Carrion Crow

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Carrion Crow Page 2

by Talis Jones

  He barked out a laugh. “No, no. Most people can alter their appearance at will,” he teased.

  Adrianna’s mind whirred incoherently, struggling to soak in all of this new information. “You’re a jerk,” she snapped as her cheeks reddened but she couldn’t keep a small smile off of her face. He gave her a crooked grin in return.

  Music faded from their awareness and a sudden bleakness sprung over her as her eyes drifted off in a distant memory. “I suppose you don’t need me to protect you anymore now that you’ve gone and grown up. Not that I did a particularly good job anyway… Eisen, I’m truly sorry for that day. I just…I’m so glad that you’re here. With me again.”

  Geoffrey turned away conflicted, his hands balled into fists at his sides. “I know you love me, Adri. I think you’re the only one who ever did. But I can’t stay. I have plans set into motion. I just came to see for myself that you were okay and to let you know that you needn’t worry about me. But…but you could come with me…?”

  Adrianna shook her head sadly. “I can’t, Eisen. Crown Morrigan is holding me here in her palace. If I leave she’ll hurt people I care about and I couldn’t live with that guilt.” Rage quickly colored his face but she hurried on recognizing the signs of his temper. “But what is there to be done? Why do you have to leave and throw yourself into this dangerous game?”

  “I’m building an army, “ he growled. “I promised to save you the day that putrescent queen took you away and I intend to make good on it. I need you to trust me, Adri. If you won’t come then I have to leave you.”

  “What?” breathed Adrianna confused and admittedly a bit distressed.

  His temper snapped causing Adrianna to step back startled. “She ruined everything! She stole you away from me and she dragged you into a war! I have no one, Adrianna. You are all I have left and she’s taken you. You are tethered to her leash like a plaything! Don't you understand?”

  “I’m not on any sort of leash,” protested Adrianna hotly. “I just—”

  “None that you can see perhaps, but doubtless she’ll soon fashion you one.” His face crumpled, “And I can’t bear to witness that, Adri. You are meant to be so much more and I can’t stand to watch as she clips your wings and locks you in her cage of stone and diamonds. Please, if you won’t come with me then you must let me go.”

  Adrianna stood there swaying slightly on her feet, heartbroken at his suffering and at the realization that he had appeared back in her life only to vanish again moments later. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks as she stared at the face of the boy she once knew. His eyes stabbed her heart with the innocence that had dissipated replaced by fire and conviction. Guests began gathering outside, summoned by their raised voices, tottering about craning their necks curious as to what all the fuss was about. The party had come to a crashing halt. Adrianna could sense the watchful crowd’s presence behind her and she knew what she had to do.

  “Join me, Adrianna,” he growled.

  “I’m not leaving, Geoffrey. I’m sorry but you’re wrong.”

  Adrianna blinked surprised by the tears that she hadn’t recalled staining his little round face moments before. He wiped his reddened nose with his sleeve making him look even younger and rather pitiful. The whole sight made Adrianna feel awful.

  “Is it that boy I saw you dancing with? Are you choosing him instead of your own brother?” he cried.

  Adrianna’s eyebrows shot up shocked at the accusation. “No! Of course not.”

  “You can’t stay here! You c-can’t!” with each word poor Geoffrey seemed even more helpless and small and Adrianna struggled to catch up. He hiccupped softly as he tried to calm himself and his wracking sobs.

  “I will never stop loving you, Geoffrey. Not ever. But you’ve lost yourself and I won’t let your misguided assumptions destroy my friends or the peace that has finally begun to sooth this land. I stand with the Crown.” Gingerly she pulled him into a hug as she whispered in his ear, “I won’t ever stop fighting for you.”

  He smiled woefully and murmured back, “I know. But right now I can’t let you do that for me.” Roughly he straightened up pushing her away from him. With a scowl he growled, “I go by Eisen, now. It’s a name you won’t wish to forget.” And with that he spun on the back of his heel disappearing in an eerie gust of smoke.

