Haley's Cabin

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Haley's Cabin Page 4

by Anne Rainey

  He left his chair and knelt in front of her. “I want details, Haley.” She stammered a little and he winked at

  her, giving her a stay of execution. “But first we’re going to undress and get in the Jacuzzi.”

  “You have a Jacuzzi?”

  He slipped his shirt out of his waistband, pulled it over his head and tossed it to the floor. She stared at

  his chest and licked her lips. He considered that a good sign.

  “Actually, it’s Brad’s Jacuzzi. The point is, I want you in it and I definitely want you naked.”

  She cocked her head and one corner of her mouth kicked up. “And what makes you think I’m going to

  do what you say?”

  He wagged his eyebrows at her and growled, “Because I’m a cop and if you don’t, I’ll have to arrest


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  Her cheeks turned rosy and she stared at him in wonder. “Do you carry handcuffs?”

  Ah, now they were getting somewhere. “As a matter of fact, yes I do,” he said with a cocky grin.


  Such a small word, but it conveyed so much. “Now, the dress, Haley.”

  “My cabin is right next door. I could just walk over and get my swimsuit.”

  Her voice sounded so hopeful, so shy. It made Jeremy all the more determined to get her naked. “But

  there’s no need. I want to see that pretty little body of yours, and unless I’m not reading your signals

  right, I think you might like to get me naked, too.”

  He watched her swallow as her gaze darted back to his chest. She whispered huskily, “Yes, I’d like to

  see if you’re as…well-built in real life as you were in my dream.”

  Great, now he was competing against his fantasy self? Ah, hell.

  Chapter Four

  Haley must still have been dreaming, because things this exciting just didn’t happen to her. Frankly,

  she’d never met a man like Jay, or Jeremy, rather. He was so straightforward. He saw what he wanted

  and threw caution to the wind. After being married to Eric, a man who put on a façade to get what he

  wanted, it was a refreshing change to meet a guy who felt no need to pretend.

  Right at that moment Haley was a few scant inches away from Jay’s impressive chest. God, he looked

  delicious. She had visions of coasting her tongue over and around each of his nipples, down his torso,

  then unbuttoning his jean shorts. She’d watch them fall to the floor. Then she’d get to see his erection.

  Haley wanted her mouth on his cock. She ached to taste him. Honesty forced her to admit she wanted

  what he’d done to her in her dreams. This was a vacation, after all. A moment out of time. Haley yearned

  to take some memories back with her on Monday, when her fantasy ended and real life intruded.

  Something that would last her a lifetime.

  After spending an erotic weekend with Jay/Jeremy Pickett, Haley had a sneaky feeling other men were

  going to seem pale in comparison.

  “Can you take off your shorts for me, Jay?” Haley asked, feeling bolder now her mind was made up to

  take what she could from their encounter.

  Jay smiled and in a hoarse whisper replied, “I already took off my top. It’s your turn.”

  Okay, so he was going to play hard to get. No problem.

  “It’s not really fair, though, because this dress is all I’m wearing.” Take that , she thought haughtily.

  Jay’s gaze went south, bypassing her chest and going straight to the notch between her legs. She could

  have sworn she felt heat there, just from the intensity of his stare.

  His silvery eyes changed to liquid mercury. His words nearly melted her in the chair. “My cock is going

  to feel so damn good inside you, Haley. So good you’ll forget all about your erotic dream. You’ll beg

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  me, baby. That’s a promise.”

  He stood to his full, impressive height and took off his shorts right there in front of her. Oh my, he was

  every bit as big as he’d been in her dream. He was full and hard and so ready for her that her mouth

  watered from the sight. All she’d need do was lean forward and he’d be inside her wet mouth.

  With his feet braced apart, a hard, predatory look on his face, he demanded, “The dress, Haley, off with


  He was no longer the friendly, flirtatious man she’d eaten dinner with. Now Jay was an aggressive and

  dominant male. The raw masculinity of him turned her on more than anything ever had. If she hadn’t felt

  so confident about herself, the sheer size of him might’ve intimidated her. Haley was confident, however.

  She’d gained her confidence the hard way. And she knew, no matter how intimidating he seemed, he’d

  never hurt her.

  Without standing, Haley slipped her fingers beneath the hem of her dress and inched it upward. By small

  degrees she bared her thighs. As she reached her bottom, she had to lift slightly to get the dress higher.

  Soon, it was around her middle. She didn’t get any farther. Jay’s hand was suddenly there, cupping her

  exposed mound. His nostrils flared and his jaw twitched, as if he wanted to do much more than touch.

  She liked the thought. Haley wasn’t the type to drive men mindless and it was empowering to realize she

  had that effect on Jay.

  She wiggled, and he moved his hand away, seemingly reluctantly, and she took the dress off the rest of

  the way. Haley sat in the hard wooden kitchen chair, totally nude, while she let him look his fill. She only

  hoped he liked what he saw or she would absolutely die of mortification.

  As if reading her thoughts, Jay groaned. “You look so sweet sitting there. So bashful with your legs

  pressed tight together.” He snared her gaze with his own. “I can’t wait to spread you open, to see that

  lovely cunt dripping from the first orgasm I give you, baby.”

