Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8) Page 19

by Tony Corden

  “Yes, I gave him access to the information I stole from Frank.”

  “K: We’ve been expecting a summons from the queen since we arrived. Apparently, she’s been frantic for information since the Iapetus arrived with the prisoners. Word was that you and I had perished in the raid, but your arrival two days ago started a whole slew of rumours.”

  “Captain Baker says the queen’s been sending messages since she heard of my arrival but won’t leave them. Apparently, they have to be handed to me personally. Have any of you come up with something that points to the enemy, or enemies?”

  “T: No! Personally, though, what we heard in the tunnels is enough for me. I know Frank was blackmailing the queen, but I’m not as convinced the Prince wasn’t working with him to some extent. He also seems pretty set against whatever you are doing, and he has the most to lose.”

  “All that’s true, but I’m not convinced the queen wouldn’t prefer this all being kept under wraps. I’m not saying I think she’d kill Caoimhe, but she’d lose a lot of support if the people found out what was done with the heir.”

  “C❄: Why would I want to join myself with this family if they would either seek to kill me from the shadows or to deny me a name? I will let them know I am content to be Caoimhe McKenna, sister of Charlotte Yuwata Mumuna, the one named by the blood of General Takobi Matuwa. Back in Pyranthia, I would stand tall and be found worthy of life and honour.”

  “I am proud to be your sister, Caoimhe McKenna. My desire is not that you join yourself with those who are dishonourable, but that you return honour to the royal blood that is yours through birth. Your honour is not decided by those who surround you but by the attitudes and actions you exhibit. Even so, either by their silence or their actions, some who claim blood with you in the silence of their minds look to deny you to make the choice that is only yours to make. Consider this, their claim on you has been the reason for all you endured throughout your training.”

  Caoimhe sat still for a moment, then said, “C❄: Thank you, sister. I am reminded of both honour and duty. Now that I have a name, I am truly able to choose my destiny. It is not right that others seek to decide that for me. Know this. If through my life other names are added to the one first claimed by your blood, I shall still claim Caoimhe as my name of choice. What is the next step?”

  “T: I suspect Charlotte and Kate will be summoned to the palace. We won’t know the next step till we’ve heard from the queen.”

  Leah looked at Caoimhe then said, “Caoimhe, sister, it is your destiny. What say you?”

  Caoimhe nodded. “C❄: If it is to be my destiny, then I would not claim it from the shadows but in the sunlight. I seek not to see the city in conflict, but will not hide from those who claim me as family in their minds. That claim has been cut into my skin since birth and acknowledged by the blood of a thousand wounds. I would attend the summons with you if I am permitted.”

  Kate had opened her mouth to speak, but Leah felt Thad’s guards falling all along one side of the outer perimeter. As they fell, she could sense over forty figures approaching at the very edge of her range. She said, “Thad, several dozen people approaching the southern wall and they’re carrying ladders. Most of the guards on that side are already dead or immobilised.”

  “T: Where is your sword?”

  “Gave it away.”

  Thad tossed her one of his then said, “T: Do we run or fight?”

  “Fight is my preference, although I’m now sensing more coming in behind the first batch. It’s your manor.”

  “T: Fight it is. Kate, Caoimhe?”

  “K: Sounds like a lark. Honestly, it’s been boring lately.”

  “C❄: As my sister has said, I need the opportunity to spar, and this is a good opportunity.”

  “Then let’s go. Thad, I’m going to attack from the first story. Wait for my signal then use firearms to start with. Just don’t hit me.”


  December 27, 2073


  Leah left the room at a run followed almost immediately by Caoimhe. Thad and Kate hurried to the southern side where they could see people appearing over the top of the wall. Most of the guards were already dead, although some had come running from the other side of the house. Kate discussed options with Thad, then hurried to the now undefended side to keep watch.

  Leah and Caoimhe raced upstairs, then to the southern side where Leah looked out then silently opened the window. She turned to Caoimhe and said, “They’re just coming over the fence. Are you OK to handle the drop?”

