Virgin Fix (The Virgins Book 1)

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Virgin Fix (The Virgins Book 1) Page 7

by Monica Rush

  At that moment, I see—I think I see—something moving next door, right outside the fence. Is that the little pregnant dachshund? It’s hard to tell with the angry storm thrashing the trees with unrelenting rain, the wind severe enough to send tree branches and other debris into the air. If one of the dogs gets hit by a rogue branch—

  “Lady K!” I shout, not hesitating another second. I rush out the door and into the pounding rain. The storm has turned the back yard into a swamp and I find myself slogging through squishing mud within only a few feet, but then I hear Ranger’s frantic barking. At least—I think I do. Fear leaps in my throat and I reach the back gate of Paddy’s fence, barely able to see anymore as the rain comes pelting down. I try to unlock the gate and my hand slips against the heavy latch, the metal slicing into my skin. The sudden shock of pain makes me stagger back—

  Then Dean is there. Half dressed, his broad chest and arms naked and soaked, his hair already drenched. He roars something unintelligible at me and then throws the gate open—practically wrenching the thing off its hinges. But when I expect him to go tearing off across the yard without me in search of the dogs—he doesn’t.

  Instead he reaches for my hand.

  “Come on!” he roars, and he half pulls, half carries me across the yard until we reach the little cottage, and I can clearly see the two small dogs struggling toward the house through the thick weeds, trying to get into the broken-down fence and back to the only place of safety they can remember in the disorienting storm. We both dodge a flying branch as it nearly takes us out. I don’t see the second one until Dean suddenly pulls me to him, his back to the wind. He shouts a curse as a large branch slams into him. “Let’s go!”

  Dean pushes me toward the dogs as they yip and dart away, clearly frightened, and I can see his strategy as he trots away from the fence, making a wide arc to come at them from behind. Meanwhile I crouch down, my knees sinking into the mud and grass as I reach out for the dogs.

  “Hey there, you. It’s okay, it’s okay.” If I can just convince them that they’ll be safe, that it’ll be all right…that they only have to trust me, trust Dean, and know that we’ll be there for them, then everything will work out fine. Everything will be…absolutely perfect, actually.

  I shake my head, trying to call out again into the rain. Why am I suddenly crying?

  “Here you go, Lady K, come on, I’ve got you,” I continue. “Don’t you want to get inside? All your buddies are waiting for you next door.”

  Ranger is growling at me now, sounding more frightened than angry, and I suddenly see why. Lady K has a long deep gash along her back, now almost black in the rain, and my heart bursts into a thousand pieces as she stares at me with her giant, pleading dachshund eyes, her entire body quivering with fright.

  There’s no time left to lose. “Gotcha!” I finally lunge forward and grab the dog, wrapping her up in my arms as Dean rushes forward as well. He leans down and swoops up Ranger and pins the wriggling dog against his chest, never mind that the little terrier is now a whirling dervish of fear.

  “She okay?” Dean demands over a clap of thunder, and I can only shake my head at him as we turn and race back toward Paddy’s—now Dean’s. It seems to take twice as long to reach his yard again, and Dean pulls in front of me in the last few strides to yank open the door to the kitchen. He pauses a second to allow Ranger to jump free before he turns to me, holding his arms wide.

  “I’ve got you,” he says, sounding so much like me that I can’t help the sob that bursts from my throat as I rush toward him with Lady K.

  “I’ve got you both, sweet Bobbi,” he says again, holding us close. “I’ve got you and everything you ever give your heart to, and I always will.”

  Chapter 12


  ~5 months later~

  I stand watch from my front porch as the demolition crew hauls off the last load of material, leaving nothing behind of that crappy little cottage Bobbi used to call home. Now the real work begins. The construction starts in less than a week and I already have everything lined up. As the boss now, I have complete control over how each job gets done. This one? This one takes top priority.

  And, in six months, Paddy’s Paws Animal Shelter opens its doors. It took a hell of a lot of planning and moving funds around to make the shelter happen, but it’s what Bobbi wants, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy.

