Mark of Orion

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Mark of Orion Page 27

by S L Richardson

  Abuela tapped the colorful cover of the book Lucia held in her hand. Lucia's face glowed as she looked at it. Lucia was a voracious reader, escaping into magical worlds where girls discovered hidden powers, fought for their survival, and fell in love with a handsome boy. Sergio smiled as he remembered many times giving her grief about her reading choices. Not anymore.

  Have I got a tale for you....

  A twinge of guilt hit Sergio. He promised himself to make more time for his twin. Sergio needed his familia's love more than ever, even if they didn't understand why.

  Dad waited in the entryway. A frown creased his brow as they approached him. Pride spiked through Sergio. His mind still reeled at the hair-raising stories his dad told him about encounters with the Fallen. This quiet, unassuming man was an unselfish brave warrior devoted to his family and the cause he chose to fight. Sergio prayed he would be half the man and warrior his father was.

  "Where are you going?" Dad's eyes traveled over each of their faces, searching for clues.

  "I'm meeting Zach and Olivia at the coffee shop. Manny's giving me a ride." A current of tension emanated from Manny. Sergio gave him a sidelong glance. Did Sergio miss a fight between them?

  "I got him, Papa." Manny shoved Sergio lightly in the arm. "Besides, how much trouble can they get into at a coffee shop?" Sergio shoved back, but Manny snaked his arm around Sergio's neck, pulling him to eye level.


  "Si." Sergio smirked, hiding the small spike of energy making him feel like, for the first time, he equaled Manny's muscle.

  Manny released him and gave him a thump on the chest. Manny's mischievous smile flashed before he opened the front door.

  "Zach's giving me a ride home."

  Dad pulled Sergio into a quick back-slapping hug. "Sounds good." But Dad leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Stay alert."

  Sergio nodded, acutely aware of the seven dots that could flare at any moment. "Night, Papa."

  Sergio started down the dark walkway as Manny’s car engine roared to life. A rain shower had come through, washing away the desert dust and leaving the air with a fresh rain scent. Sergio glanced up at the clouds that were hiding the moon before jumping into the car. 

  "Night," Dad called from the doorway.

  Sergio looked over his shoulder as the car rumbled around the corner. Dad's back-lit silhouette was still there as they turned out of sight.

  A tension ebbed in the car as they made their way to the coffee shop. Sergio shifted in his seat as Manny kept stealing quick glances his way. Sergio turned away and gazed out into night, wondering if something lay in wait for him.

  "What's up with Dad?" Manny asked. "He's even more protective than normal." Sergio shrugged, hoping his brother might take the hint.

  "And you? Ever since that camping trip, you've been distant from me." He nudged Sergio's shoulder. "Hey, I'm talking to you." Manny's irritation was palpable, as was the fact that he wouldn't let Sergio off the hook.

  Sergio closed his eyes, surrendering to his brother's insistence. He gathered himself and faced him, knowing that telling Manny would change their relationship forever. Sergio had never comprehended, until this moment, how vital it was for him to have Manny's support and approval. He couldn't be a guardian without it.

  "I learned something about Dad and our family when we went camping last week." Sergio swallowed, but his mouth had gone dry.

  Manny glanced at him. The dim dashboard lights cast shadows over Manny's face, giving him an even more forbidding look. The moonless night left little to see except the road flying by in the car's headlights.

  "And?" Manny's brow lifted. "What is it? Spit it out."

  Here we go...

  Sergio exhaled his pent-up breath. "Our family in the past... and Dad... and now me... were, I mean, are, guardians of the chasm from Lucifer's Fall from Heaven... and... are demon killers."

  The car remained quiet except for Sergio's excited breathing. He braced himself for Manny's explosive response, but it never came. Manny made the sharp turn into the coffee shop's parking lot. Sergio's heart sank as he pressed his lips together, realizing Manny's silence was a far worse fate.

  Manny parked his car and shut off the lights. The parking lot was empty except for Zach's truck parked next to them. Sergio looked through the front windows. Olivia was wiping the counters while Zach played one of the vintage video games. Manny turned, giving Sergio his full attention.

