Blurring the Line (The Line Series Book 2)

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Blurring the Line (The Line Series Book 2) Page 8

by Nikki Rose

  The moment I let go of her she pushed passed me toward the door. I grabbed hold of her biceps and swung her around so that her back was against the wall. Grasping her wrists with one hand above her head, my other hand cupped her throat, giving just enough pressure to let her know I was in control.

  Her eyes turned as big as saucers and a flash of fear crossed her face. I pushed my body against hers, effectively pinning her to the wall. Her expression quickly melted into something different. Her body softened, yielding to my control and her chest rose and fell heavy with her quickening breath.

  “That’s enough. You want to be treated like a grown woman and be allowed to make your own decisions? You say you can take care of yourself and that you don’t need your dad to take care of you? Then start acting like it. Quit being so impulsive and reckless. Think of other people besides just yourself and think before you act. You get upset and storm off and it could be a fatal mistake. When you’re messing with dangerous criminals who are threatening your life, one wrong move is all it takes to get yourself or someone else killed.”

  “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t want to mess up your job.” She bit out. That little fire reigniting in her eyes.

  “Think before you act and don’t go jumping to conclusions when you don’t know all the facts.”

  “I know enough. I know you fucked me up against this very same wall and now I find out you have a wife.” Caroline was no angel but I’d never heard her talk like that. She’d called me an asshole more times than I could count but this was different. She was belittling what had happened between us and she was doing it on purpose. She didn’t even know the whole story — just jumped to the conclusion that I was a cheating bastard without so much as a moment to explain which pissed me off more than anything.

  “I married her so she could come into this country to escape her abusive family overseas, you impulsive brat.”

  “What?” She froze. I finally had her attention.

  “I met Aleaha when I was on a mission overseas eight years ago. I married her so she could come to the U.S. after her request for asylum was denied because of her father’s history with the taliban which ironically was the reason she wanted to escape.”

  “But that was eight years ago. Why haven’t you two gotten a divorce by now?”

  “After the three years was up, Aleaha filed for citizenship and got it. We went our separate ways so she could live her life the way she wanted and I went on with my regular bachelor life. Neither of us was really worried about what the legal marital status was since it had never been anything more than an agreement out of survival.”

  “So there’s never been anything between you two?”

  “Never. And you would have known that if you hadn’t have jumped to your conclusions and stormed off.”

  “I’m sorry.” Her lip quivered again. When she pulled her plump lower lip between her teeth and let the soft flesh slip free, I couldn’t take it anymore. My lips crashed against hers as I took her mouth. It wasn’t a kiss, it was a claiming. We couldn’t be together. It would never work long term but in that moment I had to have her, to claim her. My hand left her throat and roamed down her body while my other hand kept her pinned to the wall.

  She may have never listened to a order I’d given while trying to keep her safe but damn it, I was in control now and I was going to make this frustrating, stubborn, incredibile woman mine if only for a little while.

  He released my wrists and hooked his hands under my knees, lifting me and I wrapped my legs around his waist without breaking the kiss. I needed to be close to him, as close as possible. Chris carried me to the bed. I gasped as I flew through the air, crashing onto the mattress and he was on me again. He ripped my shirt up over my head and tossed it on the floor, revealing the little black lace bra I was glad I’d chosen for the day.

  He let his gaze drag down my body hungrily for a moment but he didn’t take long before he moved on to the rest of my clothes, yanking my jeans and panties down at once.

  “You have tortured me for way too long. I’ve had you once but I need you again. I want you naked under me as fast as humanly possible.” He was like a starving animal, grabbing and pawing at me until every shred of clothing was gone and I laid bare and exposed before him.

  Chris stood at the foot of the bed and quickly stripped. I leaned up on my elbows to watch him tearing his own clothes from his body. Panting and looking up at him only made my need burn even deeper.

  He barely took the time to pull a condom from his wallet. He ripped it open and slipped it over his thickness before he was on top of me again. He kissed me hard and long, making my body respond by thrusting my hips against him. He managed to pull himself away from me and I feared he was changing his mind. The thought of stopping now made me desperate to keep going.

  He lifted up onto his knees. I silently looked up at him, panting heavily with ragged breaths and a pounding heart as I prayed he wouldn’t stop. He took a long moment to just stare down at me. His gaze raked down my body with such intensity that it was like I could feel his touch following his gaze. Finally, he aligned himself with my hot, wet, entrance and delved inside without another hesitation. My slick walls stretched and quivered, welcoming him inside and it was the single most wonderful feeling I’d ever experienced.

  I cried out, my nails dug into his shoulders, pulling him closer so that our chests pressed together with room for nothing between us. He pulled out and thrusted back in so hard that my body rocked from the force. I closed my eyes and threw my head back. Each thrust forced a small cry from my lips that seemed to encourage him to keep going.

  He grabbed hold of my hips hard and flipped onto his back so that I sat on top of him. With my hands on his chest, I rolled my body and ground on him, moving my hips like pistons as I chased the coming orgasm. I could feel it coming, like waves rippling inside me. My insides clenched and relaxed in pulses.

