Dangerous Liaisons

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Dangerous Liaisons Page 4

by C. D. Samuda

  I lounged around the apartment for a while, hoping that something would happen. Nothing did. I was growing impatient not knowing where either Gage or Leroy were. I knew that if I found Leroy, it would be likely that I’d find Gage. Gage left to meet with him, but knowing Gage, he would spare Leroy. Gage wasn’t the kind of man to take his own brother’s life. He believed in second chances, not that Leroy deserved it. It was just the kind of man Gage was. Yes, my brother was a force to be reckoned, but he had heart.

  I’d just about had enough of wasting my time when I started to climb the stairs to return to the second level. I could only leave via the lift and I needed to get out of there and make a few calls. I was also expecting a call from my college friends about the call list for both men’s cell phones. My feet were on the third step when a noise coming from the closet caught my attention. Pausing, I cocked my ears and listened.

  Although the sound did not repeat, I was convinced that something was off. I backtracked, walked over to the closet and opened the double doors. Everything was neat and tidy, including the female garments hanging beside Leroy’s suits.

  About to close the doors, a muffled sound wafted through the walls. Pulling back the clothing hanging there, I stepped in, pressed my ears to the back wall and listened. What I heard was someone talking. It was indistinct, but a voice nevertheless. Stepping back, I began tracing the wall with the tips of my fingers, trying to find a possible secret door. I found nothing.

  I pushed against the wall, thinking to myself, I was out of my mind searching for some secret door in a modern apartment. This wasn’t some spy movie where every house had some secret entry and exit, where people would hide their darkest secrets.

  “Fuck it,” I mumbled, stepping back from the door and turning around.

  I had already stepped out of the closet when something caught the corner of my eye, compelling me to backtrack. I reversed, rocking back on my heels, while my eyes went straight to the inside left wall. There was a faint red glow behind scarf which hung from a hook. I moved the cloth and behold, there was a button similar to the one in the lift, except this one had no arrows going up and down.

  “Well, what do we have here?”

  7 – Braun

  Spy thriller movie-esk, the back wall separated much the way an elevator door would from the center, receding into the wall. These doors pulled back much faster, opening up into what appeared to be another apartment. As the door separated, I came face to face with a blond with the face of an angel and eyes that I’m sure could freeze over hell. From my position in my brother’s closet, I sensed the antagonism aimed at me as a chill ran down my spine.

  At this point I wasn’t sure where I was. Was this some accident? Was the building a duplex, occupied by two tenants? I got my answer when the muzzle of a gun appeared from behind the wall in the new digs. From my standpoint, the one behind the wall was either Leroy himself or one of his men. Either way, I was going in.

  Closing my palm over the slide, I yanked it from the grasp of its owner and quickly released the magazine, stuffing it into my pocket. The woman’s eyes followed me with something unreadable as I stepped into the equally exquisitely furnished room, tossing the weapon back at its owner to my left. As soon as I stepped into the room, my eyes immediately fell on the bed where someone whose face was badly fucked was lying. His eyes, which could barely open looked at me with familiar contempt.

  I stalked over and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at him with much amusement.

  “You look terrible big brother,” I said. “Who fucked up the big bad wolf?”

  “Get the fuck outta my house, you little shit!” Leroy bellowed, wincing from obvious pain.

  “Calm down,” I rejoined. “Don’t get your thongs in a twist, it’ll give you wedgies.”

  A snicker from across the room had me glancing over to the wall beside the closet. Nickoy was trying to suppress his amusement while Jonny-M trained a Glock on me. The one I’d tossed back to him was now tucked into his pants waist while his face displayed his grievance at being disarmed so easily. I turned back to my brother who was in obvious pain.

  “So, who did this to you?” I asked. “Not that I care, I just want to shake their hand.”

  “Shut your fucking face, you little twit,” he snarled. “I know why you’re here. You wanna know if I had anything to do with Gage’s accident.”

  “Did you?”

  “I don’t owe you any explanations,” he replied.

