Round Two

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by Eden Wildblood

  Blood Slave: Round Two

  Book Two in the Blood Slave series


  Eden Wildblood

  Licence Notes:

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This story depicts explicit sexual relationships between consenting adults, including elements of coercion and intimidation, which may be a trigger for some readers.

  This story is not suitable for those under the age of 18.

  Cover art by LM Cover Designs

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  Thud, thud, thud!

  The strange apparition of the woman vanished as quickly as she had appeared, leaving Wynter alone in her office once again. She’d evidently chosen to come when all her hope was lost, and her thoughts were still reeling as she turned towards the doorway and frowned. Only this time, she wasn’t sad or afraid any longer, but instead filled with determination. The odd woman had told her there was another option on the table. She didn’t have to be turned, and wouldn’t necessarily have to run either. All hope was not lost, after all. Or so she held onto that belief.

  She continued to watch as the door was being pounded on so hard she thought it might be about to come off its hinges, and then began to panic. Was Marcus onto her and had come thundering down to put an end to the strange conversation she’d somehow just managed to have with a kind of spectre? Was she in trouble for not having gotten straight to work on time and instead been wallowing in self-pity? Wynter honestly didn’t think anyone cared enough to come chasing her down for personal reasons, so figured it had to be him.

  Her blood ran cold at the thought. And how different those feelings towards him suddenly were. The curse truly was lifted, and rather than feel any sort of pull in her vampire boss’s direction, she wanted nothing more than to run away.

  She forced herself to calm down and remember the promise the strange woman had given her. There was a way out, all she had to do was be patient, and so she unlocked the door and inched it open to find Warren glowering at her from the other side.

  It was a relief to see him, in spite of the anger reddening his cheeks.

  “What?” she hollered, and then let out a shriek when he barged his way inside and flung himself down onto the chair she had been sat crying in just minutes before.

  “Lock the door, Wynter,” he then demanded, and she watched as he rolled his sleeves up, showing off his extensive collection of tattoos, while also revealing fresh cuts on the inside of his wrists. So, he’d lost a fight in the end after all. Served him right.

  Wynter didn’t know why, but she was glad. Pleased to see that he’d had to whore himself out to the vampires in the end after all. Glad that after refusing to help her earlier that morning Warren had been forced to fight and had eventually lost. Even if his denial had apparently been because he had wanted something real, rather than a show for Marcus’s amusement.

  Did he regret denying her? He didn’t seem to. In fact, he seemed to have regretted letting her get close to him at all.

  She did as he had asked and locked them inside, but then turned back to him with her arms folded and a hard expression on her still tear-stained face. Two could play this game, and she’d had more than enough practice at being a frosty bitch over the years.

  “What do you want?” she asked with an icy edge to her tone she knew she had to thank Marcus for. He’d taught her well, it seemed. “To help me? To protect me? Because, of course, I’m one of you. And you take care of your own…” she mocked, reminding him of his promises from before.

  “I came by earlier and all I could hear was you crying, Wynter. It broke my heart to hear you that way. To know I had caused some of that pain when I left you behind and refused to help you. I’m sorry,” he groaned in response, not even arguing back.

  Warren suddenly looked lost. He seemed more than just hurt or tired, he looked broken.

  The visions the Priestess had given her returned by force and she felt an ache rattle through her chest. Warren was going to end up either dead at her feet or running for his life if she chose him over Marcus. She hadn’t seen the man’s face in her second vision, but it had to be him. There was no one else she cared for enough to run from their oppressive master with. No one that mattered enough to try.

  She knew she had to push him away. This couldn’t get in the way of her plan to escape, and so she quickly realised she had to force him to back off. It was the only chance she had to save him. And potentially herself.

  Wynter finally had options, albeit ones which were far from optimal. She could become a vampire and Marcus’s immortal bride, which meant she’d gladly drain and kill even those she cared about, including the man sitting opposite her. Or she could run away and still risk their safety for her own selfish means. He hadn’t lied when he’d told her who would die first for her foolishness, and Wynter knew there would have to be another way.

  Which of course, there was also option number three now. To follow Marcus and let him lead her to the witch, as the woman who had appeared to her had stated. He would apparently take Wynter to her given a bit of time, and there she would be given an alternative to her either becoming a bloodsucker or a runaway.

  She knew she’d do whatever it took to try for a future other to that in which she was Marcus’s soul mate, and eventually did the unthinkable and murdered Warren. The only man who meant a thing to her. The one she had given her freedom up for. He didn’t know it, but he was the only reason she was even still in Marcus’s godforsaken club at all. She would’ve been long gone if he hadn’t issued her with an ultimatum. Him or her freedom, but the price of it was Warren’s life.

  “I don’t care about you, Warren,” she lied, “I wasn’t crying for you, but for me. I’m looking out for myself now. I’m not one of your friends or on your team. I’m your boss and as far as I’m concerned you can stay locked down in your basement day and night. I’ll email you when I need an IT guy.”

