Blood Lust

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Blood Lust Page 8

by Tricia Andersen

  “It’s hard to forget who the fuck you are, Sweetheart. I wasn’t born yesterday. Things can happen.”

  He stared her in the eye.

  She swore she could see full constellations in them, just like the one on the ceiling when she woke up.

  “They won’t, Juliet,” he assured her. He took her hand in his again. “Now stay close. And for the love of the gods, please don’t start shit this time. Alright?”

  She smirked at his back as he led her into the club. “Can’t make any promises.”

  The floor of the club was wall to wall bodies drinking, dancing and brawling. The boxing ring that had been there before was now replaced with a chain link cage. Two fighters were pounding the crap out of each other inside. The one on the mat was covered in his own blood. Or was it the other guy’s blood? Either way, it was setting off a craving in Juliet that nearly left her writhing on the floor. She took a deep breath to calm herself and followed Ares to the bar.

  “Hey, boss.”

  Ares turned around with a grin.

  Behind them stood, a young man dressed in a pair of slacks and a white dress shirt with a few hardly detected stains. He had a bar towel draped over his shoulder. His near ebony crew cut accented his defined cheekbones and clear blue eyes.

  “Freddy, how’s business tonight?” Ares greeted.

  “Things are humming. Booze is flowing. We’ve had three knockouts tonight. We might have a situation though.”

  Ares frowned. Juliet could hear the growl that he managed to bite back. “That is?”

  Freddy looked at Juliet uneasily then back to Ares. “This is a delicate matter. Concerning someone I shouldn’t name in front of your guest.”

  Ares glared at him for at least a minute. Then he burst out laughing. “I’m sorry. I understand now. You obviously didn’t get the good senator’s e-mail, did you?”

  “Unfortunately I didn’t.”

  Ares pulled Juliet against him under his arm. “Forgive me. I’ve been rude. I haven’t introduced you yet. Juliet, this is Freddy. To the modern world, he manages my club. In reality, he is the high priest of my temple. His family has served me faithfully for thousands of years.”

  Juliet glanced astonished at the revelry going on around her. “This is your temple?”

  “Of course. This is mine. Dad has turned the Capitol building into his. I’m still trying to figure out how my sister managed to make the Pentagon hers. She has a considerable amount of worshipers there.” He turned towards the manager. “Freddy, this is Juliet, my new love. She knows my little secret because she has one of her own. What do you know about the undead?”

  “Zombies?” Freddy countered.


  Freddy’s eyes widened as he stared at her. “Oh. Really? I guess I didn’t realize they existed.”

  “You doubt vampires exist but you believe in things like centaurs?”

  “Dude, my first kiss was with a centaur. I mean, I know it never would have worked out between us but she was the sweetest girl.” Freddy’s voice trailed off as he stared off into space. He must have been lost in the memories of his first true love.

  A violent slam and the shatter of glass overpowered the din of the mob. It shook Freddy out of his stupor. “Oh yeah.” He pointed towards the source of the ruckus. “Deimos is being a shit again. He’s trying to pick a fight with everyone. I told him to get the hell out but of course, he reminded me who his dad is. Then he threw a beer bottle at my head.”

  Ares rubbed his brow and sighed. “Fuck. I should call his mother and let her deal with his sorry ass.”

  “I’m pretty sure she’d tell you to handle it.”

  “I know she would.” Ares wrapped his arm around Juliet. Instead of heading towards the chaos, he escorted her to the bar. He placed her hands palm down on the cool lacquered wood then pressed them flat with his own.

  He leaned his hard, muscular body into hers as he pressed his mouth to her ear.

  Juliet could feel his cock hard against the curve of her ass.

  “I love you. But you cause shit. Stay right here. Don’t move. Don’t talk to anyone. I mean it. No one. Look dark and mysterious and beautiful for me but do nothing else. Freddy will get you a drink. I’ll be right back after I deal with my kid.” He nipped the licked at her earlobe before he shoved away and stalked into the crowd.

  Juliet craned her neck to watch him go. She would have turned her whole body but she could have sworn her hands were stuck to the bar.

