Return to Kiluemar

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Return to Kiluemar Page 15

by Kimberly Marraffino

  The hour was late and Anne was becoming more fatigued with each passing moment as her body gently rocked with her eyes closed. Zacharia helped her onto the ground, and the young couple nestled together under the blankets next to the fire.


  Upon arriving at the charming little village, Anne and Zacharia were thankful. The long trip was hard, and both physically and mentally exhausting, but it was well worth it after finding out many others also arrived for the journey through the magical doorway. The rumors were true. Anne’s life, and the life of her child, would soon be protected within the boundaries of a magical world. But upon arrival, they quickly caught word the portal would not open for another fourteen days. The magic of the portal only opened for a short period during the full moon, so, until then, Anne and Zacharia—along with the other magical creatures—had to live among the regular villagers.

  The influx of over two dozen new residents did not go unnoticed. Most of the various creatures traveled by themselves, but a few were single adults with their children. Zacharia and Anne were the only couple within this new set of outcasts. The days went on and the young couple pulled away from the village, deciding to live along the outskirts and away from the prying eyes of the villagers. No one knew exactly where the portal opened, but many hoped that someone who knew about the portal would show up before the night of the full moon.

  Unfortunately, as the days went on, no one came. But with the onset of new people, even more talk flowed through the streets of the village. As the night of the full moon approached, the villagers became restless and many spewed tight-lipped secrets. Despite their seemingly ignorant behavior about the arrival of the magical creatures, the people of the village were aware of magic and the portal atop the hillside just a short distance from them. This non-magical village, hidden in plain sight, was a haven for those waiting to travel through the portal. The villagers, containing no magic themselves, believed magic was sent from the Heavens. For the devil himself did not have the power to open the gates to an unknown world. Agreeing to keep the doorway a secret, the village was often blessed with full harvests and an abundance of good fortune. With the unspoken agreement and continued loyalty, the villagers soon welcomed the magical community. Although, at first, the villagers were cautious and apprehensive with each new arrival because many non-magical individuals had come to the village in the past to investigate the rumors regarding the portal.

  As the days went on, the people of the village agreed those among them were magical and not hunters or scouts. With the villager’s hospitable and trusting nature now apparent, conversations flowed more openly around Zacharia and Anne—who decided to set-up their camp inside the village two nights before the full moon.

  Zacharia wandered through the village looking for a place to buy more supplies and overheard a discussion which made his heart sink. His gut feeling was right and these last few hours with Anne would be his final moments with her. He would soon have to kiss her one last time and watch as she walked into the magical doorway and disappeared forever.

  Anne, born a witch, had never been able to control her magic. Being the only one left in her family, she never had anyone around to teach her how to use her powers. Both Anne’s parents were killed by a group of magic hunters when she was only two years old. Despite not having any magical abilities, her mother was hanged alongside her father. Luckily for Anne, a fast-thinking neighbor convinced the hunters the young child was her granddaughter, and she had simply wandered over to the yard next door to pick flowers. Raised by this kind old woman, Anne grew up never knowing about her parents or the powers her father possessed. But when she was thirteen, things changed after the death of her adopted grandmother.

  Anne, still unaware of her magical abilities, found a note left among a pile of papers as she solely managed the affairs of her caretaker. The note informed her of everything, including how her parents died and how she too might be a witch. Emotions ran through her body. Rage and sadness forced her to sob and scream, wailing uncontrollably as the ground shook beneath her. Anne had awakened the earth magic inside of her.

  Zacharia feared her inability to control her emotions and her magic would eventually get her killed. The only safe place for her was within a world filled with other magical individuals. Anne needed someone to help her control and learn her powers. She needed guidance in a place away from the magic hunters of this world. The chances of his unborn child also having magic were very likely, and he would do whatever was necessary to protect them, even if it meant having to be left behind.

  The night finally arrived and the full moon ascended further into the starry sky. All the magical creatures began the short journey up the hillside with a few villagers leading the way. Zacharia and Anne fell behind as the weight of her stomach slowed her down. She pushed herself up the incline, stopping frequently to catch her breath as the moon neared its apex.

  The portal only stayed open for a short time once the moon reached the highpoint in the night sky and Zacharia coaxed her to keep moving. Reaching the top of the hill, they both stopped, staring awestruck at the illuminated whirlpool of clear fluid floating a few inches off the ground. The sounds of heavy winds and raging water bounced off the strange doorway as the last of the others disappeared into the portal.

  “Hurry!” one of the villagers yelled.

  Grabbing hold of Anne’s arm, Zacharia hurried her forward. “I need to get thee through the threshold before ’tis too late!”

  Anne stopped and matched his loud tone. “What? What doth thou mean? Thou art not comin’?”

  “Nay,” Zacharia said woefully. “’Tis only for those with magic.”

  Crying, Anne proclaimed, “Nay, then I, too, shall stay!”

  “Ye must hurry!” the villager yelled again, pointing up at the moon. “’Tis about to close!”

