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Cherish Page 13

by Evelyn Sola

  “Hold on. I want to say something.” He grabs both my hands, leaving me a panting, needy mess. “I want to say that you make me so happy, and that I—”

  His ringing phone interrupts his words. He curses as he pulls the phone out of his pocket.

  “It’s Jake. Let me take this.” Before I can respond, he puts the phone to his ear and starts talking. With my hands suddenly free, I unbutton his shirt while he talks. With his hand on my ass, I grind on top of him.

  “Behave,” he mouths to me. When I try to undo his pants again, he tries to grab my hands still, but he can’t manage to grab both my wrists. His next words, though, get my attention.

  “Okay, I’ll be there soon.” He ends the call and grabs both wrists, throws me on my back and climbs on top of me. I can feel the pounding of my heart as I feel his hard cock press on my pubic bone.

  “I’d like nothing more than to finish our conversation and have my way with you for hours, but we can’t right now, angel. The groom needs his best man.” He kisses me, a kiss filled with longing and promises of what’s to come.

  “Tonight?” I ask, breathless.

  “Tonight, baby.”

  While Mellie and Ananda walk around awestruck at the grandeur and beauty of the Clark vacation home, I take my time admiring the place. It’s situated just a short walk to the beach. The backyard, which looks rustic and manicured all at the same time, is huge and looks like a garden from the 1800s. Despite the ocean being feet away, there’s a clear blue pool on the side of the backyard.

  Jason takes my hand and we walk over to Jake, who has an adorable little boy on his back.

  Upon close inspection, the boy is an exact replica of Jake, right down to the dark hair and dark eyes.

  “I didn’t know you had a son, Jake,” I say.

  “I don’t. This is my nephew Tristan. He’s JD’s co-best man.”

  I turn to my man.

  “Co-best man? I thought you had the best man gig all to yourself. You didn’t tell me you had to share the honors. And he’s much cuter than you are, Jason.” I tap the tip of Tristan’s nose with my fingertip and he giggles adorably.

  “Uncle Jake is my best friend. All of us men are going to the arcade and my daddy’s going to pay for all our video games. On Halloween, Uncle Jake said we can wear the same costume.”

  “Well, you are one lucky little boy.”

  Tristan agrees as he hugs his uncle tighter.

  Troy comes out of the house with a baby boy in his hand, who he introduces to me as Travis. When he reaches us, Jason grabs the baby from him. He’s a happy boy who laughs as he grabs Jason’s nose. When Travis sees me, he reaches for me. Surprised by his actions, I take him, and he pounds on my chest. He’s pounding and laughing when a big glob of drool falls from his mouth into my cleavage.

  The men are all oblivious as they talk about the trip to the arcade, which is Tristan’s version of a bachelor party for his uncle since he was not allowed to go with them to Miami.

  When Travis drools some more, I hand him to Jason.

  “He’s squishy, babe. And he drooled on me.” I wipe some of my drool stained hands on Jason’s shirt while he coos at Travis.

  “Squishy?” he asks, amused. “Not a baby person?”

  “Never really been around them. He’s cute, though. I’ll enjoy him better from a distance.”

  Travis doesn’t seem to mind the change as he reaches for Jason’s collar and nibbles on it. More drool falls out of his mouth, which Jason is oblivious to. He snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me closer as he talks about plans with Jake.

  I look around the beautiful yard just as Sandy walks out and approaches Mellie and Ananda. Mellie catches my eye and offers me a sheepish smile. I turn away from her, still irritated at her ambush in the car. On one hand, I admire her loyalty to Jason. It’s obvious he keeps a small circle and loyalty is very important to him, but I wish she would have talked to me first.

  What I said in the car was true. The conversation was so insignificant, it slipped my mind. Besides, when I’m with Jason, the last thing I think about are other men. When we’re together, I want to focus on us, not talk about people or things that don’t matter. But I don’t expect my friend to ambush me either.