  "I need you to tell me everything." He thumped his finger into Sergio's chest. "Don't mess with me... I'm in no mood for it."

  "I... I will." Sergio stared at his friends through the windshield as he recalled the events. It helped him to remember he wasn't alone in this twist of fate. They were on the same dizzying road, leading them on a journey bound with an overwhelming burden. But Sergio needed Manny at his side too.

  Sergio explained the night with vivid detail. The story of the Magi, the archangels, the golden orb. It flowed from him as Manny remained silent, never interrupting, but his increased body tension spoke volumes.

  When he finished, Sergio pulled his shirt down and showed Manny Orion. Manny's hand reached over, grazing his fingertips across the mark. He jerked away like it had shocked him. His eyes narrowed at Sergio, and then he pushed himself back into his seat, slamming his hands on the steering wheel. A string of muffled Spanish broke free from Manny, but Sergio missed most of it. He'd seen Manny's temper many times, sometimes aimed at him. But he'd not seen this face before. Mixed with his anger was a shadow of fear.

  "I talk with Zach and Olivia every day. We promised to guard and fight for each other, not just the Mar of Sin and demons. But−" Sergio's voice dropped. "I feel this huge pressure on me. I'm so afraid I'll screw it up and let the family down or get killed−"

  Manny reached out and hooked with his arm around Sergio's neck, dragging him close.

  "You. Are. Not. Going. To. Die." Manny gave his neck a hard squeeze. "I won't allow it. I'll help you any way I can. You aren't alone."

  Manny released him and sat back. "I'm going home to talk to Dad. Promise me you won't do anything stupid, mano. Stay with your friends and never be alone. Promise?"

  "Promise." Sergio swallowed past the lump in his throat. "Thank you, Manny, for..." He shrugged. "Believing me. I love you," he whispered.

  Manny smirked and hit him in the arm hard enough for Sergio to fake that it hurt. Manny snickered until Sergio opened the door.

  "Hey," Manny said. Sergio looked back at him. "I love you, too."

  Sergio shut the door behind him, telling himself it was the cold air causing his eyes to water. But he knew it was a lie. Sergio rubbed his eyes, then shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. A huge weight had lifted off his shoulders, telling Manny the truth. Sergio wished he was more like his big brother. Brave, strong, and fearless. Maybe one day, Manny would even be proud of him.

  If he didn't mess up first.

  Chapter Forty

  Dark Prince

  Blood pounded in the Prince’s head, beating like a war drum in sync with the whip cracking the stagnant air. Sinister satisfaction ruled with every slash and scream erupting from the damned, chosen for no other reason than that his new body, raging with unbound malevolence, needed release.

  We must get the girl first.... It could ruin everything if Lucifer controls her.

  The whip cracked again, this from his other hand, slashing across the damned's ravaged back. Black blood flew at the Prince, painting his heaving chest, feeding his frenzy.

  You're the only one worthy to rule. Not Lucifer and his red-headed whore.

  The body in front of him blurred as his blows landed on a different back. The back of who he wished bled before him. He sneered, driven by the voice from the ancient, deviant soul from the nun. It spoke often. Sometimes whispers in the night, other times fervent yells of war and blood.

  Oh, the tantalizing secrets we must have.... We need.... We cannot let anyone else have the girl.

; Demanding.



  Bursting his evil core wide open.

  Until he didn't know where the fiendish voice ended and his began.

  And he no longer cared.

  The soul and his meddled into one, creating an invincible power destined to rule over all.

  The Prince landed the last vicious blow. His victim no longer cried out, hanging from the metal chains. His ragged breathing subsided, disappointed that Lucifer's fading back no longer received his wrath.

  "Lucifer will one day hang from my chains, helpless at my hands," the Prince growled.

  Yes... and he will finally see you for what you are... who we have become.

  "And who's that?" the Prince demanded, aching for the answers to his darkest questions, his deepest desires.

  You're the future King of Heaven and Hell, Annihilator of Man, Ruler of the Fallen, created from Lucifer's long forgotten nemesis, who was freed from the bondage of humanity and made one with you, a most powerful prince creating an evil even Lucifer will fear until his death.

