Project: Adapt - Found: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 1)

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Project: Adapt - Found: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 1) Page 6

by Jade Waltz

  Too bad Xylo and his team hadn’t been able to make me taller as well... I smiled at the silly thought but decided I liked my new curves. I placed my hands on my hips and spun around as I watched my reflection in the mirror. They even made me feel less self-conscious about my strange silver hair and the stupid white spots on my bronze skin.

  I opened the shower’s tinted-glass door and climbed in, giddy with excitement, pushing the button to close it behind me. All those lessons over all the days with my dreamscape male paid off. Being able to speak, read, and write Galactic Common had been a huge benefit since my escape from the Yaarkins.

  A few button-pushes later, water sprayed from the walls around me.

  I gasped.

  It was amazing!

  I spun in the shower, reveling in the feel of the water running down my body. It was incredible, and I decided I was never leaving this shower.

  Scanning the walls, I found the soap dispenser. Squeezing a glob into my hand, I lathered my body. As I scrubbed, the suds made my skin feel silky smooth. I inhaled, trying to identify the scent. It was somewhat chemical and reminded me of what I’d smelled on Xylo. I squirted another dollop into my hand and massaged it into my hair, closing my eyes and relishing the exquisite sensation.

  I loved water.

  I moaned as my fingers dug into my scalp, and the warm water beat against my skin. As I allowed the water to rinse my hair, my muscles relaxing in the warmth and steam from the shower, I groaned again in pleasure.

  Stars take me... this was the most wonderful thing I’d ever experienced. It would never grow old.

  The sound of the bathroom door opening interrupted my thoughts. I paused, listening for movement. Who would invade my privacy? It was clear the facilities were being used. I lowered my hands and turned off the shower. I couldn’t hear over its noise.

  When another scuff sounded from across the small room, my hand trembled in fear. They hadn’t left. Clearly it wasn’t Xylo—he’d be more likely to mindspeak me before entering. And I hadn’t heard anyone call out.

  Was someone trying to sneak up on me?

  A huge pale green shape wavered outside the tinted-glass door. I couldn’t make out details, but the color was wrong. It couldn’t be Xylo. There was faint movement around and behind the blurry form.

  If the intruder was anything like Xylo, I knew I had little chance in a physical confrontation, but I wasn’t going to let them take me away, not without a fight. Not when I was so close to finding a life for myself.

  My only shot was the element of surprise. I hit the button to open the tinted-glass door. At the same time, I reached for the faint thread that connected me to Xylo, mentally grabbing hold and tugging. “Xylo!” I screamed aloud, straining to mentally project at the same time. I let the thread snap back, then leaped to attack.

  I prayed Xylo would make it to me in time.

  Chapter Seven


  Xylo swerved and dodged past startled crew members, ignoring their calls and concerned questions. He sensed the princes hard on his tail, following him, but he had not been able to sense anything from Selena since her mental cry for help. Her shout had been laced with so much power—so much fear—it had startled him. Their bond thread was intact, yet somehow, she blocked it—an inconvenient aspect of her shielding ability.

  Xylo rushed into the infirmary guest cabin, the princes flanking him.

  All three stopped in shock at the scene that greeted them.

  A naked Selena thrashed atop Senior Healer Chyox, silver hair dripping water. He had one tentacle wrapped around her chest, attempting to lift her away. Two more tentacles trapped her wrists behind her back as she struggled desperately to get free. Her scream was muted by the fourth tentacle in her mouth—the one she was currently biting with her blunt human teeth. He was thankful she did not have the sharp teeth many of the Children did.

  Selena stared down Head of Security K’dyth, who crouched a short distance from Chyox’s head, ready to attack. K’dyth’s arms were up, arm-blades out as he prepared to defend Chyox. His tentacles were poised to strike, glistening with toxin.

  Xylo gasped. There was no sign of fear on Selena’s face—she clearly had no idea of the danger she was in. Both Ulax and Wudox toxins were deadly, and there was no antidote.