  I step closer to Jason and ignore Mellie, but that doesn’t last long because she approaches me with Sandy and Ananda. After hugging me and Jason, Jake pulls Sandy to his side, kissing her temple tenderly. She reaches over, takes Travis from Jason and holds him on her hip, oblivious to the pounding he’s giving her chest.

  “You girls want to join us for lunch? Use the pool? The guys are leaving, and Lil has a day of pampering planned. You’re welcome to join us.”

  “Yes!” Both Ananda and Mellie talk at once, disregarding our plans to go to the beach. “The saltwater will wreak havoc on our hair.”

  Mellie runs her fingers through her hair, which has been straightened within an inch of its life.

  “Thanks, but we don’t want to be in the way,” I say.

  “Don’t be silly. Come inside, and I’ll give you a tour.”

  “Can we see your wedding dress?” Ananda asks.

  Sandy nods with a happy smile.

  “What?” Jake says, outraged. “Everyone has seen that dress but me.”

  “Yes, many have seen it, but only you get to take it off.” She taps his nose before kissing his cheek.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Jason asks me. I look at the house and back to him, smiling as I nod. He leans down and kisses me. When we pull away, both of us breathless, I follow Sandy and the girls into the house.

  “Hey,” he says, jogging up to me, “in case you want to go anywhere.” He hands me the keys to his car and walks away.



  After a couple of hours at the arcade, the men return to the Clark compound while the women go sightseeing. Chris, Jake’s soon to be brother-in-law, met us at the house after dropping his wife, daughter, and Vivienne with the rest of the ladies.

  We sip on beers while the boys splash around in the pool with Jake’s brothers and father. Several other boys mingle around the pool while some of them help grill us a late lunch.

  My phone buzzes and it’s another picture from Alex. She’s sitting between Ananda and Alex holding a drink in her hand.

  Alex: Having the best time, but I wish you were here.

  Me: Miss you, too. Can’t wait to see you. Things okay with you and Mellie?

  She sends me a thumbs-up emoji, followed by a kissing one.

  I want her. Right now. If she were here, I’d take her hand, find an empty room, and take her against the wall, silencing her screams with my mouth.

  She’s warmth and happiness wrapped up in a beautiful bow. From her poufy curls to her piercing eyes and secret smile, she’s conquered my world in a few weeks.

  I’m not sure if we found each other or fate threw us together. We worked in the same building for years, so why now? Is it because I wasn’t ready before? My life was so different four years ago. I was a new resident, navigating my way through training, long hours, and study sessions. My personal life was a wreck, too. I was estranged from my sister, my parents hated each other, and I held every woman I met at a distance over misplaced loyalty to Natalie.

  My work life is still crazy, but my personal life has done a complete one-eighty. Natalie is completely out of my life. My sister and I are getting closer, and we’ve left our toxic parents behind. My best friend is getting married. Life is good, and I’m going to keep it that way.

  My phone buzzes again. Expecting to see another picture from Alex, I get a feeling of foreboding when I see a text from an unknown number.


  I let out a slew of expletives as I hit delete and forcefully toss the phone on the table.

  “How are you and Alex going to send flirty texts if you break that thing?” Jake slides into the chair opposite me.

  “I know you’re not talking. You and
Sandy have talked five times in the three hours you’ve been apart.”

  He ignores me and sips on a bottle of water.

  “Who was it?” he asks.

  “You already know. I told her to fuck off, but she keeps insisting on coming to see me.” I drop my head in my hands and rub my temple.

  “So, see her. Tell her to her face and walk away but do it on your terms before she comes to you.”

  “And what the fuck do I tell Alex? My ex won’t leave me alone? I have a good thing with her. It’s still new, and I don’t want to scare her off. You remember what it was like when you finally got the girl, right?”

  His words mirror what Mellie said a few weeks ago. They are both right, so I need to get my head out of my ass.

  “I told my girl the truth the moment I stopped acting like an idiot. You have an ex. So what? At least she lives four states away. I don’t have that luxury.”

  I nod at him, deciding to talk to Natalie the next time she texts, then I’ll tell Alex about our history.

