The Wright Brothers

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The Wright Brothers Page 37

by David McCullough

  letter to Taft of, 123

  love for music of, 6

  Machine No. 3 of, 74, 75–81

  mandolin played by, 6, 9

  media scrutiny of, 132, 133, 151, 157–59, 174

  memory of, 7

  as mocked in French press, 132

  newspaper published by, 18–20

  nickname of, 9

  1909 European trip of, 211–12

  as operator, 78

  as operator of Flyer, 104–5

  in Paris, 147–53, 247, 248

  patent issues of, 249–50, 252, 255

  at Pau, 212–14, 215–16, 218

  photograph of, 5–6

  photography of, 104–5

  print shop of, 18, 21

  on propeller design, 88

  reading of, 17–18

  return to Dayton after hospital stay by, 200–201

  in return to Ohio, 63

  risk-taking avoided by, 48

  risk-taking by, 48, 115, 116

  in Rome, 222–23

  Root on, 119

  in second expedition to Kitty Hawk, 58–63

  second glider built by, 56–57, 58

  Selfridge as passenger with, 190–92

  sense of humor of, 6

  sensitivity of, 8

  shyness of, 8, 10

  third expedition to Kitty Hawk of, 74–81

  train crash and, 212

  typhoid of, 27–28

  as unaffected by success, 251–52

  Washington ceremony for, 229–30

  Washington trip of, 178, 181–82

  wealth of, 259

  and Wilbur’s Paris trip, 144–46

  wind tunnel built by, 69–70, 81

  wing-warping system of, 62–63

  work ethic of, 6

  world records set by, 189

  on World War II, 260–61

  writing of, 8

  Wright, Reuchlin, 9–10, 206, 228, 235, 236, 259

  Wright, Susan Koerner, 8, 10, 11, 15, 27, 72

  death of, 10

  obituary of, 20

  Wright, USS, 261

  Wright, Wilbur, 16, 21, 25–26, 27, 28, 35, 40, 46, 74, 79, 86, 89, 91, 94, 95–96, 102, 110, 112, 137, 181, 199–200, 224, 240, 255

