The Motor Girls on a Tour

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The Motor Girls on a Tour Page 5

by Margaret Penrose



  The girls were awestricken.

  Daisy, Maud, Hazel and Ray seemed to shrink closer together on the oldmahogany sofa. Cora and the Robinson girls with Cecilia were groupedclosely about the sick child.

  "It's all about grandfather," she began. "I had the dearest,darlingest grandfather, and since he went away I am so lonely. Only formother," she added, with something like an apology. "Of course, I amnever really lonely with mother."

  Mrs. Salvey shook her head. Then she picked up the discarded sewing.

  "You see," went on Wren, "we used to live with grandfather in abeautiful cottage right near the river. He was a sea captain, andcouldn't live away from the waves. Then I was strong enough to play onthe sands."

  Wren stopped. At the mention of her infirmity a cloud covered heryoung face. Presently she brightened up and resumed:

  "But I am going to be strong again. When I find--"

  She tossed her head back and seemed to see something beyond. For amoment no one spoke. The silence was, akin to reverence.

  "Then," sighed the child, "when we lived by the ocean grandfather wentout in a terrible storm--he said he had to go. And he never came back."

  "Oh!" gasped Cora involuntarily.

  Cecilia bent so close to Wren that her breath stirred the brownringlets over the child's ears.

  "But, of course," declared the child vehemently, "he will come back.If not here--in some other world."

  "Dear," said Mrs. Salvey, "you had better make your story a littleshort. I am sure the young ladies will want to get over the roadsbefore nightfall."

  "Oh, it is quite early yet," declared Cecilia falsely, for the mantelclock pointed to six.

  "I'll hurry," promised Wren. "You see, this is the important part ofit all. When we lived with grandpa he made a beautiful table--I evenhelped him to make it. There were tiny pieces of wood all inlaid withanchors, oars and sea emblems. I used to dip them in the hot glue forgrandpa. Well, there were some secret drawers in that table, andgrandpa told me that if anything should happen to him we must explorethe table. Well, we went away--it was the time of my own father'sdeath--and when we came back the table was gone."

  "Who took it?" demanded Cecilia sharply.

  "Everything was sold--at auction--and no one could tell us anythingabout the table."

  "You see," said Mrs. Salvey, "Wren thinks if we can find that table wewill come into our own. Father was very fond of daughter, and theother relatives were so numerous that when the estate was equallydivided it left very little for us. We thought the table might containa will--"

  "I know it did," declared Wren. "Didn't grandpa show it to me once?And now I want you each to sign the promise in my book. I shall readit over for you."

  The child drew herself up straight, and held the book high between herhands. Then she read

  "'I, the undersigned, promise most sacredly to do all in my power tohelp discover the whereabouts of an antique inlaid table that has oneither side carved a large anchor, and which has the initials cut oneach end, W. S. and R. S.'

  These were mine and grandpa's initials," she explained. "I was calledWren because his name was Renton." She resumed reading the promise:

  "'If ever I do discover this table I also promise to notify Wren Salveyimmediately.' Then you sign," she said. "There are pen and ink.Mother always keeps them in the sitting-room for me."

  Belle took the book. Pages were already filled with signatures.

  "You must have a great many callers," she remarked, taking up the pento sign.

  "Oh, I take my book with me every time I go out," said Wren. "Sometimesmother takes me where there are a lot of people. I love to talk tofolks."

  "Of course you do," said Cora, filled with admiration for the motherwho so humored the sick child. "And with all those promises, as yousay, they must some day become a great, grand call, and so be answered."

  "I hope you will hear the voice," said Wren fervently, and the day camewhen Cora remembered the child's prayer.

  The girls added their names to the long list. Wren required that theyrepeat the promise individually, and, indeed, it became a most solemnproceeding.

  The storm had entirely subsided. It was time to be on the road again,and Cora stood up first to take her leave.

  "We really must go," she said. "We have had a most delightful hour.We shall never forget Wren, and, perhaps, some day we may return tofulfil our promise."

  "I really feel that you will," declared the child. "I have neverbefore met such--nice young ladies," and she blushed consciously. "Ishall repeat your names many times--so that they will echo when Isleep."

  Cecilia put her lips to the child's forehead. She did not dare trustherself to speak.

  "I am sure you will dream about us--we are such an army," said Daisywith a laugh. "Try to forget that we are just girls--"

  "She's an angel," interrupted Cecilia. "Don't get her mixed up withmere girls."

  Wren laughed--such a dainty little laugh. She looked at Daisy.

  "You are all--lovely," she declared, "and I always like blue eyes!"

  Mrs. Salvey added her felicitations to those of her little daughter."This has indeed been a most enjoyable visit," she said, "and I hopeyou will all try to keep your strange promise. I believe where one isso serious as is Wren something good is sure to result. If we couldfind that table--"

  "Perhaps you will," said Cora pleasantly. "We are about to start on along trip. We will make numbers of stops, and I assure you we willnever forget to look for the table. I am sure it will give us a verypleasant duty to keep our eyes open."

  "Indeed, it will," declared Cecilia warmly. "I only hope I shall bethe lucky one--for I feel a sort of premonition that some one in thisparty really will be the means of bringing little Wren the good news.I have a mental picture of the table. I shall know it instantly."

  "It would be very easy to recognize it," said Mrs. Salvey, opening thedoor as her visitors filed out. "The inlaid anchors are mostconspicuous on the leaves."

  Outside Cecilia renewed her antics. "Stick a hatpin in me--somebodydo!" she exclaimed. "But not yours, Ray. I never could stand for thatcollege, even in a stick."

  Ray smiled and hurried into her car. The fair chauffeurs cranked upquickly, for it was almost dusk, and there was considerable road tocover between the place and Chelton.

  "We must make speed now," called Bess. "I have a dinner date, be itknown."

  "I'm in a hurry, too," shouted Maud. "I have an engagement to be triedon--my new auto cloak. I have to have that on time."

  The machines were speeding along merrily. It was pleasant after therain, and the twilight lent enchantment to the delights of motoring.

  "Why do you suppose Hazel was so anxious about Paul?" Bess asked Belle."She could talk of nothing else, even when we were at the cottage."

  "Well," replied the prudent Belle, "Hazel knows. There must be somedanger or she would not talk of it. Perhaps Paul has had some warning."


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