Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2) Page 24

by Mary Swift

  Killian took his brother’s hand. “How did he die?”

  “He died defending Nora’s life.” Gareth said. “Dante, the bastard, had gone crazy. He was trying to kill Nora with a hammer. Finnegan stepped in front of her and took the blows.”

  Tears ran down Killian’s cheeks. “He did it for me. He thought he owed me.”

  “He showed the courage of a Firesea man.” Gareth said.

  Killian wiped his eyes and smiled sadly. “He’d like to hear that. He just wanted to make up for what he did. I didn’t care about that. I loved having a brother.” Killian looked at Gareth. “Where’s Dante?”

  “He’s dead.” Gareth said. “Finnegan gave him a good slam with the hammer but Dante got hold of it and started in on Nora, so I shot him.” He put his hand on Killian’s shoulder. “I’m sorry about your brother Master Enchanter.” He left the council hall.

  Nora felt paralyzed. Paralyzed with grief and paralyzed with fear that Killian would leave her. She had put him through so much pain and now she had taken his brother away too. She couldn’t believe that there was any forgiveness left for her in his heart.

  “Did he die quickly?” Killian asked.

  “Yes, I believe so.”

  “Do you think he was happy at the end of his life?”

  Nora covered her face with her hands. “Killian, I’m so sorry.”

  “I hope he was happy. I’m glad he died as the Master Enchanter. I know that’s what he would have wanted.”

  “Do you hate me Killian?”

  “Why are you asking me that?”

  “Because I’m the reason he died. I’m the reason for all of your misery. How could you ever love me again?”

  Killian watched her cry. “Why were you out in the woods with Dante?”

  She wiped her face on the back of her sleeve. “Kip thought he heard something outside the house. He went to investigate and met up with Dante. I should have let Kip take care of him, that’s what he wanted. But I wanted to tell Dante how much he had hurt me. I don’t know if I wanted to kill him or if I even could have. I just hated him so much. That hatred was like a poison inside of me.”

  “You had reasons to hate him Nora. Many reasons.”

  “The same way you have reasons to hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “I’m the cause of your brother’s death.”

  “Finn chose to protect you. It’s what he wanted. He wasn’t always the most courageous in life. Let him have the hero’s death he deserves.”

  “What about us?” she asked.

  “I love you Nora. I always have and I always will. Nothing is going to change that.”

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Yes you do.”

  “No, I don’t. I’m nothing like you.”

  “If it wasn’t for you I would have never met my brother. You brought him to me.” Killian said.

  “Along with a whole lot of misery.” Nora looked at Finnegan and started crying again.

  Killian took her hand; he kissed the back of it. “You also gave me Rowan. Now you can’t say that he’s not special.”

  “It’s because of you that Rowan is special.”

  Killian shook his head. “No, it’s not. It’s because of you Nora. You’re so important and you don’t even know it.”

  “I don’t feel important.” She looked at Finnegan’s body. “All I know is that I took your brother from you.”

  Killian suddenly started crying. He let go of her and crawled into the Master Enchanter’s chair. He put his hands over his face and sobbed. Nora thought she should leave him. She started towards the door.

  “Nora.” He reached out his hand. “Please don’t go. I need you.”

  Nora ran to him and cradled his head in her arms. She ran her fingers through his hair. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He looked up at her; his eyes were swimming with tears. “Do you promise?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  “I’m the Master Enchanter now, aren’t I?” he asked.


  A fresh set of tears ran down his face. “I can’t do that.”

  “I know.” She wiped his tears. “You don’t have to think about that right now. Just remember your brother and how much you loved him.”

  “I can’t be the Master Enchanter Nora. I’m too powerful.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  “Will you take care of it?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes, I will take care of it.”

  He looked relieved. “Good. I knew I could count on you.”

