leadership style, 31–33
Comey’s Los Angeles field visit, 1–5
Comey’s New Year’s letter to, 143
and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 91–93, 99–101, 109–10
culture of, 1–2, 111–13
and deliberations on firing Comey, 192
and deliberations on special counsel appointment, 219–20
and election interference concerns, 97, 111–13, 120–21, 189–91
expansion of Crossfire Hurricane, 230
and fallout from Comey’s firing, 202–14, 216–17
and Flynn investigation, 169, 267–69
Grassley’s hostility to, 306
and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 66, 86
and Hatch Act regulations, 48
independence requirement, 3–4, 29–31, 254, 331
and inspector general’s report, 292–93, 298–301
investigation of Sessions, 251
and leak investigations, 92–93, 165–66, 195, 263–64
and McCabe’s firing, 285–88
McCabe’s interview for director, 220–21, 225, 227–29
and McCabe’s Judiciary Committee testimony, 275–78
and media coverage of Russia investigation, 177
and media pressure, 83
and memo criticizing Comey, 196–98
mission and motto of, 4, 7, 20
and Mueller Report findings, 14–15, 317, 319–23, 324, 326–27, 329–30
and Mueller’s White House meeting, 229
and opening of investigation on Trump, 222–23
and Rosenstein’s background, 164
and Russian interference investigation, 12–15, 141–42, 176
and Sessions’s recusal from Russia investigation, 178
Society of Former Special Agents, 112, 297
and Steele dossier, 94–96, 101–3, 103–4, 132–33, 140–41, 265–66, 322
and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 258–59, 269–70, 270–71, 272, 303
Trump’s attacks on, 274
and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 256, 257
and Trump’s refusal to testify in Mueller probe, 283–85
Trump’s search for director, 238–39
and Trump’s treason claims, 331
and Weiner laptop investigation, 113–14, 113n, 133–35
Wray appointed as director, 240, 262
Federal Election Commission, 157
Federal Records Act, 76
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 46
Feinstein, Diane, 190, 210, 243
First Amendment, 163
FISA court, 142, 166
Fitzgerald, Patrick, 18, 56
FiveThirtyEight website, 189
Flores, Sarah, 304
Flynn, Michael
and appointment of special counsel, 230
and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 91–92
and Barr’s defense of Trump in Russia probe, 298
and briefings on Russia investigations, 181
and Clinton email investigation, 86
Cohen contrasted with, 290
and Comey memo leak, 227
and Comey’s Intelligence Committee testimony, 243, 245
and Comey’s White House meetings, 173
communications with Russia on sanctions, 151–52, 155–58
conviction, 267–69, 271
and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 93
fired by Trump, 168–71, 175
and media coverage of Russia investigation, 177
and Mueller Report findings, 315, 322–23
and opening of investigation on Trump, 222
and Priebus’s White House meeting with Comey, 165–66
and Russian interference investigation, 142
and staffing of Trump administration, 139
and Trump’s intelligence briefings, 145
Foreign Agents Registration Act, 49
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, 109
Fox, Emily Jane, 264
Fox Business News, 187–88, 200
Fox & Friends, 115, 302
Fox News
and Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting, 71
and Comey’s firing, 5, 198–99
and “deep state” conspiracy theories, 294
and fallout from Comey’s firing, 208, 216
and Russian interference investigation, 139–40
and Steele dossier revelations, 271
and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 270
and Trump’s attacks on FBI, 274
and Tucker Carlson, 112
Frank, Barney, 128
Franken, Al, 178, 222
Franklin, Shirlethia, 69
Freedom of Information Act, 76
Freeh, Louis, 4, 228
FSB (Russian Federal Security Service), 102
ing violations, 49
Fusion GPS, 94–96, 109, 271
Gaeta, Mike, 96, 101
