The Labyris Knight

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The Labyris Knight Page 95

by Adam Derbyshire

  The crack was explosive; the orb’s remaining supports finally giving up with the tension placed upon them. There was an explosion of stone dust, Rowan screamed and the orb crashed down into the arena below.

  “Pull me up.” Aelius cried, from somewhere within the dust cloud. “Quickly, pull me up.” The guards grunted and groaned, working as a team, gripping clothing, arms slick with sweat, hands covered in blood from Rauph’s injury and slowly they began to pull the two Minotaur away from the dizzying drop.

  “Rowan?” Thomas asked, stepping into the masonry dust cloud. “Where’s Rowan?” He looked numbly down at Rauph groaning on the floor, blood pooling around his leg, then to the hole, now slowly clearing of dust, revealing a yawning gap where the lattice orb once rested. Guards sat on the floor coated in dust, patting each other on the back and coughing. Thomas started to panic, where was Rowan? She had to be here. She just had to be!

  He stepped over towards Aelius who had just pulled himself to his feet and had his back turned from the captain of the El Defensor, his cloak and clothes torn and covered in bloody hand prints, visible proof to the struggle that had just taken place.

  “Rowan? Do you have Rowan?” he pleaded, placing his hand on the Minotaur’s shoulder just as the captain of the guard turned around. For a split second, Thomas’s eyes failed to register what he was seeing. The huge minotaur turned, his cloak swirling; In his right hand he held the Labyris Axe and tightly held against his left breast was a pale, shivering figure.


  Thomas stepped forwards and held her tightly, weeping with relief. Rowan sagged in his arms, her head against his. No words needed to show what they felt for each other. Just an overwhelming feeling of relief and the security of having each other in their arms. As they held each other tightly the sun finally set behind the distant mountains, casting the pyramid into shadow.

  A loud clattering rose from behind them, guards dropping to bended knee, swords and weapons lowered in a sign of respect. Thomas turned from his embrace, unsure why everyone was kneeling before him and Rowan, then he stared up at Aelius who was looking equally confused. Even Rauph was on his knees, bleeding battered and close to collapse but still offering his penitent pose to match all of the others.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Aelius remarked, frowning. “Get up all of you.”

  “No!” Mora screamed, taking in the scene. “No, this cannot be!”

  “What is it mother?” Drummon asked, suddenly emerging from the shadows, dragging the war hammer along the floor behind him. “Why is everyone kneeling?”

  “Aelius has the axe!” Mora spat. “If you do not have the axe, you cannot be king.”

  “I thought you said that whoever holds the axe when the sun sets is the King?” Colette stated loudly. “Aelius holds the axe. Therefore, by your own reckoning, he is your new ruler.”

  “Never!” Mora screamed.

  “The axe was supposed to be mine!” Drummon bellowed, exploding into action, charging madly across the room, the war hammer discarded in his fury, his head lowered, horns glinting, determined to gore anyone who got in his way.

  Thomas reached for his sword but he was still embracing Rowan and was in no position to defend her. Rowan was still dazed and Aelius was still stunned to find out the revelation that he had just received a promotion he could never have expected. There was no way they were going to get out of this rampaging animal’s path!

  Rauph’s hand shot out as Drummon charged past, purposefully catching Drummon’s right leg as he ran and pulling as hard as he could. Drummon’s forward momentum meant he overbalanced almost straight away, his head lifting up as he fell. A dark arrow streaked up through the hole in the floor, piercing the Prince Regent’s throat and punching into his brain. Before the Minotaur could even register, he was dead, a second shaft slammed in beside it, dropping him to the floor with a terminal sigh.

  * * * * * *

  “I bet he never saw that coming!” Weyn winked, turning towards Mathius and holding out his hand, beckoning with his fingers. The assassin stared at the archer in awe, his mouth ajar, not believing the archery shot his friend had just pulled off from here, kneeling on the staircase that Thomas had just scaled. He reached into his pouch and flipped a silver bit towards Weyn who grinned and snatched it from the air.