  Chapter 74

  Finnegan Murphy’s life was over. It could have been so different. He could have been wrapping up a career as a mortal lawyer and getting ready to retire. Instead his body was lying dead in the Firesea council hall while his spirit stood by watching Nora and Killian cry.

  If only he had stayed in Chilton. If only he hadn’t become curious about the brother he used to hate. If it wasn’t for Killian things would be so different, but then that was how it had always been. Everything came back to Killian.

  “Finnegan.” a voice spoke to him.

  He turned around and found he was no longer in Firesea. He was in some kind of stone room, it was dark and damp. There was a pool of green water nearby.

  “I’m proud of you son.” A man suddenly emerged from the shadows. It was his father, Seamus. He didn’t look any different from the day Finnegan had last seen him. “You’re a real true Firesea Master Enchanter.”

  “You’re really proud of me?”

  “Yes. Everything else is forgotten.”

  “Where am I?”

  “Darkhill. This is where we all come.”

  “Then I’ll see Killian again?”

  “The robe is coming this way, who will be wearing it remains to be seen.” He held out his hand. “Come with me and I’ll show you the rest of the way.”

  Chapter 75

  Killian stared at Finnegan for so long he began to think that he was sleeping. One time he swore that his eyelids fluttered. He couldn’t be dead, he couldn’t. Once his brother had come back into his life it seemed as though they had always been together. Now Killian was going to have to go on living without him. How many more years would he live? Two, three hundred? He was a Founder, it could be much longer, or forever. All the while Finnegan would be somewhere else.

  He took his brother’s hand. It was cold. This would be the last time they would be alone. In a few minutes the protectors were coming to take the body into the cathedral. As tradition dictated they would bury the Master Enchanter in the cathedral and then give the robe to its heir.

  “I can’t do it Finn. You know I can’t. I’m too powerful now.” He brushed the hair off Finnegan’s forehead. It was mostly white, he hadn’t noticed how much so until that very moment. “I wish I could go gray. Everyone wants to stay looking young and I want to look my age but I can’t.”

  The robe was hanging nearby on a specially made wooden rack. He could feel its energy radiating towards him. “Why did you have to leave me now Finn? I brought that child back for you. I thought you could adopt her. You let me go off to Wildbush on my own, and now you’ve left me in Firesea. You took the easy way out, you know that don’t you?” He looked at the robe. “I’m afraid to take it Finn.”

  The council hall door opened. Gareth came in puffing on a cigarette. “Time to go Master Enchanter.”

  “All right.” Killian kissed Finnegan’s forehead. “Goodbye my dear brother. I hope we’ll see each other again someday.”

  Gareth said something and several protectors filed in. They laid a red cloth over Finnegan and carried him outside. Killian watched them go. Standing outside in the lamplight was Nora.

  Killian’s aging Uncle Ivan came shuffling in. His beard had grown down to his knees. He picked up the rack holding the robe and shuffled back out. Nora watched as he passed by on his way to the cathedral.

threw his cigarette on the floor. “Follow me Master Enchanter.”

  Killian walked behind Gareth. Once outside Nora took his arm. “Are you all right?” she asked.


  The cathedral was only a few steps away. A side door was open, the entire circle of Firesea was waiting for him. He turned to his wife. “Nora, when we get in there do whatever you have to. I won’t blame you for anything that happens.”

  “I told you that I would take care of things Master Enchanter, and I will.”

  Chapter 76

  Dante was buried outside of the Firesea wall. Rowan chose a clearing where wildflowers grew. The enchanters in Firesea had wanted to throw the body into the sea. He understood their feelings but there was someone else to consider, Constantine. No matter what had happened his father had still died. Some part of Constantine did care about him, giving Dante a proper burial seemed to be the right thing to do.

  “Do you want to say anything?” Rowan asked Constantine as they stared at the freshly dug earth.

  “I don’t know, what is there to say? Farewell to a madman?”

  Arden leaned on his shovel. “It’s all right to mourn him, he was your father.”

