Sugar Baby Sweetie Pie

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Sugar Baby Sweetie Pie Page 4

by Sara Hazel

“It’s amazing,” I whisper.

  “Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll go take that shower, ok?”

  “Ok,” I mumble, still in shock that I’m actually here with one of the most famous chefs in the city.

  I watch as Zack locks the door and then find a seat at the table farthest back.

  “Can I get you something before I leave you alone?” He asks.

  “Um, maybe I could start on the paperwork for you.”

  “Nah. Just relax for a bit more. Just take it all in. You’re here because of your talent. Just feel that for a bit.”

  I could be productive right now, but he just wants me to sit. Ok. I guess that’s what I’ll do then.

  “I’ll go and get you a glass of wine,” he says. “Do you prefer red or white?”

  “I’ll be fine. I don’t need to drink before work!”

  “I always have one glass of wine to start my workday. You’ll be fine. Red or white?”

  I sigh. I’m not getting out of this. He’s determined to make me relax. Maybe a little too determined. There’s no one else here right now, so maybe I should be worried.

  “Just water for me,” I reply.

  “Ok, suit yourself. One water coming right up.”

  He returns a minute later with a bottle of water that he sets before me with a flourish, as if it were the glass of wine he had intended to bring me.

  “I would have been fine with tap water, Chef,” I say.

  “You are very stubborn, Ms. Addison.”

  “I’m from the south. I’m not stubborn, Chef. I just know what I want.”

  “Ya know, I’ve changed my mind. Instead of Chef, I’d really like you to call me Zack. Everyone else around here will call me Chef, but you use my name. Got it?”

  He opens my water bottle for me and pours it into a fine crystal glass. I take a sip and bat my eyelashes at him, because despite having no experience at all with flirting, I think there’s some level of pure instinct to it all.

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Ok. I’m gonna go take that shower. And what are you gonna do?”

  “Relax,” I reply.

  “Good girl.”

  If we were trying to be professional, then we’ve both failed pretty hard so far. I think that calling a woman who works for you a “good girl” qualifies as one of those things you just don’t say if you’re the boss. Or any man she hasn’t given permission to say such things to her.

  But Zack and I have been off to a wildly inappropriate start from the moment we bumped into each other, and I’ll be surprised if it’s not a constant struggle for both of us to maintain our professionalism.

  While Zack is in the shower, I try hard to calm my nerves. He’s right. I did get here because of my talent, so even though my internal chatter might be telling me that I don’t belong here — that’s just imposter syndrome, and I’m not going to give in to it. I earned this, so I belong here.

  When Zack returns, he smells fresh and looks crisp in his chef whites. He sets a piece of cake before me. It’s a Russian honey cake with chocolate frosting spread over the top.

  “I thought you might like to try something. I just made this the other day, and I think I’ve perfected it. The frosting is chocolate and honey, and the cake is Russian—”

  “I recognized it,” I say.

  “Of course you did.”

  “I shouldn’t eat this now though,” I reply. My stomach rumbles loudly as I stare at the cake. I didn’t have time to eat before leaving my apartment, and I’ve been so nervous all morning I didn’t think it would be a good idea anyway.

  Zack picks up the fork and digs into the cake. He holds the fork with a delectable looking bite of cake just inches from my eyes.

  “Are you sure?” He asks. “I’m pretty sure I heard your stomach making noises. You’re a chef, Juliann. We live for this stuff. Come on. I need you to try it and tell me if I failed.”

  Now I know this is all just part of his flirting with me. But he’s probably just like this with every woman. I can’t possibly be that special to him.

  “It looks amazing,” I say. “We should probably get started on working though.”

  “This is work,” he says as he sets the fork down with a disappointed look on his face.

  “Oh, now you’re going to give me sad eyes! Oh my God, Chef!”

  “Zack,” he corrects me. “Now eat some cake. It’s no longer a request. It’s an order, Soldier.”