  “Remind me never to get on your bad side.” Mathius replied.

  “I told you I would get him back for striking me in the jungle.” The archer replied; his face suddenly grim. “We better get up there and check if everyone is okay.”

  “After you.” The assassin replied, bowing his head theatrically and sweeping his arm in the direction of the stairs. “Never let it be said that Mathius Blackraven gets between an archer and his arrows.”

  “Oh, I could so get used to this.” Weyn replied, walking past and stepping over the bodies of several Minotaur guards. “I shall have to let Thomas know that from now on I will no longer be at his beck and call and if he wishes someone to ‘go high’, then he will just have to find someone else to go.”

  “In your dreams…” Mathius smiled, taking up pursuit. “In your dreams!”

  * * * * * *

  “Seize them.” Aelius commanded, pointing his finger at Mora’s stony figure and then at the unconscious figure of Wanessa lying on the floor. “I want them removed from my sight. I know of a nice comfy jail cell that has recently become vacant that they can sit in whilst we consider their fate.” Thomas looked up at the elderly Minotaur and noticed a twinkle in the commander’s eye that the captain had never seen before.

  “I can tell you enjoyed saying that.” He whispered. Aelius tilted his head to one side and leant in close.

  “You have no idea.” He smiled. “Now if you can excuse me for a moment.” He stepped away, leaving Thomas to comfort Rowan, hold her close, stroke her hair and breathe in her scent. The captain leant in close to kiss her and felt the kiss returned hungrily. He looked down into Rowan’s smoky eyes and tried to clear his throat from the emotions he felt welling up inside him.

  “Rowan, I want to ask you something right now, before my courage fails me.” He stated. Rowan gazed up into his eyes and smiled.

  “Yes.” She muttered huskily. “Yes, of course I will.”

  “Thank goodness.” Thomas smiled. “I never thought you would agree to giving me a foot massage so easily.” Rowan swung her punch hard into Thomas’s left arm causing him to rub his bicep and wince.

  “Look I was willing to face an entire troop of Minotaur to save you.” He moaned. “That’s true love that is.”

  “Now ask me properly.” She teased. “And if you don’t hurry, I may just change my mind on the answer.” Thomas dropped to one knee, cradling Rowan’s hand in his and looked up into her eyes.

  “I never want to be with another woman as long as I live.” He whispered. “You are my life. Please do me the honour of being my wife?” Rowan looked down at Thomas, then brought her right hand up to her face placing a finger thoughtfully on her chin.

  “I thought it was traditional to have some sort of ring?” she smiled. Thomas looked at her hand and frowned, his face wrinkling in frustration. Damn. This was the perfect moment but how could she expect him to produce a ring in the middle of all this chaos? A little hand tapped on his shoulder, causing the captain to turn and see a messy dishevelled and bloody Ashe standing beside him.

  “What… Ashe can’t you see I’m busy. I mean, really? Do you have to interrupt? Now of all times?” Ashe continued grinning and started fishing in his pockets.

  “Hang on, just wait a minute. I know I have it in here somewhere.” He muttered, pulling funny faces and patting numerous pockets before he finally beamed and put his hand into his sock to pull out something he then offered to Thomas. The captain took the item from the Halfling’s hand and stared down at it in surprise.

  “Where on earth did you get a ring from?” he asked, his eyes filling with emotion. He looked up
but Ashe was already gone, flitting across the room to examine the jewel bedecked thrones with his unique professional eye. The captain shook his head in amazement only to hear a throat clearing alongside him. He turned back to see Rowan staring impatiently towards him.

  “I think you find it fits on this finger.” She smiled.

  * * * * * *

  “Kristoph how are you feeling?” Aelius asked dropping down on one knee alongside the battered and bloodied Minotaur navigator. “I hope you do not feel bad of me. I never intended for this to happen. I wanted you to have the axe and lead the people of Taurean.”

  “That’s okay.” Rauph stated, staring up into the eyes of his mentor and offering a kind smile. “I was only competing because you told me I had to. I never wanted the axe, your majesty.”

