Zombie Island

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Zombie Island Page 12

by Gamboa, Allen

  “Think maybe me Mum will see me on the telly?” Monk excitedly asked the other tower security guards.

  “Ain’t it enough the poor woman has to see ya every day?” Ray grumbled.

  “Sure, Monk,” Stella said, trying to be nice to the youngest member of the team as she nodded at the helicopter in the distance. “Keep waving and smiling. Hopefully your Mum will see you on the weekend update.”

  “Cool!” Monk said, as he continued to wave at the helicopter as it circled the festival grounds.


  Camping area

  Cockatoo Island

  “Well,” Ben wiped the sweat from his forehead as he finished setting up Ana and Zoe’s tent, “Yeah that’s about it.” He stood up and squinted at the cockeyed construct. He’d had to duct tape the centre pole where the goon on the beach had snapped it in half. “Look good enough, ya?”

  “Uh.” Ana put her hands on her hips. Her half-shirt exposing the four-pack of her midriff. “Looks good Ben,” she nodded, “Thanks.”

  “No problem, Ana.” He could feel his cheeks flush and himself getting a little hard as he tried not to stare at her bare stomach and short shorts.

  “What about you?” She asked.

  “Ha.” He lifted up the small scout tent he’d had since he was ten. “This will just take me a minute or two. I once won a badge for speediest erector.”

  “Fastest erector?” Ana smiled.

  “Uh tent erector...”

  “No worries, Bennie,” she said, as she brushed his shoulder. “Must be a few hundred campers out here.”

  “Yeah.” Ben nodded, happy to change the subject. At least two hundred tents of some of the other festival goers were spread out all over the site. Joshua and Ryan’s tents were just about twenty feet away from Ben’s. “How’s Zoe?”

  “She’s over at the showers. That woman at the restaurant really puked up a lot. Poor Zoe got hit straight on.”

  “Pretty gross.” Ben made a face.

  “Really gross.” Ana crossed her arms. Ben still tried to avoid staring at her delightfully tight stomach. “I’m going to check on her now. I really wish the damn mobiles worked. You need anything from the concessions?”

  “No thanks. Not after the vomit fest.” Music started to play in the distance. “Tomorrow should be fun.”

  “Can’t wait.” Ana gave him a wave then turned towards the showers. “See ya, Bennie!”

  “Fastest erector.” Ben mumbled to himself. “I’m a bleedin’ idiot that’s what I am.”

  “I won’t argue that.” Ryan, shirtless, crawled out of his tent. “Heard every word of that. Classy and painful.”

  “Thanks.” Ben could see Emma through the open tent flap. She was completely naked and apparently indifferent at being caught in the buff by Ben. Smiling she gave him a slight wave then slowly pulled the tent flap closed.

  “Get an eyeful there, Ben?” Ryan, barefoot, walked across the sand and pulled open the lid to their ice chest. He grabbed out two ice cold bottles of beer and handed one to Ben.

  “Thanks, Ry.”

  “No problem, mate,” he said, popping the top and taking a big swig. “A good toss makes you thirsty. Know what I mean?” Ryan asked winking and then giving Ben a quick fist bump.

  “S-sure.” Ben nodded trying to get the naked image of Emma out of his mind. Rolling the cold bottle around in his hands he noticed a black splotch on his friend’s chest. “Hey, Ryan, ya got some black on ya.” Ben pointed to the spot.

  “Oh.” Ryan looked down and brushed it with the back of his hand. The gooey substance stuck to his knuckles. “Aw shit. That bitch that got sick at the restaurant threw up some gunk in Em’s hair. I should have had her shower before we screwed.” He tapped Ben with the bottle neck. “Oh well, don’t matter if it’s dirty sex or not. Does it, mate?”

  “Yeah, right.” Ben took a quick drink and tried to change the subject. “You excited about tomorrow?”