  Soldier. He remembered what I told him about my dad having been a Marine. I giggle as I take his order by lifting the fork to my mouth. My hand is shaking as I do it though. Is this going to happen every time I’m around him?

  I take a small and very cautious bite before setting the fork back down with plenty of cake left on it.

  But the taste in my mouth is just exploding. It’s so good. It may even be the best thing I’ve ever had.

  “What is in this honey cake? Oh my God.”


  “It’s amazing. Tell me what’s in it, please?”

  “Not yet,” he says. “You might be my student, but I’m going to need to keep some secrets from you. I’ll tell you when you’re ready. Now eat more cake.”

  “I’m good! I’ll be in a chocolate and honey trance if I have anymore.”

  Zack sighs and takes his own bite of cake.

  “The first rule of working with me, Juliann, is that you must not only tell me how delicious you think my creations are, but you must also eat everything I give you. Or I’ll feel like you’re lying to me.”

  I salute him. “Yes, sir.”

  He takes another bite and then stares at me for a good long moment with the fork just hanging from his mouth. Way too long. The pancake batter is being stirred real good inside my heart again.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask him.

  He continues to stare.

  “You’ll have to excuse me,” he says after withdrawing the fork. “I’ve just never seen someone who looks like you before.”

  I wonder what he means by that. I turn away from him, and I’m pretty sure I’m turning red now. Maybe I should have turned him down and let one of the other girls win the other night. I’m not sure I’m cut out to deal with Zack Elliot and his flirtations. I might die of heart palpitations. In fact, I’m almost certain of it.

  “What do you think I look like?” I ask him softly.

  “Perfect,” he replies. “You look so perfect that I almost think you can’t be real.”

  “Oh, I’m real,” I reply as I manage to turn around and face him once again.

  He clears his throat. “Ahhh, I’m sorry. I forgot myself again. That was very inappropriate for me to say.”

  “It was,” I reply. “But I liked it, maybe that’s a sign for us to get started with that paperwork you wanted me to fill out.”

  “Yes. Paperwork,” he says. “And while you’re doing that you can finish eating this cake. I’ll bring you a clean fork.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I reply.

  Zack heads into the back, and now that he’s not watching me, I find the courage to take another bite of the cake — with the fork he put in his mouth. It’s so addictive that I take another bite, and then another. By the time Zack returns, I’m halfway through the cake.

  “I thought you probably wanted a new fork,” he says as he hands it to me.

  “I couldn’t wait,” I reply. “It’s just that good.”

  He grins. “Ok. I think you’re starting to learn rule number one,” he says.

  “What’s rule number two?”

  He hands me a folder and a pen. “Always do what your Chef tells you. Even if you don’t want to.”

  “So I have to eat everything you tell me to eat, and then do everything you tell me to do?”

  “Yes,” he says with a straight face.

  “This sounds like a dictatorship,” I reply.

  “It is. You can call me Master, if you like.”

  I just shake my head. I’m not gonna call
him master. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the thought of it makes me tingle — maybe a lot more than it should.

  Chapter Three



  Every time I look at her I just want to kiss her.

  My cock throbs in my pants, and I thank God these pants aren’t tight! If Juliann were to look down while I’m giving her a tour of the place, I’m sure she’d find it hard to avoid noticing the erection she’s given me.

  There’s just no avoiding it. I want this girl too bad, and letting myself have her might mean I can’t avoid going farther than I should.

  She finishes her paperwork, and I show her around the kitchen pointing out all the important locations. She makes a comment about how much bigger the kitchen is than the actual restaurant. I just smile and reply that I’m a big guy who needs his space to make art.

  “And right here we have the freezer,” I say as I lean against it. It’s at that moment that I grimace from the pain of one of the strongest and longest-lasting erections of my life.

  “Are you ok?” she asks softly. Her accent drives me insane with lust. Maybe that’s it. Maybe that’s at least half the attraction. I can go home tonight and watch some southern woman porn to get it out of my system.

