McKenzie Cousins Box Set One: Books One, Two, Three

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set One: Books One, Two, Three Page 36

by Lexi Buchanan

  I glance back at Charlotte before my dad. “It hurts staying away from her. We’re both waiting for the roads to clear so I can talk to Emma. You have my word.”

  He offers me a wry smile before nodding in Charlotte’s direction. “She’s awake and probably wondering what we’re whispering about.”

  I don’t hear anything else because I’m quickly moving over to Charlotte. I crouch down in front of her and cupping her face, place a soft kiss to her forehead. “Hello,” I whisper.

  “I missed you.” She runs a hand inside of my sweatshirt, over the T-shirt, causing a reaction in my groin…one that is going to be noticeable if I don’t move away now.

  Clenching my jaw, I move away and drop into the armchair opposite, letting her see the heat, which is only for her, in my gaze.

  “I missed seeing you this morning, but I was out early.” I shrug. “Got a lot done, and I’ll go back out again later for an hour or so, but it’s going to take another day.”

  “Oh,” she says, disappointment clear in her face. “I should have known it would take awhile to get rid of all the snow that got dumped on the highway. I just hoped it would be quicker, you know?”

  “I do know.” I hold her gaze so she can see what I’m feeling: impatience, frustration, and love. “Are you hungry?”

  “I am.” She frowns. “How long did I sleep? I settled down after breakfast.”

  Dad chuckles and joins us in the living room. “You fell asleep as soon as you settled on there about four hours ago.”

  “I didn’t realize I was so tired.” She yawns behind a hand.

  “It’s your body’s way of recovering from the shock it had yesterday with the accident. Another day or two and you’ll be fine,” Dad offers.

  “I hope so. I can’t be sleeping all the time, especially so close to Christmas.” She slowly moves into a sitting position, shoving her gorgeous hair from her face.

  “Are you planning on being back home by then?” Dad asks, gaining a glare from my direction.

  Charlotte glances at me before turning her attention to my father. “I’m not sure. It would be the first Christmas I haven’t been home if I don’t show up, but it all depends on Tanner.” She smiles, her gaze holding mine, “If you’ll have me, I’d like to stay here and spend Christmas with you and your dad.”

  I grin like an idiot.

  “I think you have your answer,” Dad laughs. “I’d certainly love to have you here, Charlotte.”

  Smiling, Charlotte asks, “Would it be okay if I helped with the cooking? It’s kind of a family tradition at my parents’ house.”

  “We’d love you to help us in that case,” Dad says, clapping his hands together before becoming serious. “For a long time, it’s only been Tanner and I, so I have a feeling that this year is going to be more entertaining.”

  He smiles and moves off, lost in thought.

  “Are you sure you’re up to it?” Tanner asks.

  “Heck, yes, I am. I’m excited. I make an amazing cranberry stuffing, and homemade yeast rolls.”

  “Hmm, my stomach is rumbling at the thought. I can’t remember the last time I had a homemade yeast roll.” Glancing behind me, I check that my father has disappeared before moving to the sofa.

  Charlotte raises a brow and smirks. “Are we going to make out on the sofa and hope your father doesn’t catch us?”

  “No making out…for now, but I am going to hold you close for a few minutes before I make us some lunch.”

  She snuggles against my chest as I close my arms around her. I bury my face into the top of her head, inhaling. She always smells good and I want to hold that with me when I go back into the cold.

  “Are you sniffing me?”

  I chuckle. “I’m inhaling you.” I tilt her chin up and brush a soft kiss over her lips. “This is all we can share for now…secret kisses.”

  She nuzzles into my hand. “I’ll take anything I can get until you’re free to be with me completely.” She holds my gaze and reaching forward, places small kisses to each side of my mouth before she briefly settles against my lips. “I love you, Tanner,” she whispers. “I’m not going anywhere unless you put me on a plane yourself.”

  Cupping the back of her head, I admit, “I love you too, Charlotte. The only time I’ll be putting you on a plane is if I’m with you, and we’re going somewhere together.”