  “Hell, Bennie,” he walked back to the tent and pulled open the flap. “I’m excited about now. I don’t really give a shit about some geezers playing mouldy oldies. I just wanna get laid.” Ryan chuckled and moved his eyebrows up and down in a lewd manner. “Time for round two!” He shouted diving inside.

  “Oh, you dirty boy!” Emma said, as the tent flap closed behind them.

  “Wow,” Ben sighed, and quickly began setting up his small tent. “Just fucking wow.”

  “What ya wowing ‘bout mate?” Joshua asked, as he opened the lid of the ice chest and reached in to grab a couple of bottles of beer.

  “Oh, just Ryan.” Ben said, turning around to face Joshua and Samantha, who had just emerged from their tent. Both were a little dishevelled looking, but clothed. “Don’t know what Emma sees in the guy.”

  “Me either, mate.” Joshua sat down in a lawn chair next to Samantha. “Here Luv.” He said, handing her a beer.

  “Cheers,” Samantha said, popping a big gum bubble and taking the bottled drink from the young Maori.

  “Cheers,” Joshua said, taking a swallow. “Em probably feels sorry for him. You know with his fucked-up home life and everything.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Ben nodded. “I kinda get that. I’d be an asshole if me Mum was a stripper and me Dads an alky.”

  “I don’t get it,” Samantha shrugged, “Guy’s a loser. Cute, but a loser.”

  “Quiet Sam.” Joshua said, putting up an open palm and glancing over at Ryan and Emma’s tent. Faint moaning was all that could be heard. “If Ryan heard ya it would really hurt his feelin’s and piss Emma off.”

  “They can’t hear me, Luv,” Samantha said, taking a quick drink from the beer, “They’re too busy playing hide the sausage to hear anything anyway.”

  “That’s just great,” Joshua told her. “Ryan may be, kind of, a dick at times but he’s still my friend.”

  “Sorry, Luv,” Samantha said, as she loudly smacked her gum and adjusted the too tiny top of her bikini. Joshua was about to say something to correct her, but the sight of most of her gorgeous breast hanging out of the thin material changed his mind.

  “Luv,” he smiled. “Why don’t we go look for some wood for the fire pit? It’ll be nice to have a good flame going tonight.”

  “Sure.” Samantha slowly stood up so both boys could get a good look at her near perfect body in the tiny bikini. “I was getting bored here anyway.”

  “Wanna come with us, Ben?” Joshua asked.

  “Thanks,” Ben sat in his lawn chair with his beer bottle in his lap. The drink did little to hide his obvious erection. “Uh, I got more stuff to do here, mate, but thanks.”

  “No problem, Benny.” Joshua said, resting a hand on the tight skin of Samantha’s bare back. “See ya soon, mate.”

  “Sure,” Ben said, as he watched the two slowly walk off towards the dunes. Samantha had the most perfect body he’d seen in real life. Too bad as a human being she totally sucked.


  Cockatoo Island

  Rosie stumbled out of the bathroom; she took a few steps before collapsing in front of the unmade, king-sized bed. Taking shallow breaths, she slowly got to her knees and painfully crawled the rest of the way to the big bed, her expensive heels catching on the cheap rug. Rosie had felt like shit after throwing up. She’d hoped she would have been doing better after leaving that damn restaurant, but found herself again throwing up all over poor LaShell. Once back to her room she thought taking a nice hot shower might help, it didn’t. Now Rosie felt even worse, not even good enough to undress and shower. Burning up with fever and taking ragged breaths, she clawed her way up to the top of the bed, fitfully grabbing at the sheets. Pulling her fevered body across the king-sized mattress Rosie let out a weird gurgling noise then spat up some more black bile. All the Botox and other chemicals in her system had reacted very differently with the virus, keeping her alive a little longer and mutating the strain into something strange and even more deadly than it already was. Groaning in p
ain, Rosie rolled over on top of the blankets, gripping the sheets in her bodily fluid drenched hands. Several seconds later she had totally stopped breathing. After a few quiet minutes there was a knock at her door.