  The Prince closed his eyes, relishing the moment so tantalizingly close. His Fallen form trembled, holding back the evil incarnate consuming his body.

  Soon you'll be free.

  Zar needed to deliver the girl. It stretched the Prince’s patience too tight for any more delay. He pulled out his dagger and thrust it into the heart of the mutilated damned. He pulled it out, wiping the bloodied blade across his tongue. He hissed, returning the dagger to its sheath.

  The girl will meet the same death... after she spills her secrets to me while hanging from my chains.

  Chapter Forty-One


  Olivia scrubbed the stainless-steel countertops, contemplating the upcoming conversation with her dad. Every scenario only brought anxiety and angst, each having no good beginning, with horrible endings leading to the inevitable argument about why he left. She wasn't looking forward to it, but she'd do it.

  "Those counters make you mad?" Zach asked.

  She yelped. "Jeez, Zach! Go sneak up on someone else!" Zack snickered and ducked when she threw the towel at him. He picked it up and tossed it back at her. She cast her eyes to the ceiling when he bent over the counter and grabbed her hands. He pulled her up against the countertop. He scanned her face while his thumbs rubbed back and forth over the top of her hands. A little thrill shot through her, but she kept her squeal of delight to herself.

  "What's going on inside that beautiful head of yours?"

  He sure knows how to get a girl to spill her guts.

  "I'm thinking about my dad and how to talk to him without wanting to slap him again... which I still can't believe I did." She blushed and pulled away, taking out her frustrations out on the counter again. "I don't want to fight anymore, but I think that's where it's headed." Olivia paused. "And I don't want to upset my mom. She's doing so good. Every time she sees Dad, I swear, she melts when she looks at him." She threw the towel down. "I just don't get it! How can she forget how he abandoned us? Well, I guess he only left me. His audacity to waltz back into our lives and pick up right where he left off irritates me! And worse, my parents expect me to just forgive him because he's a demon killer. It's not that easy. I'm not wired that way." She slumped against the counter, rubbing her hands down her face. She glanced at Zach. "I don't even know where to find that kind of forgiveness."

  "It'll take time, so give yourself a break. Your mom knows more than she's telling you, as does your dad. Your talk with him may turn ugly, but it has to begin somewhere."

  "I know.... You're right. Wow, I'm sick of me." She smiled, shaking her head. "I have a few more things to do. Sergio should be here any minute, but you've got time for another game." She put a token on the counter. He snatched it up, grinning from ear to ear.

  "I'm gonna get that frog across the street yet!" Zach skirted around the wooden tables to the Frogger console. Olivia laughed as she put away the cleaning supplies. He had a way of settling her emotions without patronizing her. Her stomach fluttered, aware Zach had peeled away another layer.

  But that's good, right?

  The front door jingled. Sergio walked in with a big smile, but something deeper glowed.

  "Hey." Olivia gave him a hard once-over. She came around the coffee counter, pointing to a table. "Something's up. Spill the beans."

  Sergio plopped himself down in a blue wooden chair. He glanced over at Zach, who was banging the console buttons and muttering in frustration.

  "I just told Manny everything." Sergio's knee bounced as he looked at her.


  Unshed tears enhanced the gold flecks in his brown eyes. "He was awesome. No yelling or threatening to lock me away. I'm still in shock." Sergio smiled. Zach joined them and held out his hand. Sergio accepted the handshake without hesitation.

  "Well... that's surprising. What did he say?" Olivia asked.

  "That he believed me and was going home to talk with Dad. He didn't say it, but I can tell he's worried and even a little afraid for me... us." Sergio paused. "He said he loved me, for us to stick together, and that he'd watch out for me." Sergio's voice broke, but a smile emerged.

  "I wish I had a brother like yours watching out for me." Zach shoved Sergio's shoulder. "He's a bad dude!"

  Sergio smirked, shoving him back. "That would be a full-time job, Boy Scout." They laughed until Joe called out from the hallway.

  "Let's call it a night." Joe jingled his keys. The chairs scraped against the floor as they got up.

