Agent of Time

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Agent of Time Page 10

by Nathan Van Coops

  It was identical.

  “He called them anchors,” Jessica said. “He always carried something like that in his pocket. He said it was in case he needed a quick exit.”

  Stella noted a hardbound journal that was laid open on a neighboring countertop. She moved to examine it and found it filled with entries in rowed columns. Time of departure. Location of departure. Location of arrival. Time of arrival. There were other places to note changes in time zones and descriptions of the “anchors” being used. Stella flipped back through the last few pages. The times listed were mostly close together, sometimes only a matter of hours or minutes. But they went back years.

  She got a chill up her spine.

  It was real, and Carson had been doing it.

  Time travel.

  “He called this his vault,” Jessica said. “He liked the play on words. Because he said he was vaulting across time. Sometimes he’d be gone for weeks.”

  “You’re saying this is the actual room he used to jump through time?”

  “I know. Seems like it ought to be bigger. In the movies they always have giant machines and stuff. He said it wasn’t like that in real life.”

  “How does it work?”

  “It doesn’t work at all for normal people. You have to be a time traveler. Carson said there’s a special particle in them that regular people don’t have. It’s why he could never take me with him. It’s why I can’t go back and–” Her breath caught and she covered her mouth with her hand.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you,” Stella said. “I’m sorry. I know this must be difficult.”

  “It’s so frustrating, you know?”Jessica held the back of her hand to her nose. “He had this amazing ability and he came to save me, and I can’t do anything to go back and save him.”

  Stella rested a hand on the young woman’s shoulder, caressing it gently.

  “I’m okay.” Jessica composed herself, wiping at her eyes. “This is just hard.”

  “This is asking a lot of you. I get that. But if you can help me to understand how this works, I’ll be better prepared for catching this guy. Is there anything else you can tell me? Did Carson by chance have more than one of those special watches? Maybe one I could look at?”

  Jessica shook her head. “There was only one chronometer. That’s what he called it. But he did have another thing that he said was important. She moved to the countertop and opened the door of a device that vaguely resembled a microwave. “Sometimes he had me put clothes and stuff in here for him. He said he had to treat all the things he took with him with these special particles before he went anywhere, otherwise they wouldn’t make the trip. He called it a gravitizer.” She moved to a drawer and looked inside. “And he had another thing called a degravitizer for taking them back out of stuff.” She opened a second drawer. “Here it is.” She removed a box with a gauge on it and opened the side to reveal a smaller cylindrical device that vaguely resembled a flashlight.

  “I think I’ve seen one of those before,” Stella said, recalling her rendezvous with Malcolm Longines at the ball fields in St. Pete. This was the same thing he had used to try to convince her of the truth of time travel. “You have any idea where he got this stuff?”

  “He said it was from old friends.”

  Stella studied the gravitizer device. “You said in your report to the police that while Stenger had you hostage, he kept ranting about how he wanted to be the ‘only one.’ Is that true?”

  “Yeah. It’s all he wanted to talk about. How he was going to be famous again, and everyone would fear his name. And he said he had to be the only time traveler.”

  “There was another bit in your account of that night. Something about him wanting to ‘get even with someone quickly.’”

  “Yeah. But I don’t know who he was talking about. He never said the person’s name.”

  “I think maybe he did.” Stella reached into her file of newspaper clippings and extracted the one about the missing St. Petersburg scientist. “I know what you thought you heard, but is there a chance that ‘Quickly’ was actually the name of the person he was talking about?”

  She held out the article for Jessica to read.

  Jessica scanned the caption of the black-and-white photo. “Doctor Harold Quickly?”

  “I think this man is somehow connected with Carson’s travels in time,” Stella said.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never met him.”

  Jessica handed the photo back. “If this Quickly guy is involved, how does that help us?”

  “I’m not sure. I do have an idea about how to flush Elton Stenger out of hiding. But before we do that, I’m going to need you to tell me everything you know about that watch.”

  15 Stenger

  “This has to be the silliest idea I’ve ever heard of,” Danny said. He folded the newspaper in half and reread the classified ad at the bottom of the page.

  “We know he reads the L.A. Times,” Stella replied. “You have a better way to get a hold of him?”

  Danny frowned. “It’s ridiculous.” He paced across the living room rug of his rented condo.

  “Elton Stenger won’t think so.” She was seated at his dining room table, their collected files spread out in front of her.

  Danny squinted slightly as he read the small newsprint. “Wanted: Fellow time traveler to join me in expedition to the past. I can provide a chronometer and de . . gravi . . . tizer?” He lowered the paper and stared at her. “You know how many whack jobs you’re going to get responding to this?”

  “They’ve already started calling. Doesn’t matter. Stenger is obsessed with being the only time traveler, which means he’ll want to find out who this person is. He’ll make the rendezvous.”

  “From a classified article using made up words.”

  “To real time travelers, they aren’t made up.”

  “He’ll know it’s a setup. No way he shows.”

  “Since we’ve been on this case, how many people other than you and I actually believed time travel was possible?”