  “What’ll it be?” Freddy questioned as he tugged the bar towel off his shoulder to wipe his hands with.

  Juliet stared at him, stunned. Ares said no one. And she was supposed to give a drink order? She glanced quickly at her hands then back to him.

  Freddy roared in laughter. “Alright. I get it. I know who I work for. I have an aged brandy. Goes down smooth. Are you interested? Just nod your head or shake it.”

  Juliet hesitated as she nodded.

  Freddy winked at her. “Coming right up.”

  Juliet tugged at her frozen hands as she watched Freddy slip a brandy glass from a top glass shelf and cradle it between his fingers. He plucked a dusty amber bottle from beside it. Popping the top, he filled the glass halfway with the burgundy liquid then set it in front of her.

  He cocked a grin at her. “Enjoy.”

  She scowled at him then the glass. She hated trying to convey these silent messages. She felt like an idiot.

  Freddy shook his head then tossed the bar towel on her hands. He placed his hands on top of the towel. “Fuck, girl. You must be in love. I don’t even obey his angry ass this well and obeying him is my job.”

  Juliet scrunched her fingers. They flexed into her palm. Ever so carefully, she lifted her hands off the bar. She had no idea how Freddy released Ares’ spell. She wiggled each digit then looked up at Freddy.

  “Yes, I’m human. But I am also the high priest of a Greek god. My family has been bestowed with some rather powerful gifts. And I’ve been around him long enough to know how to counter a few of his tricks. You’re not the first person he’s stuck to this bar. The others were men he wanted a clear shot at,” he answered, seeming to read her mind.

  Could he crack into her thoughts like Ares did? Was her mind no longer sacred?

  Freddy nodded at the glass. “Drink up, beautiful. I’m going to see if your man needs help.”

  Juliet scooped up the brandy glass and took along sip. Freddy was right. It was the best tasting brandy she ever had. She took another sip and turned to look for Ares.

  Chapter Seven

  Juliet caught the glass before it slipped from her fingers. She felt every nerve in her body rattle as she bit back a whimper. In the distance, every man and woman parted for the most beautiful woman they had ever seen.

  Aphrodite soaked in the attention, nodding to the audience that fawned over her.

  Dillion stood only a few feet from Juliet and his gaze was locked on her. He swallowed up the distance between them with a couple strides. He gripped tight around her throat, lifting her a little off the ground. “Look what I found.” He grinned as she studied her up and down. “Aph begged me to go to this shithole club. Said she wanted to see someone. I couldn’t understand why but what Aph wants, Aph gets. I am mighty glad I caved. How long have I been chasing you?”

  Juliet bit her lower lip then swallowed hard. She was staring death in the face and was still stupidly doing what Ares commanded.

  Dillion cocked his head as he tilted hers back and forth. “Cat got your tongue? Why aren’t you talking to me, Juliet? So I’m going to reach into my bag with my free hand and find something to kill you with. With so many people around, no one will notice you burst into a cloud of dust. And no one will miss your blood sucking ass.”

  Juliet felt her whole body quake as he rummaged through his satchel. She spent years hiding from this guy. She heard of the horrific ways he killed vampires before her. He staked one into the ground until sun up then watched the poor
guy burst into flame. He drowned another in holy water even though she had no idea where he came up with that much holy water.

  All she knew was her life was over and all she could think of was Ares. She could feel his kiss on her lips, his skin against hers, his voice, his scent, everything. She swallowed hard and clenched her eyes closed.

  “Huh. I was hoping for a fight tonight,” Ares’ voice cut in. “Looks like I found my first opponent. What the fuck brought you to my bar, asshole?”

  Dillion barely looked away. “Not your problem, douchebag.”

  Ares gripped Dillion’s wrist and tore it away from Juliet’s neck. Then he forced his way in between them. He scowled as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. “My bar. My woman. My problem. Why are you here?”

  Dillion snarled then spat on the cement floor. “Aph wanted to come here. What Aph wants, Aph gets. That woman rocks my world in the sack.”

  Juliet peeked around Ares shoulder to watch them.