  "I think he's got a hot date," Olivia whispered. The boys snickered, pushing their chairs under the table.

  "I heard that!" Joe called back. "And that's none of your business." But a blush crept up his neck as he tried holding back his smile. He locked the front door, and Olivia shut off the lights as they headed for the back.

  Zach pushed the door open. The sporadic street lights cast the back lot in shadows over her car and Joe's truck. Olivia scanned the lot again, nestling deeper into her jacket. She saw nothing, but that didn't stop her radar from pinging.

  Joe hesitated after a few steps. "Where are you guys off too?"

  "Gonna grab a pizza," Zach called back. Olivia's stomach rumbled at the thought of a hot, cheesy pizza.

  "All right... See you tomorrow." He waved, jogging to his truck.

  Sergio nudged Olivia "He is in a hurry." They laughed as Joe's taillights rounded the corner of the building in record time.

  "I think it's great. He's finally loosened up and is an awesome guy. He and Callie were so supportive with Mom, too. I'm lucky. Other places might have fired me with the time I missed. But not Joe."

  They headed toward Olivia's car, but Zach stopped short in front of her. "What−"

  A sharp twinge hit her chest.


  Adrenaline shot through Olivia as her eyes scoured the dark parking lot, searching for the source.

  Where's the Fallen?

  "I can't see it!" Olivia yelled.

  "Get to your car−" Zach called. "Come on!"

  "Look!" Sergio pointed at the left of the building. A red webbing emerged, illuminating the wall. A sizzling sound cut the air. They turned as two more portals opened: a green web in front of them and an orange web on the right. Two figures emerged from each, blasting them with heat. A lone figure walked out of the web in front of them.

  With the building behind them, the five Fallen strutted closer, creating a semicircle around them. Dangerous sets of horns erupted from each of their heads, but it was their striking eye color matching deadly weapons that turned Olivia's blood cold. Menacingly clad in sleek black armor they approached, their huge black wings fanned out, enclosing them in a feathery cage.


  Olivia knew they were no match for these demons as she stared at the Fallen facing her with shock-white long hair and neon green eyes. One demon had red eyes with two red-handled battle axes clutched in each of his powerful hands. Anot
her glared at them with gold eyes, holding a long sword swirling with molten gold. The other two demons were female Fallen. One had hot pink eyes with matching short hair, holding a bow with an arrow aimed at Zach. The last Fallen had bright orange eyes with long black hair streaked in fiery orange. Her blazing whip cracked through the air, landing inches from Sergio's feet. He jumped back, pulling Olivia with him. The Fallen broke out in wicked laughter, revealing gaping black holes with sharp teeth. They took another step forward. The red demon snarled, swinging his axes at his side.

  Olivia shivered at their palpable bloodthirst. The Fallen had found them helpless. Their confidence clear in their lack of urgency while they toyed with the trio. Olivia’s heart sank as she realized no one would think them missing until it was too late.

  "Olivia." She gasped at the sound of her name. The white-haired Fallen held out his green-veined hand, his long fingers curled toward her.

  "Come with me now, and your friends won't be harmed. Fight me and they die, and you'll still be coming with me."

  Olivia's pulse pounded as she glanced over her shoulder for the coffee shop door.

  Maybe they could get−

  "Looking for an escape? I don't think so. Besides, no one can see you. We move among this world unseen if we choose, and so are those who we bring inside our"−he waved his hand around him−"dimension. Man will walk around it, clueless. You know that cold shiver you get for no reason, or how you turn one way when you meant to go the other way? That's us." He cackled, taking a step closer. "But we wanted you to get a good look at us. So we are invisible to the outside world, but visible and very much alive here."

  The orange whip snapped at Olivia’s feet. "You heard him. Let's go, or I'll drag you over by my whip around your neck."

  Olivia’s body trembled at the reality that leaving with this Fallen was her only choice to get Zach and Sergio out alive. She took a step forward, but Zach yanked her back.

  "You'll never let us go alive! We won't let you take her back to your hellhole." Zach put himself in front of her, while Sergio guarded her from behind.


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