Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 17

by L M Lacee

  Exhausted and more than a little fearful of what could have happened to not only Trina but everyone with her. Peyton came to the conclusion as she sat despondently in the back seat that her shopping expedition was over. As she looked at Darby and Trina, who were doing their best to not show how terrified they had been. She could not help feeling as though she had spoiled the day for them all.

  It appeared that she would no longer be able to just wander around shops as she had done today. If she did go out again, it would necessitate closing down whole complexes. She could not justify disrupting people’s ability to sell their merchandise or their safety because she wanted to shop.

  Netta took one look at her face and guessed at her thoughts. ‘Never mind hon. It was what it was, we had fun while it lasted.’

  ‘We rescued two nice females and found someone for Sevna Avana to talk to about Koana.’ Zenerra quietly stated.

  Lucerra agreed. ‘We have dressmakers coming home with us, so we accomplished that.’

  ‘We have shoes which my feet thank you for.’ Trina told her with a smile in her tired eyes.

  ‘True, are you okay Trina?’

  ‘I am fine, thankful to be out of there. It was crazy for a while.’ She smiled at Kent. ‘Thank you so much for getting me out of there.’

  ‘You are welcome Kailee.’

  Peyton sighed as she said. ‘Maybe, I could go in disguise.’

  Trina squashed that idea quickly. ‘Sorry sweetie, it would never work, you glow and you are just you.’

  ‘We will figure something else out.’ Netta assured her.

  They all lapsed into a sad silence. Ipeara said into the quiet. ‘Madam, you can have people bring their products to the Embassy for you to purchase.’

  Perking up, Peyton asked. ‘I can, really?’

  They could not help but hear the smile in Ipeara’s voice as she said. ‘It is done all the time for people who decline to shop as we have done. It is a standard practice.’

  ‘Even hair and beauty salons.’ Trina asked her excitedly.

  ‘Yes, Kailee, everyone.’

  Peyton asked Netta. ‘Do you think it would be okay if we did that?’

  ‘Yes, we will arrange security today.’

  Trina said. ‘In one of the empty lower floor suites.’

  ‘We could make it into a show room like in the shops. Maybe Ulyssa and Ervina would help with that?’ Zenerra offered as the others wore pleased smiles.

  Trina agreed and said. ‘Can I say thank the stars? I do not want to walk around again in those enormous shops.’ They all looked at her with concern, which she waved away. ‘I am alright, just don’t tell Jarrod what happened please, he will only worry.’

  ‘Sure, because he doesn’t know already.’ Darby muttered, and they all heard Midnight snort his amusement.

  Trina grinned. ‘Oh Midnight, have you already spoken to him?’

  He is most displeased. I have reassured him you are well.


  He says he will meet you at the restaurant.

  Trina rolled her eyes but did not say anything more.

  Peyton told her. ‘You can tell him that you decided to shop from the Embassy now. That should make him feel better.’

  ‘Okay, that works for me.’

  Everyone relaxed once more, content they had a solution to the problem of shopping and looking forward to dining in a restaurant.

  Peyton said. ‘Thank you Ipeara, what would we do without you?’

  She grinned. ‘I hope you never have to find out. Commander Netta, we have a tailed.’

  Peyton exclaimed. ‘A what!?’

  Trina laughed and Darby grinned as Netta explained. ‘She means a tail.’

  Peyton grinned as she asked. ‘Are you all watching Earth vids?’

  Zenerra nodded enthusiastically. ‘We watch with Jean and Netta, they are fun. I like the killing ones and the vehicle chases.’

  Netta said as Darby finished talking into her link. ‘Ipeara, Darby will have them tracked.’

  ‘Yes Commander.’

  Netta did not reply as she listened to someone who comm’d her. When she disconnected, she told Ipeara. ‘Back to the Embassy pilot, the others are all on their way back as well. Sorry, we will have to try the restaurant another day.’

  Peyton clasped her hands together and asked worriedly. ‘The children?’

  Netta replied softly. ‘Already back at the Embassy, there was a problem.’

  ‘Dearle stars, Carrick killed someone.’ Darby said with a smile.

