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Ever-Greene Page 2

by Annabella Michaels

  I reached for my dick and began stroking as my orgasm built inside me. My wrist flicked faster as his hips plunged harder and deeper with every thrust. I could feel the telltale tingling at the base of my spine and I looked at him desperately.

  “I’m right there. Come for me, baby,” he commanded through clenched teeth.

  He didn’t have to tell me again. My eyes rolled up into the back of my head and I screamed into the pillow as cum shot from the tip of my cock, splashing over my chest and landing on my neck. I was lost in a sea of bliss and barely registered Gio’s low growl, the cords in his neck straining as he came, filling me with his hot seed.

  I threw the pillow aside as he collapsed on top of me and wrapped my arms around him as we both floated, our staggered breaths mingling with each other. We kissed, clinging to each other as the aftershocks of our love rippled through us, making us tremble.

  “That was amazing. I swear, it gets better and better every time we make love,” he whispered.

  “It’s because I keep falling more and more in love with you every day,” I told him with a sated grin. It was the truth, the deeper our commitment to each other became, the better everything was between us.

  After a few minutes, Gio moved to lie on the floor and pulled me to his side. I lay my head on his chest, curling an arm and a leg over top of him, possessively. The warmth of the fire and the sound of his heart beating steadily beneath my cheek lulled me into a peaceful state and my eyes grew heavy.

  “How was your day?” he asked, pulling me from my sleepiness. His fingers sifted through my hair and I tilted my head to look at him with a smile, suddenly remembering what I had been looking forward to telling him.

  “It was great! Curtis got back today, and he said he’d be happy to cover for me over the holidays,” I said. Gio’s eyes lit up as he smiled.

  “Did he and Jakob have a good time in Hawaii?” he asked.

  “It’s Hawaii and they were on their honeymoon, what’s not to love?” I rolled my eyes teasingly. Gio chuckled and I felt it vibrate through his chest.

  “I’m glad they had a good time and I’m so happy we’ll be able to spend time with our family without worrying about the restaurant. This is our first Christmas with Sarah and I want to enjoy every second of it,” he said, his smile widening.

  “Yeah,” I said with a happy sigh. “I can’t wait to show you and Sarah what a traditional Greene family Christmas was like when I was a kid.”

  “I’m sure we’ll love it. But first, I need some food,” Gio said with a grin. I laughed when I heard his stomach growl and I sat up, pulling him along with me.

  “Come on, big guy. I think we’ve both built up quite an appetite.”

  “I’m telling you guys, I’ve never seen anything like it,” Carlos told us as he shook his head. “I’ve guarded a few celebrities since I started working here, but that lady took the cake.”

  “Oh, come on. You had a cushy gig, following around a supermodel while she was in town. How hard could it be to watch over her and make sure she didn’t break a nail?” Greg joked.

  “Trust me, I would have rather been assigned to a mob boss,” Carlos told him. “She was extremely demanding and rude to everyone around her and if that weren’t bad enough, she expected me to take care of her dog. At least, I think it was a dog, it looked more like a rat to me.”

  As a former Green Beret, I knew Carlos had dealt with much worse than a tiny dog, so the horrified expression on his face made me laugh, and Brandon and Greg joined in. I looked around at the men gathered in the conference room with a smile. There were a few others who worked for me, but were out of the office at the moment. Each one of them were former military Special Forces and had been carefully selected to work at my firm, Hamilton Security, because they were the best in their respective fields.

  Even though we’d served in different branches of the military, we’d become brothers in our own right, and I trusted each and every one of them with my life. In fact, I’d trusted them with something even more important than my life, in my opinion. I’d trusted them to keep my family safe.

  I’d grown up without much family to speak of before moving in with my best friend, Giovanni, and his parents for a short while. G’s parents had taught me what family was all about, but when they’d died, I assumed I’d never know that feeling again.

  Then I met and fell in love with Landon and I was suddenly thrown into a loud, boisterous, and at times, crazy family, and I had never been happier. They welcomed me into their circle and accepted me as one of their own. I loved the Greenes with my whole heart and I was fiercely protective of them.

  My head turned as the door swung open and my smile grew when I saw Mary walk in. I may have been the owner of Hamilton Security, but everyone who worked there knew that it was Mary who was in charge. She ran my office like a tight ship, not taking flak from anyone, yet fiercely protective of “her boys.” We’d taken to calling her Southern Mama, not only because of her Tennessee roots, but the way she took care of each of us as if we were her own children. I, along with every other guy who worked there, adored her.

  “You have a phone call, Micah,” she told me.

  “Thanks, Mary.” I looked around the table at the other men. “I think we’re done here unless you guys have anything else.” When they shook their heads, I stood and followed Mary out the door.

  “It’s Mr. Jackson. He wants an update on his son. He’s on line two,” she said.

  “Thank you, I’ll take it in my office.” I made my way down the hallway and shut the door behind me, so I’d have some privacy.

  A few hours later, I pushed my chair away from my desk and stood with a sigh, stretching my arms over my head to work the stiffness out of my body from sitting for so long. Desk work was my least favorite part of the job. I’d much prefer to be out in the field, but it was a necessary part of owning a business. I quickly straightened my desk then walked out to the main reception area where I found Mary and Greg talking.

