Haley's Cabin

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Haley's Cabin Page 8

by Anne Rainey

  Her words took him closer to the edge. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in her at that


  “No, baby, you’ll be sore.” She started to protest further, but he hushed her with his hand over her

  mouth. “I won’t take you right now. I won’t hurt you that way. Just let me feel you, sweetheart. I

  promise, you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I never once doubted it,” Haley said, relaxing against him again, seemingly content to let him have his


  He kissed her neck and—knowing it was juvenile—sucked at her pulse, giving her a small purple mark.

  If nothing else, she’d have the hickey when she walked out of his life tomorrow.

  He played and fondled. Soon, Haley moved one hand off the wall and attempted to touch him. He

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  grabbed her before she could reach him and snarled, “Put your hand back on the wall.”

  She hesitated and her low, sweet voice pleaded with him. “I just want to touch, nothing more.”

  “And I want you to feel. Nothing more.”

  She fairly growled out her displeasure. “Dang it, Jay. You’re being unreasonable.”

  He chuckled at her vehemence. Admittedly, it was nice to have her want him so badly. Still, he wanted a

  few minutes out of this weekend where he could simply observe her. If she started touching him, his

  concentration would be shot to hell.

  He placed a series of soft pecks down her spine and beseechingly whispered against her skin, “What if I

  begged you, Haley?” She stayed silent, facing the wall, the shower pounding down onto them both.

  “Pretty please,” Jeremy murmured, “let me have you like this. I want to watch every single vibration.

  Hear every tiny moan. Feel every second as I make you come. Pretty please, don’t deny me that, baby.”

  She slapped her hand against the tiled wall. “You drive a hard bargain, Jay Pickett.”

  He smiled, triumphant, and continued his playtime. Barely touching her, he smoothed his fingers over

  Haley’s fleshy labia. She flung her head back and moaned deep, pushing against his hand as if trying to

  force him to touch her harder, faster, deeper. He answered her silent demands and moved his hand in a

  quicker rhythm, caressing her into a wild fervor. He continued until he felt she was nearly there, then

  pushed his finger in, barely an inch. She burst around him. Haley’s quiet moans turned to shouts and her

  body bucked wildly.

  Jeremy wrapped his other arm around her waist as her orgasm continued and held her tightly against

  him. It took all his willpower to keep from impaling her with his cock.

  Once her breathing quieted, he turned her around and kissed her hard. Forcing her lips open, Jeremy

  sucked at her tongue, dying for a taste of her, aching to take a part of her into himself. Slowly, he lifted

  his lips from hers. “Now I’m going to wash you.”

  She let out a breath and collapsed against the wall. “Good lord, I don’t think I’ll live through it.”

  “If I can stand here watching you come so sweetly and not ease my cock into your hot bod, then surely

  you’ll live through a little soaping.”

  She giggled and Jeremy grabbed for the bar of soap. “You’re a very dirty girl ,” he growled as he

  rubbed the soap between his hands. Just as he reached for her, she managed to somehow dodge away

  from his questing hands. Her words, murmured in a sexy, come-hither voice, went straight to his groin.

  “I thought you liked me dirty.”

  “Oh, hell, yeah,” he groaned, then lunged for her. Grabbing her around the waist, Jeremy brought her

  soft, wet body against his bigger, harder one. “But I want you clean so I can get you all dirty again. It’s

  much more fun that way, sweetheart.”

  She laughed and the sound warmed his soul. He’d never had so much fun with a woman. Dammit. How

  was he going to go back to his dull, two-dimensional life when she’d shown him how much sweeter three

  dimensions could be?

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  Chapter Eight

  Their shower lasted until the water went cold, and still Jay hadn’t allowed himself to make love to her.

  Haley needed him so badly she could cry, but he sought only to pleasure her. She’d never known a man

  like Jay. She’d never known sex could feel so beautiful, so right. Haley started to get a sick feeling in the

  pit of her stomach. She was afraid she’d fallen in love with a man who wanted nothing to do with


  After their shower, he leisurely dried every inch of her body. The man did seem to luxuriate in pampering

  her. As they moved back into the bedroom, she reached for the sweatpants and T-shirt he’d loaned her

  the night before, but he swiftly yanked them away and winked as he picked up the camcorder. She

  blushed. What was she thinking, allowing him to tape her? Now he’d see all her flaws on that big screen

  television downstairs. She’d be devastated. But Jay only kissed her and ushered her down the stairs,

  intent on watching the movie they’d created together. They just happened to be as naked as the day they

  were born.

  As Jay got her to the living room, the phone rang. He handed her the camera and went to the kitchen to

  answer it. He was in there awhile and she wasn’t sure what to do with herself. She also wanted to know

  who he was talking to, but didn’t think he’d appreciate her intrusion.

  She busied herself by fiddling with the camera and searching through the entertainment cabinet for the

  cords which would hook the camera to the television. Haley found what she needed and went to work

  turning things on. After locating the two remote controls that worked the television and the video camera,

  she went to the couch to wait. Just as she was about to give up on him and get dressed, he reappeared.

