Zombie Island

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Zombie Island Page 8

by Gamboa, Allen

  “Fuck me!!” Rosie quickly pulled her injured hand away. Oddly the wound burned but did not bleed. Frowning she glanced back down at the mould covered bones. Something compelled her to lean back in and touch them again. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder from behind. Rosie abruptly jumped back and let out a loud screech at the unexpected contact.

  “Easy luv!” The old caretaker grinned as he pulled away from the startled woman and raised his hands open palm. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m f-fine.” Rosie stuttered as she tried to regain her composure and hide her injured hand. “You really shouldn’t be sneaking up on people like that.”

  “Sneakin’?” The caretaker rubbed his stubbled chin, amused. “Thought we lost you there, Ma'am. You really shouldn’t be wandering around the tunnels by yourself.” Rosie just fixed him with a ‘what an asshole’ glare. “Come on now.” He gave her a wave. “Stick behind me and don’t touch nothin’. I’ll walk you back to the camp.”

  “That would be just wonderful.” Rosie said indignantly. For some odd reason she was feeling mildly euphoric and a little flushed as she fell in behind Tom. “I could use a Mimosa or three right about now.” The old caretaker nodded not really listening to the American prattle on, but making a mental note of where the long sought-after pile of bones were located. Tom tried to keep his excitement reigned in, as soon as he was able he’d be back to claim the legendary Sarah Cliffords remains.


  Sydney - Three days later

  Anastasia quickly showered, got dressed and stepped into the small kitchen of her studio apartment. Her mother had helped as much as she could but Anastasia still held two-part time jobs in local shops. She really didn’t know what she wanted to do for a career. Anastasia was a communications major and all her young life she had really wanted to be a news reporter. Now that she was actually at University, she wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted out of life. Hell, she had always been shy around people, but Anastasia had a crazy knack for writing great stories. Newspapers didn’t pay these days and neither did most other forms of writing. Moving around from job to job, town to town, just didn’t sound like a whole lot of fun to Anastasia?

  Rummaging through her cupboards she found half an avocado and some stale, sourdough bread. Payday could not come soon enough. Grabbing both she dropped a slice of bread into the old toaster her Mum had given her. Once it was done she spread the avocado across the toasted sourdough bread. An egg on top would be really nice but she just couldn’t afford it. Taking a bite, she grabbed her lukewarm cup of instant coffee and sat down on the stained couch she’d found on the side of the road. Yep, smelly old road couch. Ben had told her she’d catch Hep C from it, but she needed a couch and had limited funds. Ben, still telling her she’d get syphilis or worse from the damned thing, loaded it into his truck and helped her carry it up the three flights to her apartment. Ben was a great guy, whenever Anastasia had asked him for help he never once told her that ‘he couldn’t be bothered.’ If she hadn’t been involved with Zoe maybe her and Ben could have had something going on. Smiling at the thought she took a sip of the harsh coffee and pulled her legs up onto the well-stained couch. Grabbing her mobile phone, she started to connect with Facebook when the incoming call buzzed across her screen. The name flashed, ‘Benny’. Speak of the devil.

  “Ay Ben.” Anastasia sat back on the couch.

  “Anastasia, what are ya up to?” Ben’s voice came across the phone.

  “Just mucking around havin’ some brekky. What about you?”

  “Aw, I’m pretty knackered. Been packin’ for this holiday. What you eatin’? Probably a feast I bet.”

  “You would be wrong, sir.” She smiled. “Two-day old avocado and month-old toast.”

  “Yummy,” he chuckled. “Sounds like the cafeteria at Uni.”

  “I wish. What’s up, Ben?” Anastasia asked, as she nimbly ripped the crust off her toast. “Find me some more road furniture?”

  “No way.” He chuckled into the mobile. “The next piece of roadkill is all yours. I was just calling to see if you and Zoe are all packed and ready to go?”

  “No worries, Ben.” She sat up on the couch and took a quick sip from her cup. “Zoe’s at her Mum’s borrowing her four-person tent. I guess it’s pretty sweet.” She wiped her lip and picked up the toast crust. “Zoe’s had a cold all week though.”

  “That really sucks. Maybe she should call off?” A little hope showed in his voice.

  “I told her we could stay home but she’s intent on going.”

  “Well, good.” Ben frowned to himself. He shook his head and sadly slumped down in his recliner. “Meet you at the Tube?”

  “Oh, yeah. No worries Ben. We’ll be there.”

  “Okey dokey…” Ben stopped himself.


  “I said, well, okay. I’ll see you both there.”

  “Sure, Ben.” She lifted up her coffee cup then stopped. “You and Ryan gonna be okay?”

  “Sure.” Ben frowned. “Why ya say that?”

  “It’s just that he’s been ridin’ ya hard lately. More dickish than usual.” Ben loved the way Anastasia said usual, it just rolled sweetly off her tongue.

  “Uh, Ryan a dick? I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Fuck you, mate.” Anastasia laughed.