  She couldn’t think. Couldn’t even speak. Jay had taken the heavy weight of his cock in his hand and

  began rubbing himself as he spoke to her. The sight of him mesmerized Haley. His words penetrated, and

  she managed to ask, “ First orgasm?”

  A slow grin spread across his face as he crouched in front of her. He leaned forward and took her

  nipple into his mouth, softly suckling on her.

  “Oh, God.”

  Jay laved at her, loving in his assault. Haley could have come right there, without him so much as

  touching her clit.

  Abruptly, he stood, staring down at her now glistening breast. “I’m really going to enjoy playing with

  your pretty tits.” He stopped touching himself and took her hand, pulling her out of the cold chair and

  leading her to the backdoor. When he opened it, a rush of brisk night air came in and she was reminded

  of the dream once again. It was chilly then, too, when she’d let him and Marissa into her house.

  Together, they stepped out onto a stone walkway leading to a secluded spot which hid the Jacuzzi.

  Thick shrubs and colorful flowers formed a wall around it. They were in their own private paradise.

  As he took her to the side of the hot tub, Haley noticed he’d set out candles. All shapes and sizes

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  glowed everywhere—on the ground, the little outdoor table next to the tub and along one edge of the

  walk. The sweet smell of vanilla permeated the air. She wanted to comment on the romance of it all, but

  before she could, Jay leaned down and whispered another erotic promise into her ear.

  “I’ll make you come so many times you’ll wish to be my sex slave.” He licked the spot beneath her ear,

  and her body shook
and her mind went blank. “I’m going to turn you into a little wanton.” He moved

  farther down her neck, tasting her, nibbling on her overheated skin. “My own private submissive,” Jay

  promised, then he lifted away from her and ordered, “Get into the water now.”

  She obeyed. There was really never any other choice. Every fiber of her being was tuned in and turned

  on, and she longed to submit to him. Just as he promised, she already ached to be his dutiful slave.

  Never in her life had she fantasized about being sexually dominated, but Jay was somehow tapping into

  those secret, unknown desires. It was all she could do to calmly get into the hot, bubbling water. Lord,

  her legs were so shaky, it was a wonder she didn’t fall.

  The heat felt good against her chilled skin. Another first. She’d never been in a hot tub in the nude

  before. It was exciting, and a zing of pleasure raced up her spine. What else did Jay have planned for


  Jay got in after her, sat down and with swift intensity, pulled her onto his lap so she straddled him. He

  took her mouth in a scorching, untamed kiss that left her gasping for air.

  His lips were forceful, almost punishing at first. Then his tongue darted out and licked at her fuller lower

  lip, coaxing her to open for him. Her eyes drifted shut and she let Jay in on a sigh. His tongue teased and

  played with hers, driving her feverish body wild. Haley clutched at his shoulders, wiggling atop his

  muscular thighs. The feel of his hard length against her belly fueled her own need to have more. To have

  all of him deep inside her aching body.

  His arms closed around her, crushing her breasts against his muscled pectorals. The caresses her nipples

  received from his soft, dark chest hair nearly made her come. Then, with no warning, he broke the kiss

  and she almost groaned aloud in torment. When Haley opened her eyes, Jay was smiling down at her.

  Before her numb mind formed a question, he pulled her upward and stared at her chest. The carnal

  promise in his eyes had her breasts swelling.

  “I love your sweet tits,” he rasped. “They’re just right. So perky and supple and all mine .”

  Her breath caught in her throat as he sucked one turgid peak into his hot, wet mouth. She felt the wild

  sensations clear to her throbbing center. He licked and nibbled and Haley pushed against him, wanting

  him with total abandon. He pulled away and moved to her other breast, lavishing it with the same slow,

  torturous attention before releasing it with an audible pop.

  “Don’t you think they’re too small?” she managed to ask now he was no longer teasing her with his

  talented lips and tongue.

  “The idea that bigger is better is really just a myth, sweetheart.”

  She managed a smile at that bit of nonsense. “Oh, really?”

  He gave her an ornery smile. “Really. What a man wants is a tempting amount of plump flesh to suck on

  and play with. Luscious, round nipples that turn all hard and perky with just a look. And yours are grade

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  A, baby. You can trust me on this.”

  “Thank you. I never realized…what I mean is, Eric always thought I was too flat. He wanted me to get

  implants.” Damn. She hadn’t meant to bring him into their intimate encounter. The words were already

  out before she knew what she was saying.

  “Eric was an ass.”

  Well, that was true enough, and Haley did kind of like the candid way Jay stated his feelings on the

  subject. “You think so?”

  While they talked, Jeremy had started kneading and squeezing her breasts, and his eyes watched every

  stroke. Her mind felt scattered and crazed. Again she was beginning to lose the thread of the

  conversation. At this rate, she’d be a blithering idiot by the time he finished with her.

  “He let you get away, didn’t he?” Jay asked huskily, though he didn’t bother waiting for an answer as he

  once again licked her. He sucked and bit just hard enough to elicit a moan from deep within her throat.

