Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8) Page 37

by Tony Corden

  Leah talked through the various issues then asked Captain Baker to make arrangements for her to speak with the various captains after they’d secured their ships and after she’d had an opportunity to officially take command of the Duchy. As Leah finished with Captain Baker, she felt Gèng approaching. Leaving the day cabin, she said, “Good morning, Lady Paige. Come, stand with me as we approach Mount Noir for I value your friendship and your companionship. Perhaps you might join me that together we might share some tea or another suitable tisane?”

  “4: Indeed, your Grace, to share this new morning in your presence would be a delight.”

  “Then you must call me Charlotte, for indeed, you are closer to me than a sister.”

  “4: It is only the deep affection which I have for you which allows me to agree to such an informality, Charlotte. You, of necessity, must accord me the same honour.”

  Leah linked her arm in Gèng’s and led her to one side. They watched the scenery in silence for some time. Finally, Leah said, “When we land, I need to visit the Duchy’s Manor. Would you be able to join me to assess if there is a suitable location for any business enterprise you might wish to locate on the property?”

  “4: When asked in such terms, it appears that I am, in fact, able to join you. The AI overseeing such permissions suggests that such a visit is at the limit of what will be permissible.”

  Captain Baker had sent for a steward who brought a small table and several chairs. Leah turned and said, “Captain Baker, if you are able, I wonder if you might like to join Lady Paige and myself?”

  Several minutes later the steward arrived with tea, herbal infusions and a selection of sandwiches and pastries. Leah waved the steward away and said, “Captain Baker, if I might be bold may I suggest that we put aside our titles for a short time that we might enjoy a more leisurely conversation.”

  At Captain Baker’s small nod, Leah continued and said, “Paige, may I introduce Luella. Luella commands the Tempest, but she oversees my entire fleet and has done so with courtesy, intelligence and honour. Luella, Paige is my dearest friend, and besides being an astute businesswoman, she has saved my life on more than one occasion.”

  Captain Baker’s eyes had flickered at being introduced to Paige, for in all instances previously, Leah had shown absolute deference to correct protocol. Gèng noted the surprise, and when Leah finished speaking, she said, “4: Luella, I am pleased to meet you. I find I must apologise as Charlotte can, at times, be somewhat impulsive and intemperate when it comes to her interpretation of truth or honour. I once suggested that she shows a particular naivety in insisting that her particular view of life must, of necessity, be expressed. Please understand that she meant no disrespect to your position as Captain, or that we are on the bridge of your ship.”

  Luella smiled at the look on Leah’s face and said, “B: I do understand, Paige, and if the truth might be expressed openly, then I was more surprised than offended. I had, without due consideration, thought I’d understood your position. Not only had I forgotten your largesse in outfitting the fleet, but I’d fallen to that most common and odious malady of equating a person’s vocation with their value. Charlotte was being kind, I think, in helping me see things more clearly.”

  Gèng smiled, “4: Perhaps. Now, as introductions have been done, Charlotte, you may pour the tea.”

  This time, Luella started laughing as Leah poked out her tongue before reaching for the teapot. The three talked politely about a range of things until Luella said, “B: Thank you so much for a delightful respite from my duties. It seems, however, that we will be arriving soon. Though I trust the crew, I must be about the responsibility of Captain.”

  The three stood, and Leah said, “Indeed, Captain Baker, both Lady Paige and myself have responsibilities that we must prepare for.”

  Twenty minutes later, Leah and Gèng, with a complement of four guards, left the Tempest and made their way to a clockwork carriage which now had Leah’s colours and design on the doors. Sparrow checked both the inside and outside of the carriage before she let Leah and Gèng get inside. Once they were seated, Leah said, “Paige, I noticed Kyle staring at you strangely. Did he recognise you?”

  “4: His PAI did. It passed on the information. I had a short discussion with him through his PAI, and I’m certain he’ll be discreet. Like many of those who were rescued, he believes he owes you his life, and there isn’t much that would make him do something to harm you. Before you say anything, let me remind you that their honour and their lives belong to them. I know you don’t think they owe you anything, but you need to step back and give them the freedom to learn that truth for themselves.”