  “I’m heading out. Call me if you need anything,” I told her, stopping at her desk as I slid my coat on and wrapped my scarf around my neck.

  “Got a hot date tonight?” Greg asked.

  “You’ve seen my husband. My date is the hottest in the world,” I bragged.

  “I still don’t get how you got a guy like Landon to fall for your ugly mug,” he teased.

  “I don’t know either, but now that I’ve got him, I’m never letting him go,” I assured him with a smile.

  “I think they’re lucky to have each other. Give Landon my love,” Mary told me.

  “Will do. You guys have a great night and call me if you need anything.” With a wave over my shoulder, I walked out the front door. The air was crisp, and I could see my breath as I walked across the parking lot to my Jeep. I climbed inside and cranked the heat then sent Landon a text as I waited for the windows to defrost.

  Me: Leaving work. Be home soon.

  It only took a second for his response to come through.

  Landon: Hurry! I’ve missed you.

  I smiled as I slid my phone in my pocket and backed out of my parking space. Before Landon, I never thought I’d be the type that would enjoy being in a relationship, but he changed all that. Landon was everything that was good and right in an otherwise crazy world and he made me feel happier whenever I was near him. He was exactly the person I never knew I was looking for and I loved him more than I ever thought possible.

  It didn’t take long before I was pulling up to the home that Landon and I shared together. The wind whipped at my cheeks and I tucked my chin down into my scarf for warmth as I rushed up the stairs and through the front door. I hung my coat and scarf up and headed into the kitchen where I could hear Landon moving around.

  I grinned when I walked in and found him standing at the stove, his hips swaying back and forth as he stirred something in a pan. Perry Como was crooning through the speakers about there being no place like home for the holidays and I couldn�
��t have agreed more. Anywhere that Landon was, was home to me. I moved in behind my gorgeous husband and placed my hands on his hips. He jumped at first when he realized he wasn’t alone, but then he leaned his body into mine and looked at me over his shoulder.

  “Hey, baby!” he said, his face lighting up with his smile. His hazel eyes were soft, and I could see the love he felt for me shining in their depths as he offered me his lips. I leaned in, capturing his mouth with my own and groaned as his tongue swept over mine. He tasted sweet and delicious; all Landon and all mine.

  “What are you making?” I asked, ending the kiss and leaning my chin on his shoulder. I took a deep breath, letting Landon’s scent erase the stress of a long workday. Having my husband near always helped calm me.

  “It’s the sauce for the chicken I baked,” he answered.

  “It smells delicious,” I said, placing kisses along the side of his neck. “But not as delicious as you. What do you say we put all this in the oven to keep it warm and go in the bedroom for a while?”

  I could feel Landon’s body melt against mine as I licked over the shell of his ear and his head dropped back to land on my shoulder. I reached around to the front of him and ran my hand over the prominent bulge in his pants. He shivered in my arms and I smiled as I heard his breathing increase. My hands reached for his belt, but he stopped me before I could get it undone. His pupils were blown wide when he turned to face me, and I bent my head for another taste, but he surprised me by stepping to the side and out of my arms.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice. I knew I’d failed when I saw Landon’s lips lift up in a knowing smirk.

  “As much as I want that, and you know, I want that, we don’t have time,” he explained.

  “What do you mean we don’t have time?” I asked just as the doorbell rang. I glanced towards the front door and then back at Landon.

  “Morgan and Akio are coming over for dinner, remember?” he said, giving me an apologetic smile.

  “Now, I do,” I murmured, glancing down. I’d been so focused on my sexy husband that I hadn’t even noticed the table set for four.

  “Later,” Landon promised, reaching for my hand. He pulled me in and gave me a quick kiss.

  “I’m holding you to that,” I growled.

  Morgan and Akio stood on the front porch, grinning at us as we opened the door and despite my frustration at the turn of events, I found myself smiling back. Morgan was Landon’s favorite cousin and his husband, Akio, was Landon’s best friend. They were both incredible people and I enjoyed spending time with them whenever we were able to.

  “Hey, guys! Come in,” I offered, holding the door for them.

  “Thanks, it’s freezing out there,” Morgan said as he stepped inside.

  “Oh, man! It smells great in here.” Akio sniffed at the air as I took their coats and hung them in the closet.

  “Good, I hope you’re hungry,” Landon said as he led our guests to the kitchen.

  I handed Morgan a bottle of wine to pour while I helped Landon transfer all the food onto serving dishes. Landon was a great cook, having picked up some tips from Caleb over the years and he’d clearly outdone himself with citrus chicken baked to perfection, roasted red potatoes, and fresh green beans with slivered almonds.

  “This looks amazing, baby.” I kissed his cheek as he handed me a bowl.

  “Thank you,” Landon said quietly, blushing slightly. I stared at him for a moment, completely enraptured by how beautiful he was, inside and out. I knew how lucky I was to have him in my life and my heart felt like it was going to burst with how much I loved him.

  “Wow! I thought we were bad,” I heard Akio say in a stage whisper. I turned to look at the two other men that I had momentarily forgotten were in the room and found them wearing matching toothy grins as they stared up at us.