  “So I’m guessing no one ever believed Stenger either, meaning, in his mind, the likelihood of law enforcement showing up should be low.”

  “You have no idea what other time travelers he’s run into. He killed Carson Bradley, but how do we know he was the first? There may be any number of these people. Or who’s to say someone worse doesn’t show up?”

  “But if he’s out to get them—and we know he is—he’ll at least want a look at who shows up too. Whoever else shows up, Stenger will be there.”

  Danny shook his head. “I don’t know. Have you thought hard about what you’re getting into? If this is legit, and there really are time travelers going around changing the past, how do we compete with that? Is that even in our job description?”

  Stella fixed him with a hard stare. “Come on, Danny. I know you’ve been on the job a long time, but you have to want to bring this guy down. After all we’ve been through to catch him, you want to walk away now?”

  Danny clenched his jaw as he considered her. “Okay. But we’re at least going to run this through official channels. If you’re going to meet up with this guy, we need backup. The chief is already going to tear me a new one for letting you do this much without consulting the leads on the case. I’m hoping I can smooth it over and get us the support we need. Promise me you won’t try to rendezvous with this guy on your own.”

  “I’d love all the backup I can get.”

  “So let’s be clear. You’re promising you won’t try to take this guy down on your own. I need to hear you say it.”

  Stella held up three fingers. “Scout’s honor.” She collected her files and rose from her chair. “It’s getting late. I ought to get back to my hotel. We’ve still got a lot of work to do.”

  Danny sighed and nodded. He walked with her toward the door and reached to open it for her. He paused with his hand resting on the doorknob. “You know, I don’t regret too many things in m
y life, but I do regret never getting that date night with you all those years ago.”

  Stella crossed her arms over the files she was carrying. She studied his face. His eyes were still kind and smiling. He still looked good. “Yeah. I regret that too.”

  “Vegas isn’t that far a drive. Maybe when all this is over I can buy you dinner?”

  “I think I’d like that.”

  Danny opened the door, but kept his eyes locked to hers.

  Stella took a step closer, then leaned forward and gently kissed his cheek, just brushing the corner of his mouth. “Goodnight, Danny.”

  She turned and descended the steps of his condo, only turning back when she reached the sidewalk. He waved from his doorway. She smiled and headed for the parking lot, walking a little bit lighter in her shoes.

  She pulled her phone from her pocket as she walked and noted that the proxy number she had published in the newspaper had already routed another dozen replies to her voicemail. She pressed the play button and cradled the phone in her neck as she fished the car keys from her pocketbook.

  “Hey. This the time traveler? How much you want to go back and shoot my ex-wife before—”

  Stella muttered a curse, then quickly hit the delete button before selecting the next message. She opened the car door and slid into the driver’s seat, tossing her file folders to the passenger side. For some reason the dome light hadn’t come on.

  She located the ignition switch in the semi-darkness and had just put the phone back to her ear when the cold metal pressed into her neck.

  “Drop the phone. Then put your hands up real slow.”

  An immediate chill went down Stella’s spine.


  She froze as her phone bounced off her lap and onto the floor.

  The pressure from the gun went away, then a moment later the muzzle was pressed to her neck again, this time just behind her left ear.

  Damn it. Why hadn’t she checked the back seat?

  “Keep those hands up. I’m going to relieve you of this.” The pistol at her hip was pulled loose from its holster.

  Great. Now he had two guns. Stella glanced into the rear view mirror. The figure in the back seat was mostly still in shadow but she could make out hard eyes behind the lenses of his glasses.

  “You don’t know what kind of trouble you’re getting into,” Stella said. “But if you’re after money or the car, you can take it.”

  “Don’t play dumb with me. You know what I’m here for. You’re going to drive and we’re going to have a little talk. Lock that door.”

  Stella moved her hand slowly toward the door. She glanced at Danny’s condo building. There was no sign of him or anyone else out. If she wanted to survive this, getting out now might be her only chance.

  The pressure from the gun increased, forcing her to cock her head.

  “Don’t even think about it. There’s nowhere you can run from me.”

  That’s when she caught a glint of silver in her peripheral vision. The way the man’s wrist was cocked to get around the car’s headrest made his watch visible. But not just any watch.


  It was Elton Stenger.

  Her finger found the door lock button and pressed it.

  “Now you drive.”

  Stella willed her body to comply. “Where am I going?” She started the car and shifted into drive.

  “You’re going to take me to the scientist.”

  Stella balked. Scientist? What was he talking about?

  “I don’t know any scientists.”

  The voice from the back seat changed to a growl. “I said don’t play dumb with me, bitch.” He punctuated the statement with a thrust from the gun, pressing her head forward.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Stella exclaimed. “I just need you to clarify for me. I meant . . . which scientist?”

  “Quickly,” the man snarled. “Your buddy accomplice in all this.”

  Stella’s mind was reeling. Dr. Harold Quickly? The disappeared scientist from St. Petersburg? She’d never even met him. How was she supposed to find him in Los Angeles?

  This was getting complicated. Swearing softly to herself, she eased the car out of the parking space and drove toward the exit. She glanced down and noted the still glowing screen of her Nokia in the footwell near her feet. Could she somehow call for help?

