Blurring the Line (The Line Series Book 2)

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Blurring the Line (The Line Series Book 2) Page 1

by Nikki Rose

  Copyright © 2019 Nikki Rose.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination. Any mention of brands or products belong to their respective trademark holder and are only included for entertainment purposes.

  Front cover image and book design by Nikki Rose.

  First printing edition 2019.

  Chapter 1

  I fought my way through the crowd gathered in the Syntagma Square. Lifting my hand to shield the blinding midday sun from my eyes, I focused on the Greek ambassador taking his place at the microphone in front of the Old Royal Palace. We’d heard some chatter online about the attack planned by foreign enemies wishing to stir trouble for the U.S. and its allies. Several strikes were planned in low risk countries to show the United States and anyone who allies with us that nowhere was safe.

  “Mason, you on standby?”

  “Not yet. This crowd is impossible to get through.”

  “Hunter, you see anything?”

  “Nothing yet.”

  “We need to get up there. The shooter could be anywhere.” I pushed my way to the front of the crowd gathered in Syntagma Square, ignoring the scowls of disapproval at my rudeness.

  “Are they sure about the location and time? This is the third event we’ve crashed with no shooter so far.”

  “This is it. I’m sure.” I used my arms to spread the crowd, struggling passed the mass of people gathered to hear the U.S. ambassador speak. “Out of the way. I need to get through.” I pushed a large man out of my path and he turned around swinging his fist toward my jaw. I dodged his blow and restrained his arm behind his back in one smooth move.

  “Whoa, big guy. I am here on official U.S. business. Do you understand? I’m police.”

  He quit fighting to get out of my grip and I released him so I could move on.

  “Why do I always seem to get the violent ones?” I chuckled into my mic and could hear Mason laugh on the other end.

  “Maybe you just have one of those faces,” Hunter's voice came through my headset.

  “Very funny.”

  I rolled my eyes before looking over my shoulder at every possible perch but there was no sign of a shooter. I pushed my way farther through the crowd, making my way toward the podium. Every few steps I took a look around, trying to find some sign to show me where a shooter might have perched. My path cleared when I made it to the stairs where the public wasn't allowed. I glanced around again and the smallest glint of metal in a fifth floor window caught my eye.

  “Gun!” My legs propelled me up the stairs of their own accord, I reached the podium, and lunged at the ambassador. We tumbled to the ground, me landing on top of him. Cries from the crowd sounded distant and my arm burned from the impact.

  The voice of one of the men on my team came through my earpiece. “We got him. I repeat, threat is neutralized. Threat is neutralized.”

  I lifted myself off the ambassador and spotted the blood covering his right shoulder. “Shit, sir. Are you hit?”

  “It’s not mine,” He inclined his head toward my left bicep and for the first time I felt the full extent of the pain pouring into my arm.

  “Damn it, you’ve been hit,” Mason ran to me and clasped his jacket over the bloody spot on my arm to stop the bleeding.

  I gritted my teeth and spoke through the pain, “I’m okay. I don’t think it’s that bad.”

  “We’ll let the medic determine that.”

  “Fine. But first, get the ambassador inside.”

  “Hey, Chris. Welcome back,” Several guys called out as I walked through the office.

  “Thanks Andrew, Dom, James.”

  “How’s that arm?”

  “Still stronger than yours,” I teased Dom as I walked passed him toward Wendy's desk.

  Wendy was Director Applegate's secretary and though she wasn't that many years older than most of us, she acted almost as mother hen to all us guys.

  “Hey, Wendy.”

  “Chris. I'm so glad you're back. It just isn't the same around here without you.”

  “Thanks. It's good to be back.”

  “How are you feeling? Fully recovered?”

  “Yep. I'm back and ready for action.”

  “Always so anxious to jump into an assignment,” her warm smile was a nice change from the cold agency medical staff poking and prodding.

  “It's what I live for.”

  “Well then, you're in luck. The Director wants to see you in his office.”

  “Uh oh. Am I in trouble?”

  “I'm sure you'd never do anything to get in trouble for.”

  I gave Wendy a wink and reached for the door.

  I knocked on the heavy wood that stood between me and my boss. It was never a good thing to be called to Director Applegate’s office. The experience gave me flashbacks of my junior high principal's office. I hoped it was just to check in on my recovery and insure I was ready to get back in the field since the doctors had cleared me three days prior.

  “Come in,” his voice boomed from behind the door and I opened it slowly.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes. Come in. Sit,” Director Applegate appeared solemn from across his desk as he hung up his office phone.

  I took a seat, never letting my eyes leave him.

  “How’s the arm?”

  “Better, sir. Doctors say I’m good as new.”

  “Good because I have an assignment for you.”

  My shoulders relaxed as a rush of air left my body. “Oh. Okay.”

