Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2) Page 19

by Mary Swift

  Arden closed his eyes, it took only seconds for sleep to overtake his body. When he woke up the room was cold and dark. “Gareth?” he called out as loudly as he could. His voice seemed to have lost its strength.

  “He’s not here right now.” someone said. It was a woman’s voice.

  It took some effort for Arden to turn his head. There was a woman sitting next to his bed. He could have sworn it was Lucy but she was dead. That must mean he was too. He felt a sense of relief knowing that it was finally over. He tried to smile but it was too much of an effort. He thought his physical ailments would have ended once he died.

  The woman leaned forward and smiled at him. It was Lucy, her hair was longer than he had ever seen it and her clothes were disheveled and dirty. She looked beautiful. “Rowan is coming to heal you.”

  “What?” Arden wasn’t sure what was happening. Maybe he was alive, maybe he wasn’t. It was hard to tell.

  Lucy took his hand. “Just hang on for a few more minutes.” She brushed the tangled hair from his face. “You promised to marry me once and I’m holding you to that.”

  Chapter 60

  As soon as they entered the village Constantine spotted a Firesea horse outside one of the cottages. He knocked on the door and found Gareth inside. Lucy remembered him from when he came to Darkhill with Dante. He let her in to see Arden. She couldn’t believe her eyes. All those years of thinking about him and there he was, living just a few miles away.

  She knew Arden didn’t have much longer. His frame was shrunken. His hair had grown long and he had a bushy beard that went down to his stomach. He was sleeping on top of the covers, his breathing was labored.

  Rowan was down the street, he had stopped at a house with a black sash on the door. Gareth went to get him. When he left Lucy tore away Arden’s slave band, something she should have done years ago.

  Rowan came a few minutes later. He pulled open the neck hole of Arden’s threadbare tunic and put his hands on his skin. His fingers became translucent as the healing took place. The color returned to Arden’s face.

  As Rowan continued Lucy could see that the second part of his spell was taking effect. Arden’s eyes grew wide as he was shown the consequences of his actions. He cried out and tried to grab Rowan’s arms. “Stop.”

  Rowan ignored him. Lucy trusted that her brother knew what he was doing. The healing continued for several more minutes before Rowan let go. Arden sat up and stared at him. “What was that?”

  “I have a strong spell.” Rowan said.

  “I’ll say. I wish I hadn’t seen some of that.”

  Gareth had been lingering in the doorway. “We should probably find more people to heal.” Rowan and Gareth left.

  Arden looked down at himself. “I didn’t want you to see me this way.”

  “Why? After all of this time what does it matter?” She took his hand. “Every day I imagined being with you again.”

  Lucy let his arms envelope her. His frame felt bony and fragile but it was nothing a few weeks of meals couldn’t fix. It didn’t matter to her if he ever returned to the man who used to wear the skimpy protector’s uniform. He was her Arden.

  “I don’t understand how any of this happened.” he said. “Are you sure I’m not dead? It feels like a dream.”

  “It’s not a dream. I’ve been in Darkhill all along.”

  “I’m really confused. Where has everyone else been?”

  “We haven’t had time to talk about it. It’s been a busy day.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “So are you going to hold me to my proposal?”


  “You want to marry me looking like this?”

  “Do you think I love you just for your body?”

  He chuckled. “I remember the way you used to look at me.”

  Lucy had shamelessly ogled him. “Guilty as charged. We’re not going to be apart ever again.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am right.” Lucy told him.

  Chapter 61

  The residents in Rudder were so grateful to Rowan for healing them that they let the family stay in a large house at the end of the main road. The owners were dead and no one had claimed it. Killian, Rowan, and Constantine moved in while Lucy stayed with Arden at his cottage.

  Arden was healed but he had been so close to death that his body was in the process of shutting down. Lucy was feeding him copious amounts of food and taking him on walks around the village to regain his strength. Killian was glad to see her finally happy. He had heard her desperate cries during the years they were trapped inside of the Darkhill council hall. Then he had been helpless to do anything, now he was back in control of his life and there was much to do.

  Nora and Kip had been left behind in Maplebush. They would have to go there. Killian also had to check on Finnegan in Firesea. He was interested to see how his brother was getting along as the Master Enchanter. He was distressed to realize that he had become the heir to the robe. Nothing could have interested him less.

  Then there was the matter of the Founders. They had to be woken if the enchanters were to survive. Although he was one of them he didn’t believe his sudden emergence back into the world meant that the sickness would end. Rowan could heal, but he would never be able to get to everyone, and without the Founders any children born to enchanters would be mortal.

  But before he did anything he had to decide how he felt about Constantine being Nora’s son. Rowan told him the truth as they sat around the dinner table one night. Everyone took a turn telling their story of the past few years. When his son explained who Constantine was and how Nora’s memory had been erased Killian didn’t know what to say. Lucy did however.

  “Nora’s son!” she cried. “He’s Nora’s son?” She glared at Constantine. “If you’re going to be part of our family you’ll have to start getting things for yourself.”

  “I told you not to talk to him like that!” Rowan cried.

  “You don’t understand him.” Arden said quietly. Killian had noticed that Arden had kept his protector’s loyalty towards his former slave master.