  But I don’t think that will be enough.

  “I think I’m ready for another piece of cake,” I say. “How about you?”

  She laughs and shakes her head. “Oh, no. I finished the piece you gave me. I think I’m done for the day. Some of us actually gain weight if we eat too much.”

  “You’re forgetting the rules already.”

  “Um, ok. I’ll split one with you.”

  “Even better,” I reply.

  I go to the refrigerator and pull out a slice of red velvet cake with white chocolate buttercream frosting instead of the usual cream cheese frosting that this cake is known for.

  I grab two forks, hand one to Juliann, and stand as close to her as possible with the cake on the counter beside us. I get a bite onto my fork and instead of eating it myself, I let her finish her own bite, and then bring my fork to her lips.

  “You’re ridiculous,” she says. “I’m not eating this by myself.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “It’s so good with this frosting. You’re a genius,” she gushes. “But there’s no way I’m gonna let you feed me.”

  “Fair enough,” I reply. I set my fork down, and take in the sight of the beautiful girl before me. Her wavy brown hair is tucked neatly under her hat. A sweet yet obviously nervous smile has been on her lips for most of the time we’ve spent together today.

  Fuck it.

  I’m going to kiss her. If I don’t kiss her, I feel like I’m going to die.

  “Juliann, I need you to let me kiss you. It’s urgent,” I say.

  She drops her fork. It clatters against the counter. “What?”

  “Please let me kiss you.”


  “It’s just a kiss. We’re going to do it sooner or later. There’s no getting around it.”

  “This is—”

  “Crazy. I know. But you’re feeling it too, aren’t you?”

  She nods. “Yeah…”

  “Ok. Then let me kiss you.”

  I tilt her beautiful and perfect face up towards mine. I lean in slowly to give her a chance to get ready. She closes her eyes. Her lips part ever so slightly.

  My heart is ready to burst. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited in my entire life. There’s something so magical about Juliann. She draws me in and makes me feel like she could be — the one.

  This kiss will let me know if I’m right.

  I press my lips to hers and just linger there for a moment, tasting the frosting on her breath. I rest my free hand on her waist and move her closer to me just a step, and then it starts, because it couldn’t be any other way with me and Juliann.

  It was a fast building, passionately explosive kiss that defies all kisses that have ever come before it. Her lips taste like chocolate and honey, and I crave their sweet softness. Our fervor for each other builds and Juliann bumps against the counter. Both of my hands are on her waist now, and I lift her up onto the countertop without pulling my lips from her. She moans into me and I into her. We’re fucking magical together and there’s no denying it.

  Will this kiss release me of my obsession? No. I’m almost certainly making my obsession with Juliann greater right now, and that’s going to have to be ok. Even if I can’t have her because I’m a workaholic fool who thinks love would be too much of a distraction right now. What do I do if we start this thing and she decides to run from me? It would break my heart too much. I’ve already had that happen to me once, and I can’t go through it again. Especially with someone who makes me feel everything this intensely.

  Damnit, Juliann. You really are perfect.

  I hear the sound of the front door opening just as I’m about to slide my hand up her shirt to feel her soft skin against my palm.

  I pull back from her. “Wow.”

  “Wow,” she whispers right back.

  I take a step back to give her room to hop off the counter.

  “That was incredible. It was even better than I imagined.”

  “But we shouldn’t do it again, right?” She asks breathlessly.

  “Probably not, but I’m pretty sure we will,” I reply.


  “Hey, kids,” Donovan, my business partner and head savory chef, announces as he walks into the kitchen.

  I’m sure Juliann and I look guilty of something, and it doesn’t bother me a bit other than my concern for how it might make her feel. I look over at her and see her rubbing her face, like she’s trying to get all the red out of it.

  “Oh, I’m so tired already,” she says.

  I laugh. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us, Jules. You don’t mind if I call you Jules do you?”