  “That an offer?” Ben immediately regretted what slipped out of his mouth.

  “Ben, ya ass. I’m serious.”

  ‘So am I’ is what Ben wanted to say, but instead he just cleared his throat and said, “Ryan’s got troubles at home. He’s just, what do ya say? He’s projecting them on me. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes, you know, with his Mum and Dad, and all.”

  “Still gives him no right to fuck with ya like that.”

  “Yeah.” Ben nodded as if Anastasia could see him.

  “I’ll talk to Emma, see if she can keep a leash on him.”

  “Ana, you don’t have to do that,” Ben protested.

  “Look, Benny, you’re my friend and so is Ryan, but he can’t walk all over ya just cause his home life is shit. That’s not fair.”

  “Yeah, well, I appreciate all that Ana, but I can stick up for myself.”

  “So, why aren’t you?”

  “I just feel sorry for the guy. You know? Can’t be fun living with a drunk Dad and a Mum who ran off to strip or some shit. Just let it be Ana. Besides Joshua will be there. He’s good at stepping on Ryan’s neck, if need be.”

  “Yeah.” Ben could hear Anastasia taking a sip of coffee over the mobile. “Joshua’ll probably be too wrapped up in that new girl he’s got to be stepping on anyone’s neck.”

  “Oh yeah, that bird from Perth. What’s her name?”

  “I can’t remember and I bet Joshua can’t either.” Anastasia chuckled. “She’s always chewing gum and looking like someone farted.”


  “Not bein’ mean, just that’s how I see it.”

  “Ha.” Ben laughed. “Joshua ain’t into her for her personality, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah, he’s a great guy but his choice in girls has always been lousy.” Anastasia said sipping more of the cold, instant coffee.

  “I could say that about you too.”


  “Just kiddin Ana, Zoe’s great.”

  “Uh huh. What about you?” Anastasia asked.

  “What about me?”

  “Remember that last girl, Ginger?”

  “Don’t bring her up, Ana.” Ben dropped his head to his chest in shame. “Please.”

  “Okay, okay. Just trying to make a point.”

  “Well, don’t.” Ben sighed trying to forget the psychotic Ginger Hoskins who had stalked him his whole junior year. He had finally given in and gone out with her. That had been a big mistake, to say the least. Ginger was a stalking nightmare. He couldn’t even stand to be around her for more than a few minutes. The only saving grace was her Mum got a job transfer to the States. Crazy, lovelorn
letters filled his post box for months until fortunately Ginger had found another boy to stalk. Ben rolled his eyes wishing he hadn’t been so hot to lose his virginity that he’d almost lost his sanity.

  “Moratorium on Ginger talk starting now.”

  “Mum on Ginger.” Anastasia agreed changing the subject. “I really hope you remember to bring those short shorts so you can show off those legs to all the girls.” Anastasia laughed knowing how conservative Ben was. All she’d ever seen him swim in were knee-length board shorts.

  “Yeah, I got me Speedo packed.” He shook his head. “See ya at the Tube.”

  “Bye Ben.” She dropped the mobile onto the cushion next to her. She remembered how jealous she’d become when Ben had gone out with Ginger. It was a crazy time for both her and Ben. If only she hadn’t ever met Zoe, just maybe…


  Sydney, Australia

  “Here comes Ben now!” Ryan gave Joshua a nod and reached into his pack. The bigger Maori waved at his friend so he could spot the group in the crowded train station. Carrying a big rucksack over his shoulder and a tent in a pack, the sandy-haired student smiled and hurried over to where the group of four stood waiting.

  “Jeez, this place is busy!” Ben said, setting the tent down near Joshua’s feet.

  “Kinda like the line outside yer mum’s room ain’t it?” Ryan chuckled. “Yeah, well mate, what do you expect this weekend?” Ryan said tossing Ben the coke can he’d pulled from his own pack. Ben awkwardly caught it. “That's for last week, mate.”

  “Thanks, Ryan.” He smiled stuffing the can into his rucksack. “I guess you're not always a dick.”

  “Ha-ha.” Ryan shook his head. “When you start pullin’ for Swansea, then we’ll talk about bein’ mates.”

  “Swansea.” Ben chuckled at that. “No thanks mate.”

  “Aw, you guys don’t have a real football team anyway.” Joshua smirked. “All Blacks, mate. All Blacks.”

  “Screw you Josh. Rugby ain’t a real sport anyways.” Ryan started to shove the bigger student but thought better of it. “Best you can do is...”

  “Easy boys,” Emma cut in, “No sports talk this weekend. We are here to have fun and get pissed.” She stared at both the young men who were still unmoving. “Remember?” She placed a reassuring hand on both of their chests.

  “Yeah.” Joshua nodded and stepped back. “Gettin’ pissed right now sounds well. No dramas.”

  “No dramas.” Ryan nodded and smiled weakly at Emma, fully aware that she’d just saved him from a possible massive ass beating from Joshua.