  Leah smiled, “OK! Thank you for reminding me.”

  The carriage entered the forest on a wide path that wound up the side of the mountain for several leagues before reaching the main Duchy manor. The manor was easily the size of the Royal Palace in Aeropile and was made from dressed granite, wood and steel. The granite was black with silver specks and the wood the colour of ebony. Above the palace were two flags, one was that of Aeropile and the other that of the bleeding eye set into the dark profile of Mount Noir.


  December 29, 2073


  There was a line of people standing near the main entrance who were obviously waiting for the carriage. Leah assumed these were the senior staff from the palace. She could also sense what she imagined were guards surrounding the perimeter. As the carriage came to a stop, Sparrow stepped outside and after a quick check of the surroundings stepped back to let Leah and Gèng exit as well.

  Altogether it was just under an hour before Leah was sitting in what was now her office with Gèng, the Duchy’s chamberlain, Dorian Wildes, and the head of the Duchy’s guardsmen, Major Gerard Graystone. Leah understood from her reading of the Pneumatica guidelines that the NPCs associated with a house or title that changed hands would keep their character, but usually exchange their loyalties to the new occupier. Further reading highlighted that players should be aware that some characters had a significant role in ongoing storylines. Their allegiances could not be easily changed or adjusted in those storylines.

  Leah was reasonably confident that Cassius had been involved with both Frank and the Prince, so after everyone was sitting she said, “Mister Wildes, my impression of Duke Cassius in the few times I met him highlighted the different way we saw the world. I am certain this will have an impact on how the Duchy is managed. Therefore, I suspect that there will be changes to Mount Noir in the coming days as I become more aware of what is required. At this time, I am constrained to utilise your knowledge and your experience. I assure you that should I find your service both exemplary and aligned appropriately with my purposes, I shall endeavour to see you continue with your current responsibilities.

  “After the midday meal, I expect to meet with the captains of my fleet and then discuss with you the affairs of the Duchy in greater detail. That being said, I would ask if there was anything of a more urgent nature that I should be aware of at this time?”

  “W: I thank you for expressing your intentions with such perspicuity, your Grace. The only matter of a most urgent nature concerns the mines. The manager, Mr Lucien Wallace, has sent several inquiries regarding the latest shipment of workers from Aeropile. Those sent from the Crown have arrived, but those sourced privately are yet to arrive.”

  “I must admit to some confusion, Mister Wildes, I was under the impression that all those who worked in the mines were prisoners sentenced by the Aeropile magistrates. Please explain, if you are able, the concept of privately sourced workers within the mine.”

  “W: As I understand it, your Grace, the mines have of late been under a greater than usual demand. Unfortunately, the Crown’s magistrates have not been able to meet the increased demand for new workers. While I applaud the news, for it shows her Majesty’s dominion is not overrun with lawbreakers, it has limited our own response to the demand for coal and iron. Duke Cassiu
s was able to make arrangements to access other workers. As I understand it, these are souls bound in servitude to various private individuals due to outstanding debt. In many cases, the Duchy was able to purchase the debt outright, while in others we provide a regular stipend to help service the aforementioned debt. In this way, we have been able to meet the increased demand for both coal and iron.”

  “I see! Perhaps you are aware of the identity of those who provide these necessary workers. If so, it may be appropriate for me to contact them and discuss the reason they have not met their obligation.”

  “W: My Lady, please do not see this as a criticism but I suspect the reason for the delay is of your own doing. The previous Lord Emerson did arrange for the delivery of prisoners, as he was the broker between the duchy and those to whom service was owed. Perhaps you might be best served discussing the issue with the new Lord Emerson.”

  Leah took a deep breath as she realised where some of those in the mine had come from. She said, “I suspect you are correct. Owing to the nature of what you have raised and because of its importance to the needs of Aeropile, I must, I fear, speak directly with Mister Wallace.”