  “Stop! K’dyth, stand down,” Prince V’dim ordered. “Chyox, let the human go.”

  Xylo rushed to Selena, his need to protect her riding him hard when K’dyth did not immediately withdraw.

  “Are you sure, Sire? This primitive female attacked the Senior Healer without cause. He came to check on her, and she jumped him when he neared the shower door...” K’dyth trailed off doubtfully.

  Selena ceased screaming and spat out Chyox’s tentacle as soon as she saw Xylo. He grabbed her and pulled her off Chyox, then thrust her behind him, all six of his vines wrapping around her protectively. Selena yelped in surprise, then wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing close to his back. He swelled with pride at her acceptance of his touch, sighing with relief when he felt her unblock their connection. All would be well.

  Then he turned on Chyox. “Why were you in Selena’s room? This is my patient. She is neither Ulax nor Wudox.”

  Xylo watched angrily as Chyox rose unsteadily to his feet. Chyox bowed his head to the princes, then thanked K’dyth before finally turning back to face them. Xylo felt Selena’s arms tighten in fright when Chyox glared at her. Chyox’s violet eyes narrowed, then locked with his.

  “I was making sure you were doing your job since this savage is your first patient. And I needed to activate her communicator before she woke. Her bed was empty when I entered her room, but I heard groans coming from the wash facilities. I called K’dyth for backup, concerned, but before I was able to open the shower door to assist her, she leapt out and attacked me with no regard to the condition she is in. She is lucky I have full control of my venom and did not retaliate when she struck me. No matter how primitive, I did not want to harm her—especially not when humans are nearly extinct and may potentially be one of the Children.”

  Chyox huffed and wrapped his four tentacles around his torso.

  Anger boiled in Xylo. How dare Chyox disregard her privacy and question Xylo’s treatment of her. He narrowed his eyes at the Senior Healer, prepared to defend both himself and Selena’s honor.

  “That is enough,” Prince V’dim snapped. “You two are supposed to be working together, not fighting each other. Chyox, you overstepped yourself and needlessly scared our guest. Xylo is the one in charge of this patient. If you had any worries or questions, you should have first spoken with him before barging into the human’s recovery room. Do you understand?”

  Chyox broke eye contact with Xylo and turned to the princes. He bowed his head and replied stiffly, “Yes, my Prince, I understand. I was only concerned because of her importance... and with her pregnancy—”

  “Pregnant? I’m pregnant?”

  Xylo felt Selena stiffen behind him in shock. She released him and tried to pull away. His vines loosened, allowing her to step free, and he turned to face her.

  “Xylo. Please, tell me he’s wrong.”

  Xylo could hear the hurt in her voice and could feel her betrayal through their bond.

  Silence fell upon the room.

  “K’dyth, you are not needed any longer.”

  “Yes, Prince V’dim.” K’dyth bowed, then added as he made his way to the exit, “But we should to discuss the security of the human female when you are available.”

  “How does she understand Galactic Common? Why is she questioning her pregnancy, Xylo?” Chyox asked, his mental tone dismissive.

  “She learned Galactic Common as a second language but isn’t fully comfortable speaking it. I had not yet had a chance to inform her of her condition, she was still weak, and there were other concerns when she awoke a few hours ago—”

  Xylo was shoved aside, interrupting his diatribe.

  Anger. Hurt. Frustration
. Pain. Confusion.

  Selena’s tumultuous emotions crashed through him.

  “I don’t care who you guys are. Primitive... I can call you names also. A walking, talking house plant and squid-fish-men. Ha! For all their faults and casual cruelties, at least the Yaarkins respected my privacy whenever I used the facilities, so long as I came when called.” Selena locked eyes with Xylo, her voice as full of rage as her face.

  “You can stop talking silently behind my back—I know you’re doing that secret conversation shit. You’re speaking telepathically—I see your eyes shifting as you address one another. Xylo... am I pregnant?” she demanded. For all the anger in her voice, her eyes were full of pain and hurt.