  I moved faster. I was so close and just couldn’t get enough. I desperately chased my pleasure toward the edge and he was more than willing to help. Chris gripped my hips harder and lifted me up, slamming me back down onto him again and again until every muscle in my body went rigid. My insides clenched around him and he swelled inside me. One last thrust and an explosion lit my body on fire and for that pleasure, I was willing to burn. He let out a loud cry, pushing himself deeper inside me. I threw my head back and let out a loud cry from the ecstasy coursing through me.

  I fell against his chest, panting and gasping for air. Chris wrapped his arms around me and held me close. Eventually our breathing slowed but he didn’t let me go. He ran his hands softly up and down my back while I listened to the beating of his heart until we both dozed off to sleep.

  Chapter 13

  The bright morning sun through Caroline’s bedroom window slowly pulled me from my sleep. Caroline slept on her side facing away from me, tangled in the white bedsheet that draped low over her hip, barely covering the curve of her ass. Her head rested on my arm, strands of her deep chestnut hair fell over her face and I brush them away.

  I kissed her temple and whispered softly to wake her, “Caroline? Caroline?”

  I ran my hand gently along her exposed back, down her spine. She nuzzled against the crook of my arm and began to stir.

  “Caroline.” I whispered softly and she muttered something incoherent. “Wake up, sleepy head.”

  Her eyes finally fluttered open and she gazed up at me with a sexy, sleepy grin. “morning.”

  “Good morning.”

  I heard a car door shut from outside the window and jumped out of bed. “Shit, your dad.”

  She leaned up on her elbow, holding her head in her hand and laughed at me as I hopped on one foot trying to keep my balance while slipping on my pants. “My dad’s not supposed to be back until later.”

  “You can’t count on that.”

  “It’s probably just Ms. —.” She was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and shutting. Ms. James always used the s
ide door. “Shit. My dad's home.”

  I slipped my shirt over my head and hurried to Caroline’s door. I quietly turned the doorknob and pulled the door open just enough to see through the small crack. I had a clear view of the front door as the Director went into his study.

  “It's clear. I gotta get to my room.” I glanced back at Caroline who was rushing to get dressed the same way as I was a few moments ago. I ran out of her room and down the hall toward the guest room where I slept but before I could make it all the way, the study door opened.

  “Caroline?” Director Applegate called from downstairs and I darted into the hall bathroom before he turned around.

  I quickly turned on the shower and hopped in, hoping a workout and shower would offer me an alibi but I could still hear him calling for her up the stairs.

  “Caroline, you aren't still sleeping are you? It's almost eight thirty.”

  There was a knock on her bedroom door just one door down from the bathroom and I jumped like a scared child. I hurried through my shower, leaving the water running a few minutes longer to listen in.


  “Just a minute, dad. I'm getting dressed.”

  “Hey, sorry. You caught me mid-dressing. What's up?

  There was muffled talking from her room but nothing that sounded like we’d been caught. I turned off the shower and dried off but I didn’t have any clothes with me other than what I had been wearing the night before. I couldn’t exactly put those back on so I had to wrap the towel around my waist and wait for the Director to leave.

  I listened for the sound of his heavy boots going down the stairs, then gave it a few minutes before walking out into the hall.

  As I was sneaking to my room, Caroline came out of her room dressed in white capris and a flowy baby blue shirt that matched her eyes. “Everything go okay?”

  “Yeah. Meeting him downstairs for breakfast. You’re shoes are under my bed though.”

  “Shit. I’ll go grab them and toss them in my room before joining you two for breakfast. You don’t think he saw them do you?”

  “My dad isn’t exactly the type to keep something like that to himself. If he thought anything was going on, he’d have said so.”

  “That was way too close.”

  “We’ll have to be more careful, next time.”

  I raised my eyebrows, intrigued by the choice of words. “So there will be a next time?”

  “I sure hope so.” She smirked at me and I leaned in close to her ear.

  “Me too.” She shivered as my lips brushed her ear. I stepped back, leaving her knees so weak that she had to lean against the wall. “You better get downstairs before your dad comes looking for you again.”

  She nodded and smiled back at me before starting down the stairs. I swallowed hard, admiring the sexy little sway of her hips as she descended the stairs before realizing I was still standing in the hall with just a towel around my waist. I ran to her room, found my shoes and ran back to my room to get dressed.

  I made my way downstairs where Caroline and Director Applegate sat at the breakfast table. Our eyes met and she smiled. I smiled back and snuck a small wink when the Director wasn’t looking that made Caroline’s cheeks flush. I walked with confidence passed them and to the fridge.

  Applegate looked over his cup of coffee and nodded my way. “Morning, Chris.”

  “Good morning, Sir. Good morning, Caroline. I trust you slept well.” I had to fight the urge to look at her for longer than I should.

  “I did. Thank you.” Her cheeks flushed even brighter making her look even sexier with that pink blush over her cheeks. She recovered well, taking a sip of her orange juice to hide her response from her dad.

  I poured myself a glass of juice and fixed a plate of the breakfast Ms. James had made. I casually joined them at the table, spearing a piece of cantaloupe with my fork, before shoving the large bight in my mouth.