  “This is a special assignment. You won’t have a regular handler for this. You will report directly to me.”

  “Yes, sir,” I leaned forward in my seat, waiting to hear what exciting mission I’d be going on that the Director wouldn’t even let his trusted secretary pass along the assignment details.

  “As the whole division is well aware, we’ve had to go into high alert after that hacker made it passed our security and into personnel files. They accessed several employees, myself included.”

  “Yes, sir. Do we have a lead?” I couldn’t wait to find the assholes who dared break into our computer network. It was an embarrassment to have part of the government’s security compromised.

  “Tech is still combing through things. We are looking into the ring Olivia was part of, trying to find out how high the corruption goes.”

  “You think they’re connected?”

  “I’m not ruling it out but at this point, we just don’t know. It’s not like the agency hasn’t made it’s fair share of enemies over the years.”

  “Just point me at them. I can’t wait to take those guys down.”

  “I’m afraid it's not that simple.”

  “Oh?” I sat back in my chair partially deflated by the Director’s discouraging tone.

  “Tech has been scouring the web for any chatter on who might have done this and what their objective was. Last night they picked up an exchange on the dark web that leads us to believe that whoever these people are, they were targeting me specifically and used the other files to throw us off.”

  “You? Who are these men? I’ll take them out—”

  “We don’t kno
w who these men are and until we do, my family and I will all be under security watch twenty-four-seven. I want you on that security team.”

  “You want me to be your bodyguard?”

  “Not me. O'Neill will be watching my back.”

  “Then who?”


  “Your daughter?” I’d never met the Director’s daughter. I only ever saw the professional headshot of her that sat on the Director’s desk. She had a pretty face but there was something in her expression. She looked annoyed or unhappy. Like taking the picture was beneath her. The same picture had been in his office for the passed four years and was taken when she graduated high school. I was sure she’d changed a lot in the last four years. Hell, I probably wouldn’t even recognize her if I saw her in person. Other than the single picture, I wouldn’t have known she even existed if it weren’t for Wendy. The Director’s secretary liked to chat. I’d heard stories about the Director having to go get his daughter out of trouble from time to time.

  “They could target Caroline to get to me. You know that’s how some of these people work.”

  “So you want me to babysit your daughter until we catch whoever’s behind this?”

  “She’s almost twenty-three. It’s hardly babysitting. But, yes. I want you to act as her twenty-four-seven security detail until we are sure she’s safe. I wanted to send her out of town to stay with my in-laws out in Wyoming but she wouldn’t have it.”

  She wouldn’t have it? The fact that a twenty-two year old girl was calling the shots over the Director was not lost on me.

  “Sir, if I may speak frankly...?”

  “Of course.”

  “Am I being punished?”

  “Punished? Why on earth would you think that?” Director Applegate sat back in his chair, studying me with narrowed eyes.

  “It’s just — being put on babysitting duty...” I didn’t want to offend him but with an assignment like this, it seemed as though somehow I already had.

  He laughed. A deep belly laugh I’d only heard on rare occasions. “No, you’re not being punished. Although I can see why it might feel that way. Caroline is the joy of my life. She’s my little girl. I want my best watching her until this threat is taken care of and after your actions in Athens I can’t think of anyone I’d rather watch after her.”

  I should be honored by this assignment. The Director was trusting me with his only child. But, somehow it still felt more like a punishment than a reward. “When do I start?”

  “Immediately. I had an agent pick her up early this morning as soon as the threat was verified. She’s waiting in the council room. I wanted to talk to you about the mission before bringing her in on it. I'll need you to stay with her whenever I'm not home and anytime she is out and about even if she is with me. The house has a well equipped security system to help keep her safe but when we are out I want someone whose only job is to keep her safe.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Director Applegate pressed the call button on his office phone and spoke into the speaker. “Wendy, please send Caroline in.”

  “Yes, sir,” Wendy’s voice came through the speaker with a mix of crackling white noise.

  Moments later there was a quiet rapping on the door.

  “Come in,” With the Director’s command, the door slowly opened to reveal Wendy. She held open the door and looked behind her as she stepped out of the way.

  “Right this way.”

  “Thank you.” A sweet sultry voice came from just beyond my view.

  Every thought of babysitting was knocked out of my mind once my eyes landed on the knockout that walked through that door. I stood in silence taking in every lush curve of the tall, goddess of a woman. Her V-neck showed just enough cleavage to leave a man wanting more. Her legs went on for miles before disappearing under the black skirt that led somewhere I imagined was as close to heaven as a man like me would ever get. I'd always been a shallow man when it came to my dating life. I made no effort to hide that fact. But, as the Director cleared his throat, I realized it was his daughter I was leering at like the wolf in the nightclub cartoon. I rolled my tongue up off the floor and sucked my eyes back into my head before turning my attention to the Director who hadn’t missed a thing. He eyed me with a knowing look and drummed his fingers on his desk.