  Jay had made them hot chocolate again. She found that curiously tender for such a hard man. He moved

  toward her and handed her a cup, but she only sat there, staring at his deliciously naked body. She

  couldn’t get the image of him in the kitchen, making her a sweet treat, all while wearing no clothes, out of

  her head. Wow. Now, she really wished she’d given in to her curiosity and gone into the kitchen. What a

  lovely show that would have been.

  “You keep staring at it and it’s liable to grow…even more.”

  Haley coughed and grabbed her cup from his hand. He chuckled, which made her want to smack him.

  When he saw the remotes on the coffee table, the mirth in his eyes turned to desire. Good lord, the man’s

  blue eyes were lethal. They truly should be illegal.

  “We all set for the show?” he asked casually, as if they were about to watch some silly sit-com.

  “Yes, but be warned, I don’t think I photograph well,” she cautioned, hoping he wouldn’t be too

  disappointed when he saw her on Brad’s widescreen. “And don’t forget the camera adds ten pounds.”

  He came around the table and sat beside her, then pulled her in close so she nestled into the crook of his

  arm. Holding his mug of hot chocolate in the other hand, Jay kissed her on the cheek, charming her all

  over again. “Don’t you forget I’ve seen everything in real-time and from my vantage point you’ve got

  some very sexy parts. No video is going to change that.”

  “Oh. Well, thank you.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “There’re those polite manners again.”

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  She took a drink of her chocolate and tried to sound nonchalant as she asked, “So, who was th
at on the


  He placed his chocolate on the coffee table, then put his finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “Afraid it was another woman?”

  Actually, the thought had crossed her mind, but she wasn’t thrilled he could read her so well. “No, not at

  all. I was just curious.”

  “Little liar.” She started to say more in her own defense, but he rode right over her. “I already told you

  that you can’t lie for shit. No, it wasn’t a woman. It was my brother.” In a more seductive tone he said,

  “I told him I’d call him back later because I had more pressing things to tend to at the moment.”

  “Oh, I see.” What was she supposed to say to that? I’m glad it wasn’t a woman, because that would

  have crushed my heart into a thousand tiny pieces? She didn’t think he’d want to hear that. In a lame

  attempt to keep from spouting out nonsense, she gulped her hot chocolate and nearly burned her tongue.

  Jay took her mug from her hands and whispered, “I want to see our movie, baby, so quit stalling.” Then

  he picked up one of the remotes and groused, “There’s two of them. What am I supposed to do with

  two remotes?”

  She rolled her eyes and yanked the gadget out of his hands. “I’ll do it. You’ll only hurt yourself.”

  He tugged a lock of her hair in punishment and murmured, “Smart-ass.”

  Butterflies flitted in her stomach at his comment. Good God, only Jay could make a criticism sound so

  darn hot and sexy. His voice, as well as his eyes, should be illegal.

  Haley pushed a few buttons, starting the television, then used the other remote to play their movie. The

  bedroom appeared on the screen. It was darkly lit, but plenty visible. She saw herself on the bed then

  Jay came into view, his backside to the camera. Good lord, he had a beautiful ass. Her gaze was fairly

  glued to the screen as she watched Jay wrap the handcuffs around her wrists and begin to touch and

  caress her. The smooth sounds of jazz they’d played could be heard and it turned everything more


  Every nerve in her body was on fire with the intensity that sizzled between them—on screen and off. Her

  nervousness over seeing herself on the television vanished. It was fascinating to watch the way Jay

  controlled the entire act. She couldn’t always see his face, but she could see the delicate way he treated

  her, as if she were made of fine crystal, teasing and enticing her to new heights with each and every

  deliberate stroke. It turned her on all over again.

  “See how sexy you are?” Jay whispered against her neck as his tongue caressed her skin. Haley’s pulse

  skipped a beat. “Do you understand now what an ass your ex-husband was for tossing you aside?” he

  asked, the heat and need in his voice evident.

  She turned her face to his and she felt a new connection growing between them. Her heart swelled and a

  single tear escaped. Suddenly, Jay was there, taking it away with the pad of his thumb. He sucked it off

  the tip, leaned down and placed his lips on hers. The kiss was short-lived, but so much emotion filled her.

  Haley knew the awful truth. She was madly in love with her weekend lover. She’d gone and broken

  one-night stand rule number one: don’t get emotionally involved. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to be

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  upset over the faux pas. Haley was alive. For the first time in years, she felt as if her life had gone from

  black and white to vivid, living color. Nothing could dampen something so revitalizing.

  Jay demanded, “Watch the movie, we’ll talk afterwards.”

  While they watched, Jay started to touch her everywhere and unbelievably another orgasm emerged.

  Her third one that morning, and Jay had yet to allow himself to climax beyond the first one. He was so


  Jay’s fingers found their way easily over her skin. It appeared he’d already learned her every nook and

  cranny. As he fondled her clitoris, Haley let her eyes drift closed and her legs fell open as if his fingers

  had authority over them.