  Adrianna collapsed to her knees not caring about her gown sinking into the damp earth. Her hand clutched her chest as she felt her heart begin fracturing into pieces. Footsteps clod softly from behind and Jack knelt down beside her holding her shaking body tightly against his own. “That was perfect,” he whispered in a low velvety voice and slowly, hesitantly, she smiled. Although they both chose a role to play this night she couldn’t help but feel that they had both unleashed some buried truth at each other. Something had indeed fractured in her heart that night and she worried why.

  “Adrianna! What’s going on? Adrianna?” In flurried Crown Morrigan through the crowd with Addar in tow. Addar stopped a respectful distance away but Sarai flew towards Adrianna’s crumpled form practically swatting Jack away from her. He frowned but backed away allowing Sarai to pull Adrianna up to her feet and embrace her in a tight hug.

  “I’ll be alright, Sarai,” trembled Adrianna. She pushed Sarai away from her but the Crown grabbed her chin forcing her to look at her.

  “Who was that boy, Adrianna? Was that your little brother?” Adrianna nodded sadly and Sarai pursed her lips. “He possess full magic, did you know that?” she asked curiously with an undertone of sharpness.

  “No, not until tonight. I hadn’t seen him since we arrived in Privatus,” answered Adrianna, her tears quickly drying as she took hold of herself.

  “Hmm,” thought Sarai. “What did he want?”

  “He wanted to see me, to let me know that he’s okay, and a—and…” Adrianna let her voice drift off nervously.

  “And what?” pressed Sarai gently.

  “And he wanted me to run away with him. He said he’s building an army and he wanted me to join them.” At this the briefest flash of concern passed Sarai’s face. “I told him I wouldn’t go. I don’t know what he believes but I know it’s wrong. You’re my friend, Sarai, how could I ever betray you?”

  At this Sarai pulled Adrianna into another hug and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll never let him take you from me.”

  Addar appeared beside them. “They said his name is ‘Eisen,’” he mused nodding his head indicating a cluster of stragglers who lingered nosily. “There have been rumors about a man named Eisen causing a bit of a disturbance with rebellious inclinations down south.”

  “Indeed,” pondered Sarai. “Well her brother is a child, so if these two people are the same person then I hardly find it particularly concerning. The Whispers are clearly not working with him and people are too eager for peace to bother following a troublemaker so soon.”

  “But child or not, your brother is a Whisper and possesses full magic,” he pointed out in Adrianna’s direction. Adrianna bit her lip in agreement with his concern.

  “Indeed,” muttered Sarai sounding annoyed. “We shall keep an eye on him, then. I will summon Melanthios and Gabor in the morning but for now, we celebrate.” With a wide grin she took Addar’s hand and led him back to the tent. As they entered she waved her hand lazily commanding the musicians to play a more enthusiastic tune. Soon all of the guests were frolicking about as if the whole disruptive scene had never occurred.

  With a sigh Adrianna made her way towards the tent, not particularly feeling in a festive mood but not wanting to upset Crown Morrigan either. A warm hand caught hers and she turned to see Jack walking beside her. Both looked grim and worried but the moment they passed over the threshold pleasant smiles replaced their tight frowns.


  Eisen materialized in a small forest clearing where all that could be seen were shifting shadows that seemed to prowl as if bound to no thing or beast. Despite the bright moon above and the stars that surrounded her, th
e moon’s beams could not reach very far within these woods. Silvanus was a wild place that once made him quake with fear but now Eisen found it comforting. It was a place full of magic, a place where no one could find him if he did not wish it, a place where he was safe because he was one of the few brave enough to breach its borders. Silvanus still pulsed with Oneiroi’s magic and it bowed to no one. Impossible to map, the paths could lead a friend to salvation or a foe to demise.

  Using the dim light as his guide his boots crunched on rocky soil as he walked along the edge of an impossibly still pond, its surface as smooth as glass reflecting the inky sky and her jewels. After a few minutes of tranquil traveling he stopped. With a snap of his fingers a white glow bloomed at his fingertips, a deft flick of his wrist tossed the pulsing orb up into the air pausing to hover a dozen feet or so above his head spreading its illumination to fill the clearing.

  Across the pond leaned Ralph, waiting for him tensely in the trees. “Well?”