  “A few people have called me that. Just don’t call me sweetie pie.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “It’s my childhood nickname. It just makes me feel embarrassed. That’s all. So please don’t.”

  “Alright, sweetie pie,” says Donovan.

  I whip my head around and shoot him a nasty look.

  “What? If someone tells me not to do something, then they better know I’m gonna do it.”

  “Donovan, this is Juliann Addison. Juliann, meet Donovan. He’s my partner and head chef. He’s only the head chef because I only deal in desserts.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, Zack. We’re equals buddy. What have you two been doing today?”

  “Eating cake,” Juliann replies as she takes another bite of the cake on the counter.

  “I gave up eating Zack’s sweets a long time ago. It was the best decision I ever made.”

  “You know, Donny, I do still own sixty percent of the business because your ass didn’t have enough money to put up at the beginning. So I could fire you if I really wanted.”

  “You wouldn’t do it. You’d never find anyone half as good to replace me and you know it.”

  “He’s such a cocky asshole,” I say to Juliann.

  “He’s probably a nice guy, but he’s been hanging around you for too long,” she replies.

  Sometimes Juliann can be quite the shy girl. Other times she shows off her snark, and when she does, watch out, Zack! Damn.

  “She got you, buddy.”

  “There’s no hope for me around her. None,” I add.



  The rest of the kitchen staff arrives and I’m introduced to them one by one. Donovan’s sous chef, Christian hums loudly as he cleans off the grill. Paige, a small and pretty brunette who reminds me of Kelsey, snaps a wet towel on Christian’s back. He stops humming for just a second — long enough to pull the towel away from her and play fight until Donovan finally puts a stop to it.

  Then there’s Michael — who handles dishwashing, stocking, and other assorted duties. But right n
ow he’s just leaning against the wall chewing gum and staring at me as I walk by. I’m a little creeped out by him, and Paige whispers in my ear that he’s a serial killer, which doesn’t help matters. She also tells me that he’s Zack’s younger cousin, which is probably the only reason he’s still here.

  Finally, a short and curvy girl with shiny red hair that is clearly not her original color, enters the kitchen and dramatically announces her arrival.

  “Now that I’m here this party can get started,” she shouts.

  When she notices me, she grabs hold of my arm and drags me into the staff break room and locks the door.

  “Juliann, right?” she says.

  “Um, yeah.”

  “Well, you and I are gonna be best friends now. I’m Zack’s sous chef, Francesca. It’s nice to meet you and all that. Stay the fuck away from Michael and do whatever I tell you to do. Ok?”

  “I’m already staying away from Michael.”

  “He won’t hurt you. Or say anything at all to you. But I just think he’s evil.”

  “Point taken.”

  “And whatever you do — don’t let Zack try to kiss you, date you, sleep with you, etc. He will try all of those things, and if you go through with it you’re going to regret it. He only knows how to break hearts, sweetie. It’s his only flaw, really. But I’ve seen him do it too many times.”

  I don’t know how to respond, so I just frown. “Maybe we should go back out. He’s probably waiting for us…”

  “Sweetie pie, he already did it, didn’t he?”

  Now, she doesn’t know my nickname. There’s no way she could have known. So I just stay quiet. As for Zack — my heart is sinking, and I’m starting to feel like an idiot. I should have known better. Francesca has no reason to lie to me.

  “Thank you for telling me this,” I reply. “Now that I know, I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself.”

  “Oh, girl, you don’t have to do this alone. You’ve got me, ok? Let’s go out for drinks tonight. I’m a regular at this great dive bar down the street. It’s open till four in the morning. We’ll get you laid by someone other than our boss. And don’t tell me no, because you’re going. Especially now.”

  “Um, ok.” It looks like I won’t be able to say no to Francesca even if I want to. We’re gonna be best friends whether I like it or not. Though I’ll have to tell her later that I already have a best friend, and Kelsey is not being replaced.


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