  Turning to Sparrow, Leah said, “Lady Sparrow, please send a message to the airfield that a small airship might be arranged to take several guards and me to the mines? I’d like to visit even before meeting with the Captains if that’s possible.”

  As Sparrow headed from the room, Leah turned back to her two employees. “Thank you, Mr Wildes, for bringing the matter to my attention. Major Greystone, I value your service but must point out the same reservations as I have with Mister Wildes. Your loyalty to the Duchy and me are paramount for you to continue in your position. Have you any concerns with my appointment or as regards your responsibility to guarding the duchy?”

  “G: Concerning loyalty, your Grace, I am committed to your service and that of this Duchy. My family has served Mount Noir for generations, and I am pleased the Queen has seen fit to appoint you as our Duchess. I have some concern for your safety and my ability to adequately protect you. While I trust not rumours to be accurate in the finer details, I do find they often evidence some resemblance to the truth, even if it is only a few details. Every rumour that has reached Mount Noir about your Grace suggests you seek to be the point of the spear rather than be satisfied as remaining the hand that controls it. I would not presume to direct how you should conduct your business, but I am concerned that you will be a difficult charge to protect.”

  Leah lowered her head in a brief acknowledgement that the Major was mostly correct. He continued, “As for concerns within the Duchy, my Lady, they are longstanding. Along with his father and grandfather, Duke Cassius has not permitted the Guard access to the fortress atop Mount Noir. None have explained the prescription, and I know of no harm that has occurred because of the decision. Still, it has been a matter of contention for several generations between the Dukes and those who protect these lands.”

  Leah imagined she could feel the game AI which set quests pause, waiting for her response, poised to put into play a prepared quest. She considered ignoring whatever was on offer but realised she’d already set things in motion with her question. Besides, she was the one who had set the Duchy on the path to war and whatever else was involved, it included a fortress. She said, “That does seem odd, Major Greystone. Once I have dealt with the issue of the mines, I shall consider the most appropriate way forward as regards the fortress. Perhaps you might give the matter some consideration, that I might have more information with which to set my thoughts upon the most opportune path.”

  Coming to her feet, she waited until the others had risen then said, “Thank you, gentlemen.”

  When she was alone with Gèng, she said, “Dearest Paige, it is with some hesitation that I must take my leave. I submit that it is unlikely that you would find the opportunity to accompany me to the Midnight Mines?”

  Gèng slipped an arm through Leah’s, and said, “Indeed Charlotte, my interests are of necessity centred around the opportunity you have afforded me to use both your estate and fleet as locations for my business. Nevertheless, I applaud your reasoning and the alacrity with which you have set in motion this plan. It is right that you do make certain that your mines are being operated in a manner fitting of your station and will not reflect poorly on the character either of yourself or that of the duchy.”

  As they stepped from the residence, Leah could feel an airship approaching. It was the size of a bus and shaped like a wasp. Two steam-driven helicopter-style blades whirled on extensions which jutted from the main housing. Another smaller, enclosed rotor was positioned near the end of a long curved tail to control any lateral rotation. At the end of the tail was a transparent section shaped like a bulbous stinger. An aeronaut was seated within, and twin barrels which shot out some form of projectile made up the sting. At the front, between the wings, was a second transparent section for the pilots. Along either side of the body was an open row of seats. On the side facing her, Leah could sense Sparrow and a man who was perhaps her father’s age. He was dressed in dark blue and white, with Maxwellian bronze weapons and other fittings, and had two prosthetic limbs, an arm and leg. In contrast to the blue theme was Leah’s device of the Bleeding Eye embroidered upon his right breast.

  As the aircraft landed, Sparrow stepped down, followed by the man. Sparrow stepped close and said, “S: Charlotte, Duchess of Mount Noir, Marquess of Dark River, Earl of the Black Forest and Countess Coal, it is my pleasure to introduce Captain Carter, Earl of the Crimson Sands, Hero of Aeropile and Privateer. Captain Carter has offered us the use of his personal flyer, the Wasp.”