  “That’s it, baby, let me feel you quiver.” Even as he spoke, she climbed higher. Jay commanded her

  further. “Open your eyes now, watch the way you take me into your mouth.”

  Grudgingly, Haley looked at the television. She saw Jay standing on the bed above her while she eagerly

  sucked on his cock. She looked wild and wanton, his fingers buried in her hair as he gyrated against her

  face. The image pushed her over the edge and she screamed as she came.

  “Mmm, that’s my sweet girl,” Jay cooed. “God, Haley, every time you come, it makes me half crazy.

  Your body just bursts wide open and it feels so damn good. So fucking hot. The only thing better is

  having my cock buried inside you.”

  Her head fell back as her body quieted and her eyes closed briefly. His erotic words brought a brazen

  smile to her lips. It was just so wonderfully freeing to be like this. To have a man so intent on satisfying

  her every desire, content to see her appetites appeased. Spoiled, that’s what she was. And so help her,

  she was beginning to like it a little too much.

  “I can see those wheels turning again, Haley.”

  Jay sounded amused, but there was the unmistakable note of arousal as well. As he spoke, he continued

  to press his large palm against her mound. Such a tender gesture, but also dominant. So much like Jay.

  Loving and gentle but quite selfishly male, as if he were saying mine .

  “I suppose I just can’t seem to believe how many times I’ve been able to…” She stuttered to a stop and

  waited, but he wasn’t about to let her off the hook so easily, so she forged on. “You know, how often

  I’ve been able to come this weekend.” She lifted her head from the back of the couch and forced herself

  to look at him through her embarrassment. There was no laughter in his expression. Only affection and

  need. They mixed and mingled and he appeared more potent than ever.

  “You deserved it.” He winked at her and smiled, lightening the mood the tiniest bit. “Hell, you needed


  She laughed at that. “You’re right, I did need it.”

  “I’m just glad I was the one here with you, sweetheart.”

  Her laughter died away as she whispered, “Me too, Jay.”

  He touched her hair, smoothing it lovingly away from her face. “Such a simple statement, but I get the

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  feeling there’s a lot more you want to say to me.”

  “Yes. There’s a lot more, but I need time to pull myself together.” She straightened and pressed her

  thighs together, forcing him to remove his hand from between them. “Do you mind if I go back to my

  cabin? I need a few hours to think.”

  The fierce way he looked at her made Haley feel cornered. As if he were hesitant about letting her go,

  even for a short while.

  In the end, he complied. “I could stand a few hours of downtime myself.”

  She breathed, relieved and yet sad he’d agreed so easily. Then he turned her heart to mush all over

  again when he grumbled, “But only for a few hours. Don’t skip out on me, baby.”

  Shocked he would even think such a thing, she jumped up from the couch and came back down onto

  Jay’s lap. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. His arms crushed her against his chest and

  an odd thought occurred to her. It was the first time she’d kissed him. She’d let him do all the work

  throughout t
heir wild encounter and he hadn’t once complained. Amazing.

  When she finally managed to tear her mouth away, the sizzling heat in his electric-blue eyes reminded her

  he was still severely turned-on. He looked like a savage with his hair wildly tangled, his body taut with

  need. He kept clenching and unclenching his jaw, as if struggling to hold back.

  Haley touched his face, thrilling at the texture of his stubbly cheek, “I can’t leave, Jay, because I’m not

  through with you yet.”

  His mouth curved. “Good, because I’m not nearly done with you, Ms. Thorne.”

  His erection pushed against her soft belly and she offered, “I don’t have to leave yet. I could take care

  of you first.”

  He flung his head back against the couch and stayed still for a minute. Haley wondered if she’d said

  something wrong.

  Very deliberately, Jay said, “No.” His deep voice sounded harsh in the quiet room. Just that one word,

  but it was like a punch in the stomach to Haley.

  “Oh,” she uttered and started to get off of his lap, but his arms around her waist tightened their hold and

  she found herself trapped.

  “Not no because I don’t want you, baby. No, because I don’t want your mouth this time. I want your

  sweet, hot pussy. I want that so bad it’s making me insane.” He swallowed hard as his gaze fell to her

  breasts. After a long, tense moment he stared back up at her with regret. “But your body needs a break,

  and I swore I wouldn’t hurt you.” She blushed even as her heart began to beat a happy rhythm.

  His face softened a fraction as he promised, “So, if you don’t come back to me in a few hours, I’ll come

  looking for you, baby. I swear I will.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…” she said, somewhat speechless.

  “And, just so we’re clear here, a few means two. No longer.”

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  “Two hours, got it.” Then she covered her mouth to hide her laughter.

  He squinted at her. “Are you laughing at me again?”

  “Of course not,” Haley assured him, although her words were mumbled because she still covered her


  I think you are.” The hint of mischief in his eyes was her only warning. Very smoothly, and without any

  effort whatsoever, Haley found herself on her belly across Jay’s lap.


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