  “Understand him?” Lucy snorted. “What’s there to understand?” She flung her fork down and sighed.

  “Our mother wouldn’t have survived without him.” Rowan said. “She told me so herself. And he can’t help who he is. How would you like to have Dante for a father? We had parents who loved us.”

  Tears started running down Lucy’s face. “My mother didn’t care about me.”

  “Yes she did.” Killian said.

  She shook her head. “Not in the way that I wanted. But at least I’m not a spoiled brat.”

  Rowan slammed his fist on the table. “Stop it Lucy! You’re the one who’s acting like a spoiled brat. Why are you so mean to him?”

  Killian felt proud watching his son. He wasn’t sure how he become so wise at such a young age. He didn’t feel he could entirely take credit for it. He hadn’t been around since Rowan was thirteen. Logan. Rowan said that Logan had looked after him while his hands were growing back. Killian would have to thank him.

  “Every time I look at Constantine I see his father.” Lucy said. “And I see someone who grew up with everything handed to him.”

  “You didn’t exactly dig ditches as a kid Lucy.” Rowan shot back.

  “He burned down the circles Rowan. People died.”

  “He couldn’t help that.” Arden said. He looked at Constantine. “You haven’t told them what he did to you.”

  Constantine sighed. “No.”

  Arden cleared his throat. “Dante used to enslave Constantine when they went out to the circles. He used a red slave band, the most powerful. Constantine had no choice. He was forced to obey.”

  “You should have told me.” Rowan said to his brother.

  “Mother knows.” Constantine looked at Lucy. “Your sister doesn’t care. She hates me.”

  Lucy stared at her half-finished plate and sighed. “I’m more like my mo
ther than I realized. I’m angry at everyone because this isn’t the way I wanted my life to go.”

  “That isn’t Constantine’s fault.” Rowan told her.

  “I know.” She looked at Killian. “I never wanted to be like Mother and I’ve turned out exactly the same.”

  “That’s not true Lucy.”

  “Yes it is. She lashed out at everyone and I do the same thing. Instead of being grateful for what I have I’m angry for what I don’t have.”

  Killian put his hand on hers. “You have reasons to be angry. But I told you that things are going to be different now.”

  Lucy forced a smile. “I know. I’m really sorry Constantine.”

  “I accept your brother as my own Lucy.” Rowan said. “I’d like you to do the same.”

  “I will.” she said. “I’m really sorry Constantine.”

  “It’s all right.” Constantine mumbled.

  Lucy wiped her eyes and turned to Killian. “You haven’t said anything about this Daddy.”

  “I’ll understand if you can’t accept me.” Constantine said. “No one likes me very much.”

  Killian used to think the same thing growing up. Talia and her brothers often told him that no one liked him, that he was stupid, ugly, and useless. “Why would you say that?”

  “I’m Nora’s son and she’s your wife, or whatever.” He shook his head. “I can’t even talk right.”

  “Nora had you long before she met me.” There was only thing to say, only one thing that made sense. “I love Nora. She’s accepted everything about me, including my red hair and all of this enchanter craziness that we have lived through. If you’re her son then I accept you as my own.”

  Constantine’s expression changed. “You could think of me as your own?”

  “Of course. You’re part of our family now.”

  “I never-” Constantine looked at the floor. “Forget it.”

  “Dante does love you Constantine. I heard him. He cares about you.”

  “No he doesn’t.”

  “He’s realized how this has affected you.” Killian said. “I’m not excusing anything that he’s done, but I do believe that he’s sorry for the way he’s treated you.”

  “I doubt it.” he grumbled.

  Killian dropped the subject. Dante wasn’t important at the moment. They had to get rested and healthy before they ventured back into the world. There was one more thing too. He looked at his daughter. “I thought while we’re here you might want to get married.”

  “Without the rest of the family?”

  Killian had been thinking about that. It could take weeks or months to reunite everyone. Lucy had waited long enough, she deserved some happiness. There was no telling when any of them would get any again, things weren’t over yet. “Yes. I think they would understand. Unless you would rather wait.”

  “No, we wouldn’t.” Arden said.

  “Don’t you want to get stronger?” Lucy asked him.

  Arden shook his head. “No, I don’t. I can stand and I can speak. That’s all I have to do.”

  Lucy began to giggle. Killian hadn’t seen her like that since she was a teenager. “Really? Do you mean it Daddy?”

  “Is it still traditional for the father to perform the ceremony? Or have we become like the mortals?”

  “I don’t know.” Lucy said. “And I don’t care. You would really marry us?”

  Killian started laughing. “How many more times would you like me to say it? Yes.” He made a point to put his hand on Constantine’s shoulder. “Two of your brothers are here, and with that ranger we have enough for a wedding circle.”

  Lucy put her arms around Arden and began to cry.

  “The only thing we have left to determine is when.” Killian said.

  Lucy sat up in her chair and wiped her face on the back of her sleeve. She giggled again. “How about tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow it is.”