  Her soft smile is beautiful.



  Five days before Christmas and the road into town is finally clear after workers have spent two days making the highway passable.

  Tanner has been amazing and we’ve survived on secret kisses, albeit brief secret kisses. I don’t think either of us trusted ourselves to take them deeper. I know I wouldn’t have been able to refrain from touching him. I’m so in love with the man it hurts something inside of me knowing that he currently belongs to someone else. Not in his heart because I truly believe I’m the one inside that beating organ, but in promise that’s something else. Not for long though.

  As soon as Tanner gets out of the shower, he’ll be going into town and finishing what I think he regrets ever doing, and that’s getting engaged to Emma.

  He hasn’t really spoken about her other than to tell me what she did to him by being unfaithful. From what his father and Bo have said to me, I’m led to believe Tanner only knows about the one time but it was clear there had been other times she was unfaithful. Although, I regret him being hurt, I have to admit that I’m glad she’s the way she is. It makes it easier knowing I’m in love with Tanner and that I came here to hopefully claim my man.

  My body tingles at the thought of claiming him in every way possible. The night we shared has lived in my memory all these months, and I’m aching to show him with my body how much I love him. How much he deserves to be loved.

  “Charlotte,” he whimpers sounding tortured, derailing my thoughts.

  My eyes find him and I’m left speechless. He’s leaning against the doorjamb with a towel slung low on his hips, his body still wet from the shower…and I struggle to form words.

  “All my promises are going to go out of the window if you carry on looking at me like that,” he growls, the towel twitching the more I stare.

  A huge grin appears on my face while I lick my lips deliberately teasing him. His eyes don’t leave my mouth. My eyes don’t leave the growing erection that is currently tenting the towel.

  With a groan bubbling at the back of my throat, I let out a deep, throaty moan. In reaction, Tanner quickly grabs himself and turns his back to me. He’s breathing heavily as time seems to be at a standstill and then he’s moving.

  He teases me when he drops the towel and I get an amazing view of his firm ass and a quick peek of the heavy sac between his legs as he bends to shove his legs into boxer briefs followed with his jeans.

  I let out a heavy sigh and smirk when he looks at me over his shoulder. “You like what you see, babe?”

  “Mmm, and if you were already free, I’d be inviting you over here to feel how much I like what I see.”

  His eyes drop to my lap as I squirm. The heat of his gaze is enough to make me burn, but when he looks like he wants to eat me, I’m about to combust. “I think I better head to my room.” I jump up and feel his arm snake around my waist when I’m at the door.

  He nuzzles into the back of my neck, trailing kisses along to my shoulder. “I’m going to finish getting dressed, and then I’m going to talk to Emma.” He holds me tightly against his body, his arousal a hard, throbbing rod between the cheeks of my bottom. “Once I’m free, you are mine, Charlotte McKenzie. I hope you realize that. I won’t ever give you back.”

  Turning, I rest my head against his shoulder and lift my face up to him. I hold his gaze, and admit, “I don’t want you to let me go.”

  Our breathing is heavy as one of his large hands covers a breast. His eyes narrow with desire and then I feel his lips covering mine. It’s gentle and sweet, and so full of promise my heart
feels like it’s about to jump completely out of my chest…but he pulls away. “I need to hurry.”

  His forehead drops to mine while he struggles to gain control of himself. “I’m going.” With one final kiss to my neck, he releases the hold he has around me.

  Quickly opening the door, I escape to the kitchen where I retrieve a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I move to the living room and stand at the window, watching the small flurries that whirl around in the wind. As I take a large gulp of the water, I hope the forecaster is correct that no large snowfall will occur until much later tonight.

  Tanner needs to be safely with me before more snow covers the ground. The idea of being snowed in with him has a lot of appeal. We have everything we need to have a wonderful Christmas, so what more do we need?

  Each other!

  “Hmm.” I hold the bottle of water to my face, hoping it will take some of the heat from my cheeks.