  “He’s responsible for thousands of people dying, maybe more than that. He’s brought nothing but misery to everyone.”

  Rowan put his around Constantine. “He did one good thing, he made you and gave me a brother.”

  Constantine smiled. “How can you be so nice Rowan?”

  Rowan shrugged. He had never given it much thought, he was who he was. “I’ll say something.” He tried to collect his thoughts. What to say about Dante? He cleared his throat. “We lay Dante Gavrashelli to rest today. May he find peace in the next world and learn forgiveness, not just for others but for himself.” He snapped off a wildflower growing next to him and threw it on the soil. Arden and Constantine did the same.

  “That’s that.” Constantine said. “It’s finally over.”

  “Things will be different now that Killian is the Master Enchanter.” Arden said.

  Rowan hadn’t had a chance to speak with his father since Finnegan and Dante died, but he had seen him. He was powerful, extremely powerful. The energy radiated off him in waves. Giving him the robe would be a big mistake.

  “We should probably get back.” Arden said. “The ceremony starts in an hour.” He put a hand on Constantine’s shoulder. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” He looked at his father’s grave. “It hasn’t really sunk in yet that he’s gone. Do you really think he loved me Rowan?”

  “Yes, absolutely. He wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t.”

  “I suppose so.” Constantine looked at Arden. “There are extra protectors’ uniforms in the council hall. It is an official occasion, they’ll expect you to be dressed properly.”

  Arden grinned. “Maybe Rowan should wear the uniform too.”

  “No, there is no way I’m wearing that stuff. I might as well go naked.”

  Constantine laughed at that. “Come on, let’s go.”

  * * *

  Rowan had never been inside the amber cathedral. As he entered Logan came up behind him. “I think something is going to happen here.” he whispered.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think Nora is going to try and take the robe.”

  Rowan had thought about that. It was quite probable. Whatever his mother did he was not going to interfere. He had faith that she knew what she was doing. He and Logan sat down. On the wall behind the altar was a huge iron circle, next to it was Ivan Cramer, and next to him was Killian. Finnegan’s body was laid out on a marble table and covered in a red cloth. The robe was hanging on a wooden rack. Ivan raised his hands and the iron circle lit up in flames. He shuffled to the altar.

  “Enchanters of Firesea.” he began. Although his body appeared weak his voice was not. “We are gathered together to remember our Master Enchanter and robe his successor.” Ivan reached out a bony hand. “Come here my nephew.”

  Killian looked as though he might be sick. Rowan noticed him avoiding even a glance into the pews. He was still shy, even after all of these years. Ivan didn’t seem to notice Killian’s reluctance. He took the robe off of the rack and held it up for everyone to see. In the firelight it shimmered.

  “All hail the Master Enchanter of Firesea!” Ivan shouted. The enchanters repeated it back to him. He slipped the robe onto Killian’s shoulders. As he did Rowan sensed the shift in power. The energy was so thick in the air he could almost taste it. The crowd could noticed it too. A worried murmur rippled through the cathedral. Rowan looked at his mother. She was smiling.

  Ivan pushed Killian towards the podium. “And now the Master Enchanter will make his address.”

  Killian opened his mouth, nothing came out. Rowan could see the terror in his eyes. For him making a speech was probably worse than having the robe. “Uh, yeah, well.” Killian stammered. It was at that moment that Nora stood up. Rowan noticed Gareth near the side door, he had an unlit cigarette in his hand.

  Nora walked calmly to the podium and pushed Killian aside. “Ladies and gentlemen of Firesea. I am your true Master Enchanter. This man is wanted for breaking out of prison many years ago. He has no love for our circle. Now if I know Firesea the way I think I do you want him punished.”

  At first there was a stunned silence. Then people began to nod. “Get the bum out.” one man shouted.

  “What would you say if I exiled him?” Nora asked.

  “Yes!” was heard.

  “We want you back Nora.” someone else said.