  “Room service, Miss Garabaldi, I have the extra towels you ordered.”

  Vern Crawford sat against the wall of the tiny community shower stall while the water sprayed down on his lifeless face. Diluted black fluid filled the floor around the unmoving waiter as the shower drain failed to empty the stall completely due to it being partially plugged with Vern’s vomit. The part time student, part time waiter had been the first victim of Rosie’s vile puke fest. After cleaning up, Vern had continued to wait on the festival goers, unknowingly spreading whatever Rosie had been infected with to dozens of others. The rabid fever spread throughout Vern's body causing him to quickly seize and collapse to the dirty floor of the shower. Vern took a few ragged, painful breaths then quickly passed away.

  “Come on, mate!” An impatient concert goer pounded on the stall’s outer door. “We ain’t got all night!”

  What had once been Vern slowly opened its eyes, awakened by the beating on the other side of the stall door. His blue eyes were now a pitch black and devoid of any life. Hungry, that’s what Vern was feeling now, just hunger.

  “Are you wanking off in there?” The man continued pounding on the stall. “Come on, mate!”

  With a loud thud the small shower shook violently causing the door to accidentally unlatch and fly open. “About bloody time!” The man grinned, relieved, until he saw the horrible undead face staring back at him. The festival goer suddenly felt warmth down his legs as his full bladder released.

  “Oh, fuck!” He started to stumble backwards but the insatiable Vern was faster, roughly pulling the screaming man into the stall as the door slammed shut behind them.

  Arton Wells walked past the shower stalls. The security chief was busy on the walkie trying to talk one of his men through a minor crowd control issue when he noticed the shower stall rocking.

  “Get a bloody room!” He shouted as he gave the plastic side wall a hard slap that was greeted with more rocking and groaning. “Freakin’ animals!” Arton rolled his eyes and continued walking and talking into his radio. “Hey, Ruger, get down to the shower area and make sure people ain’t screwing in them!”

  DonDarrion Rhodes found that it didn’t matter how many showers he took in the cramped bathroom of his cabin, he still didn’t feel very clean. Whatever that bitch Rosie had thrown up on him felt like it had gotten deep down inside his pores. He scrubbed and scrubbed at his tattooed arms and chest, almost rubbing them raw but he still felt dirty, vile. Finally, when he couldn’t take anymore, DonDarrion climbed out of the tiny shower and quickly dried off. Wrapping a towel around him he stepped into the master bedroom and sat down on the king-sized mattress. Feeling a bit dizzy, he lay back on the soft bed and closed his eyes. He could tell he had a bit of a fever. Probably something from that turd dumpster Rosie. Just what he fucking needed right now is to get sick. Maybe this whole trip would pay off for his gang but right now he really felt like shit. He really hoped that he hadn’t caught anything from that idiot Rosie Garibaldi. When that stupid bitch had started to throw up DonDarrion had turned and ran out of the restaurant, not one of his finest moments but he didn’t want to get a face full of that crap Rosie was spewing.

  Too late. He found it it all over himself. Jumping into the shower was the first thing he’d done on returning to his room. A sudden thump at his front door made him jump. Who the fuck could that be?

  “Yeah?” DonDarrion shouted. There was no answer, only another thump. Reaching into his nightstand he pulled out the loaded handgun. Old habits die hard and the thumping was just... odd. Getting to his feet, the money launderer carefully approached the door. He didn’t have any rivals that he knew of here, but the continued thumping on his door made him uneasy.

  “Who is it?” He asked again, his voice a little unsteady. The only answer was another thump on the cheap wood. Against his better judgment DonDarrion unlatched the security chain and pulled the door open about an inch. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with any unnecessary bullshit right now.

  “Boo!” LaShell Washington shouted causing DonDarrion to let go of the door and stumble backwards.

  “Damn it, girl!”

