Being Lost: Satan's Devils MC San Diego #1

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Being Lost: Satan's Devils MC San Diego #1 Page 31

by Manda Mellett

  “Look, that’s it. I can’t tell you anything else. Seeing as we’re both on the same side, are you going to untie me now?”

  I eye him thoughtfully for a moment. Then smile and nod. “Yeah, Shark, you’ve told us everything. Salem?” I wave the enforcer forward as though I’m going to instruct him to let Shark down, then hold up my hand to halt him. “Oh, first. We’ve been asked to watch out for a Patsy Foster. What do you know about her?”

  Shark shakes his head. “Not a clue, only what you’ve been told I suspect. Just that Alder wants her found.”

  I eye him for a moment, wondering if I’ve got all I’m going to get. I think it is, in comparison to what the enforcer can do, my interrogation methods are tame. So I do what any good manager does, I use the skills at my disposal.

  “All yours, Salem.”

  Shark grins, then his face starts to fall as instead of approaching him to untie the ropes, Salem instead approaches the workbench and walks back to the out bad member carrying some tools, and a bottle.

  It’s when the brandy hits the man’s back that he starts to scream. “You can’t do this. Alder needs me. I’ve got to be there.”

  “Is that right?” Salem asks, setting the blowtorch alight.

  “Yeah!” Shark yells. “You know him. If I’m not there...” his voice trails off as he realises if he doesn’t turn up it will be because he’ll be somewhere Alder and no one else will be able to hurt him.

  Salem stares at me. I reckon we’ve got all we’re going to get, but I hold up my hand to ask one more thing.

  “Where are Tinder, DJ, Crow, Rattler and Bastard? They working with Alder too?”

  “I’ve no fuckin’ idea!” Shark cries out what I think is a truthful response. “We went separate ways.”

  I’m grateful that the brig is soundproofed as Shark’s screams grow louder and louder, then he’s begging, crying, whimpering as the blowtorch does its work. Every member stares on, none of us turn away. It’s a brutal reminder that allegiance to the MC is everything. Betray the club and you don’t get a second chance.

  I hadn’t lied. I don’t like the smell of burned flesh, nor do I particularly like screams that almost burst my eardrum, and blood, well, if it’s not mine, it’s not so bad. I just don’t much like getting it on me. But I know what I need to do.

  I make a gesture, and one by one all club members advance on Shark, taking their revenge on the man who let them down.

  There’s not much left of the man by the time I put the bullet into his head.

  “Took you fuckin’ long enough. Should have pulled out a few teeth. Let Salem loose…”

  “I got results,” I mentally confront the image of Snake.

  “Not like me.”

  No. Not like him. Just because I don’t do things the same way, doesn’t make me less of a prez. Why should I spend my life comparing myself to a man I’ve no desire to emulate?

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “I overheard something.” Dan approaches me as Lost leaves the clubroom, his eyes following all the members as they walk out.

  I stack the cue sticks away, ready to be used by someone else, fully intent on doing what Lost suggested and waiting for him in his room. Naked? On my knees? I’ve never wanted a man’s dick in my mouth before, I mean, they pee out of it for Christ’s sake. But for some reason my mouth waters thinking about his. If his mouth on me had blown my mind, could I return the favour, give him as much pleasure as he’d given me?

  Distracted by the thoughts in my head, I speak in an off-handed manner to my son. “Yeah? What?”

  “That you fuckin’ ran.” His growl gets my full attention. As I turn to him, he continues, “You were going to leave me without a word.”

  “I left a note,” I object, flustered. He wasn’t supposed to know about my mistake. I try to justify my actions. “Alder wants me, Dan. If I’d gone away, left a trail away from the club, then everyone here would be safe. I didn’t want to put anyone here in danger.”

  Dan stares, then breathes out loudly. “For fuck’s sake, Mom. Don’t you know anything about this MC yet? They protect their own, and you’re Lost’s, Mom, aren’t you?”

  I suppose in his eyes I am. “Dan, I’ve never felt this way about a man before, and it scares the hell out of me. What if I stay and he ends up dead?”