  Chapter 62

  Back in New Wildbush there had been a few enchanter weddings. Rowan had a vague memory of them. Four enchanters formed a circle around the bride and groom, one of them had to be the father of the bride, or the elder of the circle if the father was no longer alive. Killian qualified as both the father of the bride and the eldest full blooded enchanter.

  His father wanted everything as traditional as possible, which meant that the wedding wouldn’t take place until just before sunset. Rowan was glad of it. He hadn’t had a bath in some time. The house they were staying in had running water, a luxury he had heard of but had never seen. The water didn’t get very hot but he didn’t care. It felt good to finally be clean and shave his face. He found a pair of scissors and cut his hair as best he could.

  By midday everyone in the village had gotten word that there was to be a wedding. A woman came by with a pile of clothes. “These belonged to my family.” she told them. “They’re all gone now.”

  The woman held up a navy blue suit for Killian. “It will look so good with your red hair. What a striking color.” His father held his tongue and politely smiled. The woman left to find Arden and Lucy. She said she had something for each of them.

  By late afternoon the entire village had gathered in a meadow between the town and Darkhill. Birches swayed in the breeze as the setting sun turned the grasses to gold. Lucy and Arden stood facing each other. Lucy was wearing a pale yellow dress. Arden’s beard had been shaved and his hair was cut, its sandy blonde color had turned mostly to a flinty gray.

  The only one who hadn’t done much to himself was Gareth. He was still wearing his red leather armor and wool clothing. Just before the ceremony he coughed and poked Rowan with his elbow. “Can I smoke during this thing?”

  “Can’t you wait?”

  “I’ll try.”

  Killian, along with Rowan, Constantine, and Gareth formed a circle around the bride and groom. Killian cleared his throat. Rowan had asked him that morning if he knew what he planned on saying. His father told him he had known for years.

  “A long time ago I cast a spell on Lucy.” Killian began. “It said that she could only marry a man she loved. At the time I wanted to prevent her from an arranged marriage. If it wasn’t for that spell we would not have been asked to leave our circle and its protection. My spell allowed Lucy to be taken away from me. This was a terrible thing. But if it wasn’t for that spell Lucy wouldn’t have met Arden.”

  Lucy smiled and took Arden’s hands.

  Killian’s face was red from nerves. “I wouldn’t give my daughter to just anyone. I always knew that whoever married Lucy would have to be an extraordinary man. And from what I’ve known and seen Arden is that man. His devotion to Lucy leaves no doubt in my mind that my only daughter will be as cherished in her new home as she is in mine.”

  Lucy suddenly began to cry. She touched Killian’s face. Rowan noticed his father’s eyes were welling up. “I love you Daddy.”

  Killian kissed her cheek. “I love you too.” He brushed a lock of hair from her shoulder. “If it hadn’t been for you Lucy-” He stopped. “Let’s not go back. It’s time to look forward. Lucy and Arden, are you ready to wed?”

  “Yes.” they both said at once.

  Killian looked at Arden. “Do you swear to take this woman as your wife? Do you swear to protect her through feast and famine, war and peace? Do you swear never to use an enchantment against her? Do you swear that you will lay down your life for her and your children?”

  “I swear.” Arden said.

  Killian repeated the same vows to Lucy. She agreed. Unlike mortals weddings there were no rings to exchange. Rowan and the others in the wedding circle joined hands.

  “Arden and Lucy, when the wedding circle is broken you shall be husband and wife.” Killian said. He nodded and they let go of each other, the circle was broken.

  Lucy hugged Arden. “I can’t believe we’re really married. I was so afraid something dreadful would happen.”

  Rowan had had the same trepidations.

  Killian put h
is arm around her. “There is no way anyone is going to ruin this day.” He kissed Lucy’s cheek and then offered his hand to Arden. “Welcome to the family Arden.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad to be part of one again.”

  The village had put together a mortal style party in the town hall. Everyone was anxious to celebrate after being sick for so long. There wasn’t a lot of food to go around and nothing but water to drink, but to Rowan it seemed wildly decadent.

  Someone brought a thing called a phonograph and they listened to strange music. Several people started dancing. Rowan and Constantine sat on a bench in the corner and watched. There were a couple of girls Rowan’s age who were on the other side of the room. If he was Kip he would have been over there talking to them. But he was Rowan and Rowan stayed in the corner.

  “Do you think you’ll get married?” Constantine asked him.

  “I don’t know. Do you?”

  Constantine shrugged. “I doubt it. When and if this is ever over I don’t even know where I’ll go.”

  “You’ll come home with us of course.”

  “It was nice of your father to say that stuff last night.”

  “He meant it.” Rowan hesitated. “I’m sorry I acted like a jerk when I first found out that you were my brother.”

  “It’s understandable, I enslaved you. There was no reason to like me.”

  “Maybe, but I’m sorry anyway. I like having a brother.”

  Constantine smiled. Suddenly his face changed. “Those girls are coming over here.”

  Rowan looked up and saw with horror that the two girls were headed his way. “What should I do?” He was tempted to get up and run.

  “Talk to them.”

  The girls were suddenly in front of him. One had light blonde hair and the other dark brown. They were both extremely pretty. “Excuse me.” said the blonde. “My friend and I were wondering if your hair was really two colors or is it a spell?”


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