  “I still can’t believe you got that skeevy Mr. Greaves to sell you the property.” Bobbi hands me a water and takes a swig from her own bottle. She rubs her slightly round belly and I can’t help but kneel and kiss my baby cooking in there. When she giggles, I smile. God, I love her laugh. “Are you going to do that every time you see me? I’m barely showing.”

  “You don’t have to be showing for me to know what’s in there. Once the little guy makes an appearance, I’ll kiss him instead of your belly.”

  “I’m jealous. My belly gets more action than I do.”

  I jump up and pull her into my arms, resting my lips to hers. “Is this better, honey cake?”

  “Nope. Still no desserts. And now there’s something else that needs some action.” She wraps her arms around my neck.

  Grinning, I kiss her and nip at her lower lip. “You are a horny little minx.”

  She snorts. “And you are still really bad at nicknames.”

  I squint as the sun comes out from behind the clouds, and the perfect nickname pops into my head. “Whatever you say, sunshine.”

  She laughs, sounding genuinely delighted. “Hmmm,” she says teasingly. “But am I your only sunshine?”

  “My one and only, always,” I growl and kiss her again. “You are my wife, my sun, my moon, my stars—”

  “Oh, Dean,” she sighs and smiles against my lips. “I give up. Call me whatever you want. I love you so much, my husband, my best friend. My sunshine right back. I love you.”

  Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her again. “You keep talking like that and you’ll get all the action you want.”

  We walk hand in hand around the house. As soon as we approach the back, the puppies go nuts, yipping and tumbling all over each other to race to the fence and greet us. Wiener dogs are weird looking as adults, with long bodies and stubby little legs. They are even weirder looking as puppies, especially when the dad is a randy little rat terrier.

  Lady K had a litter of five sweet little girls and one ornery boy. Bobbi says that’s the number of kids she wants—six. Although I never even thought about kids, always thought that I’d be solo on the wide-open highway, I think differently now. I am different now. With my sunshine by my side, I got this. We both do.

  “This is really happening.” She regards the platt of land before swinging those brilliant green eyes up to me, the impact of the contact almost physical in my reaction. I suck in a breath, still unable to believe this is all mine. The house, the business, the girl next door. My wife—I’ll never get tired of saying that—took something that could have been hell on earth and turned it into fucking paradise. Speaking of—

  “About that action,” I start and take her hand, leading her inside and turn toward our bedroom.

  She stops us in the hall. When I turn to question, the instant I see the hunger and excitement in her expression, I know exactly what she wants. She’s stopped me here several times since that first night. “So, you want to play in the hall?”

  Laughing, she throws her arms around me. “Well, it is my favorite place in this house.”

  I try to look hurt. “Are you saying I haven’t made the bedroom your favorite place?” I fall silent as she throws her dress over her head and tosses it aside. That’s when I see she’s not wearing anything underneath. How the hell did I miss that?

  Not willing to waste a second, I drop to my knees and lift one of Bobbi’s legs, resting it on my shoulder. Inhaling deeply, I fill my lungs with her sweet, sweet fragrance. My mouth waters as I move in, closing the gap until I reach paradise. With a long lick, I lap up her cre
am, the delicious juice melting on my tongue and becoming a part of me. My Bobbi, my sunshine, is so wet, her curls glistening with dew, that I eagerly consume every last drop. It’s the least I can do, since it’s my fault she’s in this slippery predicament.

  She leans her back to the wall as her fingers comb through my hair. “Dean. Oh, Dean.”

  Oh yeah. I’ll never get enough of this body, this beautiful woman I’m lucky enough to call my wife. She’s my everything and, right now, she’s panting and mewling as I attack her swollen clit. I lick faster, the rapid-fire friction causing her to writhe, her fingers curling, tightening her hold on me. When I slide my finger into her drenched pussy and pump it in time with my tongue flicks, the dam breaks and she floods me with her intoxicating cream. I drink it up and make sure there’s not a drop left before kissing the inside of her thigh and rising up, grabbing her ass and lifting her with me, using the motion to thrust my cock so deep inside her we both shudder.

