Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 32

by L M Lacee

  Iaan and Kent walked in and Kent asked. ‘Amahka you have a need of us.’

  ‘Yes, could you make arrangements for our new Warriors please?’

  ‘Of course, Amahka.’

  Kent was surprised when he saw Mark Solar, who was as shocked to see him. ‘How are you Kent? It has been too long.’

  ‘I am guessing they know each other.’ Darby nudged Peyton, who said as they watched the male’s pound on each other backs. ‘Looks that way.’

  Kent told them. ‘We met while I was on Earth.’ To Mark he said sorrowfully. ‘I am sorry, I have not found your sister.’

  Mark shook his head. ‘I thank you my friend, I am sure I know what happened to her. I will make them pay.’

  Kent nodded as his expression turned serious. ‘You will, I believe you will and I will be with you my friend when you do.’

  Iaan stood back looking at the Earth male, recognition lighting his eyes as Mark looked fully at him. Netta said. ‘That is amazing, you two look so much alike.’

  They both turned to Peyton as Darby frowning, asked. ‘How is that possible, the Star Child created the Warriors?’

  Peyton shrugged one shoulder. ‘What is not possible in their Universes?’

  ‘Oh right.’

  Mark asked with a very interested Iaan listening. ‘Are you speculating Madam, we are related.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Yes, I guess I am, because we have seen since arriving here that anything is possible. I am sure if you do a DNA search you will find you are of the same ancestry.’

  Mark looked at the astonished Iaan. ‘Well, it seems we may be related. What do you think about that?’

  ‘I don’t know what to think. Madam, what do I do?’

  ‘It’s alright Iaan, we will see how this unfolds.’

  He nodded in relief as Mark asked. ‘What are you talking about?’

  Netta explained. ‘Iaan is part of Madam’s select guard, he is asking if he should leave to be with you.’

  Mark smiled at Iaan and squeezed his shoulder. ‘No cousin, nothing changes, we must follow our own paths. Fortunately we are able to add each other to our family and that is the best thing to have happened to me in a while.’

  Iaan said shyly. ‘To me as well, cousin. I do not have family.’

  Mark grinned. ‘Well you do now and as Madam said, let us just see how this unfolds before making any big commitments.’

  Iaan nodded again in relief, he enjoyed being part of Madam’s guard with Commander Netta and Hue. Before Hue, he had never had friends, but now he had many and being the Star Daughter’s guard made him feel worthy. He was a Warrior with purpose now. ‘I think that is good for now.’

  Kent said. ‘Come with us Mark, all of you come, we will introduce you to the Warriors and the many amenities of the Embassy. With your leave, Madam, Amahka.’

  ‘Later dudes!’ Peyton said as they all stood to leave.

  ‘Dudes?’ Darby asked with a confused frown.

  Peyton shook her head. ‘I don’t know what came over me.’

  Avana held a hurried conversation with Gunner, who nodded once or twice. She then said. ‘Madam, I will take Gunner to the moon.’

  Reeve said. ‘I will make the arrangements for you to go.’ To Gunner’s and the other male’s amusement, he stated. ‘Little Koana will remain here, that is no place for the young.’

  Darby asked. ‘Have you been there?’

  ‘My heart, I have not.’

  ‘So how do you know what it is like?’

  Reeve looked down at his mate, gauged he was still not in trouble, and told her. ‘My Darby, the deed is done there. All. The. Time!’

  She went red as she yelped. ‘Reeve!’

  He said as he crossed his arms. ‘You did ask my heart.’

  Darby opened and closed her mouth several times as Peyton eyed her and said. ‘Well, you did!’

  Avana said. ‘What is this deed, do I want it?’

  Darby spluttered. ‘Oh my stars, that is…’

  Gunner shook his head, saying. ‘No, just no… my love, do not say anything else.’

  Avana’s face scrunched up. ‘But…’

  Peyton refused to look at anyone when she said. ‘I have no words…’

  Gunner told them. ‘You all have said enough words. Avana let us take the baby to your parents. So I can introduce myself to them and your brothers.’