  “That’s a heavy sigh.”

  Quickly turning, I smile at Derek. “Tanner’s going into town,” I admit and watch for his reaction. So far he’s been on my side, I guess, even though he did ask Tanner to behave with me until he was free. We would have regardless.

  Considering what Emma has done to Tanner, I don’t really think Tanner’s vow to her should have been honored. It has been for the most part though, and that makes Tanner the better person.

  “He’s giving me a lift to the airport.”

  I turn and perch on the windowsill. “I didn’t know you were leaving? You’ll be back for Christmas, right?” I frown, really not wanting Derek to be alone over the holidays.

  He smiles. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a couple of days.” He glances behind him and then holds my gaze. “I want to give my son some space.”

  “Oh!” The moment his meaning hits me, I feel the heat and not just in my cheeks. I’m sure my neck and whole body are covered with my embarrassment.

  Chuckling, Derek adds, “I’m sorry Charlotte. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I’m used to being blunt and to the point.”

  I clear my throat and hope my voice doesn’t let me down. “I am embarrassed, but I’m more relieved that you accept me being with Tanner.”

  “Oh honey.” He moves in front of me and takes hold of my shoulders. “A father can’t ask anything less but for his son to be loved by a good woman.” He smiles softly. “That’s you Charlotte. It’s been you since he laid eyes on you at your sister’s wedding. From the moment I arrived here, I noticed the change in him. He’s happy. Happier than I’ve seen him since his mom died.” He kisses me on the forehead. “I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but you wear your heart on your face when you look at Tanner…just like he does when he looks at you. It makes my heart light to see it on his face.”

  “I’ve already told you that I love him, and I do. So much.”

  He smiles. “I’ll call before I arrive at the house.” He grins and starts laughing when I won’t meet his gaze. “Let Tanner know that I’m heating the truck.”

  I watch him go and sigh in relief.

  “Why are you looking at the door?” Tanner asks, pulling his sweater on.

  “Your dad’s heating the truck.”

  He raises a brow. “You’re blushing.”

  I shake my head and walk toward him. “He was telling me that he’s leaving for a few days to give you some space.” I smirk and raise a brow. “I wonder what he means?”

  Tanner grins. “Well, little lady,” he drawls in a deep, Texan accent, “I sure have some ideas for you when I get back.” His grin widens at the same time as he wiggles his brows. “You better rest up while I’m gone,” he starts prowling closer, “because I’m going to be keeping you up all damn night,” he growls into my ear, “when I get back.”

  “Is that so?” I whisper as my eyes drift closed at the feel of him so close.

  “Damn straight.” He kisses me on the forehead and quickly grabs his jacket.

  At the front door, he turns and blows me a kiss before it closes behind him.



  I’m so pissed that it takes everything in me to control my damn temper.

  Gone visiting someone!

  The heat in the truck should keep me warm, but I feel chilled to the bone with disappointment. I sure as hell hadn’t expected to find Emma had left to visit someone—whom her mom wouldn’t tell me.

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d think they were up to something, but that’s ridiculous. Emma’s mom is a homemaker who has appeared exasperated with her daughter on more than one occasion.

  Plus, finding one of Emma’s men on my way back to my truck hasn’t helped with my temper. Just how many times has she been unfaithful to me? I need to not even think about that right now.

  Deeply inhaling, I realize I’m not too far off the ranch and I still haven’t thought on what I’m going to tell Charlotte. I could tell her I’ve spoken to Emma, but then I’d be lying. She wouldn’t know it, but would probably find out. Besides, I’d know.

  “Damn it to hell.” I slam my hand against the wheel and curse loudly.

  Makes me wonder if Emma knows about Charlotte and is purposely avoiding me. Wouldn’t put it past her with the antics I’m discovering she often got up to. Even though I have Charlotte, deep down I know that I wouldn’t have been able to go ahead with the wedding. I couldn’t. I haven’t been happy in a very long time, and I certainly wouldn’t be with her.