  “Scare ya?” LaShell asked, as she stepped inside the room and shut the door behind her.

  “No,” he lied, trying to hide the pistol behind his back. DonDarrion noticed the curvaceous, light-skinned black woman was holding a bottle of Dom Perignon and a couple of champagne glasses. “I thought you weren’t feeling good?”

  “Feeling horny.” She frowned, noticing the gun in his hand. “Really Don? A gun?”

  “You never know, LaShell.” He dumped the weapon back into the night stand drawer.

  “Boy, this ain’t Chicago.”

  “No, it is not.” He stepped closer to LaShell, his towel dropping to the floor. “How about some of that Dom?”

  “Later,” she said, slowly pulling off her slinky dress. “You have some work to do first.” DonDarrion felt himself growing harder as he stared at the tall, slender woman’s near perfect body. He’d seen her near nakedness in ads over the years and only imagined what she’d looked like underneath it all. Grinning and feeling like he was about to lose his load, he wasn’t disappointed. The fever and sick feeling had seemed to vanish for the moment.

  “You like?” LaShell asked, running a hand down her tight stomach to the prominent dark patch between her taught legs.

  “Oh, ya baby. I like.” He smiled, trying to avoid the strange pounding in his head. “You’re beautiful!”

  “And you…” She said, smiling at his large erection.

  “I guess I’m not such a little bitch after all,” he grinned, grabbing her bare shoulders.

  “We’ll see,” she said, pushing him on the bed. “You have a lot to make up for.” LaShell straddled him and began hungrily kissing his neck, shoving him back onto the mattress. DonDarrion was surprised at the strength she possessed. He felt her ample breast against his chest as she maneuvered on top of him. LaShell grabbed his hard cock and rubbed her pussy lips with it. Groaning in pleasure, the gangster had never had a woman so in control and direct about what she wanted in bed. LaShell continued to lightly bite his neck, this only turned him on more. Kissing her nipples, DonDarrion only hoped he could last long enough and not end up a two-pump chump. He’d long forgotten about feeling dirty and sick.


  Cockatoo Island

  “You okay, Luv?” Ryan asked Emma as the seven sat around the small bonfire in their lawn chairs. The young woman shivered a little and just nodded.

  “Just a little cold.”

  “It’s seventy, Em.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  “Still feel a little chilly, Ryan.” She smiled. “Maybe all that shagging you got me sick with something.”

  “Doll, I’m clean as a whistle.” He opened the lid of the big ice chest and removed two bottles of cool beer. “This will help, Luv.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure it will.”

  “I’d say he got you a major STD.” Joshua chuckled, as he tried to balance Samantha on his lap. The girl was staring at her mobile phone, still looking like she was willing it to work. “I got some photos of him shagging some sheep.”

  “Fuck off, Joshua. Your folks are the sheep shaggers.”

  “The only sheep shagging my folks ever done was your mum.”

  “Seems like your mates may be related.” Zoe smirked, arm around Anastasia. Ben sat next to the two slowly drinking a beer and poking the fire with a stick. He could see at least a hundred campfires that dotted the beach. Right now, surrounded by all these people he felt so very alone.

  “That was pretty disgusting today,” Ben interrupted.

  “What was?” Anastasia asked, glancing over at him.

  “That woman puking all over everyone.”

>   “Oh yeah, that was nasty.” Joshua agreed. “It’s a wonder she didn’t get us all.”

  “She bloody got me.” Zoe said, taking a quick swig of her beer. “Fuckin’ gross. I showered a couple times and still feel like I got it all over me.”

  “She threw up on Emma too.” Ryan ran a hand playfully through her hair.

  “Just barely,” Emma smiled, then made a disgusted face. “Just a li’l’ in me mouth.”

  “Now that...” Ryan said, giving her a full-on French kiss. “Really turns me on.”

  “You are nasty!” Emma said, jokingly pushing him away.


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