  “He won’t,” Dan assures me, his eyes like steel. “And if you were determined to leave, why the hell didn’t you ask me to come with you?”

  “You’d have been fine.”

  “Of course, I’d have been fine.” He rolls his eyes. “But you intended to set off on your own completely unprotected. I should have gone with you.”

  He’s standing straight, his body taut, and I suddenly realise something. My son is a grown man, and in his eyes, I don’t need to protect him anymore. He sees himself in the role of protector himself. If he joins the MC, he’ll fit right in.

  I lower my eyes, understanding how much I’ve wronged him. “I’m sorry. But I’m here now. Lost brought me back.”

  “Thank fuck for that. Mom, promise me. Never, ever run off again. If you even think about it, talk with me first. If you do think that’s the only answer, then I’ll come with you.”

  “But you’ve got the chance of a new life here. A new family, Dan.”

  “Don’t give a fuck. Blood comes first, Mom. For years I didn’t behave like your son, and I’d like the opportunity to put that to rights.”

  “You already have.” I raise my eyes to meet his again. “I know you’ve seen the worst of people and have put that behind you. When you were younger, if you said you were going to join an MC, I’d have acted like I did when you left to go with Phil. But I know what you’re getting into. Prospecting will be hard work and will try you, but I’ve no doubt you’ll get through. I’m proud that you’re going to give it a go.”

  “You don’t think it’s all about living the life and free pussy?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “Dan!” I admonish. “I’m your mom. I don’t want to think about that. And if I’m staying here with Lost, I hope you’ll be more discreet than some of the brothers.”

  He smirks but doesn’t give me the answer I want. I bat his arm. “Anyway, prospects have to stay clear of the club girls until they get patched in.”

  “Don’t remind me.” His face falls.

  “Anyway, the difference is, when you left to go with Phil, it was because you thought his life was easy.”

  “It wasn’t.” He grimaces. “No one wanted me there. I was the son, the heir, or so they believed. No one had my back when push came to shove. But here? It’s all about proving myself, but this time with a purpose. I’ve got a chance of becoming part of a team, and that’s what I want.”

  “I’m sorry I tried to leave.” I revert back to the reason he came over. “I wasn’t really thinking, Dan. Lost, well, he overwhelmed me, and I panicked I suppose.”

  “Overwhelmed you?” He grins. “Fucked you, I think.”

  Did he really say that? “Dan, I… Dan!”

  He elbows me gently in the ribs. “I don’t mind, Mom. Just as long as you keep it in your room and don’t put on a display in the clubroom.” As I splutter, he continues, “Seriously, I think Lost is the best thing to ever happen to you. Give it a chance, Mom. Let Lost put this right and get Alder behind you.” His eyes fill with mirth again. “I wonder what Beth will say? Like daughter, like mother, you’ve snared yourself a biker.”

  Despite myself, I laugh. It’s the last thing I ever expected. But despite him being an MC prez, Lost is a good man.

  “Want a drink?”

  I’ve had enough. “No, I was going to bed.” My expression challenges him to question whether it’s my own or Lost’s, but luckily, he refrains from comment.

  Instead he leans in, kissing my cheek. “Have a good sleep, Mom. I’ll hang around with the prospects and see if I can pick up a few tips.”

  I make my way to the stairs as Dan goes and true to his wor
d, props himself against the bar and starts a discussion with Curtis.

  I enter Lost’s room feeling like an intruder. Standing in the doorway, I’m undecided about whether I should really be here or not.

  I stare around the room. There’s no doubt it’s a comfortable, if very masculine, space. If Lost and I are really together, will this be where we will live? I don’t need much, just a space where I can work, and I’m sure Lost will find me a corner for that. A bed, sofa and television are the basics for sure. But I do like to cook, and while there’s a kitchen downstairs, it’s normally in use preparing meals for all of the brothers, and I’m not sure I’d want to do that. Apart from the fact he lives in just one room, I can hear music throbbing up through the floorboards. He’s always on call, subject to a knock on the door summoning him at all hours. This isn’t a place where he can switch off.

  Would he live off compound? I know that Dart does. Should I even ask him? I need to take the man as he is and not try to change him. But if I don’t, I’d have to change myself, and perhaps I’m too old to do that. I like having my own space, loved my old house with a garden which was great for entertaining in the summer months.

  Am I thinking too much like Kim, his ex, did? Thinking only of myself. The thought is disturbing.

  The only thing that should matter is that we’re together. If I love the man, I should be able to do that anywhere. I look around again, trying to ignore the thump of the beat in the background. I can make this work. I’ll have to. I’m already committed to Lost.

  Love the man, love the club. That’s something I’ve read in my books. And there will be more advantages than disadvantages being with Lost, I’m certain of that.

  Viewing the room more positively as my new home has me moving my feet and closing the door behind me. I go into the shower and once again, using Lost’s shower gel, wash away the grime of the day. Then, with the towel wrapped tightly around me, I delve into the bag that I’d packed earlier on today. For a moment I pause, realising I’d been crazy to leave, that a life spent running away is no way to live. I suspect I’d have realised that before too long and returned, even if I had gotten away.

  But Lost had come after me. He’d cared enough to find me. That gives me a warm feeling inside.

  I start digging through my clothes again, hoping to find something sexy, but nothing’s magically appeared since I threw it all in.

  I could slide into his bed naked. Lost would be happy enough with that. But as I’m alone, I feel a little unnerved and want at least some armour around me. What if there’s a fire alarm or something? But nothing I’ve got in my bag seems suitable. Eyeing Lost’s drawers, I go over and open them. The first has an assortment of underwear and socks, but the second proves more fruitful. I pull out a much-worn t-shirt with Satan’s Devils MC San Diego printed on it. It reminds me of him, so I put it on. It drowns me, reaching down to mid-thigh.

  I laugh at myself for thinking I could be ready on my knees when Lost returns but realise I could be waiting a while. I have no idea how long he’ll be gone, or what he’s doing right now.

  The bed looks tempting and, as I already know, is comfortable. Lifting the comforter, I slide under it. I yawn. It’s been a long day and I was stressed out for much of it. I close my eyes, just to rest them for a short while.

  This pillow is so soft yet somehow so supportive…

  “It’s alright,” I hear a voice murmur. “It’s late, just go back to sleep.”

  I haven’t even the energy to wake up properly, only vaguely conscious that a strong, familiar arm is being draped across me.

  When I do manage to rouse myself, sunlight is shining through the curtains and Lost is awake and staring down into my eyes. My first thought is that he clearly needs less sleep than I do.

  Unable to resist, I raise my hand, placing it against his bearded face. “What time did you come to bed?”

  His brow furrows. “No idea, but it was late.” His mouth quirks. “I see someone’s stolen my t-shirt.”

  I grin. “Do you mind?”

  “Mind? Fuck no. I like you in it.” His hand moves up and down my arm.

  I shift over, moving in closer to him. He doesn’t disappoint, taking my lips in a scorching kiss, before resting his forehead against mine, saying, apologetically, “I’d love to take this further, Patsy, but I’ve got things I need to get done.”

  Clearly reluctant, he pushes away from me.

  As he searches through his drawers for fresh clothes, I start to pry. “Did you have a good meeting yesterday?”

  He swings around. I’ve surprised him. For a moment, I doubt he’s going to reply. “Niran came across a man, Shark, at that eatery they were checking out.” His eyes lock with mine. “Shark’s one of the traitors that sided with Snake. Seems he’s back stirring up trouble. Had a chat with him to find out what he knew.”

  “Oh.” I suspect I don’t want to know the details of how that conversation went.

  I start again. “What did you find out?”

  Lost shakes his head, then comes over and takes my hand, squeezing it gently. “Shark was working for Alder, but he had no information on why Alder wants you, Patsy. We did find out Alder’s not running drugs, or not through the tunnel.”

  I pick through what he’s just said. “There is a tunnel?” He raises his chin. “But he’s given drug running up?” It’s my turn to frown. “Oh God, Lost. That’s why he wants his revenge. Dan’s info must have shut his whole trade down.”

  But again Lost moves his head side to side. “No, he’s not out of pocket and I suspect he’s still got a hand in that game. But the tunnel is used for another purpose.” He pauses, grimaces, then admits, “People trafficking.”

  He’s just woken me up and sleepily I’m having difficulty waking up. There actually is a tunnel? That was the last thing I expected. People trafficking? “So Phil wasn’t working alone?” My eyes narrow. “Dan got the impression it was Phil’s project, and not something Alder condoned.” Then I start adding two and two together. “Phil knew of the tunnel’s existence, or, at least, the plans. He said he was going to take Beth out of the country. What if he was the one who set the trafficking route up, and Alder’s taken it over now?”

  “It could be,” Lost agrees, staring at a blank wall as he pulls his thoughts together. “But I wouldn’t have thought Phil had enough clout or money for that. I’ve no idea how long Alder’s been in this particular trade. He could have built the tunnel for bringing drugs through and then changed its use to something else.” He’s quiet for a moment. “I’ve got to go meet with the men now, babe.”

  I’ve started to be able to read him. The way his face tightens and his jaw clenches puts my senses on high alert. “You’re going to do something dangerous, aren’t you?”

  Instead of answering, he justifies himself. “Got to shut this down, Patsy. If we’re lucky, we might now have a way to draw Alder out.”

  My hands go to my face. “When?”

  His lips press together, and I realise he’s not going to say anything more.

  I sit upright, pulling his t-shirt around me. “Lost, please. I don’t want to lose you. Just let it drop.”

  “Can’t Patsy.” He turns those vibrant eyes on me. “Whether you’re involved or not, this has to stop.”

  “Then report it to the authorities. They can deal with it.” Anything but Lost risking himself.

  “They might close his tunnel down, but they won’t get Alder. He’ll just start up somewhere else. Trust me, Patsy.”

  “What if you tell Alder where I am? Draw him out? Catch him that way.”

  “No. Not putting you at risk.” He eyes me for a moment. “Need to be able to trust you, babe. If you’ve got any ideas about exposing yourself, making yourself bait, I’ll put a fucking prospect on you. Or,” he softens his words with a wink, “I’ll see if Kink’s got a spare set of handcuffs I can use.” His eyes land on the rail on his headboard.

  Handcuffs. Why did he have to go there? Hand
cuffed to Lost’s bed? His being able to do whatever he wants to me? I admit to thoughts no woman of my age should have.

  Lost’s eyes gleam. “You see possibilities with that, babe? Because I sure do.”

  Is he able to see inside my head?

  For a moment he’s silent, then his expression changes again. “Can I trust you?” He slips back into MC prez mode, leaving my lover to one side.

  I open my mouth to argue, preferring to face the firing squad myself, but I know when to stop. It’s clear nothing I can say will change the course of action he’s decided on. While I hate it, all I can do is offer support.

  I nod. “I’ll not do anything without speaking with you.” It’s the same promise I gave to my son. “Just be careful.”

  “I will.” He again looks at me carefully with heat in his eyes. “I’ve got something to live for now.”

  Preening slightly, I push for him to expand on his comment, even simpering a little as I ask impudently, “Like what?”

  He leans in closer. “Like that promised blow job.”

  He’s still chuckling, presumably at the expression on my face, when he disappears into the bathroom.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I remain smiling as I finish my day’s preparations and fully dressed, leave my room. Patsy’s face at my declaration had been a picture to remember. Her mock shock had made me laugh. At least my comment had broken the tension.

  Look at us. Our feelings already so deep for the other, we’d both be prepared to sacrifice ourselves for each other. Truth is, with Patsy waiting for me, and me still not having felt her lips around my cock, make me more determined than ever to return to her without so much as a scratch. Knowing what I already do about my soon-to-be old lady, that goes for all my men too. She wouldn’t appreciate me leaving anyone behind.

  Now we’ve got to prepare and minimise all risk.

  As I appear, Dart whistles loudly and points toward the meeting room. A subdued crowd follows me in.


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