  “C❄: Both capable and ready.”

  Gripping a knife in each hand, Leah waited for about ten-seconds, then said, “Good, then let’s go join the party.”

  Leah had backed away from the window, then as the intruders approached the house she ran and dove through the opening. Caoimhe was only a step behind her. Leah let her body continue its rotation and literally dropped in on two of the intruders, her feet driving them into the ground as she bent her legs to soften the fall. She turned her motion into a forward roll, then used a knife to tear out another assailants carotid. Sheathing her knives, she brought the sword around to deflect a musket aimed at her before skewering the woman through the heart.

  Those on the edges had turned toward Caoimhe and Leah when Thad joined in picking them off one by one. He was joined by several guards from inside the house. Caoimhe and Leah continued their dance of death between the attackers. Leah’s skills had been honed in Dunyanin and on Grah, while Caoimhe had spent twenty years learning all the Pyranthians could teach her. Within minutes, all those who’d made it over the wall were dead, and any new ones who lifted their heads over the wall were picked off by Thad and his guards.

  Leah checked the image on her body and started running to the house, typing furiously with one hand as she ran and asking Three to amplify it. “Thad, more on the northern side. Kate’s about to be overwhelmed.”

  He swivelled even as Leah crashed through one of the closed windows and raced past him. Kate had been shot through the shoulder and looking up as the first assassin climbed through the window. He smiled as he pulled his sword, only to have his face blown away as Leah fired as she came through the open doorway. Leah could feel eight people outside the room. All had raised large-bore weapons aimed at chest height. Even as she typed “get down,” she let herself slide on her knees and leant back so her torso was almost parallel with the floor.

  The weapons had been loaded with ball-bearing sized grapeshot which spewed out in a line, destroying the windows and shredding the interior of the room. Thad had dived forward toward Kate. Leah pulled a pistol as she came upright and dove through the window firing, without looking in the same way she had upon Grah. Three of the intruders were dead before the others could turn, but as they turned to face Leah, Thad came upright and shot four before they knew he was there.

  Leah was reaching for the final one when Thad yelled, “Alive! We want her alive.”

  Leah swept aside the sword, then after driving her elbow into the woman’s solar plexus, swept her legs out. Three of Thad’s remaining guards came to collect her as Thad tried to stop Kate’s bleeding.

  Altogether it was half an hour before Kate’s wound had been seen by a doctor, and the four were in her bedroom ready to think of the next step. Thad said, “T: Eighteen dead guards and sixteen wounded. Thirty-eight dead attackers and twenty-six wounded and in custody. So far none of the ones we’ve talked to have said anything, but with the threat of death over them I suspect they’ll talk soon enough.”

  “Where are you keeping them? I suspect more people will be sent to silence them.”

  “T: I couldn’t agree more. I’m holding them here at the moment. Still, I expect the authorities will be arriving soon to take them into custody.”

  “K: Don’t be so sure they’ll talk. It wouldn’t surprise me if most were unaware of who hired them. The Assassin Guild Master might know, but the guild doesn’t share information abou
t clients, only targets.”

  “Where would I find the Guild Master?”

  “K: You don’t. Their building is in the darkest part of town, and all the horror-themed elements of this world protect them. I’m pretty sure even if you were able to get into the building, you wouldn’t get in to see the Guild Master, they say she only talks from the shadows.”

  “Well, either way, it’ll need to wait till later. I’ve been here almost two and a half hours, and I was planning to get other stuff done. Can we take this up again tomorrow?”

  “T: No problem. Do you want to stay here?”

  “That’d be nice, but I think I’ll go to the Herrington. I’ll put the word out that I’m looking for the Guild Master. I imagine they’ll find me. Sometimes it’s easier to have people come to you than running all over the place looking for them.”

  “T: You do know you’re crazy, right?”

  Before Leah could answer a servant appeared at the door and said, “Excuse me for interrupting, Lord Emerson, but there is an emissary from the palace here with a message for both Commodore Charlotte and Lady Katherine.”