  “Yeah, yeah. Since when are you the wise one here? I’m the one always pulling you off the ledge.”

  “Then it’s time I return the favor.”

  “Hey!” Jake’s dad yells from the pool. He has Noah, Chris’ son, on his shoulders. “We have to be out of here in half an hour so the caterers can set up. Get your asses in here.”

  “They’re too busy crying over missing their women,” Luke yells right before he does a cannonball. All the kids scream at his antics and take turns jumping in the pool.

  When it quiets down, I yell, “Hey, Chris, did Vivi come with you?” My eyes are on Luke, and he ceases all movement at my question. He turns toward Chris, who gives me a knowing look.

  “Oh, yeah. She’s dolled up for the party tonight. She might even have a date for the wedding.” Even from my seat, Luke’s face turns red. Then he dives underneath the water and pulls Tristan under.

  My phone buzzes again. I pick it up, and I smile at Alex’s next text.

  Alex: Heading back to the hotel. See you soon.



  “Isn’t my man handsome, everyone? Look at him.” As I run my hands over his broad shoulders and down his torso, I can see the lust in his eyes.

  It’s been hard to find some alone time. Jake’s been monopolizing Jason’s time since we got here. It’s kind of odd. It’s as if the men and women are kept apart intentionally. All the female members of the wedding party are spending the night at the house tomorrow night so they can all get ready for the wedding together in the morning. The men are being sent to the hotel.

  I look at my man again and mentally count the hours until this party is over so we can be alone in that giant suite we’re sharing.

  “He looks like he always does. A big-eared loser,” Mellie says playfully. “Love you, big brother,” Mellie says when Jason gives her what’s supposed to be a dirty look.

  “Let’s hit the open bar, Mellie.” Ananda takes Mellie by the elbow and they both walk away.

  I take a step closer to him and grab the collar of his white linen shirt, pulling him down to my level. I grab his face with both hands and crash my mouth to his. The minute he opens his mouth, I’m tasting him fully, grabbing and sucking his tongue. I press my body to him, crushing my breasts to his chest, ready to deepen the kiss even more.

  “Whoa,” he says, pulling away and wiping his mouth. “Another second of that kiss and we’re skipping this party.”

  “It’s just that I’ve never seen you dressed like this before. You’re usually in scrubs or jeans. You look really yummy. And we haven’t had a moment alone since we got here.” I step close to him again, get on my tiptoes, ready to kiss him again, but he backs away.

  “That’s because Jake is so needy. Save those kisses until tonight.”

  “Jake’s right here,” Jake says, watching us with a smirk on his face. “And you don’t think I would rather be with Sandy than with you?”

  “Cockblocker. Let’s get a drink, angel.” He takes my hand in his. “You look really beautiful in white, do you know that?”

  My dress was a last-minute find when I went shopping with the girls. It’s a strapless, embroidered white dress that touches my ankles. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it until I saw the way Jason looked at me, giving me the confidence I need.

  The place has transformed from just a few hours ago. It’s still daylight outside, but there are soft lights hanging above in the giant tent. The tables are decorated with roses in every shade of pink. There’s a band playing soft music, and before long, guests start filling the big space.

  With me on his arm, Jason orders a glass of champagne for me and a brandy for himself. He drinks his in one slow sip while holding my gaze the entire time. I can feel my nipples hardening just from his lust-filled gaze. When he finally breaks the stare, his eyes travel to my chest, which is on full display in this strapless gown.

  I discretely rub one breast on his arm, and he moans. I don’t have much time to tease him because when a group of his and Jake’s friends from college show up, he drags me along and introduces me as “his Alex.”

  Sandy and Jake join us, and they spend the next hour regaling us with stories of young JD and his antics, including the time he got drunk for the first time and decided he didn’t want to walk back to the dorm. He laid on the grass in the quad and declared he was going to sleep. It took six guys to lift him and practically carry him back to bed.