  Sometimes I wonder how things would have gone if there weren’t any indiscretions on Emma’s part. I certainly wouldn’t have spent the most amazing night of my life with Charlotte, if Emma hadn’t screwed up. Something tells me that Charlotte would have been on my mind, regardless.

  Turning onto my drive, I slow the truck before I end up in a ditch. It’s been cleared, but with the fresh snow in the air, it’s going to need doing again before Christmas, otherwise my father won’t be able to get home.

  Slowing to a stop as I see the large house, I feel a huge sigh of relief when I see Emma’s car parked up, but then, just as suddenly, I curse. Slamming the brakes, the truck skids a few feet before coming to a complete stop. Flipping my seat belt off, I run up the porch steps and into the house.

  I’m gasping for breath as I take in the scene before me.

  Emma with her blonde hair all over the place instead of groomed, has Charlotte backed into a corner.

  Taking in the situation, I drop my jacket to the chair by the door, and make my way to get Charlotte away, only to find Emma flying into my arms, sobbing into my chest.

  I pat her awkwardly, and look at Charlotte over Emma’s head. Her complexion is pale while she slowly moves away from the corner of the room. It’s now, when I get my brain functioning again, that it hits me, I have the wrong woman in my arms.

  Emma refuses to let go of me, but, with some anger on my part, I manage to get myself free and push her gently down into one of the chairs. “Do not move,” I tell her when she goes to reach for me.

  “I went into town to talk to you,” as I say those words I glance at Charlotte, who is propped up against the wall, but staring out through the kitchen window. As much as it kills me not going to Charlotte, I need to deal with Emma and get rid of her first.

  “Emma, look at me.”

  She shakes her head.

  “You need to look at me.” I reach out and lift her face so she can see me. “I wanted to do this gently, but not only did I find you gone when I called at your house, but I found another man that you have apparently been fucking.”

  Emma’s eyes widen. “That’s a lie.”

  I shake my head. “I needed to talk to you because I’m breaking our engagement.” I sigh in relief. “I stayed with you for the wrong reasons. I’m sorry, Emma, but there isn’t going to be a wedding.”

  I take a step away and glancing up, I notice Charlotte with tears in her eyes, which gives me cause for concern. It feels like I’m moving in slow motion as I move toward Charlotte, when whispered
words catch my attention…

  “What about your baby?”

  My momentum slows and comes to a stop with shock. “What baby?”

  Charlotte stares behind me so I turn and see Emma standing with her hands on her hips and an ugly smirk on her face.

  I start laughing.

  Charlotte is shocked at my reaction. In fact, I’m shocked at my reaction, which suddenly pulls me back to my senses.

  “You believe her?” I ask Charlotte who just stares at me. “I can’t believe you’d think I’d sleep with her after I’d been with you.” Even as the words leave my mouth, I know that they’re unfair, but I can’t stop them.

  I point behind me. “Emma is not pregnant with my child. I haven’t had sex with her in over twelve months. I’m not an idiot.” Tugging my hair with my hands in irritation, I face Emma. “You need to leave.”

  “Why are you lying to her?” Emma asks, crying.

  Give me strength!

  “I’m not lying to her, you are.” I slowly inhale and release it just as slowly because my temper is about to come out when I need it reining in. “We both know that I’m not the father. It’s impossible. So, I suggest you stop with these lies. If you don’t, I’m going to talk to a lawyer and have him issue an order for a paternity test.”

  She looks smug. “You only want that done because you know it’s yours and you think you can scare me.”

  I burst out with a few choice words before I give up with Emma for the moment, and go to Charlotte.

  My world completely rights itself when she easily moves against my chest and wraps her arms around my waist. She buries her face into the curve of my neck and stays right there. I inhale her fragrance when I bury my face into her hair and let her calm me.

  I glance up and watch Emma, who is watching us with a look of jealousy on her face. I don’t honestly believe that it has anything to do with me. My guess is that it’s something she wants and has yet to find it.


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