  I stood from my perch on the bed and looked down at the man lying there. “That’s cool, Big Bro. You owe me nothing.”

  Casually I walked away from the bed. His woman was standing a few feet away. Her eyes followed me as I approached, then circled her. Glancing over to the bed, I saw Leroy’s eyes through their puffy lids watching me, puzzled.

  “You smell so sweet,” I said to her, lifting a hand and brushing back dark curls from her neck, making sure my fingers brushed her skin. She inhaled a sharp breath as I came closer to her. The boys across the room were looking questioningly at Leroy.

  While they were distracted, Leroy straining to rise from the bed and his girl confounded at what to do, I reached around the back of my waist and pulled my Hellcat 9mm. As soon as my finger slipped into the trigger guard, I slipped my free hand around the throat of Leroy’s girl whose name I was yet to find out, twisted around and squeezed off a round.

  It took me three years to get that shot right, firing with my hand behind my back. The silencer muffled the shot and only a soft thwap was heard in the room. A wet spot began to spread over the chest of Jonny-M’s dark suit. Tundra, now in complete confusion fumbled while pulling his Glock from his waist.

  Those few seconds of confusion, gave me enough time to bring the muzzle of the gun up to my dear girl’s neck. I knew the barrel was still hot, therefore I make sure to shield it with her hair. Nevertheless, the message was clear.

  “What the fuck!” Leroy shouted, then beckoned to Tundra. “What’re you waiting for? Ice the fucker.”

  Shifting the barred of my weapon and squeezed off another round, which caught Tundra’s wrist. I liked Tundra, he was always nice to me, and therefore my aim was not to kill. Jonny-M on the other hand was a different matter. I barely glanced at his lifeless body on the ground, bleeding all over Leroy’s beige carpet.

  “Now that I have your attention, Big Bro,” I said. “Maybe we can talk?”

  “Go the fuck to hell.”

  Ignoring his words and more so his tone, I brought my attention to the girl. “Sweet face, what’s your name?”

  “Gloria,” she breathed, almost a whisper.

  She was obviously terrified at this point as she closed her eyes, a tremor passing through her. I relaxed my weapon and slipped my hand around her waist, pulling her up against my body. In the meantime, I jutted my head towards Tundra, indicating that he leave the room.

  He was happy to comply as the flesh wound on his wrist was bleeding profusely. He slipped into the closet and a second later, the door closed. I wasn’t concerned about Tundra and Nickoy returning.

  “How bad is he hurt?” I asked Gloria.

  “He got a couple of broken ribs,” she replied haltingly.

  I rubbed her cheek with the back of my hand while I trained the weapon on Leroy with the other. She leaned into me as I drank in her musky scent.

  “No need to be afraid, I don’t hurt women,” I said.

  “I’m not afraid,” she replied softly.

  “Ha, so you love pain don’t you?”


  “Oh my sweet, I can see the pulse ticking at your throat. Is it from dread or desire… or maybe both?” She squirmed, a whisper of a denial emitting from her lips. “I can tell you love it rough and when I closed my hand around your throat, I heard the soft groan and felt the way your body responded to me. Does he know you love to be spanked?”

  “I don’t, I swear!”

  “Anyway, I won’t indulge you today. What I want t
o know is, is he responsible fro my brother’s accident?”

  “I don’t know,” she responded.

  I brought the muzzle of the gun up to her cheek, tracing her jaw-line with the rim of the barrel.

  “The fuck you think you’re doing, Braun?” Leroy eased himself from the bed and managed to stand, grasping his left rib with right hand. “You come into my house, kill one a my men, and hold my woman hostage? Who the fuck you think you are?”

  He turned and fumbled with the drawer of the nightstand. Holding the woman securely with my left hand, I aimed a shot at the night table, shattering the pretty blue lamp that was there purely as decoration.

  Leroy leapt back, his legs hitting the edge of the bed causing him to tumble backwards on it. I squeezed out another round, hitting the pillow. The feathers came flying out like a ruffled rooster.