  Zacharia hugged Anne and whispered in her ear, shuffling her backwards closer to the portal. “Anne, mark me. Thou must go. Thou will be safer.” He placed his hand on her stomach. “Our child will be safer. I will always be with thee both. I pray of thee, please, never return. I would never forgive myself if anything ever happened to thee or our child.” He kissed her. Pulling away, he added, “I love thee. Perchance we shall meet again in the afterlife. Adieu, my love.”

  A gentle shove flung her back and she started falling, Zacharia’s face disappearing through the flowy substance. Descending back even more into the portal, Anne reached out, snatching one of his arms. They both fell as air rushed around them. Seconds later, they both turned upright, their feet pressing down against a solid surface and reaching the other side of the portal.

  Staring out at a large, open woodland area, Anne turned to Zacharia and smacked his arm. “Thou shoved me!”

  Her sharp tone simultaneously made him jump and laugh.

  With her hands on her hips, she scowled. “I can’t believe thou shoved me.” Zacharia was still laughing when she added, “Why art thou makin’ fun of me?”

  “My apologies,” he chuckled. “I’ve never experienced thee so assertive before.”

  He pulled her forward and kissed her.

  Pushing him away, she snapped, “Why? Why plan this whole journey to make me come alone?”

  “Truth be told, I wasn’t sure if I was able to go through.”

  “Well, thou art here now.”

  “But I may not be permitted to stay.”

  “Well, I’m not stayin’ without thee, so we can either hide thee from those within this world or we both return. Either way, thou art aidin’ me with raisin’ this child. We shall only do it together.”

  Without giving Zacharia a chance to retort, Anne took his hand and pulled him toward the sounds of voices in the distance.


  A month passed and Zacharia had successfully remained hidden within the magical realm. It was a huge relief as he and Anne anxiously waited for the arrival of their child. More than two weeks past her due date, Anne grew
fatigued and endured painful contractions and unusual swelling in her extremities. Zacharia knew the dangers of childbirth after losing both his mother and younger brother from complications when he was a boy. He feared he would lose Anne, and possibly his child as well. The constant debate within his own mind bounced back and forth, and he pondered whether he should seek help or not. The future he would have with his family was not as important as the life of Anne and their unborn child. He could go on living outside of the realm provided they were alive and well, but he would not be able to live with himself if he lost them. He had to put their needs before his own, even if it meant he would have to leave them in the end.

  One morning, before the sun reached the horizon, Zacharia kissed Anne’s forehead as she slept, and he quietly left their home. He had never seen the village beyond the views from the windows. Living on the far side of town and away from the rest of the residents, Zacharia only observed a few other stone buildings and the tree line on this side of the deserted town.

  Upon arrival in the realm, Anne requested they live farther away from everyone else because she feared her powers would harm someone. Although this was an underlying concern for Anne, the real reason was she wanted to keep Zacharia hidden from everyone. Anne would do anything to keep him with her here, even if it meant jeopardizing her own health.

  Zacharia ignored the beauty and calmness of the village as the sun peeked above the mountains to the east. He was determined to find someone to help Anne and his child, but he was unsure where to go. Strolling down the dirt path, he noticed an elderly woman knelt along a bed of brightly colored tulips. Approaching the grayed-haired lady, he listened as she hummed a soft lullaby to the flowers. He smiled, standing in silence as the gentle sound soothed his worried soul. He closed his eyes and took in the fresh morning air.

  A rumbling sound roared in the distance and Zacharia, along with the woman, turned and faced the unexpected thunderous noise. The woman pushed herself to her feet as the ground began to shake. Zacharia darted his eyes from the old woman over to the street, back in the direction of his home. Without saying a word, he raced away. Something was wrong with Anne.

  The shaking increased as he got closer. Pieces of stone fell from the outer walls of their home and the ground started to crack. Zacharia stumbled, crashing into the walls and tripping over fallen items on the floor. Reaching the bedroom, he saw Anne down on all fours, screaming as blood and fluids poured from her body. He rushed to her side and placed his face in front of hers, breathing deeply and signaling for her to follow along. Her gasping slowed, along with the shaking.

  Another contraction started and the older woman Zacharia spotted earlier rushed into the room. The dark-skinned woman jumped right in, helping Anne onto the bed. While Zacharia focused on assisting Anne with controlling her powers, the woman aided in delivering the baby.

  The shaking stopped as tiny cries filled the room.

  Zacharia cradled his son while the woman helped Anne settle into clean clothes and a freshly made bed. Silas, with his bald head and fat cheeks, reminded Zacharia of his father. For a moment, the new parents erased all worry and took in the magical and unforgettable memory. But the peaceful moment did not last long as the sounds of widespread commotion echoed outside their house. A large crowd gathered and began frantically conversing with one another. The young couple knew their time together was limited and the occasion they feared, and tried to hide, finally arrived. They would both have to confront the people of Kiluemar and face the heartbreak of having to say goodbye, or would they?

  Zacharia’s presence in the realm was not rejected by all. In fact, the simple existence of a non-magical being was widely embraced. He pleaded for the people of Kiluemar to allow him to stay. Though some were reluctant due to fear, others thought he could be of use.

