The Motor Girls on a Tour

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The Motor Girls on a Tour Page 7

by Margaret Penrose



  "A deliberate trick of Cecilia's," murmured Daisy.

  "She pretends to be so off-hand," answered Maud. "I have alwaysnoticed that that sort of girl is the greatest schemer."

  "To leave her car out on the road, and then boldly ask Jack Kimball togo with her to fetch it. Who ever heard of such a thing? I wonderCora tolerates her."

  "Cora is what some people call 'easy,'" said Daisy with uncertainmeaning. "She takes her chances in choosing friends."

  "Did they fetch the car back?"

  "I saw it at the garage this morning. I do hope it cannot be fixed. Imean," Maud hurried to say, "I hope she will not hamper us with it onour tour. It is only fit for the junkman."

  Daisy and Maud were walking toward the post office. It was the morningafter the adventure on the road, and the two girls had heard from RayStuart something of the news they were now discussing. The hold-up ofPaul Hastings was to them not so important as the fact that CeciliaThayer had gone over to Kimball's and actually asked Jack Kimball totake her out Woodbine way to tow home the balky Turtle.

  But, precisely as her friend had said, Clip was a schemer. In thefirst place, she had no idea of detaining her companions on the lonelyroad to "monkey with the machine," so soon after Paul's hold-up. Next,she had no idea of leaving the car there at the mercy of fate.Instead, she deliberately went over to Kimball's after dinner, askedJack to take her out Woodbine way, and incidentally suggested that hetake along a gun. Jack had two good friends, each opposite the otherin type. Bess Robinson was very much admired by him; and CeciliaThayer, she who always played the tomboy to the extent of affording agood time for others when she could actually disguise a serious reasonin the joke, she who affected the "strained" nurse costume for fun,when it was a real necessity--Jack Kimball liked Cecilia Thayer. Herrather limited means often forced her to make sport of circumstances,but, in every case, Cecilia "won out." She was, the boys said, "noknocker."

  So it happened as Daisy related. Clip did ask Jack to go with her tofetch home the car. It also happened that they encountered Sid Wilcoxon the way. He seemed to be returning alone in his auto from Cartown.Sid told Ida, Ida told Ray, Ray told Daisy and Daisy told Maud.

  Daisy and Maud were inseparable chums. They agreed on everything--fromadmiration for Jack Kimball and Walter Pennington, to dislike forCecilia Thayer, and something akin to jealousy for the Robinson girls.Cora was beyond criticism--they simply "regarded her."

  "And," spoke Daisy, as they turned into the green, "I do believe thatthe boys played that trick on Paul. I thought when they hurried so toget away that they were up to something."

  "Queer joke," commented Maud.

  "Didn't you think those strange men acted suspiciously?" asked Daisy.

  "How could they do otherwise when Cecilia acted as she did? I neversaw a girl so forward."

  "I suppose she will have some boys tagging after us on our tour, if hercar is fixable," went on Daisy in sarcastic tones. "Likely she willfind some excuse for stopping at hotels, and such places. Motherinsisted I should not go to any public eating place unless we have someolder person along. But Cecilia--she is old or young, just as it suitsher."

  "There's Bess and Belle!" exclaimed Maud, as the Robinson twins'runabout swerved into the avenue.

  "And there are Jack--and Cecilia!" Daisy fairly gasped the words.

  At that instant the two last named persons, in Jack's little car, cameup to the turn. Cecilia looked almost pretty--even her criticsadmitted that, secretly. Of course, Jack was always handsome.

  "I wonder how Bess feels," remarked Daisy with scornfully curled lip.

  "She thinks a lot of Jack," replied Maud, as both bowed to theoccupants of the runabout.

  "Where do you suppose they are going?" went on Daisy.

  "Oh, probably to see about having the old car fixed up. Of course,when she got Jack to fetch it she will manage to have him attend to therest."

  Bess and Belle were now abreast of the girls on the sidewalk. Thetwins bowed pleasantly, while the others nodded in return.

  "I wish mother had not gone to town this morning," said Daisy. "Iwould just like to see where they are all going."

  "Your mother took the car?"

  "Yes; and she won't be home until evening. Well, I declare if thereisn't Cora and--"

  "Walter Pennington," finished Maud. "She is almost as changeable asher brother."

  "Isn't it too mean that we have to walk," complained Daisy. "I have amind to go over to the garage and ask for a car. Father often getsone."

  "Oh, yes. Doctors are always having breakdowns. Do you suppose youcould get one?"

  "Well, I am going to try, at any rate," and Daisy Bennet quickened herpace, while Maud Morris hurried along with her companion. It was but afew minutes' walk to the garage, and when the girls reached theentrance they were surprised to find the three automobiles, Jack's,Cora's and the twins' pulled up outside.

  "Oh, I can't go in now," demurred Daisy. "We will have to wait untilthey go. Funny they should be taking a morning run, without asking usalong."

  Paul Hastings was talking to the Robinson girls. It was evident thathe was much excited. Cora was on the sidewalk, and Cecilia was besideher. Jack stood off to one side with Walter.

  "Some important consultation," whispered Daisy. "I'll wager it's aboutthe hold-up."

  "Of course, father knows you had nothing to do with it," Bess wassaying to Paul, "but he is positive the papers were in that mail. Corn,thought it best we should let you know right away."

  "Forewarned is forearmed," said Paul. Then Daisy and Maud came up tothe group.

  "My!" exclaimed Daisy. "Quite a gathering."

  "Yes," answered Clip. "We are glad you came. Now our meeting iscomplete. We want evidence. Tell us all you know about the strangemen. You had a good chance to observe. You were not in the littlequadrille on the road."

  "Why," stammered Daisy, "I thought them very nice-looking men. Theywere well dressed, and--"

  "That's it," interrupted Jack. "They were nice men, well dressed. Whatelse do you expect young ladies to observe? Clip, your suspicions arenot borne out by facts. Not a girl in the party but yourself saw--whatwas it? The corner of the missing blue envelope in the upperright-hand pocket--"

  "Jack Kimball! You know perfectly well I never said such a thing. Idid see something blue, but it might have been--"

  "A captured shadow from Daisy's eyes," said Walter dryly.

  "What happened?" breathed Maud. Then Walter realized what a girl'seyes may do in the matter of "imploring." He deliberately stepped overto Maud's side.

  "Oh, some valuable papers were taken from the mailbag," volunteeredClip. "And we thought the strange men might have found them."

  "You cheerful fibber," whispered Jack. "Come on, if you expect to getto Cartown to-day."

  "How can we, now?" asked Clip in an undertone.

  "Just jump in and go," replied Jack. "Why should we explain?"

  Jack cranked up his car, and in her usual deliberate way, CeciliaThayer stepped into the runabout, pulled on her gloves, smoothed outthe robe, and then said: "Good morning!"

  Jack and Clip left the others standing in surprise and, perhaps,disappointment. Only Cora guessed where they were actually going.


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