  Samantha, Joshua’s girlfriend of the moment, looked up from the camping gear she was sitting on and gave him a wave to come over. She’d been deeply self-involved in taking several selfies while the two students almost came to blows.

  “Ya luv?”

  “How much longer babe?” She smacked the usual gum she was chewing on.

  “Not too much longer.” He sat his big frame down next to her and put his arm around her thin, tanned shoulders. “We’re just waiting on Anastasia and Zoe.”

  “The lesbians?” She whispered as if hiding some secret.

  “Ya,” Joshua frowned. “It’s okay to say it out loud. They know they’re lesbians.”

  “And it’s not ‘The lesbians.” Ryan chuckled. “Just ‘lesbians’, will do.”

  “Oh.” Samantha nodded, as she smacked her gum again and posed for another selfie. Joshua just shook his head, if Samantha wasn’t so hot he sure wouldn’t be wasting his time with the blonde-haired underclassman. He was wondering if she would even notice if he dumped her for all the time she spent posting selfies. Well, he grinned, at least she wasn’t doing it while they were having sex. Not yet.

  “I’m pretty excited about this trip.” Ben said sitting on his rucksack.

  “I bet you are.” Emma grinned.

  “Now, what does that mean?”

  “You know, Benny boy.” Emma chuckled as she sat down next to Ben on her own luggage.

  “No, I don’t know.” Yes, he did. Ben thought, agreeing with the voice in his head.

  “Anastasia.” She said simply.

  “So?” Ben shrugged still trying to play it cool. “Anastasia?”

  “You are so, so into her, Benny.” Emma smirked knowingly.

  “She’s, she’s just a friend.” He nodded noncommittally.

  “JUST a friend? Ya, uh, no.” Emma patted him on the knee. “You are totally into her. We all see that Benny.”

  “No.” Ben protested. Emma just slowly shook her head. “Really?” He glanced up at Ryan.

  “Yep, Ben old boy. We all see it.” The other student nodded. “You want in her panties bad, mate!”

  “It’s not like that Ryan.”

  “Oh yeah, then tell me what it's like.” Ryan said with a devious grin. “What is it like, Ben-o?”

  “Leave ‘im alone, Ryan.” Joshua said from where he sat with Samantha. “He just started talkin’ to girls so don’t scare him anymore than he already is. That Ginger chick really fried his circuits. Made him skittish around any other birds.”

  “Funny mate.” Ben flipped him the finger.

  “Tell you what,” The big Maori smirked. “We get back and I’ll go chat up your Mum, show you how it’s done.”

  Ben just ignored Joshua’s harmless jabs and glanced across the bustling tube station. The two had been mates since grade school. Joshua had always defended and protected Ben. It was an easy friendship for both.

  Throngs of people dressed in shorts and bikinis filled the waiting areas all heading off for holiday. Ben chuckled to himself. About half the folks in short shorts and bikinis shouldn’t be. Bright white flesh and too much exposed skin mercilessly assaulted his eyes. Rubbing his face with his right hand, Ben knew his friends were right about his crush on Anastasia. The young student also knew he’d somehow have to let it go since she wasn’t much interested in him as anything more than a friend. While he was internally pouting, he noticed Anastasia’s familiar jet-black ponytail, bobbing up and down amongst the crowd. Smiling excitedly and flushing all his thoughts of moving on from his hopeless crush, Ben quickly jumped to his feet.

  “Anastasia! Over here!”

  “Oi, Ben!” She waved back as she struggled with her camping bags. Zoe was right behind her, weighed down by packs and duffles.

  “Go get ‘em loverboy!” Ryan chuckled as Ben flashed him a ‘shut the fuck up look’.

  “Need some help?” Ben asked Anastasia, as he hurried over to the two girls.

  “Sure mate!” Zoe tossed him the duffel that contained their tent. Ben frowned as he awkwardly caught the heavy canvas bag in his hands.

  “Gee, thanks.” Ben grumbled to himself as Anastasia gave him a big grin and patted him on the shoulder.

  “Good catch, Ben.” Zoe gave him a quick, knowing smile. “I’ll buy ya a beer once we get to the island. You look a little frazzled.”

  “I’m good.” Ben said trying to play it cool as he led them towards the others. “I will take you up on that beer though.”

  “Ya always take me up on free beer.”

  “I’d be an idiot not to.” Ben chuckled with false bravado. Among the group of hard drinkers, he was the teetotaller.

  “Yeah.” Zoe nodded, her eyes flashing a quick bit of jealousy. “Sure, mate.”

  “Hey!” Ryan interrupted as he grabbed up his kit. “Let’s get this turd fest moving!”

  “Turd fest.” Joshua hefted his gear and helped Samantha into the rail car. “That’d make a great t-shirt, mate.”

  “Or a real shitty one.” Ben chuckled. Joshua made the sound of a rimshot.


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