  He glanced warily at the princes and Chyox before returning his gaze to her. Her blue-green eyes bored into his as he steeled himself for her reaction.

  “Yes, Selena. You are pregnant with twins, though we have been unable to confirm your due date.” He paused, but she stood in stunned silence. “Do you know who sired them? What species they are? Any information you could provide would help us determine what to expect for the rest of your pregnancy, delivery, and how to provide care for both you and your offspring.”

  Xylo watched with concern as she covered her mouth with her hand. A choked sound escaped as her eyes brimmed with tears.

  “No. He never told me anything about himself. It’s all been some big secret... something about my safety and other issues.” Tears streamed down her face. “Why would you have kept this from me, Xylo?”

  Xylo wanted desperately to comfort her, to pull her close and wrap his vines around her, but he knew now was not the time. She was in a fragile state and would resist.

  “I promise it was not my intention to keep the pregnancy from you, Selena. You fell asleep before I could to talk to you about it. We were distracted by other topics as you know.” Xylo paused to take in a deep breath. He pleaded, “Please, do not doubt me.”

  Xylo didn’t care the others were still in the room. He needed to find a way to fix this before he lost her. A blanket of calm fell upon him—Prince V’dim manipulating their emotions—and he could see the others start to relax. The prince might not be female, but he was still royalty and a strong empath.

  Selena closed her eyes and turned away from Xylo.

  “Leave,” she whispered.

  He could hear the raw pain in her voice.

  “Selena, please...” Xylo begged, stepping closer to her.

  “I said leave!” she yelled, wrapping her arms protectively around her torso.

  He felt her block their connection again.

  The princes looked at him and shook their heads before exiting the room. Chyox gave her a sad smile before turning to him with a nod and leaving.

  Xylo walked to the door in defeat. He felt like he had failed her. He turned around for one last appeal.

  “I will return with breakfast in the morning. Once again, I apologize for any hurt I inadvertently caused. Please forgive me. I did not mean for you to find out this way,” he murmured, hoping she would tell him to stay.

  His hopes shattered when she did not respond.

  Only the sound of crying and the low hum of the ship filled the room.

  Xylo turned and left, the door sliding shut behind him.

  He fell against the wall beside the door. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head toward the ceiling, in deep thought.

  He needed to do better if she was going to accept him. Failure was not an option—for both his health and her wellbeing. If he was going to accompany Selena when she joined the Aldawi, he needed to be fully bonded to her.

  But first, she needed a cabin with a nesting bed—a space of her own.

  He would ensure she would have one to move into come morning.

  Chapter Eight


  The darkness faded into the tropical paradise I’d grown familiar with over the years. I leaned against the stone railing of the porch of the villa that overlooked the island. As I listened to the peaceful sounds of the lilac waves crashing onto the white sand shore, I allowed their gentle cadence to soothe me. The island never ceased to amaze me, the kaleidoscope of colorful plant life glowing under the yellow sun in the clear blue sky.

  My dreamscape was lonely tonight. But it didn’t matter, I needed to be alone to process everything that had happened.

  Once again, there was someone keeping secrets from me.

  Why did it bother me so? It’s not like I wasn’t used to secrets. The Yaarkins had certainly not been the sharing type. So why did I feel the need to trust both males I had somehow bonded with?

  This was the spot he would always meet me in my dreamscape.

  Memories of our time together rushed back to me.

  Our explorations of the island as if it was our private playground. The Galactic Common lessons in the shade along the shore or in the garden that looked out over the island. Conversations about what I’d read and been through. Hikes through the colorful jungle.

  This island, meeting him here, had been the one bright spot in my bleak life. It was the only thing that had gotten me through the endless days of captivity.

  And now it was over. I felt hollowed out, empty.

  A strong wind blew the strands of my silver hair across my face, blocking the view of the island. I felt a powerful and familiar presence behind me.

  Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath.

  He came.

  Brushing the hair out of my face, I opened my eyes and turned to face him.

  A towering dark figure loomed over me, waiting. His amethyst eyes burning brightly, the translucent black tendrils that made up his body dancing like flames or smoke.

  I felt a wave of disappointment he still didn’t show me his true form.

  “Is everything all right? Only a few hours ago you told me goodbye.” Despite myself, I couldn’t repress a shiver as his deep raspy voice caressed my skin.

  “No, everything’s not all right. I’m pregnant!” I shouted, clenching my fists.

  A chuckle escaped him. “Yes, I know. No need to worry.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He knew?

  “You knew?” I screeched.

  “You don’t understand. You mean everything to me. I could not mark my claim on you while the Yaarkins still owned you—doing so would jeopardize everything—but I needed a reason to be able to claim you later. I knew of the Yaarkins experiments and got access to all your files. They were foolish and blind—throwing you away because you did not look like their other human toys. I did not anticipate what happened after you became pregnant—that they would back out of their deal to sell you to me. But have no fear—the Circuli are loyal and are bringing you to CEG HQ. From there, you and our offspring will be transferred into my possession. Once I mark you as mine, no one will be able to deny you belong with me.” His voice rumbled in self-congratulation over his plan.


  He’d meant for me to become pregnant? He’d done it intentionally?

  “How could you? Don’t you think I deserved to decide whether I wanted to become pregnant? Or at least be notified?” I demanded, rigid with anger.

  He simply looked at me, unruffled by my anger.

  “You miscalculated, badly. I’m not ready for children. Whether or not I want children or how many, these are things I haven’t truly considered. Given my life, they were no more than a vague daydream. I don’t even know what my future looks like. Worse, you have taken away my choice. Not only have you kept me in the dark about who you are, you set your plans without any regard for what I might want. My feelings were irrelevant. Nor am I willing to ever allow another being to claim me as a possession again.” I heaved an agitated breath. “Besides, you only want me because I’m the only one of my kind, the sole prototype of the Yaarkins’ Project: Adapt. You don’t love me.”

  His eyes hardened. “You are my Nova. There is no one else.”

  “So you say, but what good has that done me?
You used my vulnerability and our connection for your asinine plan to impregnate me without my consent. You abused my trust in you and the connection we built over the years. You want me to trust you, yet you still won’t trust me with something as simple as your identity!” I shouted, throwing my hands up. “What if something happened during delivery and the healers don’t know what to expect or do because the father’s species is unknown? They have already told me they don’t know how to proceed without knowing more about the father. Both my health and the health of my offspring are endangered by not knowing what you are.”

  “I have already considered all of this. The healers aboard the Destiny are fully capable of delivering our offspring if required and assisting with your care until you arrive. I will claim you both and provide everything you need. But you must trust me, please!” he begged.

  Turning away from him in disgust and frustration, I leaned on the railing and willed myself to calm down. His failure to understand my feelings and his distrust in me hurt. That I was still drawn to him despite all that he’d done hurt even more. I felt torn in two.

  Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling my body against his. I closed my eyes, absorbing the warmth rolling off his smoky form. The weight of his head came to rest on my left shoulder, his face turned toward my neck. His breath tickled the fine hairs on my neck, making me squirm.

  “You are my Nova, and any offspring of yours is mine as much as you are.” He paused as he breathed in my scent. “I know you’re distressed, but all I want is to provide for you and our offspring. To shield and protect you from harm. To ease your worries.”

  I felt a gentle squeeze as he held me close.

  “If it matters so much, and will lessen yours fears about the pregnancy, I’ll tell you what I am. But I can’t tell you any personal details, not yet. It’s still not safe—not until I have you by my side and can protect you. I can’t come for you myself, but I’ll send a special escort to ensure your safe arrival at the space station. And I’ll be there to welcome you. Please trust me a little longer. All will be well once I have you in my arms,” he murmured against my neck.


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