  “My Bobbi,” I growl and claim her mouth as I drive into her hard, over and over, slapping our hips together and burying my own flesh into hers. Deep, deeper, until she’s crying out and scraping her nails along my back, adding to the marks she’s already left, permanent reminders that I belong to her as much as she belongs to me.

  “Dean, yes. Yes!” she throws her head back and locks her ankles behind me. I plunge deep and hold her in place, staying inside her tight cunt as I rock her hips, rubbing her eager, hungry clit against my coarse hairs. Her nails sink into my shoulders. “Dean!”

  “Bobbi!” I slam into her to punctuate her name as she rides her orgasm. Her pussy gripping my cock tight is too much to hold back and I explode, jetting cum into her, filling her with my seed. I don’t want it to end and keep moving, still hard inside her, pumping my hips. It triggers a second orgasm and she falls forward, her sharp little teeth finding purchase on the skin of my shoulder. Fuck me, that shit turns me on. “Yes, sunshine. Mark me. Claim me. Show me how much you love it when I pound into you.”

  She’s thrashing as her orgasm has complete control, her titties bouncing in my face. I take a nipple in my mouth and suck hard. When she tightens her grip on me—both with her arms and her pussy—it triggers my own release. I drive over and over, emptying my entire world into her body.

  Only after we both stop shaking do I lower her feet to the floor. I kiss her tenderly, brushing the sweat-soaked hair from her face. “Mine,” I growl and kiss her again. “You are mine, Bobbi Williams.”

  “Say it again,” she whispers against my mouth. “Tell me I’m yours.”

  “You are mine.” I nip at her bottom lip.

  “Mmmmm…I might need a little more convincing.”

  I press my hard cock against her hip. I’ve never had a problem getting a hard on, keeping a hard on, or using my hard on when it comes to my Bobbi. “Is this what you had in mind?”

  She takes my hand and leads me down the hall toward our bedroom. When she glances over her shoulder, that little flirty look dancing in her gaze, I’m lost. I’m so fucking lost. “I’ll let you know.”



  ~9 months later~

  “Dean, you have to see! Come quick!”

  That is one thing that has never been a problem with Bobbi, and I grin as I climb down the ladder leaning against the just-finished outbuilding for Paddy’s Paws Animal Shelter, where our newest business venture, Spa Fetchington—my wife and her quirky names for things—will open in a few short weeks. The shelter itself has now morphed into a teaching and therapy area for local schools to help kids interact with animals to ease behavioral issues for both the humans and canines, and we’ve even started accepting other kinds of animals.

  But my favorite new addition to our growing family is about two feet away from my lovely wife, his beautiful, laughing face surrounded by a shivering mass of excited puppies.

  “Is that safe?” I ask, striding quickly up to where Bobbi has set up a massive picnic blanket on the thick green lawn. We have volunteers from the community roaming around everywhere, as well as contractors helping to set up the new pet boarding area. But here sits Bobbi in the middle of all the commotion, looking like the sun has come down to earth. She’s wearing one of the whimsical sundresses she favors so much now, I think the exact one that resulted in the newest little member of the Williams family, who’s just let his presence be known inside her belly. I’m damned near bursting with joy as I reach her and kneel on the edge of the blanket.

  My gaze swings from Bobbi to Baby Joe, who turns his bobbling head toward me now. He’s only five months old, but he is rocking the whole sitting up on his own thing, already well ahead of the curve—or so Bobbi tells me. I honestly couldn’t care less, as long as he keeps smiling at the world with the same bubbling happiness he has written across his face right now. “What am I looking at?” I ask.

  “Your son is making new friends, but also putting them in their place. He’s very bossy, exactly like his daddy.”

  “Oh, he is?” I grin and watch as Baby Joe claps his pudgy little hands together, giggling uncontrollably at the little wiener dogs approaching him with shivering, quivering glee. As soon as one gets too close, Joe reaches for it with both hands and gently picks it up, moving it to the side. He pats it on the head, his little face a study in concern.