  Leah turned to face the captain and said, “Welcome Captain Carter, I do apologise that I have yet to make your acquaintance, especially as you have so graciously agreed to join my fleet in its actions against the Scardosians. I do appreciate your kindness in the use of your flyer. I should warn you that while I am uncertain as to what exactly we will find, I suspect it may be necessary to defend yourself.”

  “3: C☇ is for Captain Carter.”

  “C☇: I am glad to help, your Grace. Be assured, I understand the constraints upon your time. If I am honest, the almost certain opportunity for action wars for first place as motivation in offering my services with the delight that I have in making your acquaintance.”

  “Then, let us make haste to the mines as I am concerned at what we may find. Sparrow?”

  “S: Captain Carter’s marines will join us. They are ready for action, and they are some of the best trained among the privateers, if not all of Aeropile. Kyle and I will accompany you. The pilots have the coordinates of the mine. I suspect news of our coming will have reached the mines before we get there.”

  Leah nodded and stepped up before securing herself in the seat next to Captain Carter. Sparrow was on her other side. When everyone was aboard, the Wasp climbed away from the manor and headed for the mine, some ten leagues away. As they left the ground, Captain Carter said, “C☇: Duchess, if I didn’t know better I wouldn’t believe everything they’ve said about you. You don’t seem hampered by your disabilities.”

  “I know it seems like that, but I really miss the senses I’ve lost. So many of my best memories are tied up in sounds, smells and tastes and it’s been hard to access those. Please forgive me for changing the subject but we’re almost there. I need to see the manager, a man named Lucien Wallace. I want to see the conditions the miners operate under and, in particular, look for what I think are players being forced to work as prisoners. I’m assuming the manager is an NPC. While he should be loyal to me, I suspect he may have several competing priorities. If there are players at the mine who aren’t prisoners, I’m certain to be seen as their enemy. I suspect they will attack.”

  “C☇: How does this connect with whatever quest you have that involves the Scardosians?”

  “It doesn’t, well I don’t think it does. This is a broader and much deeper quest and in my mind has priority over all the
others. Having said that, I do suspect there is something in the mine that concerns the Scardosians. I’m pretty sure Cassius was in league with them and selling them both coal and iron. If that is the case, you may need to call in more of your marines.”

  “C☇: I’ll have them prepare.”


  December 29, 2073


  Three minutes later, the Wasp headed in toward an open two-story stone stockade and Leah could sense the large mine opening at one end. The entrance was over twenty paces wide and five high and had four sets of rails heading into it. At the other end of the stockade, Leah could see a locomotive ready to take the trucks of coal and iron down the mountain where they’d be processed before being shipped to Aeropile. The other two sides of the stockade were covered with stone and iron buildings that looked like offices and dormitories.

  As they approached a cleared area in the centre of the mine entrance, Leah said, “Sparrow, Captain, there are sixteen heavily armed guards in rooms overlooking the compound. They are equally distributed on both sides. They may be in place as security for the prisoners, but their rifles are tracking the Wasp. The rest of the buildings are empty. However, there is a group of eleven armed people standing about twenty paces inside the mine. Captain, have the Wasp circle the stockade as it comes in to land, then stand off for a few minutes. Make sure it passes over the far end of the left-hand wall approaching the mine. Sparrow, you and Kyle follow me onto the roof, and I’ll see if I can find out what’s happening.”

  “C☇: I’ll come with you if that’s OK? My first officer knows what she’s doing.”

  Leah simply nodded, then as the Wasp came in over the building as directed she dropped onto the roof and crouched low. Captain Carter, Sparrow and Kyle were only a step behind her. Leah waited until the Wasp had lifted away before having Three amplify her voice. “Hello, the mine. My name is Charlotte and have been granted the title of Duchess of Mount Noir by her Majesty. I recognise that you are wary of an airship arriving unannounced and I applaud your preparedness. I suggest you lower your weapons that I might inspect my new holdings. I wish to discuss the mine with Mr Lucien Wallace.”


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