  Nora took the pen from her pocket and jotted something on the podium. She turned to Ivan. “Will you give me the robe Monsignor?”

  Ivan looked thrilled. Whatever she had just written must have affected him. He took the robe off of Killian. Nora held her arms out and let the garment envelope her. “All hail your Master Enchanter!” she shouted.

  The crowd erupted. She turned and pointed at Killian. “Killian Cramer, you are hereby exiled from Firesea.”

  The crowd cheered. Rowan saw that Nora was still speaking, it was too loud to hear what she was saying. Gareth came forward and whispered something to Kip, he stood up. Gareth then came down the line and grabbed Rowan’s arm. “Get up.”

  Logan stood up. “Leave them alone, they haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “Master Enchanter’s orders.” Gareth grumbled.

  “I didn’t hear her say anything.” Logan said.

  “She will.” Gareth dragged Rowan up to the altar. Kip groped his way on his own, stumbling as he did.

  “I am also exiling Rowan Cramer.” Nora declared. “Although I know you remember him healing all of you, you must also recall what he made you see. He cannot be trusted.” The enchanters shouted their approval at her. “And I’m sending away with this poor blind man. Firesea has no use for the helpless.” She pointed to the door. “Gareth, show these men out.”

  The cathedral erupted in approval. The shouting echoed off the amber spires above. Gareth pushed the three of them out of the door. Once outside he drew his sword and pointed it at them. “I don’t want any trouble, just get out.”

  “I’ll get you for this Gareth.” Kip threatened. “And Nora for her remark. I’m not helpless.”

  “I’m just following orders.” Gareth escorted them to the Firesea gate. Rowan could hear Nora shouting her own praises inside the cathedral. Gareth opened the gate and shoved them out of the circle. He slammed it shut.

  “Bastard!” Kip shouted. “I guess Nora’s really gone this time. She’s even brainwashed the others.”

  “They’re just under a temporary persuasion spell, of course I made sure to exclude the two of you, and I guess I forgot Logan, oh well.” Killian reached into his pocket and took out the pen.

  “Where did you get that?” Rowan asked. “Did you steal it from Mom?”

  Killian laughed. “Of course not. She gave it me, didn’t you see?”


  “Bastards, all of them!” Kip shouted. He punched his fist into the wall.

  “Kip settle down.” Killian told him. “Nora did exactly what I wanted her to. She freed me from this place. Now let’s go to Darkhill.”

  Chapter 77

  Killian could not have felt more relieved to have been exiled. Breaking out of the Firesea prison through the toilet all those years before had come back to haunt him in the best possible way. He had no business being the Master Enchanter and now he didn’t have to be. Just standing in front of the enchanters in the cathedral had been terrifying. And now he didn’t have to make a speech either.

  Killian moved the three of them in the black rain used by the Founders. They arrived in Darkhill a few seconds later. The circle still appeared to be a barren scrubby field, the council hall was visible only to him. “Kip, can you hear anything? Is anyone nearby?”

  Kip blinked. “I’m not sure. I hear something but it’s in the woods. It might be an animal.”

  “We’ll be safe in the hall.” Killian said. “Come on.”

  They followed him to the council hall door. He touched the handle and it unlocked. They filed inside. Killian locked the door behind them. They went into the main room.

  “It’s freezing in here.” Kip said.

  “Maybe if you wore some clothes you’d be warm.” Rowan said. Kip was in the traditional protector’s uniform of Firesea, although in his case the shorts seemed exceptionally small.

  “Clothes get in the way when I’m fighting.” Kip said.

  “There’s no one here to fight.” Rowan told him.

  “A warrior is always ready.” Kip struck a fearsome pose.

  Rowan laughed. “You kill them and I bring them back.”

  Killian suddenly sensed something, a spike of energy. He looked at the boys, they were horsing around. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  Kip took out a dagger. “I should go with you.”


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