  It broke her heart to say those words, but Wynter felt she had to. She knew he had been telling the truth about being sorry and that just made it hurt even more. Warren hadn’t meant to upset her by saying no earlier that morning. He cared deeply for her and Wynter knew it, but so did Marcus. His adoration came with dangerous consequences for anyone who tried to get between the pair of them, and so her budding relationship with the burly geek had to be over. She would put an end to this before it even began because, if she were sacrificing her freedom to save his life, she would go one step further and also save him from a broken heart. Even if that meant her having to rip her own to shreds to find the strength to make it so.

  “Sure. Whatever,” he answered as he climbed back on to his feet. Warren then cracked his knuckles and stormed over to the door like the brute she’d always thought he was, but then he faltered at the last step. He turned back to her and showed the pain in his eyes as he took her in. He knew she didn’t mean it, but seemed to agree that this was for the best for now, and so stayed silent as he finally ducked out of her office and disappeared into the night without so much as looking back again.

  Wynter kept herself locked away all night long a
fter she’d kicked Warren out. He called up an hour after having left and was clearly still raging, she could tell, and he somehow managed to convey using his tone of voice alone how he didn’t believe her. That he was indeed the fighter she had seen in that ring and he wasn’t going to back off. He was going to keep on coming for her.

  Even more reason to follow the apparition’s instructions and follow Marcus into whatever darkness he intended to lead her. She would play the game. Play nice.

  She had to.

  When two-am came around, she was out the door and heading up in the lift without hesitation. But this time, thanks to the lack of a hex dragging her to him by force, she decided it was her God-given right to have her say. Rather than throw herself at Marcus like she had the mornings previously, Wynter stormed over to him and slammed her hands down on the desk he had strewn her over on more than a couple of occasions.

  “Good morning, Wynter,” he told her with that bright, devious smile of his, “so wonderful to see you.”

  “Remove it,” she growled, ignoring his greeting. Marcus’s eyebrow flicked up in question, and Wynter saw it as a challenge rather than a show of his confusion. He was always completely in the know about his employees. Especially her—his new favourite. And she was a fighter too, just like Warren. That was what Marcus had said he so liked about her on more than one occasion and she was determined not to ever stop fighting him.

  She unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall open, ignoring the passion in his eyes as he swept his icy blue gaze over her exposed flesh. She had intended to show him her chest where the Priestess had touched her, placing some kind of spell on her.

  “Ah if you’re that eager for me to feed, you only needed to elaborate, my sweet,” he told her as he stood and stalked around to her side of the desk. Then, with what appeared to be no effort at all, Marcus grabbed her by the shoulders, plucked Wynter off her feet like a child, and then deposited her on the wooden top.

  She tried to fight him off but he was far too strong, of course. Marcus had her pinned down in an instant and he leaned over her, and she hated how helpless she was to stop him.

  He then placed a gentle kiss against Wynter’s lips, ignoring her writhing, before working his way down to her neck. There, he pressed his razor-sharp tongue down, which broke the skin over her artery, and a second later he began to drink.

  Wynter felt her body rush with the usual endorphins that were a result of the feeding process. Like a bittersweet way of blocking out the gore and eliciting a carnal response, Marcus’s bite still made her desirous for more, regardless of her having broken the curse he had placed her under the day he’d hired her. She was under an entirely different kind of spell when he fed and found she relaxed in a heartbeat. In spite of all her strength of will and desire for independence, she shoved her hands in his dark hair and pulled him closer, reacting to his deep gulps with moans and sighs of pleasure.

  God damn it. She was torn all over again. Questions were running through her mind at an alarming rate, her head spinning with them.

  Why couldn’t she just stop all of this and walk away? Why did she have to be so foolish and not jump at the first chance she’d been given at a different life? Why did she have to enjoy Marcus this way? Enjoy his touch. His smell. The feel of him against her skin…

  When he sealed the wound and lifted his head away, he grinned down at her, and Wynter found herself smiling back. She even stroked his stubble covered chin and let her body curl towards his, like he was some kind of a magnet.

  “Marcus,” she hissed, and clutched at the lapels of his wool jacket, keeping him close.

  “Yes?” he whispered back, and then licked his lips clean of her blood.

  The feeding was well and truly over though, and she snapped back to reality and remembered what she’d come in demanding.

  “Tell your witch to remove her locator spell, or so help me God I’ll…”

  “You’ll what, fight her? She’d crush you like a bug, Wynter. You could try and run of course, but that wouldn’t end well,” he teased, laughing to himself as she shoved him away.

  However, Marcus did focus his gaze on the exact spot Wynter had felt the Priestess mark her and he looked thoughtful for a moment, as though considering her request. “The locator spell remains intact until I can trust you not to run from me.”