  She needed to stall for time.

  “How did you find me?” she asked. A passing street light briefly illuminated the back seat and she cast another glance in the mirror. Stenger’s eyes were on the road. It had been over a decade since she had seen his body on the freeway. He had aged poorly. His already thin hair was gray at the temples and liver spots dotted his skin. He had a gaunt, cheerless face, and she noted a missing bottom tooth. Even so, he was undeniably more alive than the last time she saw him.

  “Been waiting a long time for a break like this. Things are finally starting to go my way.”

  Stella tried to get her bearings. She knew practically nothing about navigating Los Angeles. She spotted a sign for Highway 101 and headed that way. Where was she going to take him?

  She wiggled her left foot out of her shoe, slipping her heel free while keeping her eyes on the road.

  “I think you might have the wrong idea about me,” she said. “I’m barely involved in this case.”

  “The hell you aren’t,” Stenger spat. “Special Agent Stella York of the eff-bee-eye.” He carefully enunciated each letter. “And I’m sure you got all your fed friends hanging around too. Bet you thought I’d be stupid and waltz right into your little trap. Don’t think I didn’t know what you were up to.”


  Stella tried to think. It was clear he had the upper hand in every way here. She had to keep him talking.

  “What tipped you off?”

  “You think you could bait me close enough where someone could nab me? I saw who showed up. You didn’t think I’d recognize the guy who ruined my life?”

  Stella tried to process what he was saying. He was talking as if the rendezvous had already happened. What on earth was going on?

  “Where’s this scientist holed up now?” Stenger asked. “Where’s he keeping all his time stuff?”

  Stella fished around the footwell with her stockinged foot and tried to locate the phone with her toes. It seemed to have vanished.

  “What kind of time stuff? There’s a lot.”

  “I want the charger for this watch. The damn thing’s blinking red on me already. You’re gonna take me to where all the extra tech is. I want you to charge this thing up and fix it so my shit comes with me when I jump.”

  “Okay, I’ll take you wherever you want,” she said, turning the car onto the 101 on-ramp headed north. Where on earth would she go? The only equipment she knew of was at Carson’s mansion. Her heel finally bumped something that felt like her phone. She slowly eased it forward till she could glance down and see the screen. She had to be sure Stenger wouldn’t see what she was up to. Maybe if she had something to block his view? As she merged onto the 101, she glanced in the mirror again.

  “I need to check my map, okay? It’s in the glove box.”

  “Hell no.”

  “I don’t know where I’m going without it.”

  “Stupid women drivers,” Stenger muttered. “Can’t get anywhere using their heads.”

  Stella grit her teeth and resisted the urge to throw an elbow at his face.

  Stenger pulled the hammer back on her service pistol and pressed it to the right side of her head. “Okay, I got two guns on you now so you even think of pulling something fancy from that box and I’ll let all the air out of your vacant head.”

  “You shoot me and we both die in a flaming car wreck,” Stella countered. “Not that you aren’t used to that.”

  Stenger stiffened. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Stella made a gut decision to run with it.

  “I’ve already seen how you die. Didn’t you know?”
/>   “What are you talking about?”

  “The other time travelers. They kick your ass all over the freeway.” She stretched for the glove box.

  Stenger jammed the gun into her ribs, making her wince. “The only one getting hurt today will be you if you don’t watch your mouth.”

  Stella held up a hand, signaling that she understood, then slowly opened the glove box. The map was resting atop a box of extra rounds for her Glock 23. She could feel Stenger’s eyes on her as she removed the map and carefully shut the glove box.

  “Give me that.” Stenger snatched the map from her hand before she could open it. “You keep your eyes on the damn road.”

  Stella cursed under her breath.

  But perhaps if he was caught up looking at the map, he wouldn’t notice what she was up to in the front seat. She glanced at the screen of her phone in the footwell, pressing the volume control with her toe and turning it all the way down. Next she pressed the button for her recent calls. 911 would have been quicker, but with no way to talk to the dispatcher, she wasn’t sure how she would communicate how to find her. Her phone number was linked to her address in Las Vegas so they wouldn’t even know where to start. But Detective Danny Brigg’s number was near the top of the recent calls screen. She held her breath and pressed the talk button with her big toe..

  “Okay, I’m going to take you to where the time travel stuff is,” Stella shouted to the back seat, raising her voice to cover any sound of the phone ringing on the open line. She glanced down to see if the phone was still ringing.

  Come on, Danny. Pick up.

  A distant click emanated from the phone.

  “It’s a mansion in West Hollywood!” She shouted again to drown out the “hello” from the other end.

  “I’m not deaf, you dumb slut.”

  “I want to make sure you know I’m cooperating, Mr. Stenger,” Stella enunciated. “And I’m going to take you there now. Three sixty-three Copa de Oro Drive. Can you find it on the map for me?”

  “Wait. Copa de Oro? The dead musician’s house? What are you trying to pull?”

  “You said you wanted to go where all the time travel stuff is. It’s at Carson Bradley’s place. You said you wanted it, right?”


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