  “T: Please have them wait in the foyer, Commodore Charlotte will be down presently.”

  “K: I can go.”

  “T: Not with your shoulder like that. We’ll put it off until you heal.”

  “No, Kate’s right. She’ll need to be there for the next stage of the quest, and I suspect things will get more complicated the more we delay. Caoimhe, I will understand if you consider it dishonourable, and if so we will put the thought aside. I am of the mind that it is best if we keep your identity secret until we are in the presence of Her Majesty. Would you take offence if you are given the position as Lady Katherine’s bodyguard because she is indisposed? No one is likely to inquire as to your identity that way.”

  “C❄: I see no dishonour in this, and I am content to guard Lady Katherine with my life. It will not be a fabrication.”


  “T: It makes sense. What about me?”

  “Let’s read the missive then decide. Perhaps you could be my guard?”

  “K: Not believable.”

  Leaving Kate and Caoimhe to get ready, Leah followed Thad downstairs. Two men were waiting in the foyer. One, Leah had seen before when she’d first visited the queen. She said, “Greetings Captain, to what do I owe the privilege of having one of the Royal Guards bring me a missive?”

  “Commodore Charlotte, I have the privilege of introducing Lord Howard Jameson, one of her Majesty’s closest advisors. Her Majesty suggested both the messenger and the message had import requiring my protection.”

  “Greetings, Lord Jameson, with me is my host, Lord Emerson. Unfortunately, his sister is indisposed as the manor was attacked less than an hour ago, and she did suffer a wound to her shoulder.”

  “3: R, for the Royal Guard and H, for Lord Howard.”

  “H: Greetings Lord Emerson, Commodore Charlotte, Lord Emerson. I am disturbed to hear that your sister has been hurt. On behalf of Her Majesty, I offer the services of her physician.”

  “T: Thank you, Lord Jameson, for that most generous offer, but she has seen a physician, and she was confident lady Katherine would heal. Being from the Aether Worlds, I am confident she will recover.”

  “H: That is gratifying to hear. Commodore, Her Majesty would have you and Lady Katherine visit her without delay that she might hear directly the result of the quest she set before you and Lady Katherine. The force of her desire is such that the Captain is here to add weight to her desire.”

  “I understand, Lord Jameson, and yet I am at the same moment confused. What evidence is there, or what consideration has been made, that there might exist even a moment’s thought that I, or Lady Katherine, would in any way seek to delay Her Majesty’s request? In all things I have shown myself to be Her Majesty’s loyal servant. Yet, by your words, it seems my allegiance is being brought into question, hence your explanation of the captain’s presence. Would the lowliest servant in the palace have brought the request it would have been seen as no less than a command by both Lady Katherine and myself. Who has brought our names into such disrepute with Her Majesty? Perhaps they might wish to meet me on the field of honour whereby we might disabuse them of their pernicious thoughts. I insist you answer me.”

  Both Lord Jameson and the Captain looked distressed. Leah let the silence draw out until finally, Lord Jameson said, “H: I beg your indulgence, Commodore, but I am not privy to every thought that finds residence within Her Majesty’s mind. Perhaps this is best put to Her Majesty.”

  “I believe I shall do that. Make haste then, and let Her Majesty know that Lady Katherine and I will arrive directly even though I must now deny Lady Katherine that essential care that is necessary for her good health.”

  “R: I believe Her Majesty would expect us to escort you.”

  “So, I perceive a deeper meaning behind the insult already offered. Now it seems you wish to put both myself and Lady Katherine in the position of prisoners. On what charge? I fully understand that Lord Jameson does not know all that is in Her Majesty’s mind. Still, I struggle to see how the Royal Guards would seek to imprison either Lady Katherine or myself without at least some semblance of legality. I ask again, what is the charge?”

  The two men looked at each other, but neither said anything until Lord Jameson said, “H: Perhaps we were mistaken, Commodore. We shall return to the palace where I shall let Her Majesty know you and Lady Katherine will be arriving with some alacrity.”