Gang of Eight, 181, 222–23, 229
Gates, Rick, 289
Ghattas, Carl, 237–38
Gingrich, Newt, 274
Giuliani, Rudolph
addition to Trump legal team, 301
and Barr’s appointment, 308–9
and changes to Trump’s legal team, 291–92
and Comey’s background, 18
and diGenova, 113
and fallout from Comey’s firing, 212
and leak investigations, 195
and McCabe campaign contributions controversy, 115
and Mueller Report findings, 309, 311–12
and pardon suggestions, 302
and Trump’s combative strategy, 13
and Trump’s written answers in Mueller probe, 307
and Weiner laptop investigation, 116–17
Giuliano, Mark, 39, 45–46
Goldman, Adam, 303
Goldman Sachs, 324
Goldsmith, Jack, 21
Gonzales, Alberto, 22–23, 25–27, 54, 172–73, 319
Gorsuch, Neil M., 185
Gowdy, Trey, 34
Graff, Garrett, 19
Grassley, Charles, 181, 184, 189, 227–28, 233, 306
“gross negligence” standard
and Clinton email investigation, 43, 63–65, 76, 83, 319, 321
and the Espionage Act, 52–55, 321
and Weiner laptop investigation, 166–67
Guardian, 297
Guccifer 2.0, 66, 86
Haberman, Maggie, 252
Hackett, David, 19–20
Hannity, Sean, 198, 274, 294, 328
Hatch Act, 48
Healy, Patrick, 82–83
Heinrich, Martin, 210
Henry II, King of England, 244
Hicks, Hope
and appointment of special counsel, 231
and Comey memo leak, 227
and Flynn’s resignation, 175
and Sessions’s recusal from Russia investigation, 179
and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 255
and Trump’s concern about Russia investigation, 140
and Trump’s Fox interview, 188
and Trump’s New York Times interview, 252
A Higher Loyalty (Comey), 293–97
Holder, Eric
and Comey’s considered as FBI director, 18–19, 28–29
Lynch’s replacement of, 37
Sessions contrasted with, 180, 191, 231, 251
and Trump’s attacks on FBI, 271
Holt, Lester, 213–14, 294–95
Hoover, J. Edgar, 144
Horowitz, Michael, 269–70, 285, 298–99
House Intelligence Committee, 3, 34, 182, 202–3, 229, 264
House Judiciary Committee, 26, 199, 272, 275–78
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, 182, 231
House Select Committee on Intelligence, 34–35, 182
Hunt, Jody, 191, 231, 255
hush money payments, 280–81, 290–91, 301–2
Ignatius, Davis, 150–51
Islamic terrorism, 165
Jackson, Hallie, 205–6
Jackson, Jesse, 70
Jarrett, Laura, 288
John, King of England, 15
Johnson, Gary, 136
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 323
Jones, Alex, 279
Jones, Paula, 4
Justice Department. See U.S. Department of Justice
Karl, Jonathan, 206, 245, 291
Kavanaugh, Brett, 304
Kelly, John
and changes to Trump administration, 225
and Comey’s firing, 9–10
and Rosenstein’s offer to resign, 304
and Sessions’s resignation, 306
and Trump’s efforts to remove special counsel, 282
and Twenty-fifth Amendment discussions, 223
and White House reception, 154
Kelly, Patrick, 48
Kelly, Raymond W., 18
Kennedy, John F., 180, 191
Kennedy, Robert “Bobby,” 6, 180, 231, 251
Kerry, John, 34
King, Angus, 244
Kislyak, Sergey
communications with Cohen, 142
and Flynn investigation, 156–57, 169, 173, 176
and Oval Office meeting with Trump, 204
Sessions’s talks with, 178
and Washington Post article on Russia investigation, 151
Klaidman, Daniel, 28
“kompromat,” 103. See also blackmail concerns
Kortan, Michael
and Clinton Foundation investigation, 116, 123
and Comey’s firing, 8
and controversy surrounding Clinton email case, 112
and inspector general’s report, 292
and McCabe’s clarifications on Page interview, 262, 263, 267
Krishnamoorthi, Raja, 329
Kroft, Steve, 45
Kushner, Arabella, 254–55
Kushner, Jared
and Comey’s firing, 192
and Flynn’s firing, 171–72
and Russian interference investigation, 142
and Trump’s attempts to influence Comey, 148, 173, 174
and Trump’s Middle East trip, 238
Kushner, Tony, 180
Latimer, Matt, 294
Lavrov, Sergey, 204
Law Day, 325–26
Leahy, Patrick, 199, 222
leaks and leak investigations