  Eisen shrugged. “She received the note from Henry—”

  “Who’s ‘enry? And why are we trusting him?” asked Ralph puzzled.

  Eisen smiled amused. “Henry is a bird.” At that he lifted his elbow and from the darkness a silky black falcon with an interesting white splotch on his breast perched upon it. Henry let out a proud caw before locking its oddly intense stare upon Ralph.

  “Indeed,” muttered Ralph a touch wary.

  “As I was saying, she received my message and all seemed to go as planned. We can only know how effective it was, if it had any effect at all, when she manages to send a report.”

  “And ‘ow was she?” asked Ralph kindly.

  “She was…she seemed happy,” replied Eisen slowly. With a thrust of his arm Henry launched back into the air circling before perching on a branch nearby.

  “You don’t sound certain.”

  “No, I’m not certain. She seemed tired…but a lot of that could be blamed on me for not telling her sooner that I was alright.” Eisen clasped his hands behind his back as he turned away in thought. Suddenly he asked, “She was with a man I’ve never seen before. He’s a Whisper, I could feel it.”

  Ralph nodded his head slowly. “’is name is Jack. Jack Cromwell.”

  “How did he become a part of this? Who is he?”

  “Depends on who you ask. He officially joined their li’tl rebel par’y as both a favor fer ol’ Novo an’ because Crown Morrigan makes it ‘ard to say ‘no.’”

  “And unofficially?”

  “He did it fer her.”

  “Her? Do you mean Adri?” questioned Eisen trying to put together the pieces. “They both had a tattoo on their left arms. I didn’t have time to ask her about it,” he added suddenly.

  “They’re bonded, then. Israfil’s magic no doubt,” mused Ralph softly.

  “What do you mean they’re bonded? Can it be broken?”

  Ralph stared at Eisen seriously, the wolf-side appearing twice as fearsome in the shadowy light. “Calm yerself, boy. He’s been protectin’ her since before the bond an’ he’ll continue to protect her now. ‘onesly ye should be ‘appy that she’s not alone in tha’ palace.” Eisen nodded but his thoughts wandered back to their faces when he saw them dancing… “Quit overthinkin’ like some bloody philosopher. Now, d’ye think ye got enough in ye fer a quick round?”

  At the challenge Eisen pushed aside his pile of thoughts, plans, and concerns. With his hands curled into fists he raised them before his face and in a flash he fell into a dance with the wolf matching him blow for blow. Without missing a beat Eisen summoned them a pair of bō staffs altering their attacks. Just as Eisen disarmed Ralph tossing his staff into the air, Ralph lunged into a side roll catching the staff before it struck the earth but looked up in time to see Eisen’s staff pointed at his face. Ralph grinned proudly.

  From behind them someone clapped slowly causing them both to spin around alerted. Out from the shadows came Titus.

  “It’s amazing what a body of determination and a pinch of magic can achieve in just a few months,” he congratulated Eisen.

  Ralph had risen from his crouch and dusted his pants as he inquired, “An’ to wha’ do we owe this pleasure, Titus?”

  “I’m simply checking up on our boy,” he answered with a cryptic smile.

  “Hmm,” murmured Ralph but he rolled his eyes and said nothing else.

  “I saw my sister,” mentioned Eisen.

  “And was she well?”

  “Technically speaking. But it seems to me she’s in a bigger net than before,” he glowered at the bearded pirate lord.

  Titus cocked his head to the side. “Bigger nets have bigger holes. You know where she is, she’s a stationary target, and more than that she’s managed to maintain a useful friendship with the Crown herself. Seems like a gift of good fortune, if you ask me.”

  “What, you want me to use my sister as a spy? You do know what happens when spies get caught, don’t you? They’re interrogated and then silenced.” Eisen shook his head firmly. “I won’t do that to her. I just want to free her.”

  “You’ll never free her by breaking her out and living on the run. That’s not freedom. There are bigger things at play here, boy. And you’d be a fool to not take advantage of such an opportunity.” Titus’ gaze tightened.

  “What is it?” spat Eisen feeling antsy under the ancient man’s shrewd stare.