  The entire time, I sit next to Jason, his strong hands rubbing between my shoulder blades. We finally leave the group of friends and head back to the bar for another drink. As we wait to get the bartender’s attention, a young girl comes to stand next to Jason.

  I recognize her from Jason’s party.

  “Hi, JD. You look nice,” she says, smiling widely. She’s a beautiful girl, who is probably older than she looks, but her small stature makes her appear younger. She looks gorgeous in a mid-drift top and skirt with a thin belt around her exposed waist.

  “Hi, Vivi, and so do you,” Jason says, smiling back. “Do you remember my Alex from the party?” I reach over and offer her my hand, but she doesn’t take it right away. The smile leaves her face as she looks at me. I smile at her, but her eyes leave my face and roam down, stopping at my chest. She then looks down at her own chest before looking back at me.

  She finally takes my hand and forces a smile. The smile is genuine, but it’s as if she’s admitting defeat.

  “Right. I remember you. It’s nice to see you again. I’m Vivienne, Sandy’s cousin.” She gives me a firm handshake before dropping my hand.

  Jason’s friends call him back, and he kisses my lips before he tells me he’ll be right back.

  We finally get champagne from the bartender, and we both stand there sipping our beverage.

  “So, Vivi, you want to meet my two friends? They’re kind of crazy, but we’re looking for a fourth girl for our little girl group. One condition. You have to like women who speak their mind and hope to one day take over the world. You in?”

  She turns to me, smiles just as broadly as she did before. We clink our glasses, link our arms together, and I take her to Mellie and Ananda.

  “What are you looking at, angel?” Jason says about an hour later as we’re sitting down for dinner. He offers me a bite of his jumbo shrimp, but I shake my head as I continue to watch.

  “Sandy and her sister. Sister goals.” Tash has been by her sister’s side all night, either getting her drinks or making sure her nose has no shine. At this very moment, Sandy is shooing Tash’s hand away as she tries to wipe her face, but Tash is undeterred in her duties.

  Even this afternoon while we were out, Tash and Sandy’s mom doted on her so much, I felt this longing for my own mother.

  “Do you have a sister?” Jason asks slowly. “You never mention your father.”

  I drop my fork and slowly look away from the sweet scene.

  “I’ve never met my father. I just wish
I had someone that I shared DNA with who would love me that much. The mom and sister. They’re amazing.”

  “Yeah, they are. But siblings are overrated,” he says. “Feel free to take mine. Jake’s like a brother, you can have him too. Way more trouble than they’re worth.”

  I smile at him, his sweet intentions clear.

  “You don’t have to say that to make me feel better. We all have our circumstances, and this is just the hand I was dealt. I’m okay, I promise.”

  He smiles at me. The slow, playful, sexy smile that I love so much. He leans in, and I offer him my cheek, thinking he’s about to kiss me. Only he doesn’t. He reaches over and pierces a piece of my chicken with his fork and shoves it in his mouth. Before I can even react, he does it again, taking an even bigger piece this time.

  “This is what having a sibling is like,” he says, mouth full of my food. Then he takes his hand and messes up my hair.

  “Hey!” I smooth my hair back in place, but in the time it takes me to do that, he’s practically finished my meal.

  “You’re supposed to be my boyfriend, not my brother, creep.” I try to take one of his shrimp, but he blocks me.

  “Boyfriend? I don’t think so.”

  “Excuse me?” My heart races, but I know from the look on his face, the way he’s looking at me with adoration, that there’s no reason for the pounding going on in my chest.

  “I’m no boy, angel. I’m your man. You’re my woman.” He no longer has the playful smile. He’s intense now, looking deeply into my eyes. He grabs my hands and places them on his chest, right above his heart. “Got it?”

  “Got it, my man.” I lean in, uncaring about our tablemates, and give him a small peck. “How about I get us some more of that chicken?”

  “Good idea, m’lady.”

  “But before I go, I need to know why the wedding planner keeps looking daggers at you? And don’t think I didn’t notice that Vivienne has a thing for you as well.” I smile at him to lighten the mood, but I cross my arms and wait for him to answer.


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