  She let out an angry shriek and sat up, and then proceeded to button her blouse back up in a bid to hide her body from him. She’d even worn trousers, just for the occasion, so she could keep his prying hands at bay, and so curled her legs up and sat with them crossed in front of her.

  “What’s it gonna take?” she then asked, and Marcus positively beamed at her readiness to negotiate.

  “Your soul,” he replied, before tilting her back down and then ripping her trousers clean off her legs and waist. He had his mouth over the vein on her thigh a second later and Wynter quickly felt herself falling under his mesmerising spell before she could stop him, not that she thought she could if she wanted to. However, his words rung in her head and she remembered the warning from the strange apparition she’d seen in her office. If a vampire’s soul merged with a human’s then they were done for. Bonded for life. If he did so with her, Wynter would be done for too.

  She peered down her half-naked body and frowned at the man lapping at her vein. However of course, he was no man at all, but a monster. One whom she despised. And yet, Marcus had also been gentle at times. He had made her feel protected and comfortable, and had let her orgasm, even though all the others she had met had told her it was forbidden.

  She was in complete and utter turmoil, but he didn’t seem to care. All he wanted was his satisfaction, and she was about to beg him to stop feeding so she could keep some of her strength, when his hand reached up her opposite thigh and began caressing her sensitive flesh.

  He crept higher and before Wynter could make a sound, Marcus had pushed aside her flimsy knickers and was stroking his way inside her molten core. Shit! She wasn’t ready for that and let out a garbled moan, feeling beyond ready for more. She opened her thighs and arched her hips, eliciting a laugh from her predatory master.

  Marcus continued to push his long fingers in and out, and it wasn’t long before she felt the usual tension building within her that signified her impending orgasm. It was all too much. The bite and his wonderful touch all at once wasn’t something she could fight, not that she wanted to. Not really.

  She tried to stop it. Tried to call to him to stop feeding as she was so close, but it was no use. The orgasm burst forth and she shuddered with bliss as the wave overcame her, her body writhing against Marcus’s fingers greedily as he continued to take her. She initially sought a second climax thanks to his relentless probing but, in a moment of clarity, opened her eyes to check whether Marcus was in a feeding frenzy or not. If he were, the best thing she could do was scream bloody murder and hope someone would come and pry his mouth from her vein before it was too late.

  But instead, she was already safe. He had closed the wound without her realising and was watching her with a bloody smile. His gaze then lifted to hers and she saw his bright blue eyes seem to radiate with light from within. It was mesmerising.

  Wynter stared into them, and imagined how if they switched off the lights in the room they would undoubtedly still shine like two icy beacons, and was about to laugh, when she remembered the reason why they shone like that. His soul, or whatever remained of it, was calling to hers, and she had to refuse it, or else.

  “Marcus, your eyes,” she whimpered, and then cried out when he yanked her off the desk and sat on his chair, pulling her onto his lap so she straddled him. His fingers continued their exploration between them and her body couldn’t help but remain so ready for his touch. He coaxed her further towards her coveted second climax, and she was desperate for it, albeit utterly foolishly.

  Wynter rode his hand like a woman possessed and she kissed Marcus with reckless abandon while doing so. She could taste her blood on
his lips and knew it ought to disgust her, but she felt beyond all of that now. All she cared about was herself and the needs she too had to satisfy.

  She felt like she might finally be succumbing to the cold nature she had pretended to have, and had Marcus to thanks for that. He had taught her a trick or two about being selfish, and so she took a second orgasm from him without asking or begging. It was empowering, and probably the hottest dose of foreplay she had ever received in her life.

  As she came down, Marcus let his hands retreat. He even covered her back over with her soaked knickers and watched her with his usual smile, but with an extra glint in his still luminescent eyes.

  “Do you have any idea how much I want you, Wynter?” he growled as he pressed her body against his. She could feel his raging hard-on beneath her and let out a laugh.

  “Yeah, I think I do,” she replied, “but you can’t, can you? Not unless you want to merge your soul with mine.”

  Marcus seemed surprised that she could possibly know so much, but he didn’t say so. He just offered her a nod before standing up and letting her feet fall to the floor. Wynter then watched as the light emanating from his eyes began to wane and by the time she had gathered her composure, it was gone completely.

  Their moment was over, and she felt odd in the aftermath. The hex he had put her under a week previously might have been broken, but his bite still brought forth feelings that neither of them wanted to address once it was over.

  Wynter felt awkward and still ever so confused. She wasn’t sure what to say or do, so scooped up her ripped clothes and tossed them in the bin and then started walking towards the glass panel that partitioned the huge room. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Marcus said nothing to stop her, and so she left without another word.


  Marcus waited until Wynter was safely out of the way before summoning his Priestess. She appeared within seconds and kept her head bowed in respect beneath her shrouding hood and cape. He couldn’t see a single piece of flesh beneath the red cloak, and not even her long auburn hair was billowing out like she sometimes wore it.


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