  Netta did not return it, as she would have normally, instead she said. ‘Yes.’

  Darby mumbled. ‘See, now you know why I never make jokes.’

  Everyone ignored her as Peyton mumbled. ‘This is not good.’

  Trina said. ‘Tough, if Carrick did do something. It was because it was needed. He is our children’s protector, do not ever forget that, they are his first concern.’

  Peyton reached out for Trina’s hand. ‘Don’t worry Trina, we have his back.’ She asked Netta. ‘How is Esther?’

  ‘She was not hurt. Heather has seen to her, she says she was just shaken, Lott is with her.’

  Peyton nodded and looked out the window and sighed, then said. ‘This may not have been a good decision.’

  Darby slapped her hand, bringing her attention back to her. ‘You did nothing wrong, good stars, we went shopping, nothing extraordinary about that. We even split up to lessen the chance of exposure and it worked. Buck up girl or no pool for you.’

  Rubbing her hand she said. ‘Oww! And you are right, we missed the little ones seeing a toy shop for the first time to keep them safe.’ She sighed. ‘It just seems like it didn’t work, that’s all.’

  Trina said. ‘Be honest, if what happened to us happened while the young ones were with us, there would have been death and destruction. You know I am right.’

  ‘Yeah okay, it appears they got to shop, so I am going to call it a win.’

  ‘You need coffee.’ Netta told her.

  Peyton gave her a small smile. ‘You are probably right.’

  Ipeara said. ‘We are at the Embassy, she entered the parking level, and the Gravatron took over.

  Jax said. Madam, you have intruders behind you.

  ‘Do we know them?’

  No Madam.

  ‘Then do your thing, my friend.’

  Jax replied. As you will Madam. You should know there is a standoff in the Embassy foyer with Ambassador Jerthem and a Governor of the city.

  ‘Thank you Jax.’ She grinned evilly, saying. ‘This should be interesting!’

  Trina felt sorry for the poor fools that had chosen today to confront the Star Daughter.

  They heard a few muffled thumps and screams quickly cut off when the people following them on Raccinors found themselves faced with the Embassy’s enhanced force field.

  It took less than a min for the Gravatron to deposit them at the foyer. Even from inside the vehicle, they could feel the tension emanating from the people in the foyer. As the doors slid open, Netta murmured to her guards. ‘Here we go. Stay alert, put down any who impede our progress.’ She looked at the Prowlers. ‘A show of aggression would be helpful.’

  Both Prowlers morphed into combat mode and sleeked out showing large dangerous canines.

  As impressed as everyone else, Netta murmured. ‘That should do it.’


  When they stepped from the car Netta placed Peyton, Darby and Trina between herself and Kent as the Draygons took point, Iaan with Ipeara remained at their back. The Prowlers paced either side of the group.

  In a line facing off against Peyton’s people were several males that looked like office workers and a company of armed soldiers.

  Jerthem stood opposite the intruders, behind him stood Coraan, Marlo, Larson and surprisingly all the Roeah brothers. With them were thirty Warriors including Sedeen and his unit all armed and annoyed by their expressionless faces.

steps faltered for a min when she saw Kardan, who stood with his arms crossed. He turned his head slightly to her as his eyes swept over her, cataloging her face and body. She sniffed, thinking he was probably assuring himself she was not wounded.

  Silence reigned as she stopped between the opposing forces. Zenerra and Lucerra led Trina and Darby to stand in front of the windows, out of the way of any stray blaster shots.

  Peyton and Netta joined Jerthem. Her eyes filled with flames and the temperature dropped as her hair shimmered with starlight as she asked in a deceptively mild voice. ‘Domard Jerthem explain please.’

  ‘Star Daughter, these males only just arrived, they have demanded to see you and to arrest Commander Carrick.’

  ‘Fat chance.’ They all heard Darby mutter. Peyton almost grinned, especially when Jerthem’s nose twitched with amusement.

  She asked. ‘I assume you told them they were on Maikonia territory.’

  ‘I did advise them so.’

  ‘Yet they are still here.’

  He nodded. ‘Yes, we were at the point where blood would have to be spilled.’

  ‘I see, perhaps we should try to avoid that if possible.’

  ‘We can try, they do seem intent on pushing limits.’

  Just then the doors to the lifts soundlessly opened and Rage, Rave, and several other large Prowlers stepped out. Rage strode to stand beside Kardan and mind-spoke so all could hear.

  Beloved, it will take but a moment for us to remove these ones, from your sight.

  ‘I thank you Pride Leader but let us find out why they decided to come unannounced to invade my territory.’

  Rage growled. Maybe they do not know that there are protocols associated to an Embassy. Especially the Star Daughter’s Embassy.

  Peyton agreed. ‘It would seem you are correct, Pride Leader.’

  ‘Perhaps,’ offered Coraan, ‘they did not know The Elite was here, which may have spurred them into this reckless behavior.’

  All the males facing them looked toward Kardan, whose face remained impassive. When he spoke, his voice sent shivers of starlight fizzling in Peyton’s blood.

  ‘Warmaster, we should assume they had no idea of my presence. Of course, that is no excuse for the total disregard they are showing to our Star Daughter or her Embassy.’

  Peyton wanted desperately to fan her over heated face as his voice did strange and wonderful things to her nerves. Instead, she stiffened her shoulders and demanded of the strangers. ‘Why are you here?’

  A handsome male, dressed in a light gray suit with dark hair and dark eyes, in a narrow pale face bowed then said. ‘Star Daughter, as I told your servant. I am Vice Governor Hersh Demenero.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows as she stated. ‘I am sure you did not intend to slight my Ambassador. So I will overlook your words this once.’

  His eyes darted to Kardan and then to Jerthem, finally coming to rest on Peyton. She waited until he stiffly inclined his head before she asked. ‘Now I ask again, Vice Governor Demenero. Why are you here?’

  ‘Star Daughter, one of your Warriors killed ten of our citizens and wounded twenty more. We have come to bring him to trial.’

  ‘My Warrior as you call him is our Urnu. I assume you understand what and who an Urnu is?’

  Vice Governor Demenero swallowed and nodded. ‘We are aware of what an Urnu is.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘Now without actually speaking to anyone yet. I am just going to work on the premise he killed in defense of his charges. It is what he is tasked to do. Now you have said over thirty armed people attacked my Urnu. Have you asked why that happened or does that not concern you?’

  ‘Star Daughter, it does concern me. I have initiated an investigation.’

  ‘I see, well I will have my investigators do the same. It is not that I don’t trust you, Vice Governor Demenero.’ Peyton thought about that and then felt compelled to say. ‘Well, actually it is.’

  Before the Vice Governor could reply to this, a well-groomed male who appeared very similar to the Governor interrupted. ‘Your people took my wifen, Lady Clarice Dumoont. I wish her released.’

  Vice Governor Demenero pushed the male behind him a little as he said. ‘My cousin was arrested by your Warriors earlier today. We ask why she has been detained by your people.’

  ‘She was not detained by my people, as you put it. I had her detained.’

  ‘Why?’ Demanded Lady Dumoonts mate.

  Peyton snarled. ‘Because I do not like her.’

  He whined. ‘You cannot hold someone just because you do not like them.’

  ‘Maybe you cannot, I can!’ Stated Peyton.

  He turned to the Governor, and the whine became more pronounced. ‘Do something Vano!’

  Vice Governor Demenero murmured something to him, then said to Peyton. ‘Star Daughter, on what charges have you detained Lady Dumoont?’

  Peyton sighed loudly, causing several of her people to hide their smiles. ‘Listen, I really do not like repeating myself. She will not be released until I allow it.’

  Lord Dumoont spluttered but was unable to speak as the Governor started speaking again. ‘We were unaware the Elite and his people were at the Capital, no request for their admittance to our world was asked for.’

  Peyton looked amused. ‘Are you hoping I will enlighten you Vice Governor?’

  ‘I would assume it would behoove you to, as a visitor to our world.’

  Cryptically, she told him. ‘A topic for another day. My answering you will not happen. I answer to no one and I certainly do not answer to you.’

  ‘Star Daughter, you must answer to the Coalition.’

  The room dropped in temperature again as her voice rang with authority. ‘You think to tell me who I must and must not answer too, you demand of me!’

  ‘I just…’

  She cut him off. ‘You will leave and make an appointment for a future meeting.’

  The Governor stated. ‘I do not think you understand.’

  ‘Governor, I understand very well. You are on my sovereign territory.’

  ‘Star Daughter, I am trying to stop a war.’

  ‘With whom?’

  ‘With your people.’ He said again bewildered by her questions.

  ‘Why would you think to go to war with me?’

  ‘He killed people.’

  ‘He is Urnu. That should be enough of an answer. Now I suggest you leave and return when you have followed the correct protocols for when wishing to visit an Embassy.’

  She turned her back on him, took a step and then stopped turned around and faced the males. ‘In fact, we may discuss all these topics when we attend the Grand Meeting the Coalition has scheduled.’

  The males all paled at her declaration. She could see the Vice Governor trying to think of a plausible reason she should not attend the meeting. So to relieve him of that burden she said. ‘Oh and Vice Governor Demenero, do not think to reschedule the meeting. Tell the other Governors it will not end well for any of you, if you do so. Domard Jerthem give these people five mins to vacate our Embassy, then make them.’

  ‘As you wish, Star Daughter.’


  The Warriors made way for her so she could walk to Kardan. With a small bow of his head, he softly said. ‘Star Daughter.’

  ‘Amahka.’ She murmured in reply as she placed her hand on his arm. She then requested. ‘Lucerra, Zenerra stay with Ambassador Jerthem please.’

  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  They peeled off to stand with Jerthem along with the thirty Warriors who remained behind, while all the others left in lifts. Several of the Prowlers stayed as well.

  They could hear the forceful voice of Lord Dumoont demanding that the Governor do something for his wifen.

  Darby took Reeve’s arm as Trina took Jarrod’s. Bendrix took Netta’s hand and placed it on his arm and laughed at her expression.

  ‘You are home now, my Suula.’

  ‘Yeah… Yeah.’

  They entered the lift with Peyton and Kardan. Darby looked up at the male next to her and asked. ‘So you are the real Wolf?’

  Wolf looked down at her. ‘I am, we have received your download and thank you sister for that. It has made everything much easier, especially with the young.’

  ‘Good, I designed it after your brothers told me what would be missing for you both. I hope I covered everything and everyone.’

  ‘I am sure you did.’ She blushed as he leaned down and whispered. ‘I am charmed.’

  She went a little pinker as Reeve grinned and tugged her closer to him, eyeing his brother, who smirked at the action. ‘My Darby is delightful.’

  ‘Oh Reeve.’ She sighed as he and Wolf grinned at each other.

  ‘You have met our children?’ Peyton asked Kardan.

  ‘Yes, we had a very enlightening talk. They fill my hearts as you do.’

  Peyton blushed and heard Darby and Trina giggle. With a shake of her head she said. ‘Netta, you better not be smirking back there.’

  ‘Would I do that?’

  ‘Yes... yes, you would Knife Girl. Hawk, are you okay?’

  ‘I am Peyton.’ He replied as they entered her suite.

  ‘I need coffee then a briefing on what happened.’ She stated softly as she was met by her children.

  ‘Mama, we have a Papa and a Wolf.’ Rayvan told her in an excited voice.

  Hope said in the tones of sister who had run out of patience with her brother. ‘Rayvan he is not a real Wolf.’

  Peyton thought she was learning the irritable tone from Darby.

  Draykin scowled at her. ‘He change into one.’

  Rayvan frowned as well and said. ‘Yeah!’

  Hope rolled her eyes at them. Peyton glared at Netta. ‘She gets that from you.’

  Netta sighed and rolled her eyes, which made Hope giggle and Peyton yelp. ‘See!’

  Wolf crouched down, bringing him eye level with both boys. ‘I am sorry sons of my brothers.’

  ‘Otherwise known as nephews.’ Darby said helpfully.

  Wolf grinned up at her, then told the young boys. ‘I cannot shift into wolf form just like my brother Hawk cannot shift into a bird form.’


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