  “Where the fuck is Gage?” I growled, now losing my patience.

  “Your precious Gage is dead. Didn’t you see the news?” He rejoined.

  “You must think I’m an idiot, or at the very least naïve.” It was taking every ounce of self will not to shoot the bastard, but I needed to know where Gage was and I knew somehow Leroy was responsible.

  He snickered, trying to sit up once more. “I don’t know what you’re so worked up about. You know about his accident, what am I missing?”

  “You know very well the body they found didn’t belong to Gage.”

  Leroy tried to widen his swollen eyes. “What?”

  I almost believed his mock sincerity. “Don’t play dumb with me Leroy. You are the only one with a vendetta. You were the last person who saw him and now he’s missing right after an accident? Moreover, we both know that was no accident.”

  “Look, little bro…”

  “Don’t fucking little bro me,” I barked directing the gun in his direction. Leroy stared at me. His hands up, palm facing forward. “I know you don’t give a shit about me. I am your parents’ charity. You always treated me like shit and have never made me feel any kind of kinship with you. Gage was a brother and father to me.”

  “I’ll make it up to you, Little Bro. We’ll build Wilder Industries together… you know, rebuild the Wilder empire.”

  “Shut the fuck up Leroy,” I snarled. “You think your sweet talk can soften me? I’m not Gage.”

  Before I could think clearly, I let off another round, catching him in the leg.

  “Damn shit!” He shrieked. “You shot me.”

  While he was grabbing his legs and screaming like a banshee, his girl was screaming in my ear. I pushed her aside and stepped towards the bed. Shoving the barrel of the gun down Leroy’s throat.

  “You better pray that nothing has happened to my brother,” I warned. “One thing you should know about me Leroy, I ain’t generous and softhearted like Gage. I don’t leave things to fate. I am Karma, and they say karma’s a bitch. The only reason I ain’t turning you into a ghost right now is that you may be of some use to me.”

  Pulling the gun out of his mouth, I relaxed my hand a bit and watched him breathe a sigh of relief. Raising my hand, I brought it down hard, the barrel connecting with his temple. He slumped onto the bed while Gloria was watching me with terror filled eyes.

  8 – Braun

  Just as I thought, the second apartment had its own exit, which led to a car port at the back of the building. Leroy being passed out gave me only a few minutes to exit before the men were alerted of my departure. As I slipped out and hurried to the front where my car was parked, I met Nickoy coming around the corner. He seemed surprised to see me there and I figured he was not out looking for me.

  The spliff (marijuana cigarette) between his fingers and the smell of weed told me he was taking a smoke. Keeping my eyes on him, I continued on my way, passed him by and rounded the corner. I was behind the wheel of my car and starting the ignition when both Nickoy and Tundra came rushing around that same corner. Tundra’s hand was bandaged and Nickoy’s weapon drawn. I pulled away from the gate and sped down the quiet suburban street before they could confront me. I doubted that they would follow me, so slowed the vehicle when I was a block away and cruise the balance of the way.

  I had turned onto the main thoroughfare when I noticed a motorbike several hundred yards behind me. Testing to see if it was following me, I decelerated and it also appeared to slow its pace. I stepped on the gas, and it also increased speed. Cruising for a while, I kept my eyes peeled to the rear view mirror to make sure I wasn’t imagining this. Several miles later, I was still being trailed by that motorbike.

  By this I was certain that I knew whom it was. But why were they following me? This had me highly curious and was somewhat troubling. Fleetingly, I wondered if they were law enforcement, but I quickly dispelled that notion because of the sloppy way they were handling their mission.

  After some miles, I stopped at a service station to pick up water and to make a few calls to my college buddy Stephen. The other guys were busy with finals… exams which I should be completing as well. But since I was a year ahead of my studies, I could sit my finals anytime. Not that I was a genius or anything, but since I had nothing better to do than study, I had completed most of my credits early and was set to graduate in three years instead of four.