  He smirked at Dillion. “Guess who taught her those tricks? By the way, I’m going to make you lick that up.” He pointed down at the spit on the floor.

  “Go to hell.”

  Ares just laughed. “You want to throw your weight around my bar? You want to terrorize those weaker than you? Fine. Meet me in the cage. We’ll see who the real man is.”

  Dillion glanced from him to Juliet. “Fine. I’ll fight you for her. I win, you let me have her.”

  “What do I get if I win?” Ares titled his head at him.

  Juliet scowled at him.

  Dillion’s eyes grew wide. He said nothing.

  Ares chuckled again and continued, “Dumbass. I don’t want your woman. I had your woman. I’m good. I win, you take Aphrodite and you leave. Neither of you step foot in here again. Deal?”

  “I used to be a fixture here.” Aphrodite sashayed through the crowd towards them. She wrapped her arms around Dillion’s waist and beamed at the hunter. “My followers used to come here to see me.”

  Ares huffed. “And they were the most annoying pricks on the face of the planet. This place stunk of flowers and incense.”

  Aphrodite batted her eyelashes at him. “You never minded.”

  “I was banging your brains out. I figured it was an even trade. But we’re not fucking anymore. So what possessed you to come back?”

  She let go of Dillion and stepped up to Ares. She skipped her fingertips around his bicep.

  Juliet balled her hand into a fist. She could see Dillion do the same as his mouth gaped open.

  Aphrodite gazed at Ares as she batted her long eyelashes. “I wanted to see how you were doing. We were together for so long. I can’t bear you being devastated over losing me.” Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Juliet. “I see you still have your plaything even though your father told you to break it off.”

  Ares brushed her fingers away. “I’m great. Couldn’t be better actually. And Juliet isn’t my plaything. She’s my lover. Emphasis on the love. By the way, your son is tearing apart my temple. So while you’re here, go deal with his ass. He won’t listen to me.”

  “He acts just like you.” She huffed as she stormed back to Dillion’s side.

  Juliet bit back a laugh.

  The vampire hunter looked none too pleased with his girlfriend. His entire body seemed to stiffen under her touch.

  “Do we have a deal?” Ares questioned again.

  Dillion gave Juliet an evil grin. “Deal. Finally, I’m going to get to fry your ass, bloodsucker. Come on, baby. Walk me into the cage.” He took Aphrodite’s hand and led her into the crowd towards the cage.

  Juliet flipped around to face Ares as he loosened his tie. “You can’t be serious.”

  He pulled the tie free from his collar then handed it to her. He popped the top button of his dress shirt with a flick of his thumb then proceeded down the row. “Deadly.”

  “You need to stop.”

  Ares fingers stilled as he glared at her. “Why? How long has that son of a bitch hunted you?”

  Juliet glanced over her shoulder at Dillion and Aphrodite. He was in mid strip next to the cage. With each discarded piece of clothing, he practically shoved his tongue down her throat. The goddess of love did not look amused.

  How long had it been since she first encountered Dillion? Five years? The hunters seemed to melt into each other. He was in his late twenties so it couldn’t be more than that. “Five years, maybe,” she answered. “It’s just…”

  “Just what?” Ares demanded as he unfastened his cuffs.

  Juliet spun at him. “Last time you chickened out and ended the fight. Ares, if you do that tonight, he’ll destroy me.”

  “Thanks for the faith. He isn’t laying a fucking finger on you ever. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a fight. Be in my corner or not. It won’t change anything.”

  The crowd parted for the god of war as he strode to his cage. It was easy to see that this place was his temple. There wasn’t one person in the crowd who didn’t fawn over him. He stepped out of his slacks as he reached the steps. The ring girl knelt to gather them off the floor into her arms. The girl waited for Ares’s attention. Her bottom lip popped out in a pout as he ascended the stairs into the cage, slamming the door closed behind him.

  Juliet scampered through the split in the crowd before it closed. She threw a few elbows into random ribs to get next to the enormous steel structure.