  “I will always be Aelius to you my friend.” Aelius looked across at the wounded Minotaur who had risked so much to save the people from their tyrannical rulers. “I promise you I will work with both humans and Minotaur to ensure there is no longer such a divide between us.”

  “I know you will.” Rauph replied, looking down at his bloodied hands and fiddling with a broken and bloodied nail. “I guess it is time for us to be leaving then.”

  “Only if you want to.” Aelius replied. “I could do with your judgement in the times ahead.”

  “I don’t think so.” Rauph responded. “If I don’t leave with the El Defensor they will more than likely get lost. After all, I am their navigator.”

  “But you have done so much. Surely you want a reward of some kind. Name it and it shall be yours.”

  “I don’t want anything.” Rauph replied. “Maybe some jewels for the captain and supplies for the ship but that is all.”

  “Consider it done.” Aelius replied, staring long and hard at the humble creature before him. “Never change, Kristoph. You are such a fountain of virtue and honesty.” Aelius paused, looking about him and then gestured to one of the guards.

  “Here, give me your sword.” The guard walked over and offered the blade automatically, bowing his head and backing away. Aelius got to his feet, then lifted the blade up before his face.

  “I must confess I am not adept at this but I shall do my best.” he began clearing his throat. “Kristoph…”

  “Umm,” Rauph held up his hand. “Please, don’t call me that. My name is Rauph, it is the only name I really remember and from what I have seen I do not wish to be called Kristoph anymore.”

  “Okay. Kris… Rauph, for gallantry and courage, for piety and honesty. For basically being the best student and friend I could ever hope for.” He dropped the blade down and lightly touched first one of Rauph’s shoulders and then the other.

  “I dub you and bid you rise… my Labyris knight.”

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Sometimes life surprises when we least expect it; treasures are discovered in jumble sales, small fortunes are squandered on the roll of a dice, Minotaur navigators can be regal Princes and true love can be waiting in the most undesirable of places.

  I still cannot believe that she said ‘Yes!’ I keep expecting to wake up and find this is all just some feverish dream caused by the Nirschl poisoning, yet people are telling me I have a ridiculous grin upon my face and a lightness in my step which truthfully, I cannot deny. Aelius has kindly allowed us to keep Mora’s ceremonial seal, which Rowan is delighted about. He wants nothing to do with the old regime and is making good with his promise to sweep clean the remnants of the old order.

  The days have definitely become a blur since Aelius was proclaimed the Sovereign of Taurean and already there are improvements visible everywhere. There are designated stewards ensuring the poor are adequately fed and clothed, the homeless housed and the unemployed who are able given work. Promoting self-worth has been key and it shows in the populace and how they eagerly go about their ways, whilst the money thrown into the fountains has been used to pay for the greater portion of these initiatives.

  Mora and Wanessa have been exiled to a far-off island where they can retire in peace. Personally I feel this is too good for them and they should have incurred greater punishment. However, Aelius seems to be a compassionate ruler and tells me they will never be permitted to meddle again. I also understand that supplies are delivered on a weekly basis and that strict amounts will be issued. Wanessa’s days of gluttony will soon be gone.

  On board the El Defensor, life continues apace. Repairs to the ship have been given priority. Minotaur workers, seconded by Aelius, are stronger than anyone else on board and at the pace they are working, we should be shipshape within the week. That is, as long as Commagin is satisfied with the results. He has planned some sea trials over the next few days to iron out any snags but I think ultimately, he will never be happy unless he is the one carrying out the work. The El Defensor is his responsibility after all.

  Supplies are plentiful in the hold; fresh water, fruit, cured meats and dried pulses mean Violetta will be busy for weeks cooking new exotic recipes. Rauph now walks the decks in his splendid black and gold armour. He wears a small badge on his breast in the shape of the Labyris and reminds everyone that he is a knight now. I do not believe we will ever hear the end of it. Secretly I think he seems quite relieved that the competition is over.