  Smiling, Reeve said. ‘You have thirty mins, an hour at most. Brothers, what rank will he hold?’

  ‘Commander.’ Hawk told him as Kardan agreed with a nod.

  Reeve grunted. ‘Commander, I will have everything arranged, no later than an hour, please be ready.’

  We will.’ Avana said as they all stood and bowed to Peyton and Kardan then to the Commanders, including Darby. They heard her saying as they left. ‘That is going to have to stop. I will not have people bowing to me.’

  ‘It is a sign of respect.’ Peyton said with a hint of laughter in her voice as she looked at Netta and Melody to agree with her.

  Darby snarled. ‘No, just no.’

  Melody said. ‘It is kind of nice though.’

  Darby stamped her foot and snarled at Peyton. ‘You don’t like them dropping to their knees, so just no. Make them stop.’ She told Kardan and Hawk, whose eyes laughed at her as he said. ‘Yes Darby.’

  ‘Good.’ She changed the subject, saying. ‘He took it better than I would have.’

  Malchol said. ‘He has already grieved for her and wants only to find out what actually happened to his sister and then to demand retribution.’

  Peyton stated. ‘We can give him some of that, work with him please Malchol.’

  ‘I will ask Jarrod to, he is better with the active Warriors. I and Telfor are better at non-combatants, young ones and Prowlers.’

  Peyton said with a glimmer of a smile. ‘We have come a long way since you arrived.’

  He grinned in returned. ‘We have Peyton, we really have, and it is the happiest we have been, thank you.’

  ‘Aww, sweet talker. Are you going to give Gunner a hard time?’

  His grin widened as he stood. ‘Of course I am, it is the duty of a brother to do so or so I have been told. Good-day to you all.’

  ‘Wait, I am coming, I have to see to my children.’ Peyton kissed Kardan as she waved goodbye.

  Darby asked her. ‘You are really going to watch them gang up on Gunner, aren’t you?’


  ‘Okay.’ With a laugh Darby was racing from the room.

  Melody and Netta said together. ‘We are with you.’


  Everyone departed, leaving Hawk and Reeve standing either side of their brother. Kardan stared unseeingly out the window, not witnessing the hundreds of vehicles dashing by.

  Reeve asked. ‘What troubles you Kardan?’

  ‘The Star Child.’

  ‘Ahh yes, them.’ Hawk murmured as Reeve grunted, frowning heavily.

  Kardan stated. ‘I am unsure what to think.’

  ‘About them or the fact they take over your mate or they seem to be heartless cruel Entities of immense reach and power.’ Hawk murmured, causing Reeve to smile and Kardan’s fists to clench of their own volition.

  He sighed and opened his hands, then ran those same powerful hands through his hair.

  ‘All the above.’

  When they made no comment and he saw the same struggles he faced in their expressions, he said. ‘I see, I am not the only one to worry.’

  Hawk claimed. ‘No, I have on many nights walked our home world in fear and concern.’

  Reeve told them quietly. ‘My Darby thinks sometimes on this and struggles to sleep. I have found that it is a hard subject to look at with rational.’

  Kardan nodded. ‘This is where I am; to them she is an instrument, to me she is my salvation, my heart. I want to demand they stay away from her, to tell them they have no rights to her.’

  ‘But they do.’ Brenda said from behind them, She looked at t
he three males, her voice held barely suppressed fear as she stated. ‘She made the deal with them for us, they own her. We are allowed into her life and to love her, but ultimately they can and will take her from us, if it suits them.’

  ‘She will not allow it.’ Helen assured them as she entered from the kitchen.

  Brenda disagreed with her. ‘She will have no say in the matter.’

  Esther said as she walked in from the corridor. ‘I think you are underestimating her. They may have more of a fight on their hands than they ever had with their other Sons and Daughters.’

  Kardan smiled at the older females. He liked and admired each of them. They smiled back and walked toward him as he asked. ‘Why would that be?’

  Helen said. ‘Because we were not in their lives.’