  Inside, both men paced the length of their corners like jungle cats ready to attack. Aphrodite stood on the opposite side behind Dillion’s corner. She clung to the chain link as she watched the scene inside.

  Juliet noticed the goddess’s gaze was locked on her ex, not her current beau. Then shook her head as she concentrated on the fight.

  The referee called the two men to the center of the mat to review the rules. Ares’s face was hard as granite as he faced off with Dillion. There wasn’t a flicker of emotion. Once the referee was finished, he sent them back to their corners. He made sure both of them were ready before he dropped his hand. “Fight!”

  The two men circled each other looking for a point of attack. Ares threw a jab and cross before planting a body kick into Dillion’s gut. He grinned as the other man stumbled back when he doubled over. He straightened himself before Ares could throw another punch. Ares fell back a bit to wait for another opportunity.

  Dillion attacked before he could move, throwing a combo that backed Ares into the chain link wall. They locked up in the clinch and traded punches. Dillion drove several sharp knees into Ares stomach. Ares winced in pain each time they connected. Dillion pushed himself away then planted his foot on the mat. He swung his other in an arching head kick that connected with Ares temple. The god stumbled back as he shook his head. By his wide-eyed look, he had to be stunned and disoriented.

  Ares slumped against the cage wall as Dillion whooped in victory. He lifted his hand to his throat as he looked to get the referee’s attention.

  Juliet laced her fingers around the chain link and shook it before the bouncers could reach her. She shouted over the crowd, “Ares, no! Please. Don’t give up. Don’t turn me over to him.”

  He gazed down at her as he dropped to the mat.

  Her heart twisted in fear and disappointment. He promised he wouldn’t chicken out. He promised to not be a coward. And now Dillion was about to win.

  Dillion fell on top of Ares’s with his fists pounding to end the battle. Or at least that was his plan. Juliet caught Ares’s smile and wink just before he arched his ass off the mat and kicked up. His heel collided with Dillion’s chin, sending his opponent backwards on the mat.

  Ares scrambled to his knees and scuttled to the barely conscious Dillion. He rained hammer fists on the vampire hunter, splitting him open in a couple places before the referee peeled him off. He hopped to his feet triumphant and hurried back to his corner.

  Juliet clapped as she cheered loudly. She beamed at Ares when his hand was raised in victory. He winked at her as the officials opened the do
or to help Dillion out.

  Aphrodite squealed in distress at the bloody mess her boy toy was in.

  Juliet could hear Ares’ voice in her head. “I told you I could beat him. Have faith in me, beautiful. Meet me at the bar. I expect my victory kiss when I get there.”

  She bit her lower lips as she nodded to him. She couldn’t hold back the excitement as she pushed her way through the mob back to the bar.

  She stopped as a cold wave washed over her. It had been at least a hundred years since she last felt it. She searched the crowd around her. Faces blended together. She shook her head to clear the chill from her mind. She needed to get to the bar. Ares would be waiting for her.

  Juliet looked up into a pair of ice colored eyes.

  Nothing had changed since the last night they were together, the night he sunk his fangs into her and forced this curse on her. His face was still pale, his lips blood red, his blond hair tied back with a leather cord.

  “Antonius.” her voice was barely a whisper over the crowd.

  “Juliet,” he replied with a hint of a smile. “What are you doing here?”

  She pointed her thumb towards the cage as she opened her mouth to speak. Nothing came out.

  “I was informed that some woodland creature was asking about me. Would you know why?” he asked as he cupped her chin in his palm.

  “No,” Juliet lied.

  He guided her face to his until his mouth grazed her ear. “You promised me eternity, Juliet. Do you remember that night? You will keep your promise to me. I made you immortal. You belong to me.”

  She was unable to move as she watched him walk away and slip out of the door of the club. The club was a blur as she was spun around.

  “Where the fuck is he?” Ares demanded as he gripped her shoulders.

  Juliet clung to him as she blinked hard. The club refused to come into focus. “Who?”

  “I felt you when you saw him. Antonius. Where the fuck is he?”

  Juliet swallowed hard. “Gone.”

  Ares growled.

  She could feel his rage blaze through her.


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