  The island was still in need of a leader. An authoritative figure to make neutral and unbiased decisions to help maintain the camaraderie among the islanders. This was a task no one wanted, but without this necessary position, the realm would eventually fail and fall into the hands of someone wanting complete control. In addition, the realm needed a person to manage and control the portals—a person to be the intrusive and restrictive force between the two worlds. This, again, was a task no one else wanted. Therefore, both responsibilities would have to be given to an outside source, one willing to hold this heavy burden and embrace their new power, despite the negative outcomes bound to this lifelong and ancestral duty.

  Before Zacharia and Anne had arrived in Kiluemar, a plan was set in motion. A small faction of individuals from a few of the different species of creatures on the island discussed the urgent need for a gatekeeper. The one who would be given this unbinding magical responsibility had to be dependable, trustworthy, honest, fearless, and willing to do anything to protect the individuals of the realm. A new magic would be given to the one who took on this task, allowing them to manage, alter, and control the portals, as well as, have a cognitive link to all the magical doorways within the island. The Gatekeeper would be magically connected to the realm and given a power agreed upon with free will but forced to live and die by the fate of this magical obligation.

  Giving magic was not something any magical creature could do. Again, natural born magic was a gift only given by magic itself. The magic already within an individual could grow, enhance, and develop, but new magic could never be created. Magic was the only entity which could give birth to new powers. The powers given to the Gatekeeper would need to be placed upon them by another powerful entity in the form of a spell. A powerful spell, along with a ritual, would force dark magic into the blood of the chosen one and their future generations. The Gatekeeper would be given magic in the form of a curse.

  A curse, with a special and unique ability, would plague the bloodline and force them into a lifetime of endless duties, monotonous tasks, tiresome responsibilities, and a deadly fate. Even though this new power would be a curse, the magic would be powerful and continuously growing as the realm gained more power over time. Both the Gatekeeper and Kiluemar would be intertwined—joined as a single entity. A newly designed magical creature, the Gatekeepers would control all the magic connected to the portals.

  Without hesitation, Zacharia agreed to this painless and seemingly harmless task. He did not care what ill effects the curse would bring to him if he was able to stay within the realm and live the rest of his life with his family. Without knowing the full extent of the curse, the spontaneous and foolish young man willingly accepted his fate and became the first Gatekeeper of Kiluemar.

  The magic within the island gave birth to a rare creature—an offspring, a product of its own mindset. With their unique and unusual powers, Gatekeepers were eventually seen as royalty to most within the realm.


  “Wait! So, you’re telling me, not only are we part of some crazy and potentially deadly prophecy,” James said alarmingly, “but—but now we are also cursed?”

  Pavian snorted and snickered at his nephew’s panicky voice as lights from the passing vehicles flashed across their faces.

  He answered with a laugh. “No, we aren’t cursed.”

  “Yeah, but you just said—”

  “Yes, the original bloodline—our bloodline—was cursed as the Gatekeepers. But thanks to Merrick”—he glanced over at James—“shockingly, I know, right? But thanks to him, our family curse was reversed, but our magic remained. Eventually we developed even more powers . . . Thus, the Guardians were born.”

  James faced Pavian, who was barely visible in the driver’s seat. “So, wait . . . What?”

  The car slowed and turned into a dimly lit parking lot. Smiling, Pavian observed the silhouette of another vehicle up ahead. The other vehicle’s doors opened and three figures emerged.

  Pavian grinned over at James. “I’ll explain later. We’re here.”

  The arrival at the parking lot had gone unnoticed by James and he turned, peering out the windshield. He sm
iled, unbuckling his seatbelt and pushing open the door of the still-moving vehicle. As it came to a stop, James jumped out and ran over to the figures standing within the glow of the headlights.

  No words were spoken as the twins hurried over to one another, wrapping their arms around each other as an invisible energy erupted from them as they embraced.

  Chapter 15

  Blood of the Four

  The world stood still, frozen in time, as contradicting emotions surfaced. Soft chuckles blended with hushed cries as two hearts pounded with each nervous breath. The warm embrace masked the unfamiliar encounter. Sadness mixed with happiness as uncertainty merged with comfort. A reunion fated by magic, the two strangers were whole again.

  The heavy wave of electrifying momentum shot out, forcing the others to stumble as the energy passed through them. It flowed outwards, and a soft rumble faded into the darkness. The connective power between the twins was apparent and intense. Even without the full extent of their magic, they were powerful when together.

  “What the hell was that?” Pavian blurted through the shadows, stepping from the car and into the illumination of the headlights.

  Pavian walked by the twins and approached Kavana who was standing next to the other car. She smiled and stepped forward, outstretching her arms.

  “Hey, sis, long time no see,” Pavian said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

  Kavana returned the embrace, squeezing his midsection. “Long time no see? Yeah, you’re telling me.” She playfully pushed away from her brother and laughed. “You’re getting old.”

  “Look who’s talking,” he teased. “Is that gray hair I see?” He pulled a few strands of hair from behind her ear and gently tugged.

  “Oh, whatever,” she scoffed, smacking his arm. “It’s too dark for you to even see anything.” She huffed and added in a low grumble. “I don’t have gray hair.”


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