  His touches drew feelings out in her that had been laying dormant for much too long.

  He leaned away suddenly and issued yet another rough demand. “Turn around so your back is facing


  “Why?” Haley frowned. She was sort of fond of the position she was in now. A few scant inches

  downward and he’d be inside her, filling her just the way she wanted, and she’d have a beautiful orgasm.

  “Because I said,” he whispered hungrily, then placed a gentle kiss on her nipple. When he looked back

  at her, heat and need shone in his sexy eyes. “Trust me and do as I say.”

  Like any obedient submissive, she turned around. What else could she do? She wanted Jay and because

  Haley was always honest with herself, she could admit she liked the raw nature of a man’s dominance.

  She was hungry for it.

  Haley felt a feathery light touch along the base of her spine and she knew what Jay was touching, what

  he was seeing. His question only confirmed it.

  “What’s this?”

  “A tattoo.”

  He stroked a finger over the spot and leaned down to whisper into her ear, “I can see that, Haley, but

  why this particular tattoo?”

  “Does there have to be a reason?” She didn’t want to delve into this right now. She much preferred to


  He took both her arms in his hands, holding her firm. Haley nearly melted from the strength in his

  calloused fingers. Jay kissed then bit her right shoulder and murmured, “For you, I think there does.” He

  kissed his way down her spine until he reached her tattoo. Jay’s warm lips skimmed the area and her

  entire body quivered with excitement. He licked the width of the inked flesh, causing her to arch and

  moan. He lifted away, just barely though because Haley could feel his hot breath against her wet skin.

  “Why’d you get the tattoo?”

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  He wasn’t going to let up. She figured his dog-with-a-bone nature was what made him a good detective.

  As a lover, it was very annoying. Still, if telling him would get him onto more erotic things….

  “I never wanted to forget that I’m more than what the eye can see.”

  He was quiet, long enough for Haley to feel a wave of embarrassment. “Love the little girl within me.”

  Jay recited the words etched across her back in a sexy, swirling calligraphy, the deep baritone of his

  voice gentle.

  “Your husband must have done a real number on you,” he uttered under his breath, then he kissed the

  tattoo again before moving lower.

  The water fizzed and bubbled around them, tickling and arousing her. Jay hesitated for a split second.

  Without explaining or commanding this time, he pulled her upward. She stood, water dripping off her

  softened skin, the cool night breeze drifting around her, raising goose bumps.

  With her back still to him, he kissed and nibbled his way down over her sensitive buttocks, causing her

  to clench and unclench her thigh muscles. His tongue darted out, touching the seam of her ass. Haley

  jolted from the notion of having him in such an intimate place. He growled and slipped an arm around her

  waist, holding her still for his delicious assault.

  “Such a sexy ass,” Jay murmured. “Spread your legs apart for me, baby. I want to see you better.”

  Haley moved, shaky and more turned on than ever, standing so her feet were wide apart.

  “Mmm, good girl. Now reach your hands around and spread this sweet ass open
for me.”

  Oh, God. She didn’t know how to do this. To calmly obey even while her blood pulsed and pumped hot

  in her veins. Then Jay spoke again, his voice a husky thread of sound in the quiet of the night.

  “Don’t think, Haley, just feel. That’s all you’ve got to do. Feel and let me please you.” The arm that held

  her middle reached down and caressed her clitoris. “You want that, don’t you? For me to please you?”

  She never hesitated. “Yes. Oh, God, Jay, yes!”

  He slipped a finger between her slick folds and murmured, “You’re so goddamn hot and wet. Christ, I

  can’t wait to fuck you.” The words seemed torn from him, so harsh and eager. “Do as I say. I won’t hurt

  you, I swear it.”

  Pushed beyond her own inhibitions and insecurities, Haley moaned and took her own flesh in her hands,

  exposing her body in a way she’d never done before. He slid his finger in and out of her tight sheath,

  maddeningly slow and steady.

  “Lean forward a little,” Jay demanded.

  She did. Without warning, he pulled his finger free and slid it around the outside of her puckered anus,

  wetting her with her own juices, preparing her. He slipped his finger inside, just barely. It was enough to

  have her legs trembling. A moan welled and managed to escape.

  “That’s a good girl,” Jay cooed, “moan for me. I want you every damn way I can think of. I’m going to

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  make you come over and over before the weekend is through.”

  It wasn’t her dream, but the sweet torment on her body, the stretching sensations of her bottom, were so

  much like her dream, it was all very disorienting. Haley’s inner seductress came to life inside her,

  experiencing everything from another plane of existence. Never in her life had she known such an

  extreme and exhilarating overload. Having his finger in such a forbidden part of her body was taboo and

  yet wonderfully fulfilling.

  “Haley.” Her name seemed wrenched from deep within him. “You’re so damn perfect. As if you were

  made just for my hands. My cock. My pleasure." His voice was rough and impatient. “I want you. Now,

  damn it.”

  “Yes, Jay, right here, oh, please!”

  Instead of taking her as she wanted him to, he used his other hand to toy and play with the swollen nub


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