and Clinton Foundation investigation, 123, 195–96, 219
and Comey memo, 226–27
and Comey’s firing, 193
and Comey’s Intelligence Committee testimony, 244–45
and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 92–93
and difficulties investigating reports, 165–66, 173–74
and election interference concerns, 121
and fallout from Comey’s firing, 216
and Flynn investigation, 170–71
and Flynn’s communications with Russia, 155–56
and inspector general’s report, 292
and McCabe charges, 285
and media coverage of Russia investigations, 177
and Mueller Report findings, 313, 319
and Russian interference investigation, 141
and Steele dossier revelations, 147, 148, 150–51
and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 258–59, 263, 303
and Trump campaign’s ties to WikiLeaks, 108
and Trump’s attacks on Sessions, 256
and Trump’s attempts to influence Comey, 160, 175
and Trump’s New York Times interview, 254
and Weiner laptop investigation, 116–17, 119, 121, 124, 128, 130
See also WikiLeaks
Lewandowski, Corey, 251–52, 252n
Lewinsky, Monica, 4, 36, 50, 106
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter,” 56, 173–74
Libya, 34. See also Benghazi consulate bombing
Lofgren, Mike, 279, 323, 324
Logan Act, 142, 151, 158, 163, 173
Los Angeles Times, 136
Luther, Martin, 27–28
Lynch, Loretta
and Clinton email investigation, 37, 44–45, 55–56, 59, 62, 77–78, 80–81, 83–84, 125–26, 131–32
Clinton tarmac meeting with, 67–73, 320–21
and Comey’s notification to Congress on Clinton investigation, 124
and Guccifer 2.0 leaks, 66
and Mueller Report f
indings, 320–21
and Sessions’s recusal, 181
and Weiner laptop investigation, 117
Macron, Emmanuel, 291
Magna Carta, 15
Manafort, Paul
and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 91–92
and briefings on Russia investigations, 181
conviction of, 302
and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 93, 230
guilty plea, 13
and pardon suggestions, 289, 302
and Steele dossier, 94, 96
Marcus, Ruth, 60
Margolis, David, 37–38, 83–84, 287, 319
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 54
May, Theresa, 161
McAuliffe, Terry, 47–49, 114, 116, 131, 185
McCabe, Andrew
and appointment of special counsel, 232–33
and assembly of Mueller’s team, 234
and Australian intelligence on Russian interference, 91–92
background, 46
and beginning of Mueller investigation, 237–38
and Benghazi consulate bombing, 33–34
and Clinton email investigation, 47, 55, 61, 63, 74, 77, 83–84, 130–31
and Clinton Foundation investigation, 97, 99
and Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting, 71
and Comey’s leadership style, 31–32
Comey’s support for, 185
and Comey’s White House meetings, 174–75
and Crossfire Hurricane investigation, 100–101, 229–30
and election interference concerns, 121
and fallout from Comey’s firing, 203–4, 207–9, 210–11, 212, 217–25
fired from FBI, 285–88
and FISA applications, 109
and Flynn investigation, 169, 268
and Flynn’s communications with Russia, 155–57
Grassley’s hostility to, 306
and Hatch Act regulations, 49
interview for FBI director, 220–21, 225, 227–29
Judiciary Committee testimony, 275–78
and leak investigations, 195–96, 267, 292–93
and McCabe’s firing, 5–10, 11, 12, 199, 200–201
and media coverage of Russia investigation, 175–77
meeting with Wray, 284–85
and Mueller Report findings, 323, 326, 329
and ongoing investigations, 327–28
and origins of “deep state” conspiracy theory, 13
political campaign of wife, 47–49, 114–15, 203–4, 277
and political contributions controversy, 114–15
and Priebus’s White House meeting with Comey, 167
replacement of Giuliano, 46
and Rosenstein’s offer to record Trump, 224, 224n, 303
and Russian interference investigation, 142, 146, 160
and Steele dossier, 96
and Strzok-Page text messaging controversy, 152, 259–64, 270, 274, 275–76
Deep State Page 41