  “Trust me, no one has it worse for their man than I do,” I informed them truthfully, winking at Landon. The smile I got in response could’ve lit up an entire city and I was proud that I was able to make him so happy. Landon had brought so much love and joy into my life and I’d sworn to myself that I was going to do everything I could to give it all back to him.

  We caught up on what was going on with each other as we ate. Morgan told us about the new community center he’d been asked to build. His business had taken off after the recognition he’d received for building the new Agape House and he deserved every bit of it. He was an amazing man and an excellent contractor.

  They asked how things were going with Hamilton Security and I told them about a few of the funnier cases we’d been working. I wish they could all be light-hearted and fun, but unfortunately most of the jobs we took on were of a more serious, and, at times, deadly nature. Only Landon knew some of the darker things my guys and I had to deal with.

  I started a pot of coffee, then cut and served the chocolate cake my husband had made for dessert while Akio and Landon talked about their latest project—a band out of the UK that was about to take the world by storm. Lachlan Edwards had recently discovered the band, playing in a pub in England and was so impressed with their sound that he immediately signed them to a contract with his recording studio.

  The band was very excited but new to the business. So, Lachlan set them up with Landon as their manager, knowing that they’d be in the best hands possible and wouldn’t get taken advantage of. I’d met them when Landon and I took them to dinner one night, and I’d been impressed with the band’s leader, Parker Thompson.

  He was very good-looking, and I was sure fans would be swooning all over him. But he was also intelligent, kind, and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. I hoped that didn’t change as fame took over, but you never knew how someone would react. I knew Landon would do his best to keep him on the right path though, just as he’d done with Carter and his bandmates.

  “I wish you were going to be at my parents’ house Christmas Eve like when we were kids,” Landon said to Morgan as I sat back down.

  “Maybe next year. We’re spending this Christmas Eve at Akio’s parents’ house. My parents are going to be there too,” Morgan explained.

  “Yeah, it’s almost scary how well our parents get along, especially our moms. Don’t get me wrong, we’re thrilled they’ve become so close, but it also means they’re coming at us as a united front in their efforts to become grandparents. I mean, we just got married,” Akio said, exasperation clear in his voice. Landon and I both laughed, but Morgan was wearing a thoughtful expression on his face as he looked at his husband.

  “I don’t know, maybe they’re not wrong,” he said quietly. Akio’s head swiveled to look at Morgan.

  “What?” he asked, his surprise evident.

  “I’ve just been thinking about it and I kind of like the idea of seeing little Akios running around,” Morgan said with a shrug.

  “Really?” Akio asked, a smile spreading across his face.

  I looked over at Landon who was wearing a gentle smile on his own face. I knew what Morgan was talking about because the thought of having a child with Landon, of getting to be fathers together with the man that owned me completely, had been on my mind a lot, even though we’d never really discussed it.

  The four of us visited for a while longer before Akio and Morgan left. Landon and I moved around the kitchen quietly as we cleaned up, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I put the last dish in the dishwasher and then turned to find Landon staring at me with a thoughtful look.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked as I grabbed the towel off the counter and dried my hands. Landon opened his mouth and then shut it.

  “It’s nothing,” he said with a shrug. I tossed the towel back on the counter and grabbed his arm as he turned to leave, pulling him close and wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Don’t do that. I want to know every single thought that goes through that beautiful head of yours,” I told him. His eyes softened, and his body melted into mine as he sl
id his hands around my neck.

  “I was just thinking about what Morgan said. You know, about having a child,” Landon whispered. He looked nervous and I wasn’t going to have any of that. We’d come too far and been through too much for him to be afraid to say anything to me.

  “I’ve been thinking about it too, for a while now,” I admitted. He pulled his head back, so he could see me better and I could tell I’d surprised him. “You know how bad things were for me growing up. While I was fortunate to be a part of G’s family, and even more blessed when I became a part of your family, I’m a selfish bastard. I want more. I’d like for you and me to create our own family and it doesn’t matter to me if we have them biologically or if we adopt, I just want us to be dads.”

  “I do too. I want everything with you,” Landon whispered right before he crushed his mouth to mine. Our kiss held so much love and devotion and a promise for a future that I had never even thought to dream of because I hadn’t believed it was possible until I met Landon. Finding him, my soulmate, had opened up an entirely different world for me and I swore that I would cherish every second with him and never take our time together for granted.

  As our kiss turned more passionate, a burning need began to build in me and I gripped onto the back of his neck, gently yet forcefully. Landon was shaking as he pulled back to stare into my eyes, but I knew it wasn’t from fear or anxiety. The fire burning in his eyes told me that he was feeling the same desire that I was, the same need for more.

  “Please,” was all he said.

  “I want you to go to our room, strip until you’re completely bare, and stand at the foot of the bed. You will wait however long it takes until I come to you,” I commanded.

  Landon visibly trembled, but I saw the small smile playing at his lips as he turned to follow my orders. I smiled as I watched him go. We were perfectly matched in so many ways and we both filled a need within each other. We enjoyed the games we played, and I hoped it never ended.


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