  Marcus has been confined to Violetta’s care following a health scare but he appears to be improving and I think he will be up and part of the crew again before he misses us too much. Colette has a full casket of cut jewels that she knows will be strong enough to power open the gateway and keep us searching for home. It is such a great feeling knowing that we can travel again… that is, once we pass through the gateway and deal with whatever awaits us in the ship’s graveyard.

  Truth be told, this is my biggest concern. For this time, Malum knows where we are. He knows what gateway we passed through. I must confess, I find my thoughts on this matter troubling. I can only hope my crew will be strong enough to face the dangers, whatever they may be, in whichever shape they come.

  I must put these dark thoughts behind me and not wallow in them, for I have much to celebrate. Last night we had a sending off party at the fully refurbished ‘Fickle Fish’. The owner was delighted at having royalty attend his opening night and the crew enjoyed the sumptuous food and company to their usual excess. I feel I have made good on at least one promise; leaving this man and his family with a legacy at our passing. Having Aelius the Emperor and Kristoph the Labyris knight as guests has set his restaurant’s reputation for life.

  And at the end of the evening, for the first time in our crew’s history…

  No inn burnt down.

  * * * * * *

  “Are you sure that you want to stay with us Rauph?” Thomas asked, standing alongside his huge chestnut navigator as the city of Taurean slowly eased away from their stern. “I mean you are giving up so much. You have a life of luxury back there. A people that support and respect you?” Rauph adjusted the helm slightly, letting the ship roll gently across the swells as the sails snapped taut above them, then he looked at the captain with his deep brown eyes.

  “I’m not cut out to be a king. I’m a navigator. It’s in my blood. Anyway your sense of direction is terrible. Think how long you have been looking to find your way home.” He tapped his head, just beneath his right horn with a giant finger. “I always know where my home is, right here. That’s why I never get lost or feel lonely.”

  “I can respect that,” Thomas replied patting his friend reassuringly on the arm. “I’m hoping for similar with Rowan.” He could not help himself, just saying her name made him smile.

  “My home is on board the El Defensor and my friends are all the family I need.” Rauph commented. “That is more important than wealth.”

  “Not to me.” Mathius remarked as he walked past, spinning a dagger through his fingers.

  ”Then I am honoured to be counted as one of your friends.” The captain replied, ignoring the mercenary comments of the ass
assin. “I mean not everyone can say they have a genuine Labyris Knight as their friend.”

  “I have a badge.” Rauph beamed, pushing out his chest. “See?” Thomas looked up at the golden medal and smiled again, before turning away and heading across the deck.

  “I feel safer already. Just keep her steady. I’ll let you know when Colette is ready to open a gateway.”

  Thomas climbed down the ladder to the main deck and noted Commagin stomping towards him.

  “I’m not happy about this at all.” The engineer confessed. “Not at all. I’ve armed every able-bodied seaman but we have no idea what Malum has in store for us. We have lost Ives; Marcus is as weak as a kitten.” He shook his head, a worried look across his face. “We simply need more men.”

  “Well in that case you will have to settle for more women instead.” Violetta stated kicking open the door to the main cabin and marching out on the deck with a huge cast iron skillet in her hand. Rowan marched out behind her armed with a large wrench and Colette brought up the rear with Kerian’s sword resting upon her shoulder. “Where do you want us?” Thomas looked at the unlikely troop and smiled in an attempt to hide the sudden feeling of dread he faced at seeing Rowan standing proudly amongst them.

  “Anywhere you feel best suited.” He replied, swallowing hard, staring quickly around the deck, knowing that if he said something to Rowan, she would never forgive him. Aradol stood to starboard, ancient armour on, sword in hand leading some crewmen to set up position along the rail whilst Mathius did the same to port. Weyn was already climbing the rigging heading for the crow’s nest, his bow slung across his back.

  Commagin was right, there wasn’t enough men. He turned to the Dwarven engineer and winked, trying to avoid letting his gaze follow Rowan. This was ridiculous, he could not remain like this, every time they went into danger! He would end up a neurotic mess! The engineer looked at him with a knowing eye and slapped the side of his ornate crossbow.


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