  While making my calls, the motorist disappeared that I was led to think they had stopped following me. Not to be. As soon as I restarted my journey, they appeared once more. A few more miles in, I decided it was time to confront my tail. Turning onto a road that led to an old construction site, I entered the site yard and stopped around a corner of the building. I waited until I heard the bike come around the corner before pushing out.

  The rider tried to turn, but skidded and was thrown into the dirt. I only wanted to spook them, so my car didn’t touch the bike. I jumped from my car and grabbed the rider by the arm, pulling them to their feel. They tried to shrug me off, but I would not allow them freedom.

  I suspected whom it was, but needed to be certain. “Why have you been following me?” I demanded.

  When no answer came, I grabbed the helmet and pulled off their head. My suspicions were confirmed when sea foam eyes and cocoa skin greeted me, her long dark tresses fell loose to her shoulders. Gosh, what a beautiful woman, was all that popped into my head. I had to brace myself against her beauty to get to the bottom of why she was following me. I grabbed her arm and pulled her up closer.

  “Let me go.”

  “Why are you following me?”

  She tried to pry away my hand. “That’s none o’ yuh business.”

  “Wrong answer. Now answer me, why have you been trailing me.”

  “I don’t owe you any explanations.

  I pulled her up close to me, loving the thrilling feeling that encapsulated my entire body. My dick jerked violently as my heart raced rapidly. What the fuck was with this chick. Why was I reacting to her in such an intense way? Why were her fucking lips so darn enticing?

  “If you fail to give me a reasonable answer, I will assume you’re following me because you want to be fucked.”

  She scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself. I was following you because I want to find Jack.”

  I was confused. “Who’s Jack?”

  “I don’t have to tell you anything.”

  “Have it your way then,” I grinned, slipping my arm around her waist and holding her close enough that she felt the imprint of my ready cock.

  Every hair on my body stood erect at the prospects of licking every inch of her beautiful mocha skin. Her eyes widened and changed their shade from sea foam to dark hazel. It was like looking into a magical fractal which completely hypnotized me. I dipped my head, bringing my lips close to hers. She gasped, before trying to knee me. But I was holding her so tightly that all she did was increase my tension as my entire groin caught fire.

  “Stop wiggling,” commanded. “Or I might be forced to throw you down in the back of my car.”

  “Let me go,” she demanded, her warm peppermint breath fanni
ng my face, sending ripples of excitement through me.

  “Not until you answer my questions,” I said, my voice now hoarse as my throat constricted.

  “I don’t have to answer shit!”

  Watching her lips move while she talked, made me lose all of my senses. I crushed her lips with mine, feeling her body go rigid, perhaps from the shock. But what completely blew my mind was the utter destruction of the wall of steel I built around my heart. I never knew that kissing someone would make me want to marry them instantly. But I knew in that moment that Kitara was mine and I was going to do anything in my power to own… no, win her.

  I broke the kiss just as a tremor passed through her body and she sagged against me. It could be her trick, but I didn’t give a damn at that moment. I gripped her by the hand and started moving towards my car. I could barely walk with my cock raging inside my pants and my heartbeat deafening me.

  “You’re coming with me.”

  She yanked her hand, but in vain. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “You have been stalking me, which is a crime. I’m taking you to the nearest police precinct.”

  “Your threats don’t scare me.”

  “Then I will assume I was right the first time.”

  I pulled her along and tossed her up against my car, closing the gap and holding her body with my own while pinning her wrists to the bonnet.

  “Now, tell me who Jack is why do you want to find him.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “I love your fire, only makes me want to fuck you more.”

  “I told you to keep your dirty dick in your pants,” she spat. “My pussy is off limits.”

  A chuckle rumbled from my chest. “Your lips and eyes are in contention, Kitara.”

  Her eyes connected with mine in an electric moment. The spell only broke when she turned her head away, leaving her sensual neckline open for the taking. I went in for the kill, the tip of my tongue swiping along the base of her earlobe.


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