  at Aéro-Club banquet, 206–8

  aeronautics studied by, 32–33, 36, 38

  Archdeacon’s scorn of, 168

  in Berlin, 149, 152

  bicycle business of, see Wright Cycle Company

  bicycling of, 21–22

  bird-watching of, 37, 38, 51, 52

  on bird wing shape, 52

  birth of, 11

  on Blériot’s Channel flight, 238

  and British offer to buy Flyer II, 122

  in building of first aircraft, 39

  on Campania, 135–36

  camp set up by, 47

  cardboard box demonstration of, 38–39

  Chanute’s correspondence with, 68–69

  Chanute tribute by, 255–56

  charisma of, 7

  compensation accumulated by, 224

  confidence of, 142, 169

  crashes of, 159, 175–76, 197

  cultured nature of, 175

  Dayton return of, 227–29

  death of, 256–57

  early interest in flight of, 29–30

  and Edward VII, 220

  estate of, 259

  in falling out with Chanute, 249–51

  false divorce case report about, 215

  fascination with birds of, 51, 124–25

  father’s church troubles and, 72–74

  financial help declined by, 71

  first aircraft tested by, 39

  first balloon flight of, 146–47

  first glider built by, 42, 44, 49–50

  as first operator of Flyer, 102–3

  first Paris trip of, 137–53

  in Flyer III, 126

  Flyer of, see Flyer

  at Fort Myer, 234–39

  French popularity of, 203–6

  on future of aviation, 247

  glider-kite built by, 37–38

  Great Homecoming and, 230–33

  harmonica played by, 6

  hockey injury of and far-reaching consequences, 14–15

  home rebuilt by, 21, 23

  hostility of French press to, 132, 160

  initial return to Dayton of, 56–57

  as inseparable from brother, 6–7

  interest in architecture and painting of, 138–41

  at Kitty Hawk, 157–59

  Kitty Hawk arrival of, 43–45

  on Langley’s failure, 97, 101

  Legion of Honor awarded to, 211

  at Le Mans, 160–62, 167, 169–78, 188–89, 203–4, 210, 222, 224

  Le Mans crash of, 175–76

  Le Mans monument to, 261

  letter to Chanute by, 40

  letter to Taft of, 123

  Louvre visits of, 140–41, 148

  love for music of, 6

  Machine No. 3 of, 74, 75–81

  media scrutiny of, 132, 133, 141, 151, 157–59, 166–67

  memory of, 7

  Michelin Cup and, 210

  as Milton’s favorite child, 14

  as mocked in French press, 132

  New York flight by, 241–47

  nickname of, 9

  1908 return to Kitty Hawk, 155–56

  as operator, 49, 55, 61–62

  on Orville’s Fort Myer crash, 193–95

  Orville’s newspaper and, 18–20

  in Paris, 137–53, 159–60, 208–9

  passengers flying with, 204–5, 217–18

  patent issues of, 249–50, 252, 255

  at Pau, 213–14, 216–17, 218, 222, 224

  personality of, 7

  Peyrey interview with, 161–62

  photograph of, 5–6

  photography of, 104–5

  powers of concentration in, 7

  prizes awarded to, 206

  reading of, 17–18

  record-breaking flight at Camp d’Auvours by, 197

  in return from Paris, 153

  in return to Ohio, 63

  risk-taking avoided by, 48

  risk-taking by, 48, 115, 116

  in Rome, 222–23

  Root on, 119

  scalding of, 165–66

  in second expedition to Kitty Hawk, 58–63

  second glider built by, 56–57, 58

  second Paris trip of, 159–60

  as senior member of partnership, 7

  sense of humor of, 6

  Smithsonian Institution letter of, 27, 32, 36

  third expedition to Kitty Hawk of, 74–81

  training of French aviators by, 205–6, 217

  travel to Europe of, 134–36

  typhoid contracted by, 256

  as unaffected by success, 251–52

  unsuitability for business of, 23–24

  Washington ceremony for, 229–30

  Western Society of Engineers speeches of, 66–68, 91–92

  wind tunnel built by, 69–70, 81

  wing-warping system of, 62–63

  women’s attraction to, 205

  work ethic of, 6

  writing of, 7–8

  Wright Aeronautical Laboratory, 258

  “Wright Aeroplane and Its Fabled Performances, The” (Scientific American), 121–22

  “Wright Aeroplane and Its Performances, The” (Scientific American), 133

  Wright airplane, French toy model of, 210

  Wright Brothers Hill, 261

  Wright Company, 249, 255, 258, 259

  Wright Cycle Company, 22, 23–25, 30–31, 39, 56, 57, 111

  Wright Flyers, 143

  first photograph of, 158

  Flint & Company offers for, 134

  patent for, 133

  see also Flyer; Flyer II; Flyer III

  Wright Library, 261

  Wright Memorial (Kitty Hawk), 261

  Yale, 14, 15, 261

  yaw, 38

ens, Paul, 171


  1230 Avenue of the Americas

  New York, NY 10020

  Copyright © 2015 by David McCullough

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Simon & Schuster Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

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  Interior design by Amy Hill

  Jacket design by Wendell Minor

  Jacket photographs © Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division

  Author photograph by William B. McCullough

  Front endpaper: The Wright Brothers confer beside their 1904 airplane at their cow-pasture testing ground, Huffman Prairie, outside Dayton.

  Back endpaper: Wilbur Wright flies past New York City on his October 4, 1909 flight up the Hudson River and back, a spectacle like none ever before and witnessed by more than a million people.

  Both endpapers courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, Wright State University

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

  ISBN 978-1-4767-2874-2

  ISBN 978-1-4767-2876-6 (ebook)




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