  “So, do you two have plans today?” The Director looked between us.

  “I thought we could go or a little walk in the park. It’s a nice, public place, and I know that Caroline’s been getting some cabin fever. That is if you’d like to.”

  I directed the last part of my statement to her, letting her know she had a choice of what we did. She flashed me a big grin and I knew she liked the idea of being alone together as much as I did. After the last few days, we really needed time to talk.

  “Oh that sounds nice. I had fun there the last time we went.”

  “Just be careful, you two.” Applegate pinned me with his stare and I nodded my agreement with the large bite of toast in my mouth but Caroline answered for me.

  “We will.”

  I hurried to finish my breakfast so I could get ready to go. I was looking forward to having some alone time with Caroline.

  The warm summer day was perfect. A soft breeze blew through the trees. The birds chirped and kids played on the swings. The world seemed less threatening and ominous than usual. I wasn’t sure if things were actually that much better than they’d always been or if I was just more attuned to it because of how happy I felt being there with Caroline.

  We walked for awhile in comfortable silence before I finally got my nerve to speak. “So, this thing between us doesn’t seem like just a one night stand anymore.” I paused, hoping she’d make this easier on me and say something. But, she just walked quietly listening. The silence was uncomfortable so I kept going. I wanted to be with Caroline and if I was honest with myself, I didn’t want it to just be some casual thing. Even so, the last thing I wanted was to make her feel pressured to be more than what she was comfortable with or what she wanted. “I just think it’s a good idea that we have some kind of understanding as to what this is.” I motioned between us and again paused, waiting for her to say something.

  “You’re right. I think it would be a good idea to make sure we’re both on the same page.” She wasn’t giving me much information and I couldn’t help feeling like she was putting up walls. Maybe I was pushing too hard. I needed to keep things casual until I could get a better feel for what she was feeling.

  A man behind us caught my attention. He was alone and walking the same path as us. He wasn’t dressed for the park on a summer day in jeans and heavy boots. It would be too hot for that. I could be a coincidence, but when it came to Caroline, I didn’t like taking a chance. I also knew better than to make a big fuss before knowing for sure so I kept walking, keeping my eye on him every chance I had whether it was in my peripherals as I glanced at Caroline or in the reflection of a passer byers sunglasses.

  “Exactly. It helps manage expectations.” Manage expectations? Damn it, I made it sound so cold when all I meant was to take the pressure off.This was a very important conversation but it was a mistake to have it when I was distracted by a potential tail.

  “Well, that sounds very romantic. Be still my heart.” She teased.

  I looked at her, glancing to the side to see the man still walking with determination behind us and I guided Caroline and my path to the right when we came to a fork in the walkway. “I just mean that...I just don't want this whole thing blowing up in our faces. I’ll start. I’ll be honest, I’d like for this to be more than just something that just happened a couple times. But, only if you would like to continue.” What I really wanted to say was that I wanted her — all of her — mind, body, and soul. I wanted for her to be mine and I wanted to be hers but that would have probably sent her running for the hills.

  I couldn’t get a read on what she wanted or how she was feeling about the whole situation. Did she want to continue the way things were? Did she want a relationship? It would be embarrassing to assume she wanted a relationship and her say she didn’t want more. And, I couldn’t focus on the conversation the way I truly wanted to while worrying that she might be in danger.

  He was still behind us. I guided Caroline to turn onto a side path that wound along the pond. Not many people took the trail since it was overgrown and lacked the att
raction of the stone bridge and manicured gardens. I noted that the guy who had been walking behind us for several minutes turned the same direction. I was almost certain but wasn’t ready to blow the whistle yet.

  Caroline interrupted my focus on the man with her answer. “I’d like to continue too. We have fun together.”

  “When we aren’t at each other’s throats.” I teased, trying to keep the conversation light.

  “I kind of liked when you were at my throat, especially when you ran your lips down my neck, like this.” She drug her finger down the column of her neck seductively and I wanted to ravish her again right there.

  “Stop that.” I gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand down to her side.

  “What?” She feigned innocence but wasn’t fooling me. She hadn’t noticed my distraction and I was glad because I didn't know if she would be able to keep her cool. The good thing about being followed is that you control the direction you go. If I played this just right I might be able to get Caroline somewhere safe and catch the guy. It would be nice to have someone who could answer our questions about the attacks.

  “You know what you were doing.” I smiled but caught a glimpse of the man still behind us particularly interested in a flowering bush off to the side that he’d stopped to examine since we had stopped on the path.

  After that, I was positive he was following us. I placed my hand on the small of Caroline’s back and led her around the path, hoping to loop back around to find a more public part of the park.

  “Don’t look back, but we are being followed.”

  Her breath hitched and her body stiffened under my hand. she was fighting the urge to turn around but glanced at me instead. “What? How do you know?” Her soft whisper was laced in panic.

  “Relax. Don’t act like you know. Don’t walk so fast. You’re speeding up. Just walk like we are still on a casual stroll.” I took her hand, hoping to offer her the support and comfort she needed to stay calm.


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