  “Gently, gently,” Bobbi breathes beside me, but I know this is one lesson my boy has already learned. He couldn’t be more careful with the tiny dogs, though they’re older than he is. Once the little pup happily trots back into the pack, two more dogs approach, and Baby Joe waves his hands, letting out an unearthly squawk. That sends the entire group scrambling back—but not for long. Once more they edge forward until another brave one wriggles out of the group, and the process starts all over again.

  “How long has he been doing this?” I ask, not embarrassed at the wonder in my voice. The kind of awe I used to reserve for sunsets and fast rides is now fully invested in anything that has to do with my son.

  “Like, twenty minutes now,” Bobbi says. “He’s been working up to it for the last few days, letting the puppies get closer before deciding it’s all a little too much, but today he realized that he was the bigger one, and that they’d let him boss them around. The moment he figured that out, his entire world view changed.”

  She chuckles up at me, rolling her eyes. “I have a feeling he’s going to be a handful.”

  “I have a feeling they all are.” I edge forward and put my hand on her belly. She hasn’t even started to show yet, probably took the pregnancy test too soon for real accuracy, but that hasn’t dimmed our excitement one bit. “We’re going to have a big family, Mrs. Williams. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “We’re going to have a whole herd, Mr. Williams,” she agrees happily, leaning into me. The feel of her against my body is my forever home, and my heart damn near gives out, it’s pounding so hard. “And as long as you’re with me, I wouldn’t have it any other way, either.”

  She sighs, and her breath sounds like it’s coming from her toes, pulling up memories from a life already deeply lived, a life with so many more adventures to go. “It’s enough,” she whispers.

  I kiss the top of her head, cradling her in my arms. “We’re together, sunshine,” I say, my gaze once more on my beautiful little boy, the first of many children my wife and I will bring into this world together. “It’s more than enough.”


  Thank you so much for reading Virgin Fix! Hungry for more? Virgin for Hire anxiously awaits!

  She started as a seductive voice on the phone...

  I knew the first time I heard Sexy Kitten’s voice I had to have her, even though she was being paid to whisper her dirty fantasies to me. Then she walked in my front door, looking for a job as my personal receptionist.


  I’m not stopping there, either. She thinks I don’t know who she is, but unexpectedly sweet little Destiny Jones, aka Sexy Kitten, is abo
ut to have her hottest dreams come true. Even better, I’m not on the clock anymore....and it’s going to take the rest of our lives to play out all the plans I have for her.

  Now she’s mine for the taking.

  Get Virgin for Hire now!

  Read on for a sneak peek…

  Book 2 in the Virgin Series

  Virgin for Hire

  Sneak Peek

  Nikolas Giannopoulos.

  He even sounds like a fairy tale prince, and after the evil monster I had on the phone last night, he needs to be. I can’t keep going back to my job as a phone sex operator at Dreamgirls every evening, terrified my next caller will tell me he’s going to hunt me down, find me and do horrible things to me. What started out as a slightly weird fantasy for a guy has started to seriously scare me. I have to quit before it gets any worse.

  I push through the rotating front doors of the beautiful downtown glass and steel skyscraper and make my way across the marble floor, chewing my lower lip as I wait for the elevator, mentally rehearsing the list of questions I drew up after I passed the phone interview.

  Not that I had any doubt I’d pass that particular interview stage, of course. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s telling someone exactly what they want to hear over the phone. Usually for $4.99 a minute.

  But not anymore, not after I land this interview and go from Sexy Kitten, phone sex operator, to Destiny Jones, receptionist to the owner and CEO of Adonis Financial Services. I step onto the elevator, drawing in a deep breath to steady my nerves. Not even the gorgeous, reassuring, powerful tones of Mr. Nine—my steady caller at nine o’clock every night—are enough to make me want to stay, not after Mr. Eleven’s super creepy nightly call. I’ve tried talking to my boss, but Mr. Eleven has apparently paid an extra premium to ensure he gets me on the line, every time. I don’t have any choice but to quit.


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