  “Perhaps use the word briskness instead of alacrity, for alacrity does somewhat denote a cheerfulness of disposition which after these insults I suspect will be somewhat hard to find.”

  Both men bowed to her and Thad then hurried from the room. Thad waited until they left, then burst out laughing. Leah couldn’t help smiling as they made their way to Katherine’s room. Caoimhe had helped Katherine dress and added several knives and pistols to her outfit to add weight to the claim she was protecting Katherine. Leah suggested she add a black topcoat with a lace veil and dark glasses, then borrowed a sword and several pistols. Thad helped Kate down the stairs and into the carriage, then after the others were in, he climbed aboard to sit with Leah.

  She said, “I doubt they’ll let you in.”

  “T: So do I, but I’m trusting in your silver tongue to work its magic and convince them it is a good idea.”

  Leah leant back against the cushions then rested her head on Thad’s shoulder. She closed her eyes and tried to think through the options. The trip took twenty minutes. Thad moved slightly and said, “T: Leah, we’re there.”

  Leah sat up and said, “Yes, thank you. I’d hoped to sleep, but your shoulder felt like granite.”

  As Thad puffed himself up, both Katherine and Caoimhe burst out laughing although Katherine had to take a deep breath from the pain. When they’d alighted from the carriage, Leah found the same captain waiting. He said, “R: Her Majesty took some umbrage at your remarks to Lord Jameson. I would encourage a less combative tone when in her presence.”

  “I appreciate the warning, but I dare say I suspect Her Majesty will find this discussion uncomfortable regardless of my tone.”

  “R: Commodore, with respect, Her Majesty has asked to see only yourself and Lady Katherine. Perhaps her lady-in-waiting and Lord Emerson might take rest in the foyer?”

  “It seems the message does change with each retelling. As requested, both Lady Katherine and I are here. All that was required from Her Majesty was a simple note, and yet it seemed prudent to bring both a Lord and a guard. Is it not reasonable that I also bring a Lord and a guard? I would suggest it is even more appropriate, for Lord Emerson did accompany his sister and myself upon the quest and will have valuable information. Lady Katherine is somewhat indisposed by her injury. Therefore it is also appropriate that she bring a guard and one who can help should she find herself in some distress. My companions and I are here as requested. Precede us that we might not keep He
r Majesty waiting.”

  “R: Commodore, I must insist that the queen is expecting only two guests.”

  “Then please explain that we arrived as requested and were denied entry.”

  Leah turned back to the carriage and said, “I do apologise Lord Emerson, but it appears the missive was not as urgent as I was given to believe. We shall return when civility returns to the royal household.”

  As she turned around, the Captain called out a command, and a dozen guards came running and took up their position around the carriage. Leah turned and said, “Captain, please make up your mind. One moment I am under arrest and the next I am not and then again it seems, I am. At one moment we are requested to be here, and then we are not. When we attempt to leave, you seek to detain us. I trust this confusion is not something contagious.”

  The Captain thought for a moment and looked at Leah, whose hand was now resting on her sword. Finally, he said, “R: Please follow me, Commodore. I will send one of my men ahead that I might know Her Majesty’s thoughts on this.”

  “Splendid. Make haste, for it is not good to keep one’s sovereign waiting.”

  As they walked, Katherine said, “K: Captain, I do ask that you might not hold the Commodore’s words against her. I suspect she is concerned for my welfare, and this does play upon her mind.”

  “R: With the utmost respect Lady Katherine, I believe the Commodore is so used to getting her own way that she is manipulating this situation to achieve her own ends and finding some amusement in doing so at my expense.”

  “T: It is good to know that those who guard the Royal family are so perceptive. Understand that I have great sympathy for you, Captain, for usually, it is I who am the object whereby she finds some amusement.”

  “R: Lord Emerson, I do not doubt it for I have the first-hand experience of the way she belittled you before my men, even as she executed your uncle before your eyes. What leads you to put yourself once more within the circle of her influence?”


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