  I cleared my throat and rose from my seat to offer her my hand. “I’m Chris.”

  “Caroline.” She barely took time to shake my hand before heading straight to her father’s desk. “Dad, I don’t need some bodyguard following me around all the time. I barely get any freedom as it is and now you want to have me under guard?”

  “It’s just until we sort out the validity of this threat.”

  She didn’t back down, mounting her hands on her hips. “How am I supposed to go out with my friends or on dates with a babysitter tagging along?”

  Things were getting pretty uncomfortable in the office. I felt like an intruder on a private moment between father and daughter. As hard as it was, I had to say something to get myself out of there. “Maybe I should go let you two have time to discuss this.”

  Director Applegate shot a glance in my direction but quickly returned his glare to his daughter. “This is not up for discussion or debate. I may go easy on you and let you have your way most of the time but I will not compromise when it comes to your safety. You will go along with this or I’ll put you in protective custody until this is all over. That would make it even harder to hang out with your friends or that future inmate you call a boyfriend.”

  “You can’t control me forever.”

  “No, but I can damn well try.”

  Chapter 2

  My dad had finally lost it. Maybe it was the fact that I’d soon be graduating from college and would be going out into the real world as he liked to say or maybe I’d finally pushed him too far by dating Derek. Even I had to admit Derek was a bad idea. He was a drop out who spent most of his time in front of his computer screen getting high and drinking cheap vodka. I only started dating him because he seemed dangerous and I needed a little adventure in my sheltered life.

  Plus, I knew it would drive my dad insane. Maybe this was all my fault. I’d driven him over the edge and he finally snapped. I had to get away from him before I said something I’d regret. Like suggesting I move in with Derek so he couldn’t use the whole ‘while you’re living under my roof’ bit. I hadn’t heard the last few things my dad said as my mind reeled but the moment he stopped talking I turned on my heel and stormed from his office.

  Just before I slammed the door I could hear him yelling at the poor guy stuck in the middle of our family drama. “Well don’t just stand there, follow her.”

  A moment later the door opened and I was exceedingly aware of the man slowly gaining on me. There was no sense in running, but I kept my quick pace out of principle. I barely made it out the door before his vice-like grip closed in on my bicep. He whirled me around to face him and grabbed me by both shoulders before loosening his grip slightly.

  “Would you stop for just a minute?”

  “What?” I snapped.

  “I don’t want this job any more than you want me on it but I haven’t done anything to you so don’t go trying to make my job harder than it has to be.”

  “Oh excuse me because my main priority in life is to make it easier for you to keep me from living my life. That’s what my dad has done my whole life and now he’s outsourcing the job.” I threw my hands up in the air, trying to get his hands off me but he held firm.

  “The least you could do is not act like a spoiled brat. Your dad is just trying to protect you.”

  “Protect me? He’s not trying to protect me. He’s trying to control me — like always.”

  “You’re a selfish, spoiled brat, aren’t you? There are dangerous people out there and you just want to go running around with your friends.”

  “How dare you pretend to know me. You don’t know anything about me or my life. Now, get your han
ds off of me. If my dad saw how you were —.”

  “What? How I was keeping you from running off to do God knows what? I got news for you. That’s what he hired me for. Whatever job I’m on, I give one hundred and ten percent so get used to me being around because you’re going to be stuck with me until your dad says otherwise.”

  “He hired you to keep an eye on me but if he saw how you’re putting your hands on me, you wouldn’t have a job anymore.” The nerve of this guy presuming to put his hands on me made my blood boil. I knew my dad would never stand for it.

  “Oh he can see. There are cameras all over out here. I guess if I’m going to lose my job, I might as well do it right.”

  In one swift motion my world tilted upside down as Chris threw me over his shoulder and stalked through the parking lot. For a moment, I couldn’t speak for utter shock of the situation. As shock faded, rage ensued.

  “Put me down, you neanderthal.” I kicked my legs and pounded my fists on his back but he was seemingly unphased. A strong arm clamped down on my legs, pinning them in place so the most I could do was squirm.

  I screeched and pounded my fists harder on his back. “You can’t treat me like this. My father—.”

  “Your father told me to protect you. I’m protecting you, princess.”

  “Put. Me. Down.” I emphasize each word with my pounding fists.

  “Gladly.” He flipped me back upright, lowering my feet to the ground with little room between him and the passenger side of a black sedan and the smug jackass actually had the nerve to smile at me. He opened the car door unceremoniously and motioned inside. “Now get in.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you home where it will be easier to protect you.”

  “I’m supposed to be going out dancing with friends.”

  “You have got to be kidding me. Do you not understand that you’ve been threatened and could very well be in danger?”

  “Of course I understand. My dad is the Director. There is always some unforeseen danger or threat. I still have to be able to live my life.”


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