  “No, I think I’ll let you re-evaluate your situation and save this little story for later.” Eisen shook his head and turned to leave when Titus’ voice stopped him in his tracks. “You’re still alone. People are too hopeful that Crown Morrigan’s peace will last.”

  “How can no one, not a single person, care enough to help me?” asked Eisen disgusted. He hadn’t really expected an answer but Titus threw him one anyway.

  “They’re too used to looking after themselves. The end of Crown Dismas seems too good to be true and they don’t want to cause a wrinkle in the bed sheets. You offer them treason against the Crown, their savior.” He sneered at that last word and Eisen was inclined to agree.

  “What is it you want from me, Titus?” snapped Eisen frustrated with the truth in his words.

  “Ah, leave ‘im alone,” groaned Ralph.

  “Consider using Leitfaden’s position to your advantage and in return I’ll help you,” offered Titus seriously but Eisen didn’t miss that clever glint in his dark eyes.

  “A trade?” inquired Eisen suspicious.

  “Why not? You hate the Crown already for snatching away your sister. All you have to do is leave her there a while longer until the time is right. You’re not just going to break out your Leitfaden, you’re going to blast her whole jail apart.”

  “You want me ruin Morrigan? You want me to bring a kingdom to its knees?” Titus’s answering grin looked unhinged in the pulsing light and shifting shadows. Eisen crossed his arms in front of his chest as Ralph sighed shaking his head. “And in return you’ll give me what?”

  “I will train you in the craft of magic personally. And I’ll give you two names who will join your little army.” Titus winked and Eisen knew that he knew his bluff. He may have spread word of a growing army but unless Henry counted as a member then the ranks consisted of just one lonely soldier: him.

  “Just two?”

  “They’re all the gunpowder you’ll need to kickstart a full outfit,” promised Titus.

  “I already know how to use magic,” pressed Eisen.

  At this Titus barked out a dark chuckle. “Oh, you’ve managed quite well on your own, to be sure. And Israfil guided you further, indeed. But you’re nowhere near the level of power that you’ll be needing, boy.” He leaned towards Eisen speaking with an intensity that drew the boy in. “You can feel it, can’t you? Dancing at your fingertips. Lurking in your veins. Buried in your heart. Singing in your bones. You can feel it trying to break free, but you’re afraid of it. You’re afraid to unleash it all lest what it might do.” A shadowy grin snapped into place upon his face.
“I’ll show you.”

  Eisen swallowed slowly stepping back from his wild intensity. He looked over at Ralph but his face remained impassive giving Eisen nothing to read. “Let’s kill the wicked witch,” sighed Eisen solemnly.

  Titus clasped his hand with a dark grin while Ralph muttered under his breath, “Indeed.” At Eisen’s words the wolf seemed far away and angry but the sailor’s eyes danced delighted.


  Eisen sat outside his tent in the clearing as the citrus sun crested the horizon bathing the grassy patch in a sudden fiery warmth of golden light. Keeping his eyes closed in gentle concentration he slowly opened his fist, unclasping it finger by finger, holding it palm up as if in offering to the orb in the sky. Light grazed his open palm but did not shine past. An offering from the sun.

  Tendrils of warmth and sunshine pooled with curled wisps swirling within the curve of his palm. From within the dancing rays a drop of blood appeared but rather than drip to the ground it welled up and twisted into the form of a rosebud. Petal by petal it grew and bloomed, each delicate silky layer as soft as lips as the rose stretched with a delicious yawn in the morning glory.

  In a blink the flower had formed and rested lightly in Eisen’s feather-soft grasp. He opened his eyes and gazed at the bloom with a small smile to himself. He found the velvet offering striking with its dark red and purplish black petals striated with pale cream streaks.

  “Beautiful,” a gruff voice sounded causing Eisen to snap his head up with a sharp look in the man’s direction. A slight scowl marred his face at the interruption. “Didn’t know you liked roses.”

  Eisen shrugged his shoulders lightly. “Adrianna loved these. She was fond of its strange coloring and its pointed petals. Never wanted to settle for the classic red ones like all the other girls at school got on Valentine’s Day. She wanted something different, special. No two of these are the same and you never know how the seed will bloom. She loved that.”


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