  Esther agreed. ‘They have allowed her to surround herself with us. All these amazingly talented people, and they have no idea how much she means to us.’

  Brenda said. ‘I hope you are right.’

  Esther assured her. ‘I am right.’

  Hawk took Esther’s hand in his. ‘I think she has changed their limited thinking on what their Star Daughter should be. I will believe because like you I have too, that we have made a difference to her.’

  She looked up at him, a still beautiful female who was growing into wisdom and happiness. It showed on her smooth unlined face and in her clear blue eyes. She told them now as her wise eyes surveyed them all. ‘My Harry would say, no use borrowing trouble. We should love and move through each day with laughter.’

  Kardan smiled and kissed her cheek. ‘Peyton taught me that.’ He told her when she arched a brow at him. ‘Your Harry sounds like he was a wise and wonderful male.’

  ‘He was, he would have liked all you Roeah boys, very much.’

  Reeve said. ‘Of course he would. We are Elites. We are likeable.’

  ‘And we are out of here ladies, before we borrow trouble.’ Said a now laughing Helen. They left, leaving the bemused males behind and Reeve asking what he had said to make them run away.

  Kardan asked Hawk. ‘Do they not know we are many yentas older than the three of them combined?’

  Reeve told him. ‘They know, Esther says we do not want to go there.’

  ‘What does that mean exactly?’

  Hawk looked around before he answered. ‘We do not know.’

  Reeve whispered. ‘We do not want to find out. Esther scares everyone.’

  ‘Really!’ Asked an amazed Kardan.

  His formidable Elite brothers both nodded their heads as they made sure they were still alone. It was almost enough to make Kardan forget his worries.


  At 13:00 hours exactly, Ambassador Taurene Kassapi from the world Kallistro arrived at the Star Daughter’s Embassy with his three sisters.

  Marlo showed them into the conference room where Peyton waited. He made the introductions as they entered. ‘Star Daughter, May I present Ambassador Taurene Kassapi from the world Kallistro and his Sargann.’

  Taurene could feel his sister’s tension as they made their way into the lavish room, which he noted was grander than his mother’s court. Peyton nodded to Marlo as she watched the four people try not to stare around themselves while they made their way to the table.

  Netta was thankful Darby had described the unique features of the Kallistro people. Or Peyton would have spent the time they had together asking them about their facial markings.

  The Ambassadors guard she was impressed to see were female and looked exceedingly fit. Each of them were well-muscled and wore a complicated form of a uniform. It seemed to be made from a type of material that molded and wrapped the guard in crimson armor. It was easy to see they were deadly. They carried well used swords and had the expressions of hardened warriors.

  She knew they would have expected to be disarmed before entering the room, and could imagine they were confused as to why they had not been. Peyton had not demanded they were disarmed, because she was the Star Daughter, and when they had a moment to think about it, the answer would be obvious.

  Like the Ambassador, his guards were tall with dark red hair and pointed ears, their skin tone was similar to the Warriors. Darby told her because of some catastrophic event, constant magnetic storms plagued their world. These storms had forced the people of Kallistro to live underground, causing their race to adapt to living without natural sunlight, and over time this had changed their basic DNA.

  What fascinated Heather on learning of the people of Kallistro, was their adaptation to a world without natural sunlight. It was reported they suffered none of the side effects that humans would. She wanted desperately to study this race for the reasons.

  Peyton had promised they would look at opening discussions for that in the future, but it depended on how this meeting went. Heather had tapped her foot for several intense mins, then nodded and said fine, and there was a lot of tone in that one word.

  In Darby’s briefing she had stated it was obvious the Kallistro scientists had managed to by-pass the storms so the people could travel from the planet. She was not sure how that had come about, she and Jean were hoping to find out from the Ambassador, again if the meeting went well.

  Amazingly, each of the Kallistro’s eyes were a different shade of gold, as were their facial markings. Their markings or ridges replaced their eyebrows and resembled waves. Darby reported she had discovered the waves or ridges represented rank, the more ridges a person had indicated a higher ranking. Peyton wondered if the markings denoted rank or did a person’s rank denote the markings. It was an intriguing puzzle.

  The Ambassador had six wavy ridges as opposed to the guard who stood on his right, who only had four, the other two had three each. Netta looked at Peyton to see her eyes were riveted on the ridges. Then as Marlo spoke, she was relieved to see her gaze shift.

  ‘Ambassador, please allow me to introduce Commander Elite Howl and First Commander Elite Roeah. I am Commander Daimond.’

  Marlo moved into position to the right of Peyton as everyone bowed.

  Taurene said. ‘May I introduce my Sargann and in the spirit of full disclosure. I must tell you they are my sisters.’ As he introduced them, they bowed their heads in greeting. ‘Idella, Onera and Suena.’

  Marlo said. ‘Please be seated.’

  When they had all taken their seats, Taurene asked. ‘May I ask Star Daughter, why I have been summoned to your Embassy?’

  ‘Because I wished to speak to you and give you and the world you represent an opportunity to explain your actions.’

  ‘What actions would they be, Star Daughter?’

  ‘The actions of allowing the Eictosas from the world Eictorian to leave their sector of space and mine the planet Pantarr. The same species when employed by your world, raped and killed over sixteen females and stole six children. Then murdered thirty Turqualls that we know of.’

  Horrified at the charges, Taurene stated forcefully. ‘Star Daughter, I am unaware of any species known as the Eictosas. I disavow any knowledge of my world employing this species for mining.’

  ‘Then I guess our meeting is done.’

  Surprised by her words, Taurene quickly said. ‘Excuse me Star Daughter, I do not understand.’

  ‘Well, you cannot help me, Ambassador Kassapi. So why waste any more of our time together. I will find other means to discover what I want to know.’

  ‘Star Daughter, what other methods would they be?’

  Peyton looked at the ceiling for a min, then said. ‘Well plan A, could be I wipe your world from existence but that seems a little extreme.’

  Taurene could feel his body tighten as he felt his sisters tense at the casually spoken threat. He looked at the people seated with the Star Daughter and saw they were not amused. This was not a funter, like his family played on each other or one that was being played on the new Ambassador. The Star Daughter and her people were deadly serious. Fear made his heart race under his re-enforced clothing.

flicked her eyes to the male and his guards and saw the flash of fear enter his eyes, only to be quickly hidden. ‘Plan B, would be to visit your home world… No that would lead again to plan A. Okay… okay, I have it. I could have a discussion with your Ruler via screen.’

  Taurene nodded enthusiastically as he agreed. ‘That sounds reasonable.’

  ‘Although that could lead back to plan A.’ She looked at the Ambassador and his guards saying. ‘You see my dilemma here, Ambassador Kassapi.’

  ‘Unfortunately I do. Would it perhaps help, if I was to mention the name of the previous Ambassador?’

  ‘Oh, I did not realize you were new.’

  He would wager she knew that and much more, but he did not call her on it as he would normally. Especially as she seemed interested in talking and not killing.

  ‘As it happens, Star Daughter, I only took office a matter of luneras ago.’

  ‘And you have inherited this situation.’

  ‘I have and sadly many more.’

  ‘So tell me, Ambassador, is this other person still at the Capital?’

  Taurene eyes smiled as he nodded once. ‘I believe he mostly resides here now, Star Daughter.’

  ‘I find that interesting.’

  ‘Mayhap, I should declare that I am the only son of the newly elected Ruler. Burna Kassapi of our world.’

  ‘Really! How interesting. Now would that make the former Ambassador a family member?’

  ‘No, he was the Ambassador and spouse of the disposed former ruler.’

  ‘Tell me Ambassador, is the former ruler alive?’

  ‘Unfortunately no, it was reported that she was found dead in her apartment, here at the Capital wekens ago.’

  ‘I see, her spouse must be devastated.’

  ‘One would think so.’

  Peyton almost laughed when the guard to his right snorted. Then hurriedly covered it up with a cough, as the Ambassador tried not to wince at the sound.


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