WarDog: Book Twelve in the Galaxy Gladiators Alien Abduction Romance Series

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WarDog: Book Twelve in the Galaxy Gladiators Alien Abduction Romance Series Page 8

by Alana Khan

  With both palms, I push him onto his back, taking a moment to enjoy the contrast of the smooth skin on his chest as opposed to the thick fur on his shoulders. I straddle his waist, feeling his hard cock standing tall, straining along the seam of my ass.

  “Fast or slow, Bayne? Want me to make you desperate, or are you already there?”

  “I’ve waited a long time for this.” His jaw is tight, his nostrils flared, and every muscle in his body is poised to explode.

  “I want to make you feel so good, Bayne,” I say with a shy smile.

  I lean forward, plant one perfect close-lipped kiss on his mouth, then kiss a trail to his chin, down his throat, between his pecs, over sculpted abs, and through his happy trail until I’m face-to-face with his cock.

  It’s a gorgeous cock, as these things go, and accentuates the fact that he’s an alien. It's thick, hard, and long, a lighter golden color than his skin, and has a plump head that is already weeping one luminous milky bead of pre-cum which I swipe with my tongue. It has a spicy, almost cinnamon tang to it.

  The most distinguishing feature, though, is that instead of being a cylinder, it’s more like three balls stacked on top of each other. The one at the base is the thickest, the middle slightly less so, and the top is more the size of a human male.

  For a moment I wonder how it will fit when the time comes, then I set another intention, which is to embrace whatever comes—which should be Bayne in a few minutes.

  I ring the flat of my tongue around his head and use my tongue tip to explore the underside of his crown. His vigorous hip upthrust tells me I’m on the right track. A few more laps around the head of his cock, and his long fingers lodge in my hair.

  Somehow I know he’s using all his restraint to keep from jamming me down onto his cock. I’ll save him the trouble.

  Opening wide, I moan with pleasure as I welcome him into the warmth of my mouth. He moans in response, his fingers tightening in my hair. Reaching between his legs, I hold the weight of his balls in my palm as I ease myself as far as I can down his shaft until my lips are in the hollow between the first and second bulb.

  After several trips up and down, his cock thoroughly wet from my saliva, I get to work bobbing up and down, my tongue licking as I go. It’s easy to be generous with Bayne. Not only was he equally generous to me, but giving him pleasure is as exciting as receiving it.

  I push myself further and get halfway down the second bulge, then use my tongue to swipe further. The indent between the two bulbs is extra sensitive—he moans then snarls. The sound is so passionate I find it sexy.

  I can tell he’s close, his hips are making micro-thrusts. I know he’s trying not to choke or overwhelm me, it’s just that this must feel incredible to him. I want to taste him, but at the last minute, he forcefully pulls me off of him and releases toward the side of the bed, grunting in ecstasy, and finishing with a satisfied growl.

  Lifting me under my arms, he pulls me to lie on his chest and pets my head as he murmurs and kisses my temple.

  “Good?” Silly question. The orgasm, grunt, and growl were pretty self-explanatory.

  “Better than my fantasies, and those were pretty good.” He kisses me again.

  “Next time I want to taste you,” I say, unable to drag my gaze from his.

  He tilts his head to inspect my face, not certain he believes me, but doesn’t answer. If he was like most men, this would be his cue to roll over and snore, but he leaps out of bed, grabs a towel and cleans up, then slides into bed and snuggles me.

  I don’t know where our relationship is going, but I certainly like where we are.

  Chapter Seven


  I wake with Willa wrapped in my arms. I’ve woken close to her many times since I met her, but it was always when I was in canine form.

  Yes, WarDog sighs with contentment, her touch, her pats, her cuddles, her kisses, we were seldom apart. I feel a sudden surge of jealousy and resentment which I quickly suppress.

  Since I’ve been walking on two legs again, I dreamed of sweet Willa in my arms, and here we are. My arm is slung tightly around her waist, her head resting on the fur of my shoulder and her little hand splayed out on my chest as if she’s seeking my heat. A small smile plays at the corners of her mouth. My lips tip into an easy smile knowing I make her happy even in sleep.

  Nibbling at her mouth, I wake her. I get the privilege of seeing her first true smile of the morning.

  “Bayne,” her grin stretches wider when she realizes she’s in bed with me. “I’m so glad last night wasn’t just a dream. You’re here, and you’re hot.” One eyebrow raises as if she just told a dirty joke.

  I kiss her playfully, but when she kisses me back there’s nothing playful about it. Soon our tongues are exploring each other, then my head bends to her breast and she rolls onto her back in open invitation. I try to replay the events of last night, but she has other ideas.

  She climbs on top of me, her knees above my shoulders as she faces my feet, and plays with my already hard cock. Although I want to pay attention to what my sweet Willa is doing to me, her bottom is less than a hand’s breadth from my face. My slow morning brain finally wises up to the obvious invitation, and within a moment we’re pleasuring each other at the same time. This must be one of the things the other males boasted about when they talked of the endless pleasure Earth females loved to give and receive.

  When we’re both spent and panting, our heads finally near each other on the pillows again, Captain Zar’s voice booms over the comm.

  “Males and females. I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ve arranged with Captain Beast of the Devil’s Playground to meet today. His crew will be boarding within the hoara. When that is complete, the crew of both ships will meet in the dining room. I’ll comm to tell you when to join us.”

  I wonder if Beast knows I’m no longer in canine form. Several months ago, Beast, Aerie, another gladiator named Ar’Tok, Willa, and I were in a holding cell on a slave ship bound for auction.

  The moment Willa saw me I could sense her fear. Now that my thinking is clearer it’s obvious why. My canine form was huge, and my long, sharp teeth as well as my collar’s four-inch metal spikes must have been intimidating.

  In order to calm her, I crawled to her on my belly, then nudged her hand with my nose. She instantly relaxed and began to pet me. From that first moment, we were inseparable—until I changed into my two-legged form.

  Since then Ar’Tok mated Star, a human female he rescued from a malfunctioning satellite, and Beast and Aerie mated. We appropriated the slave ship and Beast, a natural leader, was elected captain. Along the way, we rescued more gladiators, most of whom are on his ship, the Devil’s Playground. I saw him at the dance last night but the chemistry between him and Aerie was so hot I doubt he was aware of anyone other than her.

  Something big must be about to happen if the two ships have converged and we’re having a meeting of all hands.

  “Think we have time for a bit more fun before we jump in the shower?” Willa asks, her face no longer the picture of innocence it was before. She looks wanton and sexy. How could I not oblige?

  We’re both clean and dressed when Zar’s next announcement intrudes. Before we leave the room, Willa asks, “Are we . . .?”

  Because of the animal inside me, my intuition is keen, but even with all of that, I have no idea what she’s asking. When I cock my head in question, my ears flicking, she clarifies.

  “Do you want to wait until we’ve been together longer before we let everyone know we’re together? A couple?”

  “Are you asking me to sneak to my cabin and pretend I didn’t spend the night taking you to the heights of pleasure?” My stomach clenches. I didn't realize the connection that felt so real to me might mean nothing to her. “Is that what you want?”

  “No. I just wondered if you might not want everyone to know.”

  “I’m proud to be with you, Willa. I’ll announce it on the Intergalactic Database if you�
��d like.”

  She laughs. “I don’t think you have to go that far. I’ll just skip over ‘It’s Complicated’ and go straight to ‘In A Relationship’ on my Facebook Status.” She laughs again and grabs my hand. I have no idea what she meant, but she doesn’t want to hide the fact that we pleasured each other all night and half the morning.

  The hallway is filled with people filing toward the dining room. Some of their relationships baffle me. Maddie and Stryker, for example. Sometimes they sleep together, sometimes they stay in separate rooms. Earth females can be complicated.

  As we move to take our seats, Beast approaches me. He’s called a Pinnacle fighter, one of the ten top gladiators in the galaxy. The five rings on the bridge of his nose signify that fact. I’ve watched him fight; he’s a force to be reckoned with.

  You’d never know it now, though. He has a pleasant smile on his face and reaches to slap my upper arm in camaraderie.

  “Aerie told me of your transformation; I had no idea,” he tells me seriously. “I thought you were canine. If I’d known, I would have done everything in my power to help you turn back into your humanoid form.”

  “I understand,” I assure him. He clasps my forearm in formal greeting as I clasp his. “I’m Bayne.”

  “I’m glad to meet you, Bayne. You have a standing invitation to move to my ship if you’d like. You and your female,” he nods happily at Willa.


  We take our seats after he walks away.

  “I guess the word’s out,” Willa says as she grabs my hand and pulls it to the top of the table. It’s an announcement in case anyone in the room missed it. It makes me feel proud and accepted.

  “Welcome all,” Zar says, a handful of paper notes clutched in his hand. “I believe you all know each other, although WarDog has changed his form. On two legs we call him Bayne.”

  A few of the gladiators from the Devil’s Playground nod and say hello from across the room.

  “We have serious business to discuss. As you know, I’m the captain in day-to-day matters and if things are urgent. I thank you again for the faith you've put in me by voting me captain. My counterpart, Beast, functions the same way on the Playground. In long-term matters, we function as what the Earth females call a democracy.

  “I will try to get everyone up to speed so you can all make informed decisions in the vote we’ll be having later today. While you all have time to think about the weighty matters at hand, our fabulous chef, Maddie has thrown together a celebratory feast.

  “Before we discuss matters of war, let’s remember all the things we have to celebrate. There are no slaves on board these ships. Many of us have found loving mates and those that haven’t have found a tribe of our own where we are cared for and respected.”

  It is gladiator custom to pound a foot in appreciation, which they do while the females clap. I pound my foot, glad to have only two of them.

  “Back to the business at hand. For those of you who don’t know, many of us from the original ship were owned by the MarZan cartel. We fought our captors and overthrew the ship. That was about an annum ago. Since then MarZan has been pursuing us. According to them, we’re still their property.

  “At times we’ve evaded them for days or weeks, once even a lunar, but they are always on the hunt. These are not nice people. They don’t treat their enemies well.

  “We’ve made friends with a band of pirates on the Ataraxia. When we recently met up with them, they informed us one of their males, Sextus, the big blue Cerulean, was in the process of being flayed alive when he fought back and wounded the leader of the cartel, Daneur Khour.

  “Although Khour’s face was destroyed by Frain acid, he has not become weaker. In fact, over the last lunar he has redoubled his efforts to find us.”

  I reach around Willa’s waist and snug her to me. I wish I could allay her fears; she looks terrified.

  “Beast and I have been talking. We believe it’s time to quit this game. We’re fighters, gladiators, warriors. We don’t like being prey. I suggest it’s time to quit running and become the aggressors.

  “We aren’t as numerous as the cartel, but we have good, strong males, smart females, a fighting spirit, and the will to take back our own power and quit cowering and hiding in fear.

  “Our intel suggests Khour has moved from his retreat on Ortheon to his compound on Fairea. Although it will be hard to penetrate, we have more males than he has guards. I believe if we put our heads together we can come up with a plan to vanquish him.”

  “Fairea,” Brianna breathes, “one of my mates almost died last time we were there. It’s not my favorite planet.”

  “The terrorist attack was a one-time thing. There have been no more incidents of that nature,” Zar says.

  “Even if we kill him, wouldn’t his second-in-command just take his place?” Dax asks. He’s a huge male who spars with me often. I count him as a friend. He’s vowed not to fight in the gladiator ring again. For a mountain of a man, he has the spirit of an artist.

  “Good question,” Beast answers. “He very well may, but we believe Khour has made this personal. Hopefully, whoever takes his place won’t be as obsessed with pursuing us as Khour is, especially after we attack Khour’s compound and kill a contingent of his males.”

  More questions are asked, more whispering occurs at the dining room tables next to us, and people begin to mull this over.

  “I’ll let you think about this until we reconvene at 1500. Here’s a vid of our adversary. They say Sextus ruined his face, but the only picture we have is from his younger days, before he rose in the ranks of the cartel, when he was just a foot soldier who reaped conscripts from more primitive planets.”

  There are vid screens on every wall of the dining hall except the one with the large three-dimensional wooden sculpture Dax carved. It shows a peaceful hillside covered with flowers. He told me he’d teach me how to carve soon. I wonder if I could ever make anything half as beautiful as that.

  The vid screens come to life and show a picture of a lavender male. I’m certain I quit breathing as my body turns to stone. On every screen in the room is a picture of the male who separated my mother’s head from her body in front of my young eyes. He’s the male responsible for stealing me from my planet and enslaving me in my canine form.

  When I finally begin breathing again, the feeling of hatred overwhelms me. My fists clench as heat boils through my body. I taste blood and realize my fangs have bitten into my lower lip. Before I start crunching bones, I yank my hand out of Willa’s and lodge it in my lap.

  Zar answers a few more questions, but that only serves as background noise as my mind catapults me back to that terrible day. I’d been unable to see details when my memories assaulted me before. I certainly see them clearly now.

  He allowed a warring tribe of Skylosians to do his dirty work. They’d sacked the village, set it on fire, and rounded most of us up. When he pulled up in his hover, much of the slaughter was over.

  I was still a teen, not yet twenty annums old, and had recently grown taller and stronger. Everyone in the village had remarked on how I was going to be a big male like my father had been. Sadly, my growth spurt would serve the cartel’s purposes well.

  My eyes were riveted on the hover as it glided over the ground without touching it. We were a primitive planet, none of us had seen anything like it. The first things that emerged were shiny black boots, then Khour unfolded himself to his full height and strode to our band of males. We’d been herded into a small group at the point of knives and swords. Many of those who fought were slaughtered.

  Just as Khour and four others of his purple race arrived, the remaining females were dragged to where the males had been gathered. My mother was among them. I’ll never forget her proud bearing even as the others cowered and wailed after watching the massacre of their kin and being ravaged by the males of the invading tribes.

  Khour’s bristly black hair stood up on the middle of his scalp, having been
shaved at the sides. It made him look even fiercer. I’d never seen anyone of another race before; our planet had never been visited by anyone from the stars.

  I trembled with the overwhelm of all that had happened in such a short amount of time. The acrid smell of smoke stung my nose, the sounds of people writhing in agony in their death throws on the ground assaulted my ears. My friend lay dead—singed by the marauders’ magic weapon. That laser was centuries ahead of anything we would have developed on our planet. My people were decimated.

  And there stood my mother, tall, proud, and defiant. She didn’t cower like the others, she stared that bastard straight in the eye. That must be why his attention narrowed in on her.

  “That one,” he had said as he pointed with his chin.

  My fingers squeeze my thighs so tightly it captures my attention for a moment. A soft growl bubbles from the back of my throat. I don’t care if I’m attracting